In the past, Ernier might have been jealous, but after her brother disappeared in anger last time, Ernier began to doubt the possibility that Feili was her sister, and felt that she had gained something?

"It is said that the alchemy capital of Bereda was surrounded and suppressed by the suzerain when it first became independent. However, during the decisive battle, the star beasts descended from the sky fell on the suzerain's army. They took advantage of the situation and succeeded in becoming independent, right? Star beasts Their whereabouts are unknown, and they haven’t heard of any outstanding secret treasures being produced. What they obtained through the star beasts is still a mystery.”

Enil walked around with his hands behind his back, thinking about it and asking Yudalaha.

"By the way, are those two witches still demonstrating?"

"First of all, several sages did not agree with the direct release. They said that Morgana was at fault first. Morgana herself seemed to be angry? But it was not like a life-and-death situation, but she was angry and wanted to settle things with the family. The two witches Just spend it together.”

"It's all such a mess that I don't dare to leave casually. Well, Bereda, brother, Feili, so many troublesome things are involved together. Can anyone go and check it out for me?"

Thinking of this, Ernier snapped his fingers: "Get ready, I'll write a letter to Miss Belinda and tell her about Felin's stay in Beleda. She is an adult now and needs to learn to deal with some things, right?"

Yudalaha reluctantly went to prepare, but before leaving, he was a little worried: "Don't you hate that eldest lady?"

Ernier waved his hand: "Be generous, be generous, my brother won't like a selfish sister, go to hell with her!"

After saying that, the lake exploded again, and this time many fish floated up.

Beleda, today's Felin lives freely in his true body during the day, and plays the role of Feili in his avatar, thereby teaching the true daughter the etiquette and songs.

Feilin still acts as Feili's agent, tutoring Feili and teaching Xia Duoli skills: "You have fallen behind a lot in cultural courses. It's a pity that I can't give you make-up lessons right away. Now you mainly study singing in your daily life. You must abide by the habits." I teach you etiquette so that you can defeat your father and take control of the family faster."

Xia Duoli is a little shy in front of strangers, but Feilin is the person recommended by Feili, and her unique affinity is acceptable: "I understand the singing, are etiquette necessary?"

Feilin nodded: "First of all, our interests are combined with the use of strength and skills, and you can learn to protect yourself. Secondly, etiquette gives you the temperament of a leader. When you lead the family in the future, you can't be as submissive as you are now, so that you can better repay Miss Feili. "

Xia Duoli no longer refuted, but began to study seriously.

As time went by, Carol came back with a book. They didn't have much to do these days. From time to time, they investigated the shady story of Bereda, taught Anila in their free time, and finally looked for some rare materials in the Bereda market. , Don’t tell me, don’t tell me, the alchemy materials you can buy here are really high-end, and there are many good things that Miriam doesn’t have.

Although Carol couldn't tell what stage Feili and Feilin were in, and which one was the true identity, she didn't care anymore. She treated them equally with a scholar's attitude and treated Feilin without any difference: "Wow, I kind of looked down on this generation in the past few years. He is an alchemist, but to be honest, he has survived to this day by relying on his skills. Not many thousand-year-old foxes are just a piece of cake. They are really amazing."

Feilin likes Carol's equal attitude very much, which makes daily communication much easier: "From your tone, are you also an old fox?"

Carol's expression was a little exaggerated: "I'm not that old! As for me, first of all I have a powerful father, which makes me powerful. Give me another hundred years, and I will definitely be crowned a godhead and achieve alchemy." The pinnacle of the teacher, opening the door to truth.”

Although the Gate of Truth in this world is different from what Filin imagined, it is still something mysterious and mysterious.

Just as she was about to say something to Carol, Morrigan came in from outside: "Hey, you two, have you seen Feili? What has she been doing? She's so mysterious. Xiao Qian isn't here either. It's been ordinary these days. Get up, a little bored."

In fact, Belida was in a turmoil, and there were social dances where the goddess was invited every day, but of course she would not go. Instead, it caused some trouble after the news of the cooperation was spread to the country.

Morrigan dug a hole for Beleda. Of course the Holy Kingdom of Arius would do it, but mortals have to take time to travel, right? So Morrigan sat still, doing nothing for a while.

Carol glanced at Feilin, who gave a warning look, and the latter smiled softly, as if he knew what he was doing.

Carol then looked at Morrigan: "Feili and Xiaoqian went to investigate the city. They said that the specific affairs of this independent city-state need to be analyzed in detail. It is too small and actually has many workers. The resistance organizations must be found among the workers. Overthrowing the factory or something, it’s a big deal anyway.”

Morrigan clasped her hands in front of her chest: "Why don't you let me preach?"

Feilin explained: "It's just that you won't give in now, not in the future. Your power is too strong. Once there are signs of missionary expansion, it will easily arouse the resentment of the alchemists, making it difficult to expand the scale of cooperation."

After all, people's hearts are greedy, and alchemists generally don't like divine power very much, and even want to blaspheme it, but Morrigan comes as a businessman. They think that if there is a profit, someone will always sell the rope to hang themselves, but Felin If you want more Beida forces to board the ship and cause death, it's best to simmer slowly.

After the old forces of Bereda collapsed, Morrigan's church was good, and it was actually good for her as a goddess to protect the new and fragile residents of Bereda.

Miriam is already a territory that Feilin spends his energy investing in and managing, and relying on the influence of the witch and the goddess to transform the surrounding countries into natural barriers, this plan will be even more perfect once it is realized.

"Well, this Feilin is so naughty and has so many ideas all day long. It's really fun." Morrigan touched her chin and suddenly sat on the chair next to her chest, looking at Feilin, "You have known Feilin before. Li? How do you know each other?"

Just as Felin was about to make up a story, Morrigan suddenly frowned slightly. There seemed to be a surge of magic in front of her eyes. She closed her eyes as if she had been shocked by an electric shock. She covered her ears and frowned: "Oh, it's really annoying. Yesterday was really a crow's mouth. "

Carol and Felin suddenly have a desire to complain, don't they?

Feilin felt that the impact just now was unusual: "What's going on?"

Morrigan looked unhappy: "Didn't I mention the church related to fraud? Recently, a guy from the Fraud Goddess has been lurking here, and you wouldn't know it without contact. These alchemists really imprisoned the ancient gods. What happened? Some dangerous things, this guy proposed to join forces to release those dangerous things. "

Feilin asked: "What is her purpose?"

Morrigan spread her hands and said, "Have fun."

The deceitful goddess is said to be a being who can even deceive children into giving candy. She does not deceive people for profit, but simply wants to see the reaction of the person being deceived.

Chapter 220 Excellent products require better stories

Feilin doesn't know the gods, but he probably knows that there seems to be a way of private chat between the gods. They facilitate conscious communication, and sometimes they also harass endlessly. Morrigan was harassed by the goddess of deceit just now.

Morrigan flapped her wings and waved her arms as if to ward off flies: "You asked her why she found me? I was baffled too. At first she said I was cunning, and then she said I had an expert's guidance behind the scenes, and then she got entangled, almost... Started with her."

Feilin felt that the visitor was unkind: "You seem to hate her."

Morrigan answered bluntly: "She calls herself the goddess of deceit. Of course she deserves to be hated. Arius said that such gods who seek pleasure to satisfy their selfish desires cannot be believed in their words and deeds. If I am not very smart, it is best to The best way is to refuse to talk to them and don’t listen to even a word. A god like me who is inexperienced in the world may be led away by just listening to some information. Although I don’t think I am stupid, I am as smart as I am. It’s better to keep a distance from the bad guys.”

After saying that, Morrigan nodded slightly, saying that she was lucky to have a witch like Feili beside her. When working with Feili, she felt like she had an external brain, and she felt at ease without having to think about anything.

Feilin was really flattered. Is this a heart-wrenching friendship? That sword strike was right.

At this time, Carol tugged on Feilin's sleeve: "What about that, let's discuss it with you. I'm a little tight lately..."

Feilin spread his hands: "Same, what do you think I'm doing during this time? Feili and Xiaoqian run the resistance organization. Those people's activities require funds. You can't do anything with a copper coin and a silver coin. Damn it." If we provide assistance, we will be restricted by others, and Arabelle’s money will not be available for a while, and I will almost be in debt.”

Carol touched her chin and thought for a moment: "Okay, I'll sell fakes."

The city of alchemy seems to be prosperous. Many excellent alchemy technologies have brought convenience to people's lives. As long as they have money, they can get all kinds of spiritual and material satisfaction. From what Feilin has seen, they have almost reached the extreme in terms of arrogance and licentiousness. Some people at the bottom Working hard in a flesh and blood factory for three or four days just to fall asleep in some places for one night, after all, there is everything in dreams.

There are also succubi and other alien races here, but the alchemy technology has driven these outsiders almost out of work. The service industry in Bereda is particularly terrifying. The attitude of waiters in any industry is extremely good, even when facing residents who have been working all day. Able to smile all over the face, if one succubus fails to provide adequate service, there are twenty or thirty people ready to take over at any time, and behind these people are alchemy puppets that look like artificial girls.

After actually observing around, Feilin couldn't help but call out "cyberpunk". If the era were to advance another five hundred years, this alchemy city would really have a sense of urban technology. Some shops have already used magic to create something similar to a projector. , such as movies, TV, and advertisements, a little bit of concept was born.

However, the group of alchemists is very closed. This is a pyramid. The higher you go up, the more strict the hierarchy. High-level alchemists have the ability to control their disciples beyond their parents. Many techniques are even passed down from one generation to the next. If the only one who masters the technique unfortunately dies, , then it is really lost.

The Stellar Empire where Felin was located tried to change this phenomenon, and tried to make some slight changes for hundreds of years. However, it could not stop the mages from openly obeying and secretly hiding their secrets. The alchemists went even more extreme. They ran away collectively to create This alchemy capital continues the tradition of "the immutability of ancestral methods" and enjoys supreme status.

Carol said that selling fakes is academic fraud. Through the incident of the Philosopher's Stone, we can tentatively see some of the current trends in Bereda, which is the desire for human body refining technology, and to extend life in various ways. Human beings do not hesitate to transfer their souls. , pinned on various things, and in various voices, Film even saw the call for spiritual uploading to Gestalt.

Carol took Felin to the street, and she felt a little nostalgic when she came to Bereda: "The atmosphere now is like the debate about gravity magic back then. There was a joke at that time about being careful about the tower, and it was said that if you pass under the tower, you need to open it. Defense magic to prevent two iron balls of different sizes from hitting you at the same time."

The two chose a commercial street in the city, where security was better and it was easier to find targets to deceive. Their core idea was not to deceive the poor and honest people, although the latter were already rare animals in Bereda.

Feilin looked at the various life technologies exuding strange auras on the streets. The current alchemy capital had a strange feeling of a mechanical ascension of flesh and blood suffering: "Should I say that the academic atmosphere is good, or is it a grand carnival?"

Carol shook her head: "No, I don't think mere scholars are suitable to govern the country. Do you think these alchemists are good at being independent? They rule the country in a self-righteous way, and use alchemy puppets to replace living people. In the end, they simply put their own Forget about transferring the memories to the constructs. In five hundred years, when we come to this city again, we might see a group of machines passionately writing papers, and those cute dolls competing in academic conferences. "

Feilin sighed inexplicably: "If this is really the case, it seems to be good. The premise is that it can exist for five hundred years. Within five years, I will become the controller behind the scenes of this city."

Carol glanced at Feilin: "Your thinking is a little different from before. I thought you would continue to hide from the world and live a life of satisfaction running a small hotel."

Feilin touched his chin: "Feilin is very satisfied like this, but not for Feilin. If you want to truly become a great witch, you can't be as crazy and brainless as Pandora, nor can you be as mysterious and incompetent as Hecate, let alone like Dorothy is so secluded from the world, I don’t know, I thought Dorothy was dead, and Philly was going to become the great witch that attracted everyone’s attention.”

Carol took a step slower, looked at Feilin suspiciously and said, "Why is there such a longing in your tone?"

Feilin Wen spread his hands: "I simply think that the great witch should be like that, and then she obviously controls a lot of power and resources, but hides behind the scenes. This feeling is very handsome, isn't it? Just like a man's romance."

Carol said nonchalantly: "Haha, then be strong, you will be anxious when you get old."

Feilin stretched out his hand and poked the back of Carol's neck. The latter crouched down and ran away, looking at her as if she disliked the trouble.

"Have you figured out what to do exactly?"

"Anila's side still hasn't successfully entered the center of the Philosopher's Stone research. The chess piece Shadori is getting ready to plunder all the results of Peris. The clues on Sister Hermes' side seem to point to another group of people. I It feels a little weird.”

Carol simply did a few tidying up, probably gesturing at the transfer process of the soul, and communicated with Felin about the wear and tear process of the soul, as well as the experience of watching Abels ascend to the gods.

"Various puppets that simulate humans on the street, gear organs made by alchemy, information collection in the dream world, and various alchemical life technologies. I roughly collected these, and I feel that the Philosopher's Stone is just a part of a big plan. Ring, the Alchemy Capital is collecting a large number of these research samples." Carol turned her gaze to the tall tower in the center of the city and pointed in that direction, "Artificial life is not new, but let's say I have a technology that can perfectly replicate the body. How about it?"

Feilin shook his head: "It's just like this, that's not great. The Philosopher's Stone may be a little inferior, but it hasn't changed much."

Carol added: "So I want your help. My technology can make a short copy of myself. This copy inherits all the memory, thinking, and even the path and magic power of the original body. If it is used for fighting, it can be used in a short time." It can explode with strength that is not inferior to the original body, but the cost is high. The clone will be irreversibly exhausted and die after a month. The original body will bear all the pain and weakness of the clone after the death of the clone. If a curse is imposed during the battle, it will also be affected. bear……"

While Carol was still introducing, Feilin raised his hand: "Let me ask, can the organs of the clone be exchanged for the original body within this month?"

Carol nodded: "Yes, but it will become necrotic in a month, and it is also impossible to reverse it."

Feilin was slightly surprised: "What kind of loan magic is this? Although there is a price of forced repayment, the effect of desperate efforts is terrifying..."

Carol shrugged: "This is a by-product of my immortality research. I have suffered a little bit because of it. For example, when I first came out with the research, I had a long fight with the clones about who was the original body. In short, I was really desperate. Just used it, it’s not safe and unstable.”

Feilin thought for a while: "Okay, I can make up a story and it will be realized soon, but can I weaken its effect a little more? It's scary to be able to inherit combat power. I don't want this group of alchemists to collect debts in the future." At that time, thousands of troops came."

Carol said yes: "You don't have to worry about this. One of the reasons for the accumulation of this technology is that the cost is very high. It is equivalent to exchange for a self that is almost the same strength as the main body. As far as I am concerned, the materials used must be worthy of it." Even if I can use the body of a hero, my limit is to create four copies."

Feilin thought about the scene of five Carols outputting at the same time. The scene was quite devastating, but Carol also said that it would weaken the technical value, so he would be responsible for helping to write the story.

For Film, helping Carol with academic falsification is just marketing. Even if it is inferior replica technology, it must be blown to the sky to create the illusion of one mastiff fighting three tigers and three mastiffs sinking an aircraft carrier.

"This matter is all I can do. None of our statuses are suitable to get involved." Feilin put his hands behind his back and saw a drink shop on the street. He went over and bought two glasses of honey water and handed one to Carol.

Carol took a sip and commented that it was an alchemical synthesis, but Feilin still shrugged and said that just adding sugar would be enough, he needed to think.

After thinking about it, Felin started to implement it.

When he was in the afternoon, a murder occurred on the streets of Bereda. The murderer was an alchemist. The deceased's head was smashed with a bone cup. The person who was killed unexpectedly looked exactly like him. The sheriff quickly arrested him. After being brought to justice, during the subsequent investigation, the alchemists discovered that the biological samples extracted from the deceased were surprisingly consistent with the murderer. It is not an exaggeration to say that it was the same person.

"Why did you kill him?"

"I am the true body...I am the true body..."

muttered the murderous alchemist, a line he repeated during the initial interrogation.

This incident quickly alarmed the higher-level alchemists. Perhaps due to their unique curiosity, the bone cup was preserved. The alchemists in the Public Security Department probably studied the bone cup and felt that it was a mysterious and special thing. After producing the product, he reported the incident, which was surprisingly efficient and attracted the attention of higher-level alchemists. They appeased the murderer, gave him preferential treatment, and conducted inquiries.

"Is this your thing?"

"No, this is my savior. The real thing that gave me life and death is the gift of my atonement and repentance. But since it left my hand, it means that it is its own will. Otherwise, how can we explain that that thing still remains? One, just in time to chase me all the way here, just in time for me to be killed and captured by you? Because I want to atone for my sins and spread the gift of the Savior.”

"I'm not interested in hearing about your religious conversion. Just tell me what it is and where it comes from."

The murderous alchemist's face lost its fanaticism and returned to tranquility.

"Although it was created by me, why I was able to study it just right is all inspired by the Savior. You may not know what I have experienced. I live on the border of Kalan. Not long ago, the war there caused an earthquake. A landslide buried my laboratory. Fortunately, although the apprentices were missing, the room I was in survived, as well as my unfinished Holy Grail."

"My initial research was to clone the body. Yes, I think this starting point is no different from everyone else's? Who wants to wait until they are old to do this kind of thing? But cloned organs are always unstable or defective, and since If you can clone it, why not do it better? When I was obsessed with research, I discovered the key to this technology. Finally, I created the Holy Grail, which has the effect of replicating living things."

"Only when it is filled with the blood of the cloned object and poured from the top of its head can this creature be perfectly copied."

"Yes, you should be aware that in that environment, as long as you can find a creature and fill the Holy Grail with its blood and pour it down, you can make unlimited copies and get endless food. But after the earthquake, I All that can be found in that room are mice, cockroaches, various insects and ants. Mixing the blood of multiple creatures cannot replicate a creature, so in that environment, there is only one ideal creature left, and that is me..."

At this point, a burst of cold air suddenly appeared in the interrogation room, and the listeners felt secretly chilled in their hearts. They suddenly realized what the alchemist in front of them had done.

After that, the interrogation records were sealed for confidentiality, and the Holy Grail... no, the bone cup was taken away for study. The alchemists who were curious about the soul quickly paid attention to this strange product, and the trial of the alchemist's murder was also soon released. , after all, the technology of cloning the body is not a rare thing, and killing oneself is not murder. The alchemist was acquitted in court, but was quickly taken away and invited to an independent research workshop in the hope of replicating the experiment.

Feilin's plan ended here. The strange bone cup was taken for research, and the alchemist was not dealt with directly. The big shot above asked him to hand over the technology for making the bone cup, so Feilin controlled the alchemist's clone to ask for funds. Everything seemed It's all reasonable. By manipulating the accounts, Feilin could embezzle many high-level alchemy materials and transfer them secretly in the name of loss.

It paid off in just one week.

Feilin was carrying a box in the tavern, which was full of high-level alchemy materials, priceless. Carol couldn't help but roll her eyes: "It has to be you. You have deceived so many things in just a week? I thought I had to come forward myself. Selling technology.”

Feilin shrugged: "If that alchemist is silenced, I will create another identity and apply for a job with technology. In a short period of time, the performance of the bone cup has been verified. As long as there is a force that wants to reproduce the experiment, it will definitely provide resources. With you According to the assessment, cloning technology is not a cheap thing in the first place, and the submitted materials are within a reasonable range, and there is nothing to doubt.”

Carol got a box of the materials she wanted and couldn't help but hold Felin's hand tightly: "To be honest, at this moment, I feel that I have met you so late. The first time we met was in front of the so-called Baja. Mutt, were you the one who did it? I fought to death to get that thing from the star beast. Now just cheating people can be worth my harvest in two or three years. With your help, I feel that the golden circuit plan will be faster. accomplish."

Feilin found that Carol's hands were quite soft.

The two drank and chatted happily, saying that they would start helping Xia Duoli return home tomorrow and seize the old bird position.

At this time, a girl's diligent shouting came from the other side of the tavern: "Come and take a look, this mysterious little box has a strange power. Put a gold coin in it and it will turn into two gold coins~ This is my latest alchemical invention."

Filin and Carol looked at it and observed it for a while. Carol shook her head gently.

"What alchemy... There are only 5 secret compartments hidden in the box, and each secret compartment contains two gold coins."

No matter what Carol said, the guests of this tavern were not extraordinary people. Among them, there were greedy people who asked the girl how much this mysterious little box cost.

"Hey hey hey~ What are you talking about? I'm just showing my research results. It's not for sale, not for sale. I really won't sell it, I won't sell it..."

Filin and Carol looked at each other and continued to clink glasses and drink. Their previous scams were all designed to deceive the rich, and they didn't bully the poor people in Bereda, but this girl seemed to be the type of person who believed in equality for all.

Chapter 221 Filin's scam has nothing to do with Feili, right?

Filin's understanding of deception is probably to inspire the target's greed, be patient, listen more, watch more, act as a listener, and try not to make yourself look boring, so the witch's liveliness, cuteness and talkativeness are very necessary, which is both a disguise and a professional quality.

Deception only gives Filin a good-looking skin, but cannot give him exquisite deception. If you want to deceive people, you must have a flexible soul.

People will be talkative when drinking. In such a lively atmosphere in the tavern, if there is no chat, then Filin will be bored to death. He has only lived freely for a year and has just walked out of the oppressive atmosphere of Abils. It is a very lucky thing to make friends like Carol.

"Speaking of Carol, do you alchemists really pursue equivalent exchange?" Filin has some understanding of alchemy, but it is obviously far from Carol.

"Isn't it obvious? Matter cannot increase out of thin air, and magic power will not suddenly decrease. We are actually looking for ways to convert these energies throughout our lives." Carol held her head and shook the wine glass.

Feilin looked at Carol. The girl's voice was thin but clear, her long golden hair, beautiful eyes and generous smile. Her care and life-saving grace seemed so beautiful now, which made people have unrealistic associations.

Feilin picked up the wine glass and put it to his lips: "What about intangible things? For example, life? If, I mean if, I exchange half of my life for half of yours, can I do this?"

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