In recent days, rumors have been spread using Filin's identity. The rumors have begun to spread and become more and more out of control. Bereda is busy chasing Filin, and his attention has been diverted a lot.

Taking this opportunity, Feili proposed to rescue the children in the orphanage. As long as these children were adopted normally, they could not be left alone if they encountered misfortune.

Sister Hermes was particularly concerned about this. When talking about how to save the children, Philly had already brought a list. Philly's identity was very useful outside, collecting intelligence and attracting firepower. One person died every day. Two times is pretty normal.

Feilin will cry.

"This is information bought from an intelligence merchant. Now that we have accurate information on the whereabouts of all the children, the best way is to buy it back."

Due to various considerations, buying the children back was the mildest way to deal with them. Otherwise, Feili would simply steal them from door to door using deceit. After all, legal business transactions can reduce the public attention.

Follow the rules first and break them only if you have no other choice. This is Feili's code of conduct.

Sister Hermes blushed and said, "What should I do with money?"

Xiao Qian suddenly held up a black wallet: "There are many here, I'll steal..."

Morrigan, who was eating melon on the side, was slightly startled, and subconsciously touched the pocket under her wings: "Your wallet is quite nice, it is exactly the same as mine...aha?"

Feili silently took the wallet and gave Xiao Qian a hand knife.

This cat lady was so powerful that no one noticed when she took Morrigan's wallet.

Carol thought for a moment. Alchemists are not dragons. Gold made from gold is not circulated in a place like this. The value of natural gold is not very high. Although money is useful, it is not as useful as rare materials. Carol happens to know some of the more valuable materials. The materials used for trading will not appear to have ulterior motives and are easy to attract people.

"Many children were sold as guinea pigs, but three children were adopted. Well... it's very worrying."

"I'll steal them back."

Xiaoqian covered his head and volunteered, and then everyone divided into two groups.

Feili also split into two groups and continued to use Feilin's identity to cause trouble.

Film's existence almost made the mastermind behind the scenes vomit blood. He couldn't be beaten to death, couldn't be sealed, and talked nonsense every day. However, Film's righteous deeds also got supporters. Some people who had smelled the news began to actively provide film with funds for activities, hoping that he would do it. Be bigger and stronger.

Soon, Felin received an invitation to meet the big shot in Bereda, the great alchemist in charge of the academy's education.

The white-haired alchemist, the dean of the Alchemy Academy, has a handsome appearance, almost as handsome as Feilin, but he has a lazy atmosphere of a middle-aged uncle: "Your Excellency Feilin, may I venture to ask, who do you represent? "

Feilin calmly said: "I am the messenger of the great witch Feili, representing the side of justice."

The dean picked up the teacup and said, "I'm glad you can reveal the Philosopher's Stone. Can I ask what your plans are?"

Feili also picked up the tea cup: "I personally followed orders. As for what do you think of Miss Feili? It's just fun. I happened to meet a lost soul in Miriam. I learned about it and met on the road. Bu Ping drew his sword to save him. To put it simply, he just happened to care about him and had no intention. "

Neither of them spoke while sipping the tea. After drinking the tea and briefly exchanging opinions, the dean expressed his support.

Feilin left quickly. He still had a few new versions of the topic that he had not spread today. A short story a day, which was interesting and served as a warning. Some people in the city began to notice that something was wrong with the people around them.

After Feilin left, a man appeared next to the dean.

"He is not the original body."

"A clone, a phantom, or something else, but it feels like a real person."

Feilin has been shot to death several times in the past few days. In the first two days, his death would be reported in the newspapers. On the third day, he was hung in the square. After the fourth day, the killer and the onlookers said they were used to it. Everyone knew that he was not the real person, but powerful. The place is right here. It is obviously not the real body, but it gives people a living aura, and no flaws can be seen.

The dean shook the tea cup: "Filin, I think you have heard of this name somewhere? But in the final analysis, it is just an agent introduced by the deceitful witch. Looking at it from another angle, does the so-called film really exist? This kind of person who is good at hiding It’s a common trick for witches to use false identities as substitutes.”

Chapter 213 A substitute is a substitute

It's really cool to play the witch for a while, just for convenience, and to play the witch all the time.

It's not that Feilin likes Feili's identity, but that Feili is indeed more successful than the real person.

Feilin came out of the mysterious dark room and met one of Beleda's talkers. When he left the corner, he was put in a sack and put on a horse. During the process, he was stabbed in the stomach.

Seeing that nothing happened to Feilin, the killer didn't believe in evil and stabbed him several times.

Feilin stopped pretending and said lazily: "Are you a newcomer? Killers have been coming in waves these days, haven't you killed enough yet?"

The killer had heard about it, but when he actually saw this scene, his movements became slower and slower: "Huh? How many times have you died in the past few days, how skilled are you? No wonder your employer just kills you when he says you can..."

Feilin chatted with the killer: "Six or seven times, stabbed, hanged, and poisoned the most. Theoretically, there should be twenty assassinations, but your alchemist's poison is not powerful."

In fact, the reason why the poison is not effective is that Filin is in a false clone state. If he is poisoned, he has to find out by himself, and if he finds out, he has to pretend to be dead.

"..." The killer closed himself and threw the knife.

"Tell me, where are you going?" Filin got straight to the point.

The killer was not slow: "My employer wants to see you, and I will take you there."

Filin was quickly taken to a house in the slums, where he was blindfolded and waiting. But in fact, Filin had memorized the route through the bumps and turns of the carriage.

After leaving Filin alone for a long time, it seemed that he was habitually giving him a show of strength. Normal people would be exhausted after being tied up for a long time, but you are competing with a clone for endurance?

Not long after, a mysterious alchemist came to the room. Filin silently sensed the other party's magic fluctuations and unexpectedly found that the other party was restraining his magic power, which looked no different from ordinary people.

Yes, playing the pig and eating the tiger is a strategy. Many people understand this principle, but only a few people put it into practice. Even if it is a small number of people, the proportion is still not small. As for the alchemist's self-concealment, the reason is not difficult to guess. Since he has done something wrong, of course he is afraid of ghosts knocking on the door.

"Who are you?"

"I am a big shot. Does the false witch Fili know? The big witch who played tricks on Pandora during the battle of Kalan, I am his agent, Flin."

"Agent of the witch? Oh, let's get straight to the point, Miss Fili, what are your plans? In other words, our little philosopher's stone should not be in your eyes."

No, is there something wrong? Where do I look like a witch? In this fucking world, you can't trust people when you talk to them with your original identity, right? Isn't it just dying and resurrecting casually? Isn't it just acting like an avatar? It's just convenient. His original body has always been playing Fili for a reason. Acting, do you understand? Acting!

Sometimes, Filin wondered if he could have lived a better life if he had used the power of deception to manage Filin himself. The answer is no. In Miriam, witches are the sky, the forefront of the times, the benchmark of magic, and the thighs that all princes and nobles have to cling to. People here have forgotten some things about witches because of the times, but the influence of witches has always been there, and has reached a new height with the activeness of Fili.

First there was Hecate, then there was Fili, then there was Dorothy, and there was also the strange hope Pandora. Miriam can be said to be thriving, not to say it has risen again.

After Fili gave advice to the succubus Arabelle, the entertainment activities carried out by the succubus gradually expanded from the border to the center of the kingdom, and the record player made by Carol began to spread the market, making people's lives richer. This is the benefit brought by witch magic.

In such an environment, it is really easy for Filin's clone who stayed in Miriam to do things with Fili's tiger skin. While Fili and the others were investigating the victims in Bereda, Flin assisted the witches in finding four guys who used the Philosopher's Stone in Miriam. They stole the identities of Miriam's nobles and wealthy businessmen and attempted to collect resources from neighboring countries.

This is good. Other countries accumulate wealth by expanding their territory and pulling local barbarians to mine. The alchemists in Bereda are human replacements. The matter was exposed to the royal family and they were deeply feared.

If you dare to possess a noble today, will you dare to possess a royal family tomorrow?

The reason why taboo alchemy is taboo is because it will offend the public. They think they are well hidden, but there is a loophole. From another perspective, the technology is immature. After seizing the body, the soul is quickly destroyed. The time to cover the quilt may be better, but the world is not stupid. It is only a matter of time before it is discovered.

The identities and characters of the seized bodies are not established, and it is also simple to deal with. The sword witch Surad killed first and then reported, and no one said anything. Those who possessed the Philosopher's Stone were quickly arrested and temporarily sealed, and the soul of the body itself had to be found.

Philin has a fake clone in Miriam. Anyway, without the Internet, neither place will know that there are two Philins active. Philin's current power is just enough to control three lines of activity, but only the main body will be more flexible.

Philin looked at the alchemist seriously: "The Philosopher's Stone has flowed into Miriam, usurping the bodies of nobles and wealthy businessmen. Let's talk about a simple topic first. The wealthy businessmen you control have annexed land and built houses, and then sold the houses to local residents at high interest rates. Although these residents have a place to live, they will have to repay your high interest loans for decades to come, and have to live frugally and reduce the purchase of our products. You rob money in our territory, and you still think this is a trivial matter?"

"Ah?" The alchemist was stunned. In his understanding, he would think that witches were meddling in other people's affairs, upholding justice, and fighting evil, but he didn't think about economic conflicts. This is indeed killing people's parents by cutting off their wealth.

If it was a fight for justice, the alchemist would have condemned the witches for being high-sounding, changing the subject, or throwing dirty water at each other, but the pure conflict of interest was explained clearly by Filin, and all the words prepared by the alchemist were blocked.

Filin continued: "In addition, some of the nobles whose bodies you took were our partners. Because of their personality changes, they cancelled their cooperation with us. This is also one of the reasons for our investigation. Finally, your technology for the philosopher's stone is not good. Those drifting souls are making trouble in Miriam, so we learned about the philosopher's stone. It can be said that your plan is full of loopholes. You have repeatedly provoked, and Lady Fili and the witches can no longer tolerate it. That's all."

The alchemist pondered for a moment: "Miss Fili..."

Filin scolded: "My name is Filin, and I am the agent of the witch."

Agent? Your agent dies and lives every day. Do you welcome such emphasis on the character of a fictitious avatar? The alchemist complained in his heart, and then he was relieved. Yes, since it was a fictitious identity of the witch, it was naturally not a one-time thing. I think she was hiding behind the scenes and strategizing, and used a substitute to deal with it externally, right?

The alchemist sighed: "How about we each take a step back? On behalf of Bereda, I will withdraw Miriam and compensate you. I hope the witch will not pursue this matter."

Filin was at ease: "It's too late. We are not kind people. You provoked this game first, and we took it over."

The alchemist snorted: "What do you want to do?"

Filin's death declaration: "Since you have created the philosopher's stone, what if you withdraw from Miriam? Wait for your future encirclement and revenge? We can't sleep well unless you die."

Alchemist: "We are not easy to bully!"

Filin smiled and said: "Coincidentally, we are too."

Chapter 214 Why can Feilin make decisions for Feili?

Miriam, Feilin is selling newspapers on the street. Feilin here has begun to be active openly.

"The False Witch Daily, first come first served, the independent city-state Alchemy Country Bereda, spreads the Philosopher's Stone to seize the bodies of outsiders. The Philosopher's Stone has now flowed into Miriam. The False Witch Miss Feili is investigating. The details are all in the Witch Daily."

No one doubts that Feilin appeared here. Recently, Feilin has become Feili's agent. Especially when the people of the Adventurer Association have something to ask Feili, it is almost always Feilin who solves it.

After all, it is the royal city, and there are not many major events during this period. If Feilin can settle it, there is no need for Feili to take action.

However, people always have a question, why Feilin can make decisions for Feili openly, and these decisions can be recognized by the witches.

The witches living in the Black Cat Pavilion gradually had a special view of Filin. At first, they thought it was very strange for a man to live in the Black Cat Pavilion. Later, they got used to it and often asked some questions about Fili. Filin made up stories on the spot. Over time, they became familiar with each other and could even directly understand Fili's affairs without talking to her.

But there were also some troubles. At least in this year, Fili gained a lot of support, that is, fans. Who doesn't like a beautiful, mysterious and powerful witch? This led to Fili's daily conversations, and Fili seemed to understand Fili very well. His words and deeds often showed an attitude that no one knew Fili's preferences better than me. This made some witches unhappy and often argued with Fili. In other words, Fili's fans attacked Fili as Fili's black fans.

Well, it doesn't matter.

Fili did what he should do here, and Fili, Filin of Bereda, uh, Fili began to look for candidates. There are also some rules for making trouble. Fighting and killing seems simple, but what if it turns over? There are thousands of ways in the world, and her power of deception cannot be said to be invincible.

"After investigation, the alchemist who presides over the Philosopher's Stone is called Peris. He is a newcomer who has been passed down for 300 years. He came to power through some improper means. His foundation in Bereda is not stable and he is a thorn in the eyes of other forces." Fili told Carol and Marian the news.

Marian still used the old method: "I will come directly to punish the guilty? I have secretly sensed that there is nothing in this city that can stop me."

Carol raised her hand: "Wait, let's think about a question first. This is a "war". Since it is a war, what is our purpose and demand? Is it just to destroy the Philosopher's Stone?"

The cat girl Xiao Qian, who was slacking off and sorting money next to her, pricked up her ears: "What else?"

Fili immediately understood: "You want to do something, right? This country, even if Peris is eliminated, is still Bereda."

Xiao Qian's eyes were confused: "Why don't I understand suddenly."

Marian plucked her feathers. She was also confused, but she would not speak. At this time, it would be graceful to be quiet and pretend to be deep. However, Marian's inability to understand was just a matter of experience. When she was born, she gathered the consciousness of countless people, so she vaguely understood what Carol meant.

Fili clapped her hands: "What I mean is that in this war, we only tied with Bereda by eliminating the Perris family. This country is obviously eager for the research of immortality and immortality. The philosopher's stone doesn't work today, but tomorrow someone may start other research. Besides, judging from the whereabouts of the orphans, human experiments are prevalent."

Carol raised her finger: "You don't know? In the great empire of Stral, newborns are injected with some alchemical secret medicine when they are born, which can effectively increase the survival rate of newborns and immunize them against some common diseases. But in Bereda, many alchemist families experiment with unknown secret medicine in this name, causing newborns to be deformed, causing the public to no longer trust vaccination technology. Not to mention newborns, even adults will not consider alchemical secret medicine when they are sick, resulting in a significant increase in mortality."

Fili touched her chin and suddenly remembered that when she was a child, someone joined the family. It seemed to be an alchemist from Bereda. When he joined the family, he didn't get much benefit. Instead, he asked the family to give him a big gift package of life secret medicine to protect him from smallpox, plague and other epidemics.

Fili whispered to Carol's ear, and Carol scratched her face without avoiding.

"What do you want to say?"

"I, Fili, have been invited by two major forces. I have met Perris, and his family is feasible."

Carol looked at the others, especially Marian, who didn't care about their whispers, so she pulled Fili's clothes to the side.

"Tell me more."

"The clone secretly observed his family. As a father, my old Biden is a beast, but at least he lets his children run free. The way that old Deng treats his children is a bit twisted."

"Can it be used?"

"It will be effective immediately."

The two nodded, and Fili turned back to say to Marian.

"Goddess of Crow... Ahem, Marian, please do me a favor."


"We discussed it and asked you to come down and take Sister Hermis to have tea with the city lord, and talk to the only two Godheads about compensation. Don't ask for immediate compensation for Sister Hermis. You asked for a high price and they paid you back. You negotiated today and offered new conditions tomorrow. If you have no topics to talk about, ask them to take you to visit Bereda. You can treat it as an envoy to a neighboring country. If you have nothing to say, find some cooperation to talk about. In short, don't let them have time."

Marian smiled: "You want to make trouble, right? Okay, I'll hold them back, you guys are busy."

Fili found Anila again: "Be ready to wait for my news at any time."

Anila nodded.

Fili and Carol went out. After they went out, they touched their pockets. Feili nodded, but Carol looked around and then returned to the room to drag Xiao Qian out. After all, he was a hero thief. His combat power was a little weak, but his ability was very strong.

Next, Fili is going to tell a cliché story.

The alchemist named Peris used to love his wife very much, but then it was strange that he could not forgive his daughter who caused his wife's death during childbirth.

When Fili's clone was in a state of virtuality, he secretly visited Peris's mansion. Many places were hung with beautiful portraits of the hostess, and in the attic, he saw a little daughter who looked like her mother, like Cinderella.

What's more confusing is that for some unknown reason, Peris adopted a daughter who looked like his daughter from outside, holding her in his palm like a pearl. He locked his biological daughter in the attic to provide the minimum living security, and the only window could only see the adopted daughter playing in the garden every day.

"Father, father, I want to go outside too..."

"Take your dirty hands away, how dare you touch me with the hands that took your mother's life?"

After that, Peris gently picked up the adopted daughter with the hand that slapped the little daughter and left.

The three people who sneaked in just happened to see this scene. Fili was used to it. After listening to the story, Carol and Xiao Qian greeted with black faces. They were confused, puzzled, and puzzled.

"No, who of you understands why? What's the logic? What's in your brain? Revenge on your own daughter? What kind of strange hatred?"

Fili shrugged. Although the three did not understand, they also figured out the starting point. Then the three sneaked into the mansion. Carol dismantled the alchemy mechanism, Xiao Qian pried open the door of Perris's workshop, and the three sneaked in to check his research materials.

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