Those who can enter the core tower are long-standing alchemists with profound accumulation. In their view, although knowledge is infinite, human energy is limited. Senior alchemists are good at fields, regardless of length and breadth. They are all very profound, and the loss will be huge if they really die.

Why is the Immortal Seed so powerful? Because if you live for five hundred years, you can read five hundred years of books. If you continue to live and accumulate, the knowledge transformed by accumulated experience will be thousands of times stronger than ordinary people.

As for human beings, if they only have a life span of two hundred years, they will be considered astonishing talents if they can complete a technological tree to the end. Then they will die of old age, and the new generation will have to learn from scratch again, endless reincarnation, and the overall progress will be very slow.

In fact, the Immortals admire them very much. The short-lived existence of human beings has pushed knowledge and technology to the present level. Human beings have always envied the long life span. As long as they live long, they seem to be able to do anything.

"Who could be the person outside the tower? According to the intelligence, it doesn't look like the methods of the other three families. They wouldn't be able to do such an unscrupulous thing."

The cadre in charge of the investigation took several photos, showing the cut and disrupted lines in the machine, and the pipes with labels torn off, and a feeling of irritation arose in his heart.

"Their plan is not going smoothly either. It is almost the same as our progress. There is nothing special about the destroyed experiment. The old man is considered kind in the industry, and it does not seem like revenge. This method is more like those rebellious rats... "

Thinking of this, the cadres in charge of the investigation paid attention to the recent resistance organizations in Alchemy City.

"How are the spies lurking in those resistance organizations doing lately?"

The atmosphere in Bereda, the alchemy capital, is not very good now. The entertainment tools provided to the people at the bottom seem to be unable to alleviate the conflicts. More and more people are realizing who is exploiting them, so the people at the top are also paying attention to infiltrating these resistances. organize.

The secret agent in charge of this matter frowned: "According to the recent intelligence received, the situation of the secret agents is not very good. It is really difficult to live dormant in those organizations, and they even don't have enough to eat."

The cadre thought for a while and said: "In this way, you can go to the finance department to allocate some money and secretly provide some subsidies to the spies through various connections. Even if they are a group of rats, as long as they are useful, they must be taken care of. They can barely support their families before they are willing to Work for us."

After all, alchemists follow the principle of equal exchange. Although the factories in the city are evil-minded, these alchemists still know that only by paying can they be rewarded.

Of course, although the above means good things, the people below may not be safe in doing things. Who knows where the allocated money went?

So the person in charge of intelligence work said: "Sir, with all due respect, giving money is not safe. Many rats give money in the morning and spend it all in the afternoon, either in casinos or on dolls. They have extra money. I prefer to have a dream with the Dream Demon."

The cadre felt that things were not simple: "Then give us supplies."

The person in charge expressed a tangled expression: "These resistance organizations all come from poor backgrounds. Our people have extra supplies. In order to establish their prestige, they have to use them to help other people. Over and over again, they are still struggling on the poverty line. Although in these organizations, It has a certain influence, but life is still difficult.”

The cadre looked incredulous: "It's impossible. I remember that the funds allocated last month were sufficient."

The person in charge hesitated for a moment, looked outside the door, confirmed that the door was closed tightly, and then quietly walked to the person in charge and whispered: "Sir, this batch of funds has been intercepted, and I have been threatened. Lord Wolflang forced us to withdraw from it. He took the largest sum of money, he said... He said I wouldn't take it, how could he have the nerve to take it? If he didn't take it, how could the Lord take it... You know, the allocation of our Ministry of Intelligence is not considered to be a serious matter. ’, often requisitioned.”

The cadre was silent for a few seconds. He knew about this and even took it, but he didn't have the nerve to say it to his subordinates. So the cadre put his hands in his pockets and finally waved his hands in annoyance: "Damn it, there are still things that can't be solved with money, forget it. Forget it, can we get the information?"

The person in charge took two steps back and stood obediently: "It's possible to get up, but it's a little difficult. We don't have a clear suspect in the investigation of this incident."

The cadre rubbed his eyebrows, feeling a headache.

Seeing this, the person in charge asked in a low voice: "Well, sir, there are also spies from the peripheral factories. Due to some reasons, they often lose contact and cannot collect intelligence on time."

"What's going on? Betrayed?" The cadre felt a little angry. Even though the subsidy was deducted a little too much, it was still there. How come there are still people who don't work despite being paid?

The person in charge hurriedly explained: "That's not the case. It's actually because the indicators given by farmers and factory owners are getting worse every month. The spies who monitor the factories and lurk every day are really too busy to collect intelligence."

The cadre was confused: "No, our secret agents don't even have this privilege?"

The person in charge said: "If you don't work, work passively, and get extra subsidies, you don't look like a serious worker. You can't get in touch with organizations that have rebellious intentions. You can only work actively and work hard, and work harder than ordinary workers." , can be absorbed into the corresponding organization, but the pressure in the factory is high, and being given the mission of promoting resistance to the factory, the work pressure is even greater every day.”

The person in charge carefully observed the cadre's eyes and gritted his teeth: "Sir, to be honest, some spies monitoring the factory wrote to me saying that they really couldn't stand it anymore. They were being squeezed by the factory day and night. All they had to do was eat and drink. During sleep time, I had to participate in resistance activities. On top of that, I had to collect intelligence and write reports. It was really hard work. Some people even fell ill and vomited blood. However, I can honestly say that those in the resistance organization treated their companions well. When I saw the secret agents When he fell ill, everyone raised money to send him to the hospital, but he didn’t pay any medical expenses.”

The cadre couldn't help but angrily rebuked: "Our secret agent has become a role model in the resistance organization. It is unreasonable for no one to care about him even after he fell ill!"

The person in charge sighed and took out the bloody envelope: "Sir, look, the spies over there are asking if they can be given a holiday and a few days per month..."

The cadre immediately interrupted his subordinates: "What are you talking about? Is this human talk? They should ask for leave from the factory and the resistance organization."

The person in charge hurriedly said: "Here he is asking for leave, but over there he is slightly injured and cannot leave the firing line. If he asks for leave from the factory, the factory may optimize him. If he slows down in the resistance organization, he may gradually be marginalized. You see The secret agent who wrote the letter is still the director of the workshop. He wants to tell his boss that he will not leave the line of fire even if he is slightly injured, and at the same time he wants to comfort the resistance organizations to continue fighting and wait for liberation, so he has no choice but to ask for leave from us. "

The cadre slumped down and felt outrageous. He thought about it and shook his hand: "Okay, okay, I understand. Reduce the number of their reports by half every month. If there are particularly serious signs of riots, warnings must be issued as soon as possible. Other When it comes to... let’s put people first.”

The reason why cadres treat spies as human beings is because many spies are alchemist students who were eliminated from the academy because they were not good enough. Although they are incompetent, they are attached to the life of masters, so they are willing to work for the academy if they are given some benefits. dog.

Feilin sent Belinda back to the orphanage. This time she was able to walk into the room where Belinda rested. She lived in a room on the third floor. Through the window, there was a slum not far away.

In order to make his fiancée leave early, Felin picked some simple things and told her that he was going to do some dangerous things, hoping that Belinda would leave.

Belinda opened her magic eyes. In this state, the world in her eyes was not beautiful: "So, do you want to fight for the interests of these poor people at the bottom?"

The orphanage under the protection of the goddess is like an oasis in the black ocean. The colorful swamp outside is full of monsters and monsters.

"I don't want to tell you in a preachy tone how many people's food rations we spent on entertainment today, but one thing is for sure, across this street, in the slums behind that wall, the people there have to spend a portion of their total income. 70% to fill his stomach." Feilin nodded, "This situation is not something that can be solved by simply opening a relief point and distributing free bread every day. The purpose of my stay here is to make the current Bereda better. Complete collapse may be accompanied by the madness of those upper-level alchemists. Their madness will bring war and bloodshed. You are not suitable to stay here. "

Belinda simply understood the situation and looked a little depressed: "So you want to stay here and continue the adventure with Miss Carol?"

Feilin nodded slowly, and Belinda raised her hands and rubbed her head. After a while, she seemed to have an uncertain idea.

Belinda thought of a piece of information: "My family knows a little about this place. There is a highly respected alchemist here. He claimed to have discovered an overseas island rich in products, full of gold and silver, and full of unlimited business opportunities. As long as he invests in building an ocean-going island, With his magic ship, he can participate in the development of the island, but the sea map is a secret and has not been made public. Relying on this lie, his chamber of commerce established a bank in the empire, and the amount of investment it received skyrocketed. "

Feilin was a little surprised: "Do you believe it?"

He was surprised that among these alchemists, there were also some good money makers, so the method of beating drums to spread flowers was not uncommon. It would not disappear, but would only change its skin.

Belinda pointed to her magic eye: "When negotiating with the other party, I saw an aura full of lies, so our family did not invest. However, I exposed the scam after I went back, and asked the empire to intervene in the investigation and quickly block the bank. Can I help you by preventing the flow of funds over there?”

Feilin smiled slightly and gave a thumbs up in praise: "Of course, if possible, we should cooperate inside and outside. You will give me the news as soon as you take action, and I will spread rumors in the alchemy city, which can speed up the economic collapse. By the way. ,this is for you."

After speaking, Feilin handed Belinda a magic device, which was a water mirror made by Carol that could be used for remote communication.

Feilin came up with another piece of good news: "Now that we have this, we can meet each other anytime."

Belinda was really surprised this time: "Is there such a useful magic device? I thought I had to build an altar and spend a lot of magic stones to communicate remotely."

Feilin smiled and touched her hair: "Technology will always improve, but now this prop can only be point-to-point. In the future, I want it to store different contacts."

Belinda jumped up and hugged Felin, pecked him on the face, then let go and ran away.

"Hmm, I think I've found a way to keep up with you, how about it? Can I help a little bit?"

"Of course, of course~ You are quite smart. By the way, when you go back, bring me a letter. It is written by Feili to her magical friend..."

"Is Miss Philly here?"

"Shh, it's a secret, don't spread it around. Tell them later that after the Alchemy City collapses, Fili will go to help them mediate the conflict."

"Okay~ But can I meet Miss Fili?"

"Ah, uh... OK."

Looking at Belinda's eager eyes, Fili still couldn't refuse her request. Sure enough, she was happy for a while.

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