The efforts of the church army were useful. The heat dissipated at a speed visible to the naked eye, the magma solidified, and the sense of crisis was reduced.

This is the power that the church is proud of, and it is a hymn composed of wisdom and courage.

But Wei Yue did not calm down as imagined. Everyone clearly heard the thunder-like impact. People's minds emerged with the melting and breaking of steel. There was a bottomless malice flowing in Wei Yue, which burned everyone's heart like a branding iron.

Although more and more prayers joined in, Wei Yue was still rising, and the surface began to crack, evenly cracking along the red track.

Dongdong! Dongdong! The impact became stronger and stronger, and the sealing magic wrapped around Wei Yue gradually turned red.

"No! The magic power inside the Wei Yue is rapidly increasing, and the speed of magic power diversion cannot keep up with the speed of gathering..."

"Deploy the barrier and prepare for impact!"

"The miners have not all retreated yet!"

"Expand the barrier as much as possible, it's too late! As many as you can survive!"

The sealing magic is not to wrap up the Wei Yue mindlessly. The hundreds of thousands of chains are a means to disperse and disintegrate the magic power, but now the decomposition speed cannot keep up with the aggregation of magic power.

The Wei Yue in the sky is getting redder and redder. With a shock, more than a quarter of the magic chains are broken, and a heat wave spreads. The grass and trees all over the mountains and plains burned violently at the first time, and then quickly turned into ashes. The land of the mountain directly below the Wei Yue melted again and poured into the mine.

Alex walked out of the church army, drew his sword and inserted it under his feet, with a holy light shining on his body. This light reached the sky and projected down, representing the image of the god that people yearned for in their hearts. The huge shadow almost occupied the entire sky, and it was impossible to describe his specific boundaries. The shadow slowly embraced Wei Yue and resolved the crisis at this moment.

"Brave man..."

"Stay calm! Evacuate the miners as soon as possible and hold on until the reinforcements gather."

Alex stared at Wei Yue, took a deep breath, and just as he was about to say something to boost morale, he heard a sonic boom like the collapse of the sky.

Wei Yue collapsed from above, and two black wings tore apart the phantom of the god. The next moment, Wei Yue's volume expanded rapidly, and in an instant it turned into a new round of sun. The ultimate burning magic stretched Wei Yue's body to the limit. The dragon's head finally raised and roared to the sky.

"The evil dragon whose true identity is unknown and no records are found, does this majestic appearance really come from the fear in people's hearts?" Alex drew his sword with both hands and slashed horizontally. The sky in front of him was cut by a slash of hundreds of meters, shattering all the collapsed rocks.

The collapsed boulders were not even an appetizer. Bahamut leaned over and launched a surprise attack on the moon under him. The moon, which had expanded to its limit, exploded completely. Pure hot smoke overturned the sky, like a tsunami formed by magma rolling in.

That's right, red rain fell from the sky, and the red raindrops ignited the earth.

The shock wave tore the mine apart, and more than a thousand people fell into the deep ravine. The barrier formed by the church army was shattered at the same time. The crowd staggered, covered their ears and fell, and fainted in various howlings.

The fragments of the moon turned into meteorites and hit the earth. Every fragment that hit the earth raised dust thousands of meters high. The dust came to the sky and blocked the sun. The border area fell into a dusk-like scene in an instant.

Alex looked back at the falling fragments, and when he felt the danger, he used all his strength to hold them up. His divine power turned into a hundred-meter-long blade of light to parry the fragments. He roared desperately and used all his strength to bounce the fragments above his head.

The fragments that bounced continued to crash into the earth, and the waves of flames continued to engulf everything around.

Bahamut spun in the sky, completely spreading his wings. At the moment of flapping his wings, countless magic powers formed streams of light, like sparks flying out of a bonfire. A large number of sparks dragged the tail flames to the ground, and violent explosions occurred wherever they passed.

Such flames seemed endless from the beginning. With Bahamut's dive, the thousand-meter mountain range suddenly turned into a sea of ​​fire, and everything was destroyed.

Seeing this, Filin was already in shock. He fell into the vortex of his own memory and could not judge whether this was the power of the star beast, but Bahamut's terrifying strength had been imprinted in his heart with awakening. Can humans really fight such a monster?

At this moment, there was a black shadow covering the top of his head, and a heavy loud noise came from behind. Without looking back, you know that Bahamut has landed there.

"Come for me!" As soon as this thought flashed through his mind, the dragon's bite swallowed him mercilessly.


Fili, who was far away in the border city, suddenly closed her eyes and dodged as if she was electrocuted. The magic power was instantly disordered and twisted around her like an arc.

"How could it be? Absorbing my magic power, but targeting me?" Fili thought quickly, "As a fictional creature, everything about Bahamut comes from lies, but what if the only one who knows the truth dies?"

Wouldn't no one know that Bahamut is fake?

This is undoubtedly the worst possibility. Although she had anticipated such a possibility before, it still made Fili feel tricky when it really happened. This is the most dangerous part of many plans.

When the clone died, Fili quickly and fully eliminated her sense of existence and cut off the induction of Bahamut's existence. At least she cut off all the methods she knew before continuing to think.

"Can I deny the existence of Bahamut? After all, it is related to my power."

"No... The body of the star beast is real."

"But Bahamut is exactly the same as what I imagined in my memory, which means that I had an interference effect on it. The creature that was supposed to gather the fear of the locals has turned into what it is now... There must be a way to continue to interfere with it."

"The power of deceit cannot create something out of nothing, but now there is obviously a strong interference effect. How can we do it?"

As if attracted to each other, Feili came to the location of the star beast by coincidence, and the star beast was also infected with the power of deceit by coincidence, making each other successful and hurting each other.

The emergence of Bahamut is undoubtedly a huge disaster. Without him, this star beast would have appeared at least a few hundred years later. Maybe humans at that time could deal with it better, and at the same time, they would not have to deal with such a difficult Bahamut. Mute?

Things are out of control, but Feili has no regrets. Awakening the star beast is also part of the plan to attack the Holy Kingdom of Arius. The only uncertainty is whether Bahamut will go straight to Miriam.

While Feili was thinking hard, Seleka pushed the door open and said, "Oh no! Feli, a very strong magic wave just came from the border of Arius Holy Kingdom, and the skyline in that direction was faintly dyed red. A shocking wave of magic power can be felt even here."

Feili raised her hand to calm Serena: "Don't be anxious, there is still time."

Then two more witches broke in. They told the same thing, and they were more accurate. Using the magic of the fog mirror, they could even see Bahamut wreaking havoc.

"Bahamut revived as expected. With such power just after waking up, the star beasts recorded throughout history are also very powerful beings."

"The protective barrier covering the city in the previous plan needs to be modified. Preliminary observation is that the power of the star beast is pure destructive power. We must do our best to build a shelter and a seclusion under the star curtain."

In ancient legends, witches are residents from the "world", and that place is called the Hidden World. Although the witches do not know it, it does not prevent them from treating the Hidden World as their ideal home and resting place. Considered to be isolated from the real world, seclusion is considered a place of absolute safety.

The ancient magic in this world will be analyzed due to the changes of the times, but there will also be special exceptions. The Hidden World under the Star Curtain is one of the ancient magics that still cannot be cracked even today, and its mystery cannot even be improved one bit. Can't do it.

Feili had only heard of this magic, and roughly knew that it was a barrier technology that "blocked" the inside and outside of the barrier to minimize damage from the outside world.

"Time is running out, is it too late to modify the barrier now?"

"No problem. Most of our barrier technologies are derived from the modifications of the 'Hidden World'. It is enough to make the main framework more perfect, but it will take a while. The star beast's action trajectory is full of uncertainty and it wakes up again. At the border, if you come towards us now..."

Feili looked at the time and couldn't help but shed a cold sweat: "With its speed, if it flies straight towards us, we will see it in the afternoon at the latest."

Even though they were a little worried, the witches did not stop and soon went back to perfect the barrier.

Before such a big incident happened, Arabelle began to provide financial assistance with all his strength. The two organizations of Hidden Leader and Cemetery Lich also assisted. Large and small mercenaries and special people in the city began to wait and see.

After seeing off the witch, Feili was about to leave, but Serena suddenly grabbed her hand: "Do you want to go there?"

Feili paused, with a serious expression: "I can't stay here any longer. As for the reasons, I can't tell you all the reasons now, but there is only one thing. Please believe me."

It's really embarrassing. After telling too many false lies, I can't even bring sincerity to Serena, as if I betrayed her initial trust.

Serena pressed harder: "I... don't plan to explore everything about you, but if you have any difficulties, please let me share some of them."

Feili sighed: "You are not good enough now. In such an occasion, absolute combat power is needed to support it. Serena, you can just barely enter."

"Is there anything I can do?"

"Go to Hecate and ask her what to do."

Chapter 89 The Trio of Black Flame

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Bahamut is a completely fictional existence in this world.

Even in Felin's past, the name Bahamut was born due to misinformation, and the legends about it are constantly changing. The earliest Bahamut was described as a giant floating fish, carrying on its back on the vast ocean without foam. Carrying a giant bull, the bull carries a mountain of gems. An angel is nesting on the mountain, and hell is nested on top of the angel. The earth is nested on top of hell, and heaven is nested on the earth.

If you really want to name Bahamut, it should actually be Behemoth.

But there is no point in exploring these. The original Bahamut is just as fictional as it is now, a fantasy creature born from the human heart.

Unfortunately, humans are still unable to accurately study everything about the star beast, and Feilin does not know the origin of his deceitful ability. This disastrous star beast has come to this world with only one pursuit, which is to bring destruction.

There is no doubt about the power of Bahamut. Just after he appeared on the scene, the frontline troops of the sect were crumbling. His power of destroying the world has made people nearby despair. This power can easily burn a small country.

The King of Disaster is reigning over this land, his red vertical pupils overlooking everything.

However, humans will never despair.

"I'm sure that the star beast has absolute malice towards humans, and we must not let it leave." The brave Alex raised his sword and pointed it at Bahamut with a tiny and lonely figure.

The next second, countless swords rang out, countless swords broke free from the hands of the warriors and flew into the sky, emitting sacred light, surrounding Bahamut from all directions, thousands and tens of thousands of long swords intertwined, densely forming clouds.

Bahamut roared, flapped his wings and fanned out millions of sparks, countless flames broke through the curtain formed by the sacred swords and fell to the ground, the earth burned and continued to dye the sky red.

But in this attack, the sparks that were about to fall into the crowd were accurately stopped. Alex shook his wrist, and the next second all the sacred swords flew towards Bahamut, and endless attacks fell on Bahamut.

Although the offensive was fierce, it was a pity that these sacred swords were all shattered when they hit Bahamut, without even a scratch on a dragon scale.

"Roar!" Bahamut roared, spewing endless flames at Alex.

The sword curtains covering the sky suddenly gathered, forming layers of barriers to resist the impact of the flames, but Bahamut's breath had a strong penetrating power, and everything that blocked the breath melted and penetrated at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Alex opened his eyes wide, and his divine power burst out in full force, like the power of the morning star to block the direct breath, and continuously split and disintegrate the breath, but he had no choice but to retreat step by step.

Witnessed by countless people, the hero seemed to have resisted the attack of the star beast, but the hero's barrier was also deformed, gradually cracking, and many flames leaked from the cracks, and the hero was soon engulfed by the sea of ​​fire.

Even though the hero's figure could not be seen, Alex's barrier did not collapse.

"Goddess! I beg you to grant us the true word of God!"

"Even if humans are not kind!"

"Please bring hope to those who pray for forgiveness!"

As the battle progressed, the three expeditionary knights of the sect also came to support, chanting the true word of God, and the magic wrapped their bodies. The sacred power formed a larger armor, just like the celestial warriors who followed the gods to fight in mythology, like chariots, holding different weapons, and transformed into four or five meters high giant soldiers.

The priests showed the giant soldiers dressed up and opened the temple. Seven layers of shields appeared in front of Bahamut's breath, buying time for Alex to rest.

Another person raised the spear, and another jumped on the tip of the spear, and rushed into the sky under the huge force.

At the same time, the earth continued to shine with brilliance, and the thunder of divine punishment flew into the sky. Even without any aiming, any attack could fall on Bahamut.

Their current figures are like giants compared to mortals, but they are still like insects and ants in front of Bahamut.

People always believe that as long as they unite and use their strength to twist together, they will definitely be able to overcome natural disasters.

Indeed, normally man can conquer nature, and the city walls that have been built for a long time can withstand earthquakes and tsunamis, but at this moment, there is no fortress prepared for the heroes to resist disasters.

Bahamut looked around the earth, and his tail swung from below, knocking the attacking expedition knight away, and then flew quickly, circling the earth, and the sky was full of explosives and flames, completely covering the church army on the ground, leaving no gaps this time.

If a hundred tons of explosives falling on a hilltop can be described as a saturation attack, then Bahamut's current behavior is simply beyond the release of the space limit, and the wrath of the red lotus will burn all traces of existence, not even molecules and atoms will remain.

"All the lives in the world are special. I also know that humans are not kind, but it is a headache to watch them die. Maybe I don't have enough divinity? Or maybe I have been with humans for a long time and have forgotten my original identity."

The world suddenly fell into a gray and white, and everyone's actions stopped in an instant. A blue barrier expanded above the legion, and the inscriptions on the barrier flashed by at high speed, and the fireballs that were about to fall to the ground were bounced away.

"By the way, I'm not a goddess! What impression did those people leave on me back then?"

It was just a bounce, and the uninhabited mountains scattered thousands of meters away exploded, igniting a thousand miles of fire.

Someone standing quietly on the mountain peak jumped up, avoided the flying explosion, slowly floated in the sky, raised his hands to embrace the sky.

Looking carefully, he was the scholar who appeared in the library not long ago, and appeared in the area where Bahamut descended in a very short time.

He is the patron saint of nomads and the earth, Arius.

"Cradle, cradle, let's teach this guy a lesson."

After saying that, countless elves floated out of the cracks in the earth, dancing around Arius. The land was covered in flames, but people felt warm in their hearts.

It seemed that something was about to appear. Those who were infected with the flames that Bahamut could not extinguish, now that the flames disappeared, their wounds slowly healed. Those who unfortunately fell into the abyss also found the direction of survival in the dark. Those who felt desperate in their hearts were inexplicably strongly encouraged.

A golden halo appeared in Arius's eyes.

Bahamut looked up at the infinite sky. For it, a strong hostility swept over it, just like the rejection and hatred of the entire planet for itself.

"Roar--!" Bahamut roared at the sky, began to flap his wings, and a round of black thorns appeared above his head.

"What?" Arius's movements suddenly stopped, looking at Bahamut in disbelief, and the halo in his eyes shook slightly.

The next second, Bahamut roared at the sky, and in an instant, endless black clouds appeared out of thin air, like a group of dragons dancing, playing red lightning, completely covering the sky in a few seconds, and forming a vortex directly above Bahamut.

This is not over yet. Then people looked up at the huge storm, and some people lowered their arms and let their weapons slide to the ground.

"Everyone, pray with me, the goddess is watching us again!"


Tens of thousands of people in the sect legion began to pray, and the gods did not disappoint their beliefs.

Suddenly, the entire cloud was hit by something, and in the eyes of everyone, it seemed as if the sky was pressed down hundreds of meters.

Sure enough, a lightsaber that penetrated the black cloud, like supporting the sky and the earth, tore through the black cloud and pierced Bahamut, but Bahamut dodged it by swinging his body in a spiral. Although the lightsaber left a deep wound on his back, this wound was healing at a speed visible to the naked eye.

The lightsaber fell to the ground and soon lost its power and dissipated.

In an unknown place, Arius sat on the ground, holding his forehead, and called out with difficulty.

"This star beast named Bahamut is definitely not a normal existence. Its malice is actually corroding people's hearts, and it even tried to cut off the connection between me and the cradle."

Arius quickly stood up again and waited for Bahamut in the distance.

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