After taking care of these people, Feilin wrote back to tell his family that all the missing persons had been found. He then continued to use his deceitful ability to hypnotize these spies, and wrote a reply to the family in their own tone, indicating that the infiltration work had begun.

The family is very satisfied with Film and says the subsidy is already on its way.

However, Feilin no longer has much need for the little money given by his family. It's not that it's too little, but it's just that he can't support so many people. With those subsidies reduced, they, the spies, have to fend for themselves.

Under such conditions, Felin suddenly received a letter from the Holy Kingdom of Arius, which was a request from the intelligence chief there.

The general meaning is that they are too poor to reveal the blame. They probably learned that Felin was doing well in Miriam, so they wanted to ask if they could borrow some.

"Isn't this nonsense? How did he know about me?" Feilin was shocked. He never contacted his colleagues. Of course, he was too troublesome. He didn't expect others to find him first.

But with this letter for help, Felin had other ideas. Relying on his geographical advantage, he had already controlled the intelligence that Miriam sent to the family. Maybe this Arius intelligence officer was not a professional? Can it be controlled with money?

Feilin is different from ordinary intelligence officers. He still has the identity of a young master. Even if he is not taken seriously by the head of the family, which of the following intelligence officers is not sent to the border or exiled? As an intelligence officer, he is naturally one level higher than his peers around him.

Feilin immediately wrote a letter to the intelligence officer, saying that there was no problem in supporting him, but the other party also had to mean it. What did he mean? Felin gave a general explanation of what happened to Karan, and brought up information about the witch Pandora, deliberately revealing that Hecate would also investigate the matter.

After sending the letter, Feilin began to wait quietly for a response.

After working late into the night, Felin stretched and got up to move her body. Before she could relax and rest, she felt Scathach's breath and walked out of the room again.

"Come back?" Felin hurriedly ran over, letting go of his maximum perception field to find the source of the trouble, but found nothing. When he woke up Scathach, Scathach was still confused.

Scathach shook: "I, am I sleepwalking again?"

Feilin sighed: "It's over. You will be stupid for ten years now. Did you have any dreams again today?"

Scathach's response was a beat slow: "It's just... um... it seems like she dreamed of a figure. She said that the time has come."

Feilin felt unhappy for a while: "What the hell, they've come to us as poachers. They can only do such sneaky things. No matter who they are, if they really dare to come, watch me kill them all."

The troubles have been coming one after another these days, and the solution will either cost one life or multiple lives, which is really annoying.

Chapter 116 Feili’s Song

The songs in this world have magical power. Among them, the most commonly used healing songs, as long as they have magical power and can pronounce the syllables correctly, they can bring healing effects to people around them, cure diseases, and restore wounds.

Today Feili is going to test the chant of the elves and get the power of the three elves. After getting familiar with it, her combat power will be greatly improved.

Earlier, the melody of Feili's audition in front of the piano echoed in the hotel, and also attracted some people on the street to stop. Today, she is not wearing ordinary witch clothes as usual, but has been modified from Tailor Fox, and is specially designed for witches. The witch's dress prepared for music is quite gorgeous in the rococo style of the previous life, close to formal wear, but also has the playfulness of a witch. The white shirt and black shawl look relaxed and comfortable.

Gradually hearing the song of the elves, people in the hotel were attracted one by one. Even Carol, who was busy with the alchemy experiment, came to join in the fun.

Charlotte and Nishinohana both have their own understanding of music. The former likes light melodies, the latter likes to cook and sing alone late at night, and likes the unique witch serenade.

Carol saw that the witches were chatting happily, and joined the conversation very skillfully, and then came to the conclusion: "The chant of the elves, actually it is not the most powerful song."


Fortunately for Feili, she had seen similar statements in family documents, but Nishinohana and Charlotte felt confused.

"Is there any stronger sound than the song of the elves?"

"Dragon roar?"

The two people's questions raised Carol's vanity. She crossed her arms and announced loudly: "Of course it was the 'Swan Song Power' invented by me, a genius alchemist!, I said that the song that destroys the world exists. , the chants of the elves cannot satisfy me at all, only the swan song is the strongest song!”

My aunt beats people by singing? Feili thought for a while that the picture was too beautiful and decided to give up thinking.

The snow girl Aislin closed her eyes during the music. The melodious music made her relive the romantic memories of that year and the feeling of meeting her lover on the street.

"No matter what kind of music it is, whether it has power or not, isn't the original purpose of music to make people feel fun?" Aislin said softly, "Whether it is happiness or sadness, the performer expresses his emotions to the audience. , the audience is integrated into it. The music can be noble art in the theater, or it can be a folk ballad in a tavern where people hold hands and dance in circles. Music is music, and the power of discussion is somewhat..."

Aislin was a little embarrassed when she said this. Everyone except Scathach was the big boss here. Seeing everyone's attention, she was already suffering from social phobia, and now she didn't dare to speak.

Feili gently played a melody: "Miss Aislin is right, music is music, just incorporate the emotions of the performer and make it sound good. But on this basis, I want more people to realize the value of music good."

Carol squeezed her palms: "The gramophone is already being made, and it needs to be matched with records. In the end, it has to be produced by ordinary people. I have to think more about how to design it."

Charlotte got up and went to the kitchen: "Well, Philly, go ahead. I'll get some cakes."

Philly returned her attention to the piano, and Carol, who loved to talk the most, also quieted down at this time, with admiration in her eyes that couldn't be hidden.

Flowers bloom with different appreciation, and flowers fall with different sadness. In the eyes of everyone present, Feili is a different blooming flower. It has been a long time, and this is the first time that I can enjoy music quietly like this.

Charlotte also secretly released a familiar and left quickly.

Feili put her hands on the keys and thought slowly. The experiences in her previous life made her think wildly. The experiences in this life made her breathless. It is actually very difficult to get the happiness that belongs to a musician while playing. She was silent for a moment, recalling The classic melodies of the masters still start with the classic canon.

Canon is a distinctive playing method. The characteristic is that the melody of one part chases another part from beginning to end, until the last measure, when the last chords merge together, it brings a release and sacred artistic conception.

Feili lived a very tired life and experienced unimaginable tragedies in her previous life. She once closed her heart and only loved herself. After briefly recalling her previous playing experience and the classic Canon variations in her previous life, she began to press the keys.

Pressing her fingertips lightly, a soothing and melodious melody began to echo continuously. Feili would only integrate her current feelings into the score. It was her yearning for a free and beautiful life after everything was over, and it was unique to her. Melody, fingers dancing on the keys, body swaying gently to the melody.

"Sounds good..." Scathach put his hands on his chest with a look of longing.

Everyone's feelings are different. Scathach naturally thought of the first meeting with Feili, like a beam of light that suddenly appeared in life, like the breeze blowing across his face in spring, like the shining sun. Clear stream water, beautiful and clear.

Carol clapped her hands silently, keeping up with Philly's rhythm, swaying her body, her usually noisy state slowly calmed down, enjoying the beautiful and clear music, and placing herself in a bright and warm early summer afternoon.

Looking at Feili like this, Charlotte felt relaxed when she heard the unique melody of Canon, and the speed of eating candy also slowed down a lot. She quietly leaned into Nishinohana's ear: "It sounds very nice, much better than Irene. "Irene has made no progress at all after learning the piano. Compared to the symphony music she admires, I prefer Feili's pure and beautiful melodies. And don't you think Feli's concentration when playing the piano is beautiful?"

Nishinohana clasped her hands together and agreed in a low voice: "It's beautiful. Most of us witches are too petite and immature, but Feili is very big. I don't know how old she is, but she is like a sister when she is with us. Now The music is also full of tolerance.”

The beautiful melody washed away the fatigue in everyone's hearts. Feili let go of her magic when the piano sound gradually reached its climax. The rising melody gradually turned into a soft sound at the end, just like the rising and falling water after catching up with the sea.

A song is not long, only four or five minutes. Even after it ends, the whole hall is still silent.

Thump thump thump - the sound of hurried footsteps sounded from outside the house.

Irene came over in a hurry, grabbed the door frame, and shouted loudly: "I heard the last part! Damn it, why don't you call me for this kind of thing?"

Charlotte took out the chocolate from her pocket: "What you said is wrong, I obviously called you."

Erin went crazy: "Why didn't you tell me in advance? How many songs are you playing now?"

Charlotte said deliberately: "It's been all morning."

Erin made a ahhhh prairie dog sound.

Feili hurriedly stopped the farce: "Quiet, I just played a song. Actually, I was thinking about how to get more power from the singing."

Carol jumped out immediately: "Swan song..."

Feili held her forehead: "It sounds pretty handsome. It's really as powerful as you said. So what's the price?"

Carol crossed her arms: "Don't be shocked when you say it. This is exchanged for alchemical equivalents. The price of the swan song is either death, or burning memory to exert great power. Otherwise, why is it called swan song?"

Feili immediately smiled and clapped her hands: "Okay, shut up, you are not allowed to speak today."

Erin panted and found a seat to sit down: "So, what are you studying?"

Philly drank a cup of tea, did a little soundcheck, and then sang the psalm.

The wind of healing slowly came, and everyone saw a burst of light green magic swirling in the hall. The lyrics sung by Feili could not be analyzed, but they gave people a divine and natural beauty. With the prelude of the song, Feili played a new melody. .

The singing of the chants is blessed with melody, causing the magical halo in the room to gradually shine, and even forming a physical circulation of air. The singing is clear and beautiful, and the sound of the piano is soothing and gentle, resonating together.

The melody of the wind is ethereal and silent.

The next second, Feili changed the chant, and the keys under her fingers also changed the melody. The music entered a cold and lonely atmosphere, and a chill penetrated the soul. The hall was filled with water mist, and the water mist turned into crystal snowflakes. .

Aislin raised her hand, her heart full of joy. The Snow Girl preferred this kind of environment. On the other hand, Scathach shivered instantly. However, Irene soon noticed the youngest child and immediately snapped her fingers, placing a glowing ruby ​​in Scathach's hand. Scathach immediately felt warm all over.

Then Fili continued to change the rhythm. The melody was low and powerful, releasing from the cold. The low pressure disappeared in the hall. Winter passed and spring came. The earth revived. The power of the elves dispelled the cold and brought vitality to life, making the potted plants in the hall raise their heads and full of vitality.

It took only six minutes in total. At the end of the song, Fili let out a breath and smiled at everyone.

"Well, this is the hymn after the magic power is integrated." Fili played and chanted at the same time, with the highest concentration and extraordinary influence. In fact, in addition to the hall, this magic power has spread outside the house, and the magic world of the whole city has felt it.

Everyone applauded softly, and Irene was generous with her praise: "It's a beautiful solo. Your performance is very different from traditional piano music."

Fili didn't know much about this: "Why?"

Irene said: "After the piano was invented, musicians used it to match the symphony to create a magnificent and majestic feeling. They were not the protagonists of every performance. Now many musicians are bound by the form of the theater, and solos are rare. The nobles think that a single instrument lacks nobility."

Fili's face was dark. If this was said in the previous life, she would probably be criticized to death: "There are few solos?"

Irene said as a matter of course: "There have been outstanding musicians, and their solos are also wonderful, but they only lasted for decades and were short-lived. Maybe people think, The soloists are not musicians, they are just some bards or dancers who sing on the street. Besides, talented musicians spend most of their lives practicing the piano and have no time to study magic. The elves who can chant don't have time to learn multiple instruments. Maybe playing the harp is okay. Forgive me for being blunt, although the harp is excellent, its range and timbre are not as good as the piano. "

Charlotte tore off the candy coating and shared it with the people around her first. While distributing the candy, she said: "Erin is a supporter of the piano. She has always wanted to hold her own concert, but she is worried that no one will come to see it."

Fili doesn't quite understand the development history of the piano and music art here. Based on her memory, the environment of those musicians in the previous life was not so miserable. The music art here seems to be monopolized by a certain class.

Recalling the banquets held by the family, it seems that the trombone, violin and cello are all played together.

Fili took a short break and was brewing a new song in her mind: "Well, the piano cannot be said to be perfect. The timbres of different instruments support and complement each other, and the symphony naturally has its charm."

Erin held her chest, although she didn't, but she had to make movements to show it: "Fili is different. Now the temperament of this peerless beauty is too suitable for people to be intoxicated. It completely gets rid of the limitations of existing piano music and creates a melody that belongs to you. What is its name?"

"Canon." Fili was a little embarrassed and didn't want to admit that this was her own thing, but for future plans, this reputation needed to be taken by someone.

Irene smiled brightly and joyfully: "The piano has a wide range of sounds. You just played from wind to water to the earth, and the intensity almost covers every field. The power of the notes is in sharp contrast, and the syllables are clear and bright. I think piano music can cover any form of performance, from happy romance to sadness and hardship, from the style of the Holy Church to the majestic epic. Fili, try again, try to recall your memory of dealing with the star beast Bahamut, remember it first and then play the melody, and compose that experience in the form of music."

Carol stood up at this time: "Wait a minute, you are interfering too much with Fili's performance. The current situation is that we just listen to what Fili wants to play, instead of you guiding Fili to play the melody you want."

Irene put one hand on her waist: "You just heard Fili's hymn, and the hymn of the elves is just a reappearance of miracles. Fili has clearly shown such a talent. Isn't it the right choice to let her create her own hymn?"

Carol disagreed with this view: "Even so, the creation is not required by others, but based on Fili's own heart. The most important thing is to use Fili's domain, it's not a good thing to let her transition into her own feelings. "

Erin frowned slightly: "What did you say?"

Carol crossed her arms: "Don't you think Fili is full of charm now? Her talent is also related to this charm. Once she lets go of her emotions and lets you integrate into the emotions of the syllables, you will also be infected by that emotion."

Charlotte licked the candy silently: "Isn't this what we heard?"

Carol held her forehead: "Hey, indeed, it seems that you won't understand if you don't experience it yourself."

After speaking, Carol looked at Fili: "Um, can I make a request?" Fili was slightly embarrassed by their argument, so she nodded gently: "Please go ahead, we are just doing research today anyway." Carol said seriously: "Can you please play a song full of sad emotions? Also incorporate hymns, let everyone feel your power." Fili put both hands on the keys, closed her eyes and meditated, recalling which song to play. Famous songs briefly appeared in her ears, and were rejected again. Finally, she made a decision and started playing "Pavane in Memory of the Princess".

She didn't choose Beethoven or Debussy. Compared with emotions such as parting and sadness, Feili's heart was more filled with nostalgia for the deceased.

The voices, smiles, and family happiness of my parents in the previous life have been forever separated and can never be repaired or made up for. The regret, grief, hatred, and regret of not being able to meet my loved ones in this life have always been accumulated in my heart. To bear these pressures, I have to hide them and wear hypocrisy and smiles. mask.

Carol asked Philly to imagine sadness, but what came out of Philly's heart were negative emotions. These emotions were sung along with the music and chants, and the painful magic was channeled out and burst out suddenly, without even a brewing process.

A low and dark melody was played slowly, and the listeners trembled instantly. They subconsciously made a defensive posture and opened the barrier. The chant of the elves just played turned into extremely strong negative magic, eroding the space.

"Stop!" Carol rushed over and took Fei Li's hand.

"..." Feili was silent for a moment.

"You." Carol wanted to blame something, but seeing Fei Li's eyes, she felt a little familiar, but she couldn't remember it, so she could only comfort Fei Li first, "You're really not good at controlling your talents. "

Feili scratched her head: "Sorry, after integrating my emotions, chants, music and my own talent, when the three powers were combined, I just subconsciously played the melody."

Carol patted Fei Li on the shoulder: "That's it for research. As compensation, play some nice music for us today and relax."

After that, no one dared to teach Philly to play the piano anymore. Next, in addition to Philly playing, Carol and Irene also took turns to come up with their own unique skills. During the period, the three of them took turns to play together, huddled together. It's fun.

Nishinohana and Charlotte both expressed that they had tasted it. This was the life of a witch.

Chapter 117 Morrigan’s Melancholy

In the Holy Kingdom of Arius, the battle for the star beasts has not yet come to an end. After the Sky City incident, everyone can have a good talk, but it is limited to just talk. When people see the Arius goddess Morrigan personally come down to calm things down. , my heart went cold.

In the end, those who have the right to share the interests of the star beasts are only the organizations that have made contributions in the crusade, such as the cat people of the Elu tribe. They rescued the wounded from the war zone regardless of the risk of their lives, and saved the lives of a large number of clergy and organization personnel. They sit on Come down and share the benefits and get unanimous approval.

As for other organizations, the sects that have meritorious service will naturally not forget their kindness and are willing to sit down and talk. For those who are just here to cause trouble, the Church Knights vow to hold them accountable.

Now that two more brave men have been dispatched, and the true goddess is still there, the storm has finally subsided.

Why don't you lead Yiba and lead Jiuling⑨

"It's another pile of government documents. When there is a goddess, don't you read it yourself? I have only come once in these thousands of years, and you want to catch me as a donkey of the production team?" Jasmine sat in the great church, holding the Holding a stack of documents, his tone gradually became violent.

Morrigan discovered that human beings are very strange beings who gradually lose their opinions. When an authority is present, most people will rely on the authority to come up with a plan in order to reduce their own responsibilities. They just need to implement it seriously. In this way, if the results of the execution of the task are wrong, the authority will also take some blame. If the execution is correct, they can get some political achievements.

The pope of Arius was not so snobbish. He simply felt that everything in the church should belong to the goddess, so he left all matters big and small to the goddess.

Morrigan leaned back in her chair, supported her body with her wings, and asked in a voice that was neither respectful nor authoritative: "Your Majesty Pope Gregus, I will deal with these matters later. It will be noon soon, in the Great Cathedral. Is there anything to eat?”

Pope Gregus' heart skipped a beat. Your goddess now uses the honorific to emphasize your name. This is not a good omen. The nearly eighty-year-old man was full of energy and health: "We have never set up a separate place for the goddess before." If you want to be more free, you can go to the Knights’ cafeteria, or..."

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