"Now, Serena, cut into the only concave area under its neck!"

Selena rushed out from her hiding place like a hunting cheetah, raised her shield to block the claws of the poisonous dragon, and then sent the sword in her right hand into the weak point of the poisonous dragon.

The blow was fatal, and the poisonous dragon's strength suddenly weakened and began to struggle.

"Retreat, wait for bleeding, it won't live long..." Fili's tone was a little hesitant.

The poisonous dragon is the most harmful creature to nature and humans, and must be eradicated.

The two stood in a safe place, quietly watching the poisonous dragon struggle, and finally fell to the ground.

Then a creepy scene happened. They heard a strange sound coming from the poisonous dragon's body, as if the bones were broken. The poisonous dragon's body began to shrink, and finally turned into a monster with half dragon and half human girl.


This was her last voice in the world.

Crack, crack, Fili heard the sound of something breaking.

Now going to check, Fili found the dragon stone in front of the girl's chest. Unfortunately, she did not get rid of the cursed power like Scathach, and was killed in the dragon form.

Selena grabbed the girl's hand: "I'm sorry, girl, I let you lose your life innocently, but I must protect my own people. The pain you have suffered will be settled one day. May your soul rest in peace."

Fili looked at Serena more. It would be great if she could inherit the territory, but there was still business to do. She had to collect the girl's blood and the fragments of the dragon stone: "This is probably a special technology that forcibly gives ordinary people dragon stones and transforms them into monsters. I met a girl who turned into a rock dragon before. She was lucky and restored her human form. The reason is unknown, but this kind of dragon beast that appears everywhere is like an experiment."

Fili looked around. The faint traces of magic she sensed before were not poisonous dragons, but other people, but she was not worried about peeping, because the power of deception is invisible in the perception domain of others.

Serena put away her sword and shield: "I heard that this country invited many witches to develop weapons to strengthen its national strength."

Fili blurted out: "Biological weapons are a dead end. Uh, I mean, forget it..."

She became more and more curious about what the witches in this country were doing. They were hiding and looming, and now there are suspicious monster experiments.

By the way, this can be a family letter again.

Chapter 013 The temptation and invitation of the witch

The disaster of the poisonous dragon ended safely, but on the nearby hillside, there was a small tombstone in the beautiful place.

Serena would express her sadness appropriately, which was a grudge for strangers. In her worldview, there are more tragedies happening, and she is too busy to handle them one by one. However, the tragedy happening in front of her made her want to investigate.

Fili is very good at observing people's expressions, which is a skill forced out by the people of the Xie tribe: "I advise you not to get involved easily. I will investigate the matter of people turning into dragons."

Selena stroked the tombstone: "Such a child should have a happy childhood, but became a victim, leaving only a pile of yellow soil. Of course, I will remember your warning. Can you accept my invitation and hold a banquet at my home, and then talk about the water source problem."

Fili flicked her hair: "It's a trivial matter."

Selena suddenly asked: "Miss Fili, are you born a noble?"

Fili's expression did not change: "Yes, I accidentally became a witch. So many years have passed, and my family has long since declined. Only I am still here."

Imitate the tone of the witch immortal species to describe the past.

Fili didn't expect Serena to be so sensitive. Some of her aristocratic habits are almost impossible to change. They are engraved in her bones.

For example, when walking, keep the books on her head from falling, and dance to ensure that the wrist bells do not make sounds.

"I've told you to sweep the floor with the right amplitude, and the bell on your wrist shouldn't make any sound." The deceitful clone Filin is teaching Scathach how to do housework, but his reaction is slightly delayed.

Scathach is a little surprised by Filin's slowness, but she was already dissatisfied with him, so she just threw the broom away: "If you can do it, do it!"

Filin sighed and shook his head, took the bell from Scathach, put it on, and started to perform.

Elegant and timeless, Filin not only took a book and put it on his head, but also performed sweeping, mopping, wiping the table, and wiping the windows himself, without the book falling and the bell ringing, which made Scathach doubt her life.

Scathach's mentality collapsed. She was actually outdone by a man: "How did you do that?"

"You have to know that Fili doesn't even make the bells sound when dancing tango. They only make sounds as accompaniment at the climax. That's a height that I can't reach." Filin deliberately boasted about the witch's strength, "I'm going downstairs to cook. You can practice slowly by yourself... Well, it's too difficult to let you practice like this. Let me arrange a practice for you."

There are two so-called exercises, which are prepared for Scathach's inability to control her strange power. One is to let Scathach thread the needle and then slowly sew a cross on the rag. The other is to pack a bag of beans and let Scathach pat it. You have to pat it to make a sound, and you can't pat the beans. Both exercises must be done slowly, and make sure that the bracelet bells don't ring.

This is the etiquette of the nobility!

Next, Filin runs the hotel normally, cooks for customers, and serves tea and water. His hotel business gradually gets better, but there are also shortcomings. Although the food is unique and delicious, the wine is not good. I have to find a good supplier when I have money.

Wait for money?

At night, Feilin picked up a pen and wrote a letter to the family.

"Recently, I have made a major breakthrough in my work. After bribing the witch with a large sum of money, I finally got important information. This information is very important. I hope the family can pay attention to it. Miriam is developing a special biological weapon that turns people into dragon beasts. The specific witch who is in charge of the research is still under further investigation. Please wait. There is another very important thing. Since Team Leader Ma Wen is not good at running the hotel, it costs a lot to support a witch and bribe other witches. Now I urgently need to apply for a sum of funds. I hope to be approved."

Then write the second letter, this time with a different tone.

"Hello, Morgana family. I am Scathach, the Dragon Witch. I am very grateful for your care. Generally speaking, I hate writing letters, but Lord Filin strongly requested that I explain the biological weapon developed by Miriam. It is a kind of artificial dragon stone. At present, it can only turn people into rock dragons and poison dragons. After turning into dragon beasts, some human nature will remain. As time goes by, human nature will be suppressed by animal nature. When they die, they will return to human body. Well, that's it. I still need to continue to investigate the details. I will be responsible for such an evil plan. After all, I am a witch."

Filin decided to send the two letters one after another. In order to ensure the authenticity, the address of Ma Wen was fabricated last time as the place where Filin sent the letters, and the hotel was the place where "Scathach, the Dragon Witch" sent the letters.

After writing the letters, Filin locked them in the drawer first. The slow clone had delays in daily life.

But at this moment, the window of the study opened without wind, and a bright light shone outside.

Philin realized that this might be some kind of magic, so he went to close the window. When he came back, he found that a petite girl was already sitting in his seat.

This was a real witch. She took Philin's pen with a playful tone and wrote something on the paper: "Filin Morgana, the descendant of that magic family?"

Philin raised his hands in surrender. The fake clone could at most make the other party think he was a real person, but if they had to fight, the clone would be vulnerable. If it was fatally injured, it would bleed and fall to the ground. If the other party did not leave, his body would slowly disappear.

Feilin answered carefully: "Yes, it's me."

The witch introduced herself: "I am the Brilliant Witch Irene. Where is the witch here? I want to see her."

Feilin told the truth: "She accepted the invitation of the knights and helped them to defeat dragon beasts and find water sources. She won't be back in a short time."

The Brilliant Witch Irene seemed a little unhappy, but did not get angry: "Oh, I think so. It seems that I have a lot to talk with her. Be sure to tell her not to break the appointment. Otherwise, you don't want to see the two witches use this hotel as a battlefield, right?"

In fact, it's what I want.

As long as Feilin comes back, Feilin is very confident in fighting against people with deception. When the two witches fight, it will completely confirm the identity of Feili the witch.

As for the hotel? Didn't we just apply for funds? At worst, we can say that we have received help from the witches again and apply again to repair the hotel.

The family is rich anyway!

Feilin bowed slightly: "I will tell Miss Feili everything."

The brilliant witch Irene smiled: "By the way, I warn you."

She took out a gem in her hand, which suddenly shone with a strange light: "Although the mouse is a mouse, I am not the cat you imagine."

As soon as the voice fell, the magic of the gem enveloped Feilin's body, turning him into a tabby cat and falling to the ground.

The body of the brilliant witch slowly faded, the window was opened again, and she floated away with the voice: "Let me see how good the new witch is."

Feilin shouted in his heart, witches are willful and vengeful, this is famous.

However, the witch's vengeance is not to the extent that she will kill you with just one glance. Many times it is like this, because of a word to play a prank.

Well, it doesn't matter if the false clone becomes a cat, you can only wait for the real body to come back.

After all, this is a question of removing the clone and then summoning it.

Feilin tried to jump onto the table to check what Irene wrote.

"Witch's Night Banquet: Please come to the cabin in the forest on the night of the full moon. The witches will gather together. If you don't know the way, you can look for the place where butterflies are flying."

Filin's cat pupils shrank slightly. After so long, he finally waited!

At the same time, this test also exposed a problem. The dazzling witch really didn't find the special features of the false clone. I wonder what other witches will do?

Chapter 14 Witch's Dance

After solving the poisonous dragon and confirming Serena's territory repeatedly, everyone was happy.

Knight Princess Serena, born in the Deset family, is a serious military nobleman and a nouveau riche ridiculed by orthodox nobles.

It's just that the territory is far away and she won't play with the central nobles. She herself has become a knight and has not entered the social circle, which is enough to show the attitude of their family.

The only regret is that even with such an enlightened father, he still follows the eldest son inheritance system instead of inheriting by strength.

Fili accepted Serena's invitation and attended the banquet held by their family. At this barbecue banquet, she met her brother. It's hard to describe him in words.

Like Serena, he inherited the excellent bloodline of his parents, but he has gained weight. He is also a playboy. His arm muscles may not be as good as Serena's.

Fili has reason to suspect that Serena, no, Serena's father, probably has eight abdominal muscles, while this eldest son is probably eight piles of fat.

Although Fili is confident that this clone... er, substitute? In short, Fili's clone is perfect, but being stared at by a group of people with greedy eyes is still very uncomfortable.

The eldest son's eyes have been straight since he saw Fili.

Serena couldn't help but remind him: "Brother, please pay attention to your manners."

The eldest son agreed: "I know, I know, the witch is really beautiful."

In his eyes, what is Fili like? Ice skin hides jade bones, the collar of the shirt reveals the chest, willow eyebrows are full of green eyebrows, and almond eyes are shining with silver stars.

In fact, Fili is dressed very tightly, and she has breasts but never exposed.

Due to the lack of water in their territory during this period, the food is mainly barbecue. Even so, there will be a dance at the end of the banquet.

Although they are not interested in participating in the social circle, there are other small nobles in their territory, and the dance is a part of socializing.

It is not necessary to dance. The so-called dance here is closer to the part of the nobles communicating about things.

The noble ladies will bring their own beautiful maids with them. Don't get me wrong, it's not to give the maids a chance, but to let them stand by the wall as a background, unless there is another blind knight who invites them.

Most of the time, the noble ladies will only look for the object of their affection, but they know today that they are no different from the maids.

This time there is a witch, and she is an extremely gentle, beautiful and generous witch.

It has been mentioned before that the etiquette training method of the Morgana family is to hold your head high and chest high, and not to drop the book, and the magic butterfly dances without ringing the bell. You can refer to how the puppet cat eats fish in small bites when eating barbecue with such manners.

Fili is undoubtedly the focus of this dance, and she must tirelessly refuse invitations from various strangers.

Because she is a witch, she doesn't have to worry about being hated. Besides, she can leave after solving the water problem and never see each other again.

The failed men are just discouraged, but there is one person who is different, that is Serena's brother.

Others would think it was normal for a witch to reject their invitation to dance, but this brother thought that he was the eldest son of the Viscount family and the future Viscount, so why should he be rejected?

Don't think he is stupid, it is normal for spoiled people to think like this, especially those who have stayed in a small place all their lives, and feel that the world is so big and revolves around them.

Fili has seen the expression of this eldest son by observing his words and expressions. She doesn't care about a guy who doesn't hide his inner emotions at all.

Serena, on the other hand, suddenly wanted to help Fili out. Thinking about it, she was raised as a boy. This occasion is different from the big ladies wearing skirts. She is wearing a formal knight dress, which is also suitable for inviting Fili.

As the saying goes, a smile is better than a star. After drinking the red wine, Fili happened to meet Serena's eyes and blinked.

Social etiquette is a very complex sociology. It will be compulsory to educate in the family. With their status, they must interact with the organizer anyway, which can deepen communication and will not appear rude.

So, Serena took action. She herself was a little surprised. Why did she feel a little throbbing? Although she had this intention, she came to Fili without anyone noticing. When she came to her senses, she had already bowed and held Fili's hand.

Unlike wearing armor, this time it was a real feeling. Her hands were like soft catkins and her skin was like condensed fat. It was soft and cool but not cold.

The witch was so beautiful. Serena felt inferior to her, but she also awakened the male's competitive spirit in her heart and took the initiative to stand in the man's position.

The two held hands, looked at each other, stepped into the dance floor, and danced to the melodious music.

They both had martial arts skills. If it was a dance, they were more like sword dances. If it was a sword dance, their dance steps were very considerate of each other, gentle and beautiful.

Especially when turning in circles, Fili naturally followed Serena's rhythm, and Serena was also cautious, as if holding a fragile work of art.

At this time, it was impossible for someone to say that he was not jealous. The eldest son over there almost crushed the wine glass.

Fortunately, not all of them are fools. The man behind the eldest son, who was chatting with other nobles, saw all this and frowned deeply.

Optimus Prime. Desert, a middle-aged man with scars on his face and neck, was a strong man who had made great military achievements. He had always been troubled by this eldest son. He wanted to train him into a talent. Now that the territory was "full of vitality and everything was competing", he still played all day long and kicked the widow's door at night with clear water as bait, which really pissed Optimus Prime off.

Originally, Optimus Prime, who had fought for his title and family business with his own strength, believed that if he gave birth to a child with his bloodline, his future would be bright and he would make the family bigger and stronger and create new glory.

But now he found that his judgment seemed to be wrong. The eldest son was never attentive to training, but the eldest daughter was serious and strong, so Optimus Prime had to comfort himself that his judgment was at least half correct.

Even so, he still wanted the eldest son to inherit. This was a rule. As for Serena, she was probably not allowed to marry outside the family. She had to serve as a sword and shield for the eldest son all her life.

This was the traditional idea of ​​the nobles of this era.

In view of the fact that the eldest son's performance was really a grudge, in order to avoid causing more trouble, Optimus walked over immediately after appreciating the dance of Serena and Fili.

He was not an old cow eating young grass, but the banquet was simply coming to an end.

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