Huo Qi looked at the silent crowd and felt very unhappy: "Master Witch, Master Elf and Master Xuanfeng, do you have a better way? Please say something, liven up the atmosphere, and don't be so arrogant. A look of helplessness.”

Feili is full of resentment now. She hasn't fully understood her own situation, so how can she think about saving others? To put it coldly, do any of the people in heaven know her well now?

"Shut up, be quiet, don't you see everyone is thinking of a solution?"

"Can you have a better attitude? Haven't you understood the situation? Now...ahhhhhh-!"

During the conversation, Alex reset Hoch's bones, used divine power to glue them together and then healed them. The pain and sourness at this moment made him open his mouth and close his eyes without taking a single breath. He stretched straight and lay back, the back of his head hard. He hit the wall so hard that he couldn't catch his breath.

Seeing his performance, everyone, including the god Arius, couldn't help but shake their heads, as if a phantom pain was coming through him.

Hotch took two deep breaths, then turned his head, sweating profusely, and looked at Alex: "Did, what did you do? You?"

Alex let go with some embarrassment, and pretended to play with the bones with his hands: "I'm going to set your bones... maybe? Your bones are broken, and you need to find the correct position to put them back together."

No, these are bones, not building blocks. Is it really okay? Is surgery in the wizarding world too hardcore? Can it really be spelled correctly? Feili suddenly became suspicious.

Hotch swallowed: "Are you ready?"

Alex nodded: "We've put it together, don't worry."

Hotch breathed a sigh of relief and continued to look at Feili: "You can look down on my character, but you can't look down on my sense of responsibility. Now in this situation, someone must...ahhhhhhhh-?!"

Screaming, Hotch turned over and grabbed the pillow fiercely. At this moment, it was like being struck by lightning. He endured the pain with difficulty before squeezing out the sound from his throat. The sound seemed to have aged thirty years.

"...What is it again?"

Alex picked up a bottle innocently: "Holy water...isn't this okay too?"

Xuanfeng, the manifested god, oh no, it was Arius, the manifested god, who raised one of his wings: "Holy water contains alcohol, which is indeed a good thing for sterilizing and sterilizing, but he now has an open wound, and the broken ends of the fractures are exposed, and the tendons there are , Meat is meat, pouring it down like this is a bit... tragic. "

The Water Miko raised her finger: "I've seen this trick before. This is how you tortured witches during the witch hunting era, delaying their death and prolonging the torture time. The main purpose is torture."

Sylph nodded: "It's totally deserved."

Fu Kai also nodded.

Feili leaned over and took a look at the first aid kit used by the cleric: "Isn't there a healing potion?"

Alex slapped his head: "Yes, yes, healing potion."

He hurriedly pulled out a red bottle, unscrewed the cap and smelled it, confirming it before giving it to Hodge.

Hotch hurriedly stretched out his hand to block it: "Wait a minute, isn't this for drinking? And my wounds are like this. Isn't it a bit painful to continue pouring water?"

Xuan Shen Feng flapped his wings: "You take the healing potion orally and let your body absorb it, and then apply it to the wound. Now that your wound is like this, it will be better to pour it directly."

Hotch gritted his teeth: "Okay, come on!"

Instead, Alex hesitated for a moment, and then poured the healing potion suddenly.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! Kill me, kill me... kill me... Goo goo goo goo ahhh!!!" Screaming like a butchering pig.

Feili and Elf both covered their ears, and Alex squatted beside him in a daze, picking up the healing potion and studying it carefully, with a look of disbelief on his face.

"Does it hurt that much?"

" you...don't like me...just"

Feili hugged her chest and frowned: "A manly man can't even bear this little pain? Your bone is broken. It can be healed only after it is reattached and restored with healing magic. This way there will be no sequelae. It only hurts where it hurts. Okay, Ah Alex, I see you still have some hemostatic herbal powder in your bag, apply it on him and bandage the wound."

Hotch inhaled continuously: "Enough...enough, I can recover on my own."

Feili shook her head: "Why are you so afraid of pain?"

Alex sighed: "Forget it, it's almost close. We have fragments of the godhead in our bodies. We can start to heal ourselves after a little recovery, but Hotch is very weak now."

Hotch had some signs of rolling his eyes. Seeing him like this, Alex couldn't continue to apply the medicine. He could only quickly bandage the wound and then use divine power to treat it.

Arius touched his chin: "It seems that this brave man has absorbed hatred. His fragments of godhead are slightly filthy compared to yours, so he is so weak."

Feili thought for a moment: "What to do next? The bodies of those whose souls have been absorbed are still alive, but this state cannot last long."

Arius replied: "To be honest, I want to negotiate with her. It would be better if this matter can be resolved peacefully. If not, I can only crush her ambitions and kill her while she is not yet stable."

The Water Witch scratched her head: "Let me tell you some bad news first. The three of us have a bad rapport with that black crow spirit. If we meet again, we will be absorbed and transformed. It will be difficult to help."

Alex also had a serious face: "When fighting her, you can clearly feel the power of the godhead, but she is also feeling very uncomfortable now, right?"

Feili looked at her current palm, with a complex expression on her face: "There seems to be a piece of materialized godhead in her body, and I did pierce it."

Arius said: "Since Morrigan is an artificial god, her godhood is still an observable entity. She doesn't have time to familiarize herself with and transform now. She must be very weak after being severely injured by you, but the Coffin Dream Stone Obelisk is her divine domain. , she has stronger authority in that world, and she has tens of thousands of hostages in her hands, so the specific actions need to be carefully considered. "

The Water Witch hugged Feili and said, "Everyone is tired now. At least we need to take a short rest and recover our magic power."

Later, the three elves planned to discuss with Feili, planning to sign a contract at the same time and teach her chants with different attributes. Maybe they can be used against Morrigan later?

Feili was also in the camp asking about the situation with other church members, seeking advice from the bishop of the cathedral and the knights, and discussing how to deal with the false gods.

Finally, Feili returned to the rest room, when she heard Alex's voice not far away.

"You are Lord Arius, right?"

"You can say that."

Why don't you lead Yiba and lead Jiuling⑨

"I have been taught to believe in the goddess Arius since I was a child, but why don't you answer our prayers?"

"As a brave man, there should be many people asking you to do something. Can you respond to everyone's expectations one by one?"

Alex was slightly dissatisfied: "You are a god, this metaphor is too harsh."

Arius still refused: "First of all, I am not as powerful as you think. I am just a little god. Secondly, humans trouble me a lot. I just saved some people while protecting the cradle. I was entangled inexplicably, and you used my name to create a sect and gather so many beliefs. I am the one who is confused. Brave Alex, I will not take a scoop of water or a grain of rice from you, so of course I will. Not answering your prayers, that’s all.”

Alex sighed: "Suppose... I mean suppose, you have the power to make the environment better. Maybe if you change some people a little, an evil existence like Morrigan will not be born."

"There will be no change. Human desires will accumulate to this point one day." Arius thought for a moment, "Morrigan's existence may not be a bad thing. If the negotiations go well, let her become your real god. I That’s the plan.”


"She uses your beliefs and responds to your expectations. She is the goddess and god in your imagination. All the conditions are met."

Alex was speechless for a moment: "Maybe, but it's hard for me to accept."

Arius reminded: "So I hope you will keep this matter secret for the time being and not tell it to other people in the sect."

Unexpectedly, Arius had such a plan, and Feili's resentment against him deepened even more, hmm.

In fact, it doesn't matter if the deceitful clone was beaten to the point of death before. If it dies, it turns into a ball of magic power and disappears. After that, when it appears in front of everyone, it can be said that it was just a joke to fool it. Now it has been transformed into a living person in public. It is completely disgusting. Can't get on stage.

Feili touched her chest and lower abdomen, feeling the real rhythm of this body, and couldn't help but smile bitterly. Human emotions will be affected by the hormones secreted by the body. His soul, which was originally a male-dominated thinking, has now become a strange balance state, and some ways of thinking have indeed begun to change.

Seriously speaking, there is no real feeling of transforming into a witch, and there is not much shame. It is more like playing an online game and becoming a character who can switch the gender of his appearance at any time.

With the talent of deceit as the root, all things are false and all things are allowed. The purpose of life is to survive, so other needs and desires are suppressed, because for Feili, "information" is becoming less and less important, it is just an external information. Displayed identity.

So on the plus side, now she has been strengthened, and the situation of thin magic power in the past has been improved to some extent. Because there are two bodies to store magic power, the total amount can now be equal to that of ordinary heroes.

The most amazing thing is that two bodies and two brains think in parallel, which can speed up thinking, but random thoughts can also hinder each other, which is more serious than before.

In addition, in terms of magic, if it were so easy to get a new body, there wouldn't be so many people seeking immortality. Arius's divine power can turn false clones into real bodies. It seems that it is because of cognition. the power of.

Under the common understanding of the gods and elves, Feili is real, so Feili is real...

Speaking of the Water Miko and the others, because the power of elves is very convenient, the three of them are helping to carry the fallen soldiers in the station.

The Water Miko complained while transporting the nuns: "Actually, we can just leave it alone. Even the souls of beasts and monsters in this area have been absorbed, so there will be no threat to them."

Fu Kai felt that this was a bit rogue: "You accepted the gems they gave you, is it appropriate to say this now?"

Feili's ears twitched. After hearing such a conversation, she felt that her good impression of the elves was disappearing, especially the water witch. This guy's moral integrity was slipping.

The Water Witch let out a cry: "But there's nothing I can do about it. My gambling luck this year has been so bad, but I don't admit that I will lose to humans in terms of luck. When the crisis here is resolved, I will do good deeds and accumulate virtue. I'm sure You’ll have good luck and use these gems to get back your money.”

Feili was in a daze for half a second, and left silently. It was better not to get close to the water witch.

Just as she was about to sneak away, she felt a breeze passing by and saw Sylph walking towards her.

"Why don't you take a good rest here?" Sylph smiled and approached, grabbing Fili's hand, "You look like you have nothing to do, so come with me, let's practice the chant again, you try to sing my name well, this time you will definitely be able to open the field of healing wind."

Fili couldn't refuse, so she followed Sylph to the nearby forest.

The elves' chants are not rare, many people in the world can use them, from elves to country girls, this is a magical power like pure dragon language, as long as the corresponding syllables are uttered, it can produce wonderful power, but it will also consume a lot of magic power when uttering syllables, and it is difficult for ordinary people to use long chants.

And the chants Fili got are directly songs, which are the original sounds of the world passed down from generation to generation by the elves, and the power of their full play is not inferior to the power they have shown themselves.

Sylph's healing wind, Fu Kai's earth agitation, and the eternal glacier of the water witch, simply mastering the three kinds of chants can be considered a strong person.

Fili sang the aria softly, and Sylph clapped her hands gently beside her. The cooperation of the two made the forest flourish, and the flowers and plants grew, giving it a brand new look.

"Not bad, not bad, you are indeed a very good contractor. Undine herself is not very reliable, but the people she can get involved with are all excellent." Sylph stretched out her hand again, "It's nice to meet you, Fili, let's get along well in this era."

Fili groaned and gently held Sylph's hand: "Me too."

Sylph exclaimed: "But, your secret is very special. I'm curious. Because you are a witch, did your family raise you as a boy at first?"

Fili remained calm, thinking about how to answer in her heart, and she really hated these people with a keen sense of smell.

Chapter 104: Covering up the false god with false power

The world of the Sky Continent only has the land around the Star Beast. Those who were unfortunately absorbed into the Coffin Dream Stone are still investigating and exploring. These people fought each other but found that no matter what, no one would die. Some people have understood what happened. Those with sharp eyes can even find their own bodies on the ground. After a few hours, their fighting stopped.

Anyway, no matter how hard they fight, the body of the Star Beast is not in the sky. The trapped people just want to be rescued as soon as possible, but those whose souls can be sucked away are ordinary people who have not reached the level of transcendence and it is difficult for them to get out of the predicament by their own strength.

Now the strong men of the sects and organizations are discussing around the Coffin Dream Stone.

"Is this the Coffin Dream Stone? If it is broken..."

"Don't act rashly. Before finding a way to return the soul, the Coffin Dream Stone must not be harmed in the slightest. Destroying the Coffin Dream Stone is the last resort. At that time..."

"How many necromancy researchers should be invited?"

"You don't really want to turn tens of thousands of people into undead creatures, do you?"

Some of these people are still absent-minded, thinking that this crisis can be resolved soon. Some are very cautious and think again and again. Some have already fallen into panic. At this time, the sect also realized why so many rare heroes came. Is this a meeting about star beasts?

No wonder the church has lost so many star beast materials recently. Some people robbed them openly, some stole them secretly, and some intercepted the materials collected by the church!

Now is not the time to tangle with these people for interests. The leaders of the sect saw this situation and smiled bitterly. Now kick the court and discuss the rescue plan with these people. Then gather everyone to discuss the distribution of interests. Otherwise, will there be a conflict with these people?

The fault is that I didn’t receive the billion, Ba Ling Jiuling ⑨

Fili also participated in the meeting, silently clapping her hands in her heart, secretly thinking that it was good for her to go back, otherwise the family could also get a share if they continued to stay here?

"I hope you will brainstorm, participate in the discussion, and save your subordinates." The archbishop of the sect couldn't calm down the situation. Facing such a group of lawless lunatics, all he could do was to represent the sect to declare its position, at least to lead this rescue plan.

But as soon as the voice fell, some people looked at Fili, who was surrounded by three elves, with the familiar Xuanfeng (suspected) standing on her shoulder, and was also the key witch to defeat Bahamut. In an era where personal power is supreme, Fili's voice now has considerable weight.

Regarding the issue of Morian, Fili's initial idea was that if the grass is not cut off at the root, it will grow again in the spring breeze, but now the god Xuanfeng Arius wants to negotiate with the other party to make the artificial god Morian the real goddess of the sect and control the originally ownerless faith. This is indeed a way.

Fili wanted to agree, but she was a human after all, and after a little thought, she gave the answer "Good strategy, but I want to modify it a little", so when she was stared at by various organizations and legendary adventurers, Fili started to talk.

"I know time is tight, but I still have to share some information with you." Fili put her hands on the desk, which was considered high among the witches, and everyone didn't have to look at one head. "This information may be a bit complicated, but it is related to the next rescue."

"I would like to hear more."

Fili took a deep breath and dropped a heavy bomb: "In fact, the culprit of this change is the goddess of the Arian sect, Marian Arianus."

When these words were said, the people on the sect side almost fainted, the archbishop instantly blew his beard and glared, the head of the Knights put his hand on the hilt and prepared to ask for an explanation, and the various organizations around him instantly entered the state of eating melons, with expressions of expectation.

Fili hurriedly pulled Alex over. Alex calmly proved with his identity as a hero: "Well, this... is indeed the case."

The Archbishop asked: "Hero! Why do you hesitate?"

Alex bit his back teeth. He was not hesitant or entangled, but simply unaccustomed to lying: "The cause of this incident was the High Priest of the Inquisition. They awakened the goddess without authorization and prayed and distorted the wishes. The goddess loves the world and wants to achieve an eternal kingdom, so she created the Sky God Realm. People in the God Realm will never be tortured by illness and death."

It seems to make some sense, but not much.

The sect was speechless for a while. They just learned the news and had no time to digest the information.

Why after so many years, the Inquisition found the goddess? They prayed every day, but the goddess was like a traveler dialing a blank number?

Seeing Alex's performance, Fili pushed him away in a hurry, took out a temporarily borrowed church scripture, and silently activated the power of deception to wrap the scene. This power was not aimed at anyone, nor was it harmless. It was just absorbing a kind of cognitive power. This was a new skill Fili had learned.

"Maybe not everyone has read the Arian sect scripture, but I swear in the name of the witch and the long years experienced by Fili the Deceitful that the history recorded by the sect is true. The goddess Morian Arianus has been wandering in the world, silently paying attention to this land. Not long ago, when fighting against the star beast Bahamut, she provided protection for the brave soldiers. I believe everyone has seen it." Fili began to promote the miracles performed by the goddess.

In fact, many things were done by Arianus. In the past, his so-called help to mortals was actually mainly to maintain his own cradle. The results brought positive and positive effects to the surrounding humans, so he was worshipped.

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