Apart from anything else, Dragon Language is a mainstream subject in magic. Many dragons will take the initiative to transform into human forms to spread their influence in the secular world. Some dragons even marry humans and have children to form families.

However, I still have to criticize Irene and Charlotte for their recklessness. Not all dragons have such good personalities.

Although these two witches also took action when they saw that the dragon was not very strong.

Fili stretched her body and moved a little today: "By the way, are there really snow girls in this mountain range?"

Frost Moon Dragon was also confused: "So you are looking for snow girls, why are you so angry?"

Irene put her hands on her hips and took a deep breath: "Because your existence disrupts the flow of magic in this area, let alone finding snow girls, it's troublesome to find mushrooms now."

Frost Moon Dragon rolled his eyes with his huge dragon eyes: "No wonder you always blame me when you quarrel. Well, you teach me an interesting magic, and I will tell you how to find snow girls."

In this world, knowledge is hard currency, and learning magic from each other like this is a consensus. Yi

Speaking of interesting magic, Irene thought about it and thought that the dragon was probably attracted by her gem magic, so she taught the dragon her previous detection magic. For the dragon, this magic detection function is a bonus, and its main function is to make the gem emit brilliant light.

For the dragon, they are not lacking this magic, but just think it is fun.

After that, the two sides said goodbye, and the Frost Moon Dragon continued to walk. Irene also got the magic of sensing the Snow Girl from the dragon. She picked up a handful of snowflakes from the ground, chanted the spell, and the snowflakes floated gently, swirling in the air, drifting to the front, like a snow elf pointing the direction to everyone.

Irene excitedly pulled Charlotte and Fili's hands: "Yeah, this magic is really interesting, let's catch up."

Fili analyzed the magic and found that this was an improved version of the magic of finding people. The designated target was changed to the Snow Girl. Usually people don't know the characteristics of the Snow Girl and can't use it. Now that the dragon tells them, they can naturally find the Snow Girl.

Fili couldn't help asking, "After we find the Snow Girl, what can we use to trade with her?"

Erin was full of interest: "Let's use magic."

Fili shook her head: "Can the Snow Girl use magic? If I remember correctly, the demons use their talents more, just like warlocks."

In this regard, it is said that warlocks are born with the blood of the demon country, so they can cast spells naturally. In Fili's opinion, their talents are like superpowers.

For the Snow Girls, they are good at controlling the power of ice and snow. They are satisfied with such power. Their strength is only based on training, so they don't need to learn magic knowledge.

Charlotte immediately showed off to the two that she brought a bag of colorful candies with her today.

"It's called being prepared."

Irene said disdainfully: "It's not as valuable as my gem."

Charlotte immediately put down the show: "It's obvious that the technology for artificially synthesizing gems is not bad now."

Irene then roared: "The artificially synthesized one is diamond!"

Fili held her forehead: "No matter what, we have to find the snow girl first, right? Look, there is a snow house over there, is it the snow girl we are looking for?"

The three walked a distance and poked their heads out from behind the poplar tree.

Chapter 63 Snow Girl Out of Groups

"Is this the snow girl's hut? I didn't sense the fluctuation of magic power, it seems that there is no one."

For humans, the legend of the snow girl is that she is an inhuman existence, but it's different for witches. Everyone is inhuman in the legend, is it true? It's natural for witches to socialize with each other, and the snow girl in the demon country didn't say that she stayed at home and didn't come out.

After finding the snow girl's residence, the three began to hesitate whether to go there. Now there is no one at home, and it's not good to trespass into a private house.

Fili advised: "Wait here, maybe the master has gone out, where is your detection magic?"

Erin tried the magic: "The magic shows that it is nearby, but it is not good to go there rashly."

Otherwise, what will we say when we see the snow girl? We used detection magic to chase you all the way here. People who don't know would think you are slave traders. You are so active.

Charlotte is more direct. Now the wind and snow are still very strong, so she simply uses the magic of candy to set up a tent on the spot, and a few people hide in it to avoid the wind and snow. Waiting is boring, so Charlotte diverges her thinking and starts to transform the tent and build a square house.

Unlike other witches, Charlotte has accumulated a lot of civil engineering knowledge by building a candy house, and it only takes a few minutes to build a new hut.

"But, isn't it a bit abstract for us to build a bonfire in the candy house?" Fili and Erin squatted beside the bonfire. Even if they had magic to resist the cold winter, they still liked to sit by the flames in the season of heavy snow.

"Sorry, the fireplace will melt the sugar..." Charlotte had to admit that her ability was not perfect.

The three of them began to rest in the candy house. They first talked about Miriam's food, and then talked about everyone's experience when they first came to Miriam.

Almost every witch who came here had a period of confusion. Like Fili, she couldn't find a local witch. At that time, Irene thought that since she was here, she should make the best of it and find a place to settle down first.

Charlotte had almost the same idea. She went to the forest to build a candy house, and then met a thief. After the two met, they knew the range of the witches' activities.

Fili couldn't help but complain: "Don't the witches from other places have special people to welcome them here?"

Erin and Charlotte laughed, feeling a little guilty: "No one will do it..."

Witches are all free-spirited people, and it is their job to greet other witches. It is also troublesome to ask whether there are new people joining them all day long, so it all depends on fate.

Some witches will take new people to the Witch's Forest when they meet them, and treat those they don't meet as if they don't exist.


Feili suddenly fell silent and thought for a while. She seemed to have a way to improve her impression among the witches: "When I go back, I'll tell Hecate that you can leave it to me to welcome the new witch."

Feili decided to officially launch the name Witch House as the hotel's signboard. After weighing the pros and cons, she finally decided to build it into a place only open to witches, making it a necessary area for witches to hold tea parties and salons.

"Hecate must be very happy to know this. She has wanted to do this for a long time." Irene moved to the side of the bonfire. "But you have to think clearly. If you take on this chore, you will be tied here. You can't Just hanging out and looking for mushrooms.”

Feili shook her head. There were still a lot of messy things. She just happened to be the witch's guide, so she could get to know many witches. Using their identity information to make up lies and send them back to the family was the main business.

DONG DONG DONG - When heavy snow closed the mountains, a strange knock on the door rang out in the uninhabited mountains.

"Excuse me, are you..."

The snow girl was very confused. Not long after she went out, a house or a candy house suddenly appeared next to her. This made her feel a little confused. Was someone else's house blown to her side, or was her own snow house blown to another place?

Charlotte waved her hand, and the door of the candy house opened. The three witches in the house and the snow girl at the door looked at each other from a distance.

"Hello, we are witches passing by. We heard rumors that there is a snow girl here and want to make a deal."



Charlotte was the first to get up: "I am Charlotte, the candy witch. I have been lucky enough to taste snow candies before. This time I came here to trade snow candies with Miss Snow Lady. What do you need, Miss Snow Lady?"

The expression on the snow girl is subtle, is that the reason? But I was relieved, at least the people coming were not humans, humans would be more troublesome.

Qianxun first release: ⒊①⒉ ⑻⑴⑷⑴⑶⑼

"Sorry, I just moved here and haven't had time to make snow candy..."

Only then did Feili notice that Yuki-onna was carrying heavy luggage.

Charlotte stood up and rolled up her sleeves: "Moving? Let's help you."

The snow girl was a little afraid of strangers, but the witches in front of her were all children, so she was not so wary: "How can this be so embarrassing?"

Charlotte took matters into her own hands: "Idle time is idle anyway. If you want to live here from now on, everyone will be neighbors. It is normal for neighbors to help each other."

Erin kicked Charlotte from behind: "You should go alone."

As soon as she finished speaking, Feili walked over and said, "A little help would be nice. This is my first time seeing the Snow Girl."

The three of them went out and were stunned when they saw three snowmobiles parked in front of the snow girl's house. Each car was filled with boxes of various sizes, which looked very heavy.

Charlotte looked up for several minutes, pretending to be calm, and went to the car to look for luggage that she could carry away, but she couldn't reach the smallest box even with her arms stretched out.

Feili sighed, came to the car, threw the dagger and wrapped it around a box, grabbed it lightly, and hugged it: "Miss Yukionna, where are these boxes?"

The snow girl said in embarrassment: "I'm really sorry to trouble you. Just put it in front of the house..."

Feili and the snow girl started to get busy, while Irene and Charlotte were thinking about what to do, but it seemed that there was nothing they could do to help, so they started a snowball fight nearby. Irene couldn't beat Charlotte. , he pounced on Charlotte, grabbed a handful of snow and stuffed it into Charlotte's neck.

When the snow girl saw this, she thought the two were fighting: "That...that..."

Feili passed by holding the box: "It doesn't matter, they are just playing, because they are too small, so they have nothing to do, but they also thought about how to help you."

The snow girl lowered her head: "I'm sorry, I'm not very good at contacting strangers, and I don't know what to say at this time. Because of this, I haven't interacted with people other than my husband much since I left my hometown."

Feili was a little surprised when she heard this: "Can your lover adapt to the environment on the mountain?"

The snow girl lowered her head: "He is no longer here. It is said that people who are related to the snow girl will become unfortunate."

Feili hurriedly apologized, but actively denied the second part: "There is no such thing. Outsiders hear that being with a snow girl will make you unhappy. It usually means that a husband who has no self-control will become weak day by day. Generally speaking, people who actively exercise and practice are not This problem will arise.”

Snow Girl's face turned red: "Is this...is this something you can say when we meet for the first time? Miss Feili is so bold..."

Feili hurriedly waved her hand and apologized: "Ah, I was too talkative. Let's move the luggage down quickly."

Chapter 64 The Snow Girl’s Commission

After helping the snow girl carry the luggage, we all came to the snow house together, which was actually quite relaxing.

The snow girl hurriedly brought tea and water to entertain everyone, but she was new here and couldn't bring out anything good. Instead, Charlotte treated everyone to candy.

"I want mint flavor, thank you." Feili spoke in advance, got the candy she wanted, and then looked at the snow girl, "Is there any special reason why you came to Miriam? In theory, this country will not reject witches. , mainly because witches are active, if you want to mix with different races, it is recommended to go to the commercial cities on the border, where there are a large number of foreign races coming and going, and it is more convenient to purchase ingredients. "

Eileen also nodded: "Yes, yes, living alone in such a remote place, even the witch will have a hard time finding it. Once any danger occurs, it will be too difficult to be alone."

The snow girl lowered her head and held the water glass. Even when facing three small witches, she was not very good at speaking: "It doesn't matter, I can handle it. I just want to go back to my husband's hometown and have a look. Other than that, I don't have any other ideas..."

Charlotte asked, "Is Miriam your husband's hometown?"

The snow girl nodded: "Yes, decades ago I was chased and injured near here. He saved me. After that, we got married. One day I said I wanted to return to the Demon Kingdom, but he didn't do anything. He didn’t say anything, he just took an ax and left with me, and he didn’t mention it until his death... I felt very sorry for him.”

Feili leaned back on the chair. Love between races with different life spans in this world is really cruel. How many days can youth be retained? Even the flowers and the moon will fade quickly. Spring goes and autumn comes, flowers fall and flowers bloom, and snow-white hair grows all over the top of the head. By next year or the year after, no one in this world will know who is alive and who is dead.

Isn't this just that the flowers are the same every year, but the people are different every year? Feili cannot continue to play the identity.

Yi Wu Zuo Yi Scar Ling Jiu Moxibustion

It can be seen that Yuki Onna misses her husband very much, otherwise she would not travel across mountains and rivers and brave all kinds of threats to come to the human country. The three recommended Yuki Onna to go to the Witch's Forest when she has time. Although she is from a different race, Yuki Onna is a person who is easy to get along with. Planting, living on the edge of the forest is not a problem, and you can often trade some daily necessities.

The few people chatted and became familiar with each other. After all, how does the witch look like a bad person? Everyone is a good loli.

Hmm...be wary of witch scams.

"Thank you everyone, then...can I ask you for a favor? I want to go to Miriam's royal capital...I remember my husband's home is there."

Thanks to meeting Feili and the others, she might have been tricked to death if she wanted to be replaced by Medea from the Kingdom of Heaven.

Chihiro З1②Bayi④⒈Э㈨

Eileen was full of confidence: "It's all on us."

The snow girl couldn't help but chuckle: "I can feel the kindness in you. It's great to meet you."

Since Yuki-onna still had to clean up her new home, Feili and the others left temporarily. Everyone was satisfied that they had found Yuki-onna.

On the way back, Irene was still thinking about the story of the Snow Girl.

Irene was troubled: "Love, it sounds so sad. You mentioned many similar situations. You know that there is a difference in life span, why do you still want to get married? After a hundred years, it will be so sad to leave someone with a short life."

The topic of love is a bit unfamiliar to witches. After all, most people who can fall in love with witches may have some problems. Even if they truly love each other, the longevity theory is indeed troublesome. Witches whose husbands have died are often depressed because of their heartbreak, which makes other witches see love as a scourge.

Witches are inherently autistic, so some people have derived the pain of love to humans. As long as they don't come into contact with humans, they won't be sad.

Charlotte said with emotion: "You have to ask both parties in love, at least during that time they were happy."

Feili has sufficient theoretical knowledge: "There is a song that says you will love even if you die. Some people will give up anything for love, but some people's love is also very scary. Have you heard of it? There once was a witch who fell in love with a certain country. The two fell in love and gave birth to a child. Later, the prince fell in love with someone else, so the witch poisoned her husband and child and remarried someone else. "

Erin shook her head: "What kind of horror story are you talking about? Can this be considered love?"

Charlotte also complained: "What a heavy love. I think that prince can't stand his wife at ordinary times."

"Love has many forms, as the saying goes..." Feili's next words were stuck in her throat, and she raised her hand to stop Irene and Charlotte, "No, it smells of blood."

Irene and Charlotte's eyes changed. They found nothing. They saw Feili grabbing a handful of snow from the ground and blowing it forward, then slowly followed.

Messy footprints appeared in the forest. With sharp eyes, Feili grasped the tree trunk next to her and pulled out a cross flying knife from it.

"It's a very ceremonial weapon. Is there such a church in Miriam?" Feili lowered her body and handed the flying knife behind her.

Erin glanced at it and her pupils shrank slightly: "This, this is the ceremonial sword of the Witch Trial. It looks like the structure of the Saint Arius sect. How come it appears there? Could it be that someone is in danger!"

After Irene finished speaking, she was about to rush out, but Charlotte moved faster and immediately rushed to her friend and looked at Feili.

"Feili, you are the strongest among the three of us. Please, Irene and I will go there later." Charlotte was not afraid, but more worried that this was a trap. The three of them were taking care of each other, and Feili's strength was It was proven not long ago that the news about her dragging the giant flying dragon off the city wall spread widely, and she was the best sharp knife.

Feili disappeared directly on the spot. You could still see the footprints in the snow at a close distance, but after walking five meters away, nothing was seen, as if only the air was flowing.

This is a remote mountain in Miriam, and no one will know what happens.

Fili followed the traces on the snow, remembering to leave marks for Irene and the others to follow. Not far away, she saw more bloodstains.

"Here..." Fili opened her perception domain, imprinted the outline of the surrounding environment in her mind, and found two people hiding in the tree.

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