Erin hurriedly stopped: "Calm down, calm down."

Liz also smiled and patted Imes on the shoulder: "Look on the bright side, at least we can play games together and be considered friends."

Imes showed a touched expression: "Thank you, thank you all... After I go back, I will... make dolls for everyone..."

Liz, Charlotte, and Irene said at the same time: "Don't!"

Feili was confused, but she also felt a bit cold. She didn't know what Imus's doll looked like.

Next it was Liz's turn: "Spirit, spirit, help me calculate my marriage. Can I find a boyfriend this year?"

The spirit body began to work, this time faster and the answers were concise and to the point.


Liz's face instantly darkened, and she made a demonic voice: "This spirit is not good, kill it."

Erin had a headache: "Why do you have to ask the same questions every time and get the same answer every time?"

Liz gritted her teeth: "Of course I want to hear the spirit answer according to my wishes, even if it is to lie to me, so kill me."

Feili looked at them and felt that these witches' farce was quite cute, but how could she find a boyfriend with her appearance? If the Sheriff discovers it, will he arrest the man or the witch?

At this moment Feili realized that it was her turn, what question should she ask?

After thinking about it, there was no interesting gossip, only business: "Old spirit, is the curse witch Medea still in this country?"

The spirit body began to think, and the spirit body answered: "Yes."

Medea is actually in this country, everyone is in a chilled mood and has many thoughts.

Next it was Feilin's turn. In order to lighten the atmosphere, Feilin asked: "Ancient spirit, there is something I don't quite understand. Please tell me, do the witches really identify the mushrooms they collect?"

The spirit body was silent for a minute and began to control the gold coins to move slowly.

"On the contrary, eat, don't, die, don't, like, eat more, order."

It seems to be very consistent with the evaluation of the mushrooms... no, the witches.

Next it was Serena's turn. She looked at Feili, then at Irene and others: "Ancient spirit, please tell me the witches' mate selection criteria... No, forget it, spirit, tell me How can I find Medea?”

The spirit body began to move: "Toward, east."

When Feili saw this, she didn't know if it was true or not, but she had to at least give it a try. If she continued to let Medea act, it would only make the witch's reputation worse and worse.

Finally, there was Scathach. The little dragon lady didn't know what to ask: "Ancient spirit, can you tell me whether my mother is still alive?"

The spirit body was quiet for a minute. It seemed that this was a very troublesome problem. After the silence, it began to move slowly.

"As in."


At the end of the answer, the candle's flame rose sharply, then quickly extinguished. You could feel the coolness in the room receding, and the ancient spirit had gone away.

Feili snapped her fingers, and the lights in the hotel slowly lit up, even with a hint of sanctity.

No one knows which one is more terrifying, the spirit or the witch.

Eileen was a little dissatisfied: "Really, Feili, you are too serious. In the game of summoning spirits, you should ask some gossips. At the end, you can explore the secrets of friends and so on. You can hear a lot of interesting things."

Feili was also worried: "Hey, my mind has been filled with Medea's affairs recently. If I don't get rid of her, I won't be able to rest assured. Such a witch dares to attack ordinary people today and witches tomorrow."

Charlotte bit the lollipop: "Feli is responsible, and the news of Medea's appearance has spread. As a result, we witches are still doing whatever we should do every day, and only Fei Li is doing the right thing. ”

Irene held her forehead: "Am I helping too? Besides, there is already Feili, so there is no need for us to take action."

Liz came over and agreed with a smile: "That's true~ everyone thinks so."

Feili couldn't help but look at the ceiling. Is the undercover agent with her the most hard-working one in the organization?

Everyone was satisfied with the reception tonight, but as the night went on, the spirits of these witches became more and more exciting, and they had the idea of ​​​​calling spirits again.

Fortunately, Scathach yawned, and Felin stepped in to smooth things over, saying that it was time for the child to go to bed. The witches then gave up, but discussed with each other where to play next.

They really have no sense of crisis at all, they just seem to be optimists? But looking at their carefree appearance, I am quite envious. In fact, Feilin once had a biological sister... Now he takes care of these witches and treats them as sisters.

After the party, Felin returned to the room and began to write a letter. How should Hecate explain it? If he was honest, would the other party rush over and crush him to death?

If you think about it carefully, the Morgana family does not have much conflict with the witch. The family has never had a bloody conflict with the witch before, and there is no hatred. As a potential competitor, the witch is far inferior to the current rivals. The father is just investigating the witch. .

"Dear Lord Hecate, I am an abandoned son of the Morgana family. I was ordered to investigate the information about the witch. I know that this is an impossible task, so I need your help. I know this sounds ridiculous. I have been ordered to Investigate the witch but ask for the witch's help, but trust me, I have a plan to get the best of both worlds."

In the end, Feilin chose to exchange sincerity for sincerity. The witch was not stupid in a duel, so it was impossible to do anything to him. But to fool the family, the witch's help was very important.

Not to mention that Feili's identity requires relying on the witch, and the fabrication of Hecate's information also requires tampering by herself. In the future, she can just hand over the information to the family that looks authentic.

The next day, Philly delivered the letter to Hecate.

"The abandoned son of Morgana's family? What an incredible character." Hecate read the letter two or three times, then turned to ask Feili, "You saved this person, what do you think?"

Fei Li started to manage the character: "I think it can be trusted, but it needs to be investigated. You can try working with him a few times first. Lord Hecate, I think this spy can save us a lot of trouble if we make good use of it."

After all, Hecate was not a professional in intelligence, so she was curious about Feili's idea: "Reduce trouble?"

Qianxun first release: ⒊⒈⒉⒏⒈⒋⒈⒊⒐

Feili came up with the words she had prepared long ago: "You see, the Morgana family is collecting intelligence against us, but they don't know much about the witch. The Miriam Kingdom and the Morgana family are far away from each other, and the information updates are slow. Completely We can use this to create an information cocoon. In other words, we need to secure the spy's position, provide him with some real false information, and stabilize the Morgana family so that the Morgana family will not open up a new intelligence network. ”

Hecate was quick to explain, and she wanted to understand the stakes in every minute: "Indeed, it is better to do less than to do more. Using spies becomes our protective umbrella, but it is still the same old problem, can we really trust him?"

Feili did not say yes or no, but analyzed: "As far as I know, the contemporary head of the Morgana family has cruelly managed his children. Most of these children are dissatisfied with the family. Rather than whether we should believe spies, we should consider whether spies have Why do you need to continue to work for this kind of family? "

Hecate nodded: "I understand, then I'd better leave this matter to you. Feili, you introduced me. If you need my cooperation in the future, you can come to me to discuss. I find it very interesting."

Unlike her father, Hecate doesn't take Morgana's family seriously. Firstly, the two parties are separated by thousands of mountains and rivers, and there is no intersection. Secondly, there have been no star beasts falling in the past few years, and the situation is stable. , and no longer compete with Morgana. Although it is also a problem that needs to be solved, it is more important to deal with the Black Witch at the moment.

After agreeing on the spies, Hecate said that she would not meet the spies for the time being and just let Feili follow her own ideas. She had something else for Feli to ask of her.

Hecate took out three scrolls: "I'm making you laugh. You just joined Miriam's big family, and I entrusted you with so many things. I also have some clues about Medea's traces. Now I need you to arrest her." Several accomplices.”

Feili's eyes were stern: "Is there anyone helping Mediya?"

Hecate sipped the mushroom tea: "Yes, from what I understand, Medea is just a witch who is good at position magic and incantation. Someone must have wiped her out when she is out for a long time. I have locked three targets here. , one of them is a witch.”

Feili took the scroll, which was a portrait and some introductions: "Leave such an important matter to me, a newcomer?"

Hecate smiled awkwardly: "Ah, please ask others, because I feel like you won't protest. By the way, our previous transaction has been completed. Give me some time, and I will write a list of recipes. You can almost finish this Just capture the three of them."

Feili narrowed her eyes: "Wait, there's no extra reward?"

"Of course I won't let you run away in vain. Do you want a magic book? The magic books I write are all excellent." Hecate held the teacup in both hands, her eyes drifting to the side, and the embarrassment of "being discovered" was written on her face. .

Feili was satisfied: "Deal."

Finally, she earned new magic resources by virtue of her identity as a witch. Although Hecate drew a cake for her, she would eat it soon, so she wouldn't have much objection.

The first step to breaking free from the shackles of the family is just around the corner.

Chapter 39 Capture Operation

Capturing the three accomplices will give you Hecate's magic book. This is a magic book written by the great witch herself. It is very precious. It is very important whether you are creating secondary works to deal with your family or practicing magic yourself.

Magical resources are not available in the family, but they can be easily obtained after becoming a witch. It goes without saying who is better, humans or witches, right?

"Envy the witch, understand the witch, and become the witch." Feilin sighed softly. He had completed these three steps. What would be the next step?

When going out to arrest an accomplice, he still has to go out as Feili. Feilin didn't expect that the witch's mask was so important. Once he put it on, he didn't have time to take it off. Now he has more women's clothes than men's clothes in stock, which is really terrible.

I didn't care at first, but now I gradually realize that if this continues, I will become more and more dependent on Feili's identity.

Feilin held his head and was distressed. After worrying for a long time, he suddenly let his mind go. Forget it, there must be a road to the mountain before the car reaches the mountain. Make sure he gets rid of the family first.

Worried every day and figured out every day, Feili is still full of energy today.

"Serena, do you have time recently? Let's arrest the accomplice." Feili called Serena early in the morning.

Knight Ji's strength is good, but she lacks opportunities for breakthroughs. As a melee profession, it is best to integrate insights into actual combat. In addition, Serena has been practicing power control skills for a long time recently, and she also needs to practice it now.

Serena wakes up very early every day and is very self-disciplined. She starts training early. From running to carrying weights to swinging a sword, her daily training is meticulous. No wonder she has reached the peak of ordinary people at a young age.

When Feli came to the backyard, Serena was still doing push-ups. She stood up when she heard Feli's voice. The sweat on her face was shining brightly in the morning light, her hair was slightly reflective, and her tights were firmly attached to her skin. , outlining the perfect body curves and abdominal muscles, Feili was indeed a little moved when she saw this scene.


What a sassy Knight Girl, those muscles, those abs, she feels very secure, okay? She is a perfect front row human shield.

"Catch the accomplice? Is it still about Medea? The criminal among the witches." Serena has a righteous heart and is naturally willing to assist.

"Yeah, he looks like a pretty troublesome guy." Feili couldn't catch anyone for a long time, so she thought that the information from the spirit summoning game might come in handy.

"I'm going to...well, wait for me to wipe myself down for a moment." Serena immediately took action.

"Go quickly." Feili waved her hands, always smiling.

The world is always changing, Feili has always wanted to change, and now that she has achieved her wish, she misses the past time again.

Because the reality is that when things are constantly changing, you meet new friends, and when you want to look back, you find it difficult to give up everything you have.

Film is like reality, and Phil is like a dream. Can the dream continue forever?

Soon, the sound of the friction of armor interrupted her thoughts, and Serena, fully armed, walked down the stairs.

"Let's go."


Maintaining Feili's identity is also to prevent everyone from being sad if she really leaves without saying goodbye one day. Such a scene is not what she wants to see.

Returning to the topic, Feili took out the portrait and information of the suspect. Hecate basically locked the approximate location of the accomplice. Feli had to ask her familiars to find the specific location.

Two days later, Philly and Serena arrived at Miriam's second largest city, which was Miriam's grain-producing area. It was surrounded by beautiful mountains and clear waters, with a lot of cultivated land, and windmills and cattle could be seen everywhere.

Feili has less actual combat experience, but her strength is adaptability. The way the witch fought last time made her break out in cold sweats. This was the first time she had seen a witch who destroyed buildings and attacked people so unscrupulously: "I didn't expect the suspect to hide behind In this kind of place, once a conflict occurs, it is easy to cause a fire. "

Serena agreed. They saw several granaries along the way. If the suspects could not be subdued quietly, a direct confrontation would inevitably result in a deadly attack. There were too many "hostages" here.

Feili clasped her hands together and asked seriously: "Same as last time, Serena, you search in the open, while I investigate in the dark. Please, help me cover."

Serena looked around: "No problem...but do you want to come out as a phantom? Ah, I mean, the two of us appeared together, and suddenly someone disappeared. It would be bad if someone noticed it, the suspect would probably Very alert.”

After saying that, Serena observed Feili's expression through the gap in her helmet. Feli nodded slightly to show that she made sense. She took Serena's hand and walked through the alley. When Serena appeared on the street again, she was just holding her hand. A phantom.

At the same time, in a remote house in the city, two people dressed as mages were talking.

One of them was calculating formulas on the table, and the other was standing by the window, opening the curtains and looking carefully outside.

"Miriam has had a large number of familiars in action recently. I suspect that Medea has aroused the vigilance of the witches, so that the entire witch group came out." The person standing by the window said, looking at the corners of the street and the eaves. "Perhaps even the rats on the street will reveal our whereabouts," he observed.

The mage who calculated the formula looked confident: "Don't worry, my concealment magic is very strong. Even if Hecate comes, I won't be able to see through it. This is an illusion that combines magic and magic."

"Are you so sure that there are no special talents among witches?" The mage observing outside looked back at his companion. He believed in his skills after working together for so long, but what if?

The confident mage is still confident: "There are so many coincidences in the world. You must know that my teacher is already a hero. This is the concealment magic he invented. It is very difficult for people of the same level to come, let alone those who are not familiar with it. What about the witches of the world? A bunch of little ones who don’t grow up can’t make a difference.”

The magician standing by the window was not in a good mood: "I shouldn't have waded into this muddy water. Now I'm riding a tiger and it's hard to get out. I was just a magic stone merchant... Hey, a very conspicuous knight appeared on the street today. Will he?" Aren’t they chasing us?”

The confident magician couldn't help but cover his ears. He really wanted to stuff the rag on the table into his companion's mouth: "That's enough for you. Don't see strangers coming to catch us, and don't think that every mouse is a familiar. Aren’t you tired of living like this?”

The magician standing by the window sat down angrily and poured a glass of water: "I regret it now, I really regret it, but Medea is even more terrifying..."

The confident magician said depressedly: "Shut up!"

The nervous magician suddenly asked: "I said, a butterfly flew through the glass into the house. Is this normal?"

The confident magician slammed the table, stood up, opened the drawer and looked for transparent glue. Then he suddenly came back to his senses, turned to look at his companion, and locked onto the butterfly lingering on the ceiling.

The purple butterfly flew and flew, up and down, and then disappeared through the ceiling.

"Let's go! It's not safe here anymore!" The confident magician was no longer calm.

The two hurriedly grabbed important things and prepared to leave the room, but the nervous magician suddenly fell down. Looking back, one foot sank into the wooden floor, or how the floor turned into a swamp, and he felt his body sinking.

The nervous magician cried: "Ah, save me."

The confident magician clapped his hands, and the ripples of magic slowly spread, and the room temporarily returned to normal: "What a trouble!"

But when he grabbed his companion's hand, it felt very light. Looking carefully, his companion was only left with bones. The robe was still new, but the flesh had long been rotten.

"Goddess of Magic, give me real eyes." The confident magician's eyes lit up slightly, and then he took out a handful of powder from his pocket and sprinkled it on his head, but just when he raised his hand, he felt that his entire arm had lost consciousness. Looking down, the entire arm completely disappeared, without a cut, but it just disappeared.

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