There are many wonders in the world, but the ability to time is really rare. Pandora will still sigh with emotion that someone actually mastered such a path and promoted it to the status of godhood.

The path of time is very mysterious and confidential. The early trials are not enough for Pandora to guess anything. For example, there are many ways to trap people under the stairs, but some people will be bored enough to use time stop to achieve the same effect.

The path of disaster is also very mysterious. It can lead everything to the end, give the story a sad ending, and even time will be led to the end. Just like when mortals face natural disasters, they may have learned how to survive natural disasters. There are many ways to survive, but these methods only delay the time of death and bring about the despair of waiting for death.

On the road, fighting against each other is like one person stepping on the other to get the upper hand. A negates B. Count Abiles's reason for targeting Pandora is also very simple. He wants to prove that time will not stand still and that the path of time has infinite possibilities. The possibility is that he wants to break Pandora's characteristic of bringing about the end and let himself go further.

"Let me think about it, how do you trap a person who can predict the future, for example, let him create a stone that he cannot lift?"

Chapter 175 Feilin saw Feili

The current situation is that Count Abiles is repeating the SL Karan plot and picking out stable strategies from thousands of possibilities.

This move alarmed the relevant people. Among them, Pandora is a big BOSS that cannot be avoided. Her plan is to use her plan to let those who activate the time ability shoot themselves in the foot. The essence of the path of disaster is to lead all things to the end. .

The descendants of Morgana, who were forced to a dead end, silently went to Karan with the mood of going to the execution ground. Of course, there were some who were unwilling to come.

Feili passively consumed magic power under the influence of time, feeling something abnormal but not understanding the reason.

In this dispute initiated by Abels, the core is between Count Abels and Pandora. Feili accidentally became a disruptor. The reason can be considered to be a crash bug that may pop up in the main line when playing the game.

Feili found a quiet place and looked down at her hands. Others might not be able to see it, but Evelint and the Water Witch could see it at a glance.

The water witch was very curious: "What's wrong with you? What magic are you using? Your body has become lighter."

Deception is a special talent, so special that until the last moment, others thought Feili was performing a trick.

Feili didn't want to add to her troubles: "It's more troublesome to release the ability to fight against other divine beings, but it can be solved."

Evelint and the Water Witch looked at each other, and their expressions gradually became serious. They sat next to Feili, took Feili's hands from left to right and closed their eyes.

It looks like two elder sisters taking care of the younger sister. Compared with the two elves, Feili is half a head shorter.

When the two elves heard that Philly was fighting against the Godhead, their first thought was that they had met Pandora. They thought that Philly was a tough-talking person and the deceitful witch loves to lie, so it was better to feel it for herself than to ask anything, so they unanimously chose the same thing. In this way, he grabbed Feili and put his face towards her.

Evelint looked calm: "What did you feel?"

The Water Witch looked indifferent: "It's a bit strange, but I can't explain it."

Evelint said seriously: "That is an influence beyond common sense."

Feili couldn't help but blush: "What are you doing..."

Strangely enough, her face felt hot for no reason. She didn't expect the two elves to be so simple and straightforward.

Rationally speaking, the two elves seemed to think that Feili had a fever and came to feel it, but Feili also felt that she was using her identity as a witch to eat the elf tofu, or a similar mentality of taking advantage.

Playing the role of a witch, Feili has always been worried about whether these guys will turn her into a real witch if she is exposed one day.

The Water Witch pinched Feili's nose again: "Well, don't think too much. We elves are creatures sensitive to magic power. Although our weaknesses are obvious, it is difficult to deal with people like Morrigan who are good at absorbing magic power. But The advantage is that he is sensitive to all kinds of abilities in the world, at least he can detect it when he encounters Pandora."

Feili was not angry and gently pushed the two elves away: "Actually, your guess is correct. It did suffer from some interference beyond common sense. It may be related to the time ability. However, no evidence was found. It is just speculation."

Evelint was slightly surprised: "The ability of time, well... if it is such a path, it may be very troublesome."

The Water Miko crossed her arms: "I'm afraid only the people affected can react to this kind of thing. We haven't been involved in trouble yet, and some of us are helpless. Why don't you ask other people?"

Feili nodded slightly. The others were referring to the local divine beings in Kalan. Feili had been here several times and became familiar with many divine beings.

Among them are Gaio Louis, the leader of the Kallan Restoration Army, and some veteran godheads. However, among these strong men, there is only one pure godhead, Gaio Louis, and Gaio Louis’s state of being a godhead is also very strange. Feili wants to To describe her state, she might be described as a mysterious existence like "a brave man with a destiny". There is a certain element of trickery in her godhood, with a strength somewhere between inheritance and purity.

Therefore, after Feili contacted many powerful people, the local powerful people in Kalan did not have any special feelings.

Then, there was only one person left who Feili could still hope for in return.

Late at night, while the moon was full, Feili found a Qingyue temple and prayed in front of the goddess statue.

"Luna, my talent went berserk at that time..." Explain the reason.

"Well, it's very troublesome." Luna, who had been silent for a long time, chose to show up this time.

Luna's white nun costume was thin but holy. When she met Feili, she frowned tightly. It seemed that what happened to Karan also gave this first-level god a headache.

Luna pointed at Feili: "Let go of the power of deception in your body. I am not praising you. You have a very good talent. You have not yet stepped into the godhood. The source of this talent can't wait. The reason is unknown and needs to be investigated. "

Feili clasped her hands together, unlocked the power of deception on her body, and transformed back into Felin. As soon as she reached this point, she heard Luna's cold voice in her ears.

"Change back."

I'm not a fox! No, this is his original appearance. What does it mean to change back? What can he change back into?

"This is what I really look like."

"whispering sound."

Why do you look so disappointed?

Luna smiled in a serious manner and shrugged: "Just kidding, I actually gained two joys from you. Whether it's Feilin or Feili, I both have some likes. Do you know? I am not a goddess. I’ve been in a serious relationship, but when I think about your fiancée, I’m a little curious about what it’s like to be in love.”

Feilin begged to let it go: "Love? If you really want to experience it, I'll talk to you after my affairs are over."

Luna's face was expressionless: "Oh? Sure enough, you are still attracted by my beauty?"

Feilin waved his hand: "It's not that, it's just that, well, there is a so-called 'Date A Live' project. Although it is not a real love, the process of virtual love is still possible. You have helped me so much, in return..."

Luna hit Felin on the head with a knife: "I helped you so much just because it was interesting and unknown, so I didn't involve myself in it. Well, okay, you see..."

The magic was activated, and Felin felt the magic power being consumed. This power came from the Sword of Luna, guiding her consciousness to capture non-existent memories.

These memories are a bit bloody. Karan's decisive battle was full of blood.

Just talking about what happened recently, they pushed the crooked dragon into a desperate situation. It was not difficult to kill those demons, but Pandora also came. It was just the first contact. Feili's familiar face on Karan's side almost disappeared. clean.

"Evelinte and the Water Witch will disappear completely due to the exhaustion of magic power. How can they die like this?" Feili read these memories and fell into deep thought. "These memories... Where did the picture come from? It can't be Pandora, but... Bills wouldn't be so kind to save the world, right? Why can I only see some clips?"

"Because you are probably dead too, so I can't see any more news."

"how about you?"

"Luna's clone will disappear along with Feilin and Feili."

Feilin fell into thinking. The memory provided by Luna was too vague, but such memories were not one, but many. Like broken fragments, they did not exist, and were more like chaotic imaginations.

Recording these memory fragments carefully, Feilin sat down on the spot. He would not panic because of whose death now, but think about the reason.

"This is caused by the ability of Abels. It turns out that his time ability has such a flaw." Feili was bold and had some concepts about people with abilities in the world. "Let's assume that he has the ability to go back in time, but His behavior is also equivalent to disrupting the established trajectory of destiny, causing ripples on the water, and those of us who have been directly disturbed will be aware of his presence. "

What I'm afraid of is that there are no traces of the time ability to follow. Otherwise, if you encounter an opponent like this, there is basically no solution for killing him with one move.

"Abiles was just testing, but this madman Pandora is really aggressive." Felin's eyes glanced to the side, and he saw his own body. It was Felin's corpse. He died miserably.

However, in these memories, Feilin's corpses were found in piles, and he was not surprised.

Affected by Abels's letter, Felin's identity will inevitably come to Karan, and he will end up with Abels as a blood relative of Morgana, but he is different from a child like Enier who died. Memory fragments are often filled with dead people.

"Well, I can use real and fake clones to deceive my opponents, but after repeatedly feigning death, I will really die..."

Feilin was surprised. Following Luna's magical spell, he sank his consciousness into it and focused on the content of a certain memory fragment, hoping to investigate more carefully.

These memory fragments are all first-person memories, allowing you to immerse yourself in the process of being killed.

Feilin watched these prophetic things with caution, but in the end he encountered something horrifying.

At the end of a certain killing scene, Feilin saw Feili staggering to hold up his dying body.

"Huh? Haha, am I finally schizophrenic?"

Chapter 176 The Earl is angry with Pandora

While Feili was still carefully observing the timeline, Count Abiles was still exploring the possibility of Karan. After making many attempts, Count Abiles decided to actually test Pandora.

Regarding this witch of disaster, the earl's evaluation was still the same as before.


A veteran witch? ×

Afraid of death witch. √

The plot is not clever, the methods are not ruthless, they just create direct killings, and there is no city. Some records about Pandora are about guys who jump at the slightest agitation. They focus on destroying opponents physically and have no long-term vision.

In the earl's view, the most powerful force that Pandora has destroyed so far is the country, and the means used by Pandora to destroy the country are all very low-level. Plague, natural disasters, wars, and famine are all violent in mysticism.

The lunar passage in Kalan looked innovative, but in the end, instead of sending a group of war machines over, they still used violence.

Now that the Karan Kingdom is showing signs of restoration, Pandora's plan has failed, and it has degenerated into a mediocre person who can't even destroy the country.

Therefore, among many calculations, the first move is the simplest and most effective.

A few days later, Karan and Pandora's lair were covered by countless light groups falling from the sky. Every time these light groups landed, they would create space cracks like black holes, and the surrounding things would be compressed into perfect spheres the size of fists.

Pandora was shocked and angry. The barrier spread out around her body blocked these magical attacks. She looked at the sky coldly: "Is it you? The guy who is interfering with time these days."

Abels walked in the air, one second in the sky, the next second on the ground, holding a cane, looking like an old-school aristocratic dress, calm and elegant demeanor, but there was some sarcasm in his words: "Now there is still a trace of Doubt, you are slower than I thought, witch of disaster.”

Pandora raised her hand, and the curse of the power of disaster spread around her. She first enveloped Abiles with an invisible curse. Abiles walked forward slowly. These curses could not lock his existence: "Pandora, I know you, why are you?" How dare you call yourself 'Disaster'? The family of Arcana (Pandora's surname) was originally a vassal of Karan. During the war, he killed the king and took the throne. It was disloyal to seize power and usurp the throne. Your family has been favored by the royal family for generations, and later conspired. It was only natural that he was exposed and punished. He became a witch because of his bloodline, and now he has become a crazy person. "

Pandora was bored. No, you? Who are you? Even though he had investigated her so clearly, he still mocked her and exposed the scars. This was even more uncomfortable than scolding someone.

Pandora half-closed her eyes and gently waved her hand to guide the natural disaster. The ground shook and magma spewed out. The power of the disaster extracted the essence of the earth's fire and created a storm in the air, forming a red tornado that enveloped Count Abels.

The old bastard in front of me must be killed today.

The earl remained motionless, looking at Pandora quietly, and said in a cold voice: "You inherited the unfaithful bloodline of the usurper, and then you did such unfilial things as digging graveyards to imprison the souls of your ancestors. It is an unkind act in Karan to collude with the world of the moon and deceive you. It is an unjust act for the demons and demons to massacre the people of Kalan. Pandora, the only thing that interests me about you is that you are such an unfaithful, unfilial, and unkind person. What kind of courage do you have to still live in this world? Up?"

I'm going to kill him! I'm going to kill him! I'm going to kill him! Unstable feelings filled Pandora's heart, almost making her fly into a rage.

The storm of flames quickly swept through Abiles, igniting and burning his body. After a few minutes, Abiles turned into coke, but he still stood there. The dark body inside and outside had turned into coke, but time went backwards, and Abiles was very Quickly returned to his original posture, his movements did not change at all, and he looked at Pandora calmly.

"Are you angry just because of this? I really can't believe that someone like you can become a godhead?" Abels continued to state, "Your mother is of mountain and wild blood. It is more appropriate to say that she is a refugee. She married into Alka by chance. Na’s family, so you yourself are not only an unfaithful, unkind, unjust, and mediocre person, but also a bastard of unknown origin.”

grass! Pandora's heart was agitated. The attack went smoothly at the beginning, and she felt joking for 0.1 seconds. It seemed that the bastard in front of her was hard all over except for her mouth. As expected, the power of time was mysterious. She went back and found that he was not dead. Hey, he was not dead. Just play.

Gray mist spread around Pandora, and the unclean power began to erode the surrounding space. Countless pairs of eyes crawled in the gray mist, staring at Abels with malicious intent.

Pandora gritted her teeth: "Who are you?"

Abels was calm and composed: "I am your end, the observer of time, Abels."

Pandora's pupils turned into magic eyes, weaving a special connection: "Abiles, go to hell, go to hell!"

As soon as the words fell, the curse spread like a sound. Because of the attack just now, the ground was still burning with flames. However, these burning flames quietly "died" under Pandora's voice. The gray mist shrouded, and countless monsters pounced on Ah at the moment the words fell. Bills, there were countless biting sounds.

Abiles's pupils lost their luster as Pandora's voice sounded, and the corpse slowly fell down, allowing the monsters to bite him.

When the monsters were full, another Abels came out from an unknown angle, seemingly by coincidence, and slowly came to the side of the previous corpse.

"It's boring to be so restless like you." This Abels looked at the corpse just now, and then looked around.

The monsters in the surrounding gray fog continued to rush towards him, but this time the monsters' attacks failed inexplicably. No matter how hard they bit and scratched, they could not land on Abels.

Abiles murmured to himself: "'s true that he's not here."

Pandora did not continue to attack. Both the curse and monster methods failed. If you want to kill the existence of the same level in front of you, you have to use other methods: "You are guiding time, but you don't know that time also has an end."

"Yes, but you can't see the end, and you can't see the road ahead." Abiles reached out and lowered the brim of his hat, "Now I only have a glimmer of hope for the deceitful witch. As for you, Pandora, you Time is running out.”

Pandora began to analyze the end of Abels: "It's a big talk."

Abils performed the farewell etiquette like a gentleman: "Tomorrow is the cause. I have heard the bell of your end from the corridor of time. It is the celebration of the creatures you killed."

After saying that, there is no need to stay here, because Pandora has been angered.

Sure enough, I don't understand how such a state of mind can achieve the status of godhood.

If Pandora is angered, she will do unnecessary things, and she knows that Abils is cheating and deliberately provoking her. Today's ridicule almost made Pandora split on the spot. She will not be happy if she doesn't kill Abils.

Pandora is unhappy, and she can't kill Abils, so she vents her anger to the outside world.

Spreading gray fog, creating monsters, and causing panic.

But the outside world has feedback strange results. The fragments of the abyss will eventually touch Pandora of hope. After the two forces collide, Pandora finally discovered this weird thing.

"My... incarnation of good thoughts? What a mess?"

Chapter 177 The Path of Abils

Pandora finally found Pandora of Hope. Although she killed a puppet of Pandora of Hope, she could not see anything unusual on the corpse. The body was no different from that of a human being, and it had some connection with her power. After thinking about it, she really felt that it was her good thoughts that were at work.

A fragment of disaster invaded a village on the border of Kalan, and quietly turned into a folk monster, a forest demon with long arms and legs and a black body, attacking lone humans at night, causing villagers to disappear one after another.

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