Afterwards, Feili still sympathized with them. After all, the same thing happened to her. Although it only happened half of the time, Feli realized that everyone had similar pains after feeling the same.

"These girls are all..."

"It used to be all men."

"Then they are having fun, look over there."

In the corner of the tavern, there were two spies kissing and kissing each other, like best friends. It was okay not to know the truth, but it was quite satisfying to know the truth.

Since they were all men once, even if their bodies were changed by the magic potion, their sexual orientation has not changed, but the brothers who came together have become more aesthetically pleasing. What should I do?

Feili crossed herself devoutly on her chest. She admitted that she had done something wrong in this matter, but this is the magical world, so let it go.

As Feilin, I investigated the magician and quickly obtained the information, confirming that he was the scumbag of Neptune. He used his identity as a transcendent to play with women's feelings and then abandon them. He seemed to take pleasure in it and was proud of it.

It was quite easy for Feili to do it in the dark. She learned that the mage was from Kalan and was alone when the motherland was in danger, so Feili wrote a short story.

A certain mage was pursuing the succubus. At that time, Karan was invaded by demons. Many strong people served the country at the risk of their lives. After the failure, many people would rather die than surrender. During this period, the succubus persuaded the mage to throw themselves into the lake to die for their country. The mage walked to the lake. Unable to get hard, he touched the lake water and sighed, "The water is too cold." He also advised the succubus not to go too extreme, and finally managed to survive and come to Miriam.

A simple adaptation of the story. Feili pointed all kinds of details at the mage, and when spreading rumors, she deliberately spread them in the mage's popular circle. The rumor almost named the mage's ID card, and soon Get people talking.

After a few days, ordinary residents in the border cities also learned the news, and there was a lot of discussion. Everyone was just watching the fun, but as long as the people watching the fun casually said "the character is not good", it was enough for the mage to drink a pot "The water is too cold" is too classic and easy to remember, and it has become a kind of fun. People can't help laughing when talking about this story while drinking and chatting, and it started to spread spontaneously.

On the tenth day, Feili and Arabelle finalized their cooperation, studied which cities to purchase shops, and signed contracts. At this time, they got news related to the mage.

His reputation deteriorated rapidly. His personal conduct was bad. After being exposed, he quickly became a disgrace and lost face in the social world. He immediately went to settle the score with the succubus girl. As a result, he was seduced by Arabelle and ran away on the street. After being raped, After the baptism of Xiao Zuowen, another wave of baby elephants came to the streets. His little face was completely lost, and he wished he could live on another planet.

After hearing the report from her subordinates, Arabelle shook hands with Feili happily: "The mage packed up and left the border city this morning. Judging from the direction, he won't stay in Miriam. That's fine."

Feili said that it was all a piece of cake, as long as Arabelle was satisfied.

Arabelle clasped her hands together: "We are going to hold a concert soon. Are you interested in singing on stage? Personally, I still want to invite you. There will be a deceitful witch on stage, so that when we promote cosmetics to the aristocrats and rich people, we can say Miss Witch is also using it.”

Chapter 203 The Sound of the Piano at Midnight

Philly was supposed to go to the Succubus's stage to perform. She didn't want to perform formally. She wanted to perform on stage in an impromptu manner, giving the audience a feeling that the witch was very friendly. However, just two days before the agreed date, Philly They saw the boss here in the theater having a headache and wiping sweat.

This is a traditional pot-bellied wealthy businessman, the owner of the opera house, who frequently wipes his sweat with a handkerchief during his negotiations with Arabelle, and is deeply sorry.

"I'm really sorry that something like this happened just before the performance..." The old imitator felt particularly troubled, fearing that Arabelle would be unhappy.

They have only seen Arabelle's methods of tormenting people. Others' business wars often involve directly climbing over the wall to steal information, or trying to imprison the opponent's boss to violently threaten to achieve business means, while the succubi use blunt knives to cut flesh, and rumors that the water is too cold quickly spread. The social death of a magician is really scary.

It would be better to have fewer experiences that make you feel so humiliating that you wish you could live on another planet.

"So what happened? Why was it postponed?" Arabelle held her face in her hands. She was not a devil. She would not retaliate against anyone if she disagreed. She had collaborated with this boss on several performances, but the attendance rate was not good from the beginning. Half the time, the seats are full now, and the other party has also made a lot of money. The cooperation between the two parties is quite pleasant. There are not many big patrons in border cities who can contract the opera house as frequently as the succubi.

"The opera house seems to be haunted..." The businessman hesitated, and finally plucked up the courage to explain the reason.

A week ago, there was a sudden report in the opera house. Every day just after midnight, the piano in the opera house would play by itself. The sound of the piano was sad and plaintive. The listeners fell into a coma without knowing it. When they woke up the next day, Feeling sluggish, I checked and said it was due to excessive consumption of energy.

Although it is a magical world, there are also theories about ghosts, and ghosts are ghosts, and ghosts are ghosts. People here often talk about ghosts as an unstable concept, which usually encompasses many phenomena, most of which have unknown causes and can bring bad luck. Lucky supernatural events.

Because there are so many things that can be weird, and ordinary people throw out the concept of a ghost in a general way, and no one is asked to analyze it.

Arabelle immediately suspected her old rival: "Could this be the dream demons taking revenge?"

"It's really a ghost." The boss wiped his sweat. "Last night, I hired mercenaries as guards and squatted in the theater together. I happened to see this incredible scene. Just after midnight, the piano played by itself. I also felt something walking around on the stage, as if something invisible was dancing."

Arabelle crossed her arms and looked at the boss suspiciously. He had a talent for magic, but it was only a little better than ordinary people. Most of it was piled up with money when he was young: "Then how come you are okay?"

The boss took out a beautiful little bear amulet: "This is thanks to the witch amulet I bought before. Sure enough, the amulet that has been blessed by a real witch is powerful and resists the erosion of mystery, but the bodyguards and mercenaries are not so lucky. They still say they are professionals. Today, they can't get out of bed because of lack of energy."

Fili and Carol came over and glanced at the amulet. They found that this thing was actually real. It was small and cute in shape and pink. Then it was hung around the waist by the businessman. The painting style was really a bit strange.

But for magic props, don't worry about the shape. As long as it's purple quality or above and has special effects, it's fine.

Arabel immediately started the business mutual praise mode: "This matter is a bit strange, but it happens that there is a witch among the guests I invited. Let's ask her to investigate."

The fat businessman's eyes lit up: "Really? Miss Arabel?"

Arabel made way and let Fili walk to the front: "Of course, this is Fili. I believe you have heard some of her deeds. It just so happens that Miss Fili is visiting us."

"Cunning witch, faceless witch, Miss Fili?" The fat businessman couldn't help but stand up straighter.

Fili was speechless for a while: "No, no matter what, shouldn't my public title be the Witch of Falsehood?"

The fat merchant was a little at a loss: "Huh? Is that so? Sorry, I don't know the specific situation. Your deeds are too mysterious. In ordinary countries, there are all kinds of rumors about you, and your titles are different..."

After a little inquiry, Fili knew what happened. It turned out that she was called the Witch of Protecting the Country in Kalan. With the end of the war, Guinai spread her deeds. After saving the light elves and spreading the world-destroying disaster, Kalan spread this title.

In fact, this is not a powerful statement. It is just like the Sword Saint of Protecting the Country and the True Dragon of Protecting the Country. It is just a slightly special honorific.

In the theocratic country of Arius, for some reason, Morian always used the word "cunning witch" to describe Fili. In Miriam, there are rumors that Fili's true appearance is unknown, or Fili has a different appearance every time she is seen, so she has the title of the Witch of No Appearance.

Fili was a bit strange. She was hiding a little because of the power of the Tao, but her true identity was not unknown, right?

Carol pulled Fili's sleeve and pulled her aside: "About this, you may not be aware of it. Since Fili often uses Fili's name when he is active, I will occasionally borrow your name when selling alchemy props. Then people who come to the Black Cat Pavilion often mistake the witch for a witch, and there is this strange rumor."

Fili frowned helplessly: "What do you mean by mistakenly recognizing a witch? Can you make a mistake?"

Nowadays, the past of the Black Cat Pavilion is no secret. People have found out that the first job Fili did when she first arrived was to expel the ghost of the Black Cat Pavilion. That night, hundreds of ghosts were parading around, and the neighbors around could not sleep at night. People still have a deep impression of it. After careful investigation, they found that Fili actually accepted some recruitment commissions in the association, and people often came to ask for help.

Not long ago, Fili officially accepted commissions at the Adventurer's Guild. Many people mistook Scathach for the one who traveled between the Black Cat Pavilion and the Guild. Although they were able to clarify in time, the help seekers were even more face-blind after arriving at the Black Cat Pavilion. Looking around, everyone was a witch. Some witches who loved to play pranks simply called themselves Fili and completed the unimportant commissions.

Fili waved her hand gently: "No, why did they pretend to be me?"

"Maybe it's because it's fun? Especially after completing the task, these people will reveal their identities in the end, just to see the client's stunned expression. This has become a trend in the small circle. I thought you acquiesced." Carol has also participated. It's not strange to be mistaken for a witch with her appearance. "Then do you want to stop it?"

Fili spread her hands: "No need. The fake Fili helps me solve these trivial matters. The real Fili is always hidden behind the scenes. In a sense, it fits my behavior. But I have to pay a little attention and control in the future, so as not to be used by someone with ulterior motives."

Then the three asked the fat businessman for some details of the midnight piano sound, and decided to wait and see tonight. After all, in their opinion, this lineup is considered to be three heroes working together, even the gods will be shocked. There are few urban legends that can enjoy such "overwhelming wealth".

In Arabel's opinion, it must be easy for the three of them to serve a ghost, and they didn't expect that the things that happened later would be so troublesome.

Chapter 204 It turns out to be a banshee

Midnight, at the theater, as time goes by, the fat businessman clears out the irrelevant people early, leaving Fili and others to wait in the theater. The three of them stand bored in the corridor, waiting for the moment when the piano sounds in the house.

The three of them hide their auras, which are difficult for ordinary creatures to detect. Later, they find that ghosts can basically be physically exorcised, so no one is nervous. Arabelle is so bored that she peels oranges and feeds one to Fili and Carol.

Arabelle is quite proud of her business: "This will be our stage in a few days. What kind of songs are you going to sing, Fili?"

Fili's mind is not here, and the business here is just the tip of the iceberg of what she wants to do: "I don't have any good ideas yet. Do you have any recommendations? People nowadays like traditional classical songs that are more literary, or something else?"

Arabelle said as if she didn't say anything: "I recommend singing songs with a witch flavor."

Fili thought for a while: "How about the song of destruction?"

Arabelle was curious: "Are you serious? You just came back from a place like Kalan. Is it appropriate for you to sing the theme song of destruction? Or relief and destruction both have some religious colors. If it's a witch, you can make up a mushroom song on the spot."

Fili didn't take the performance seriously , but when it comes to songs suitable for witches, some classic songs heard in the previous life will come to mind: "Then the world's number one witch."

Arabelle clapped her hands: "The world's number one is quite proud of the witch."

Carol was a little regretful: "Do you have any ideas for the song of destruction you just mentioned? It sounds interesting. What kind of song can be sung for such a fun thing as the destruction of the world?"

Fili was slightly surprised: "You can sing too?"

Carol nodded: "Of course, who do you think I am? A genius alchemist, what can't I learn? Even if I can't do it now, I can learn it quickly as long as I learn it."

The next second, a light and feminine piano sound came from the theater. The melody was not bad, but there was a feeling of being out of breath, as if I had no strength to play and was about to disappear.

Carol does not reject ghosts. Existence is a reasonable phenomenon. Alchemy has a relatively systematic understanding of the existence of ghosts and the like: "Come on, come on, what type do you think this ghost is? Is it the ordinary kind bound by obsession? Or the kind that has been wronged and cannot be reborn for a long time?"

Fili shook her head: "Of course I'll see it first."

Arabelle took out a gold coin: "I'll bet, it's the kind of injustice. Something must have happened that we don't know about, otherwise this kind of thing wouldn't happen suddenly."

Arabelle's guess is not wrong. Supernatural events often harass certain places for a long time. If there is something strange in the theater, it should have caused a commotion long ago, and it won't happen suddenly in the past few days.

Carol also took out a gold coin: "Then I'll bet on another possibility."

Fili looked at the two gold coins in her left and right hands, and had to take one out of her pocket: "Then I guess the third possibility, maybe the ghosts just think it's fun?"

In the middle of the night, strange piano sounds came from the empty theater. These elements were quite scary, but as Arabel snapped her fingers, the whole stage was filled with magic, and after all kinds of lights flashed, the scary elements suddenly became lively, and the piano sound over there suddenly stopped.

"Huh, huh, huh? What happened, what happened?" As the environment changed, a surprised cry came from the piano.

Fili and the other two quickly surrounded it and found a translucent girl sitting in the piano player's position, with a surprised face.

Fili landed in front of the piano player: "Hello, can we communicate, girl?"

The girl nodded in fear: "Yes, of course, it would be strange if we can't, right? Who are you? Are you a thief? I'm going to tell the owner of the theater..."

Arabelle immediately said: "The owner has been scared by you and dared not show up. Why did you attack the person who appeared before?"

The girl was a little confused: "Attack, what are you talking about?"

Carol said: "The body appears at a specific time, in a light blue transparent state, around the piano, it has an obsession and can talk, but the memory is a little confused. So, little girl, do you know that you are dead?"

The girl thought for a while and suddenly understood something: "I think you misunderstood, I am not dead, I am asleep now, and I can live well during the day."

Such words from ghosts are generally not to be believed, most ghosts only believe what they believe.

Fili returned to the topic: "So, why are you playing the piano?"

The girl lowered her head and gently stroked the piano: "My father is a skilled craftsman who made this piano. It is a proud thing that his work can be placed in such a big theater, so I have been looking forward to being on such a stage since I was a child. My dream is to sing here and get the recognition of the audience."

After this, Fili and the other two understood. It seems that if the girl's wish is fulfilled, the other party can rest assured. Considering that the performance in a few days is more important, it is better to let the ghost leave first.

Arabel is a kind-hearted type. It doesn't matter if a ghost like this is a little obsessed. It's also a good deed to help her complete it: "If you want, we can meet your requirements."

The girl showed a surprised expression: "Would you like to listen to me sing?"

Arabel sat in the nearest audience: "Of course, now you treat us as the audience and show your singing voice."

The atmosphere was good at first, but when it came to singing, the ghost girl suddenly glowed red, and she looked a little excited.

Fili suddenly had a bad premonition, which soon came true. She silently snapped her fingers beside her ears and activated a magic that could block out sound.

Carol tightly grasped a talisman that was immune to mind control.

Only Arabelle sat there openly without any preparation.

Then a sound whistled out from the piano. Fili vaguely saw the shock wave formed by the piano sound sweeping the whole place. Then Carol showed a toothache expression, and Arabel's expression fell into a regretful sluggishness.

Although Fili couldn't hear the music, she saw the ghost girl's current performance. A few seconds ago, she exuded the temperament of a quiet lady, but now she was shaking her head while playing with her hair disheveled. The momentum was not like playing the piano, but more like playing heavy metal rock. The whole stage was bound by the ghost's obsession, and the magic was surging.

You can imagine what it feels like for a young man who just broke up with love to sing "I want to love you even if I die--!!!" with a tone-deaf voice. The girl's singing voice cannot be said to be tone-deaf, but it can only be said to be a broken gong. Under the blessing of magic, only the suona can suppress it with all its strength.

After singing, the girl quickly returned to a quiet feeling from death metal, and even looked at everyone with some shyness and expectation: "Well, what do you think? Can it move people's hearts?"

The singing is very good, don't sing like this next time.

Fili leaned back, at this moment she finally knew what kind of ghost the girl was, she was actually a banshee, the singing just now combined with the traditional attack method of banshees, just like the singing of the sea sirens, it has the effect of bewitching people, and people who are lost in the singing are likely to lose their vitality.

But can such a singing really make people lost?

Chapter 205 Originally alive, now may really die

After the ghost sang the song, Arabelle said that you started it first, and then re-educated Miss Ghost, in short, punching and kicking, constantly muttering why you haven't ascended to heaven, wanting to stuff her back into a certain world.

Undead creatures exist all over the world, and ordinary people also know a few ways to expel the dead, but whether it is useful is another matter, and the strength of the undead creatures is another matter.

Now Arabelle was in a dilemma. No matter how hard she punched and kicked, the ghost girl showed no signs of passing away. Well, it was punching and kicking, but in fact, she was using various magic to save the soul. It was just that the ghost girl looked very obsessed and showed no signs of becoming a Buddha.

"Don't shake it, my neck is going to break. I'm really not dead!"

"No, you're dead, don't lie to yourself."

"Really not!"

"Poor child, stand still, the next move will definitely make you ascend to heaven without any pain."

Unfortunately, a burst of holy light enveloped and quickly dissipated, perfectly explaining what it meant to have smoke but no injury, and the ghost girl was fine.

Arabelle wiped the sweat from her forehead, puzzled.

"What on earth are you obsessed with? I've used the prayers of several churches." Arabelle was depressed. She felt bad after listening to the ghost girl's singing just now.

Her main reason might be that she was attacked by the singing, and the secondary reason might be that the girl asked her to be a temporary teacher later.

In short, the girl's obsession is to stand on this stage. Since the three said that her singing is not good, then ask the three to teach her. After all, Fili and the other two are SSR characters who can sing.

Of course, when the girl said this wish, Arabel was very aggressive and wanted to push her back into the bucket, so Fili and Carol consciously turned their heads away and let Arabel pass away peacefully for the ghost, but failed.

Fili was very strange. Arabel's methods were standard, and there was no difference when compared with the priests and saints of the big church.

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