Next came the third sister. As far as Feilin knew, the third sister didn't even look at Feilin. She seemed to be immersed in her own world. She had a sick smile on her face. It seemed that the earl was in a good mood today and even praised her.

The eldest sister said: "Felin, are you okay in Miriam?"

Feilin bowed slightly: "I'm worrying you, Sister Celia, I'm better at taking care of myself."

Sister Celia walked past Feilin with a smile: "That's good. If you encounter difficulties that cannot be solved, I can help you."

Feilin remained respectful on the surface: "Thank you very much. If I really encounter difficulties that cannot be solved, I will ask you for help."

The eldest sister Celia plays the role of a good old lady in the blood relationship, vaguely competing with Olufa. Behind the two of them are the supporters of the eldest lady and the second lady. Many of the younger brothers and sisters are protected by Celia. However, most of the children who have the ability to rise to the top have their own ideas, while those who are unable to rise to the top have no choice but to be protected.

Celia walked past Felin and whispered: "I heard that the star beast coming from the Holy Kingdom of Arius is called Bahamut, but the sample you brought back is not the same as the legendary power."

Feiling paused: "The myths and legends of small countries are always exaggerated, not to mention that this is a star beast that has been suppressed long ago and is very weak."

Celia didn't believe it: "Oh~ I don't think so. I heard that the power Bahamut showed when he arrived was extremely powerful."

Although in the Stellar Empire, star beasts can no longer make waves, in small countries that lack divine beings, the time for star beasts to wreak havoc often starts in units of months, and they are usually attacked jointly only after causing huge disasters. .

Feilin was pragmatic: "It's just a rumor. As a matter of fact, it only lasted for half a month, so it can't be said to be powerful. By the way, I have to go see my father. I can't wait too long."

Celia smiled softly: "Don't worry, you are now a meritorious official. By the way, do you like illusion props? I got an interesting treasure, and I want you to help me identify it. Come to me tomorrow afternoon Let’s go to the mansion.”

From what Feilin knew, Celia had always been actively wooing them brothers and sisters, and attached great importance to blood relatives above the Transcendent.

Soon, Felin walked through the corridors and entered the count's study.

The count, who was sitting by the fireplace, closed a magic book: "You did a lot of interesting things in Miriam, Felin. I'm a little interested in your plan to infiltrate the witch. Not many intelligence officers have been sent there in recent years. Ideal, you broke the ice there."

Feilin stood at the door and slowly closed the door without taking another step closer. He slowly stroked his chest and saluted: "Fortunately, I did not disgrace my mission. By analyzing and investigating the witch's hobbies and weaknesses, and using false inducement and deception, I was able to bribe her. Some witches, but I can’t get close to a witch stronger than me.”

The count stood up and put the book in his hand back on the bookshelf, and then looked at Felin: "You have met Hecate."

Feilin said, "Yes, after I took over the hotel, I changed my business strategy and focused on hosting witches. I built it into a restaurant that suits the witches' preferences. By coincidence, Hecate has received other witches in the hotel."

The earl's tone did not fluctuate, and his expression did not change in particular, as if everything was taken for granted: "I will give you two tasks next."

Feilin lowered his head: "Please give me your instructions."

The count opened the drawer and took out two letters: "The first task is to give this letter to Hecate."

Feilin replied: "Yes, it's not difficult."

"The second mission is to go to Kalan to find Pandora and give her another letter."

Chapter 138 Felin: I don’t understand

Feilin didn't gain much from returning home this time. The only gain was to put the countdown on his schedule. He had to be kind and filial to Count Chen within a short period of time, so as not to renew his bad relationship.

After collecting the two letters, Feilin left slowly. When he walked out of the mansion, he was already sweating.

After Feilin returned home, Ernier was still there, so he told his little sister what he thought at that time. Before expressing that the count was unconscious, he also wanted to explain what Pandora had done in Kalan.

"I feel like he's crazy."

After listening to these stories, Ernier also had a solemn look on his face. The two quickly analyzed Earl Tran's psychological motivations. The final conclusion was that Old Biden was too idle to go crazy and couldn't hold it in anymore. He may have been born in a noble family and had a weak sense of belonging to the family since he was a child. , so that he regards the entire family as a natural tool. As for the responsibilities, obligations and honors of the nobility, he does not care.

Feilin shook his head: "I don't understand."

Ernier has always been dissatisfied with the curse on his body: "Maybe he wants to use everyone as a stepping stone to find some way to achieve himself. Speaking of which, it has been a long time since I saw this old guy learn magic. Think about it carefully. He has been breeding and disappearing for years, and he can’t figure out his own thoughts.”

Generally, the patriarch of a family is either for money or wealth. Many people are thinking about how to lead the family to become bigger and stronger, but Earl Tran is different. He is trying to fight the Black Witch who is trying to destroy the world. This is at least... Jiuzu Xiaoxiaole started.

Feilin sat on the sofa, lowered his head and thought: "Yeah, what does the Count want? From what little I know about him, he is powerful and ambitious, but in reality he is as stable as an old dog. The family's contribution to the empire has been positive and stable in recent decades. Apart from countering rebellions, it rarely participates in political struggles and has a positive influence in the magical world in the name of the Earl. Is he really willing to do this? "

Enil raised his finger: "Pursue eternal life?"

Feilin shook his head slightly: "It's too early. He is a very young godly person. Even a human godlike person still has more than a thousand years to live. Now he has no sense of urgency to be chased by time."

Enil raised a second finger: "Pursuing power?"

Feilin was not sure: "Talk about his level, he may indeed want to pursue power, but there is no need to have anything to do with Pandora..."

Enil raised his third finger: "Pursuing the truth?"

Feilin gently held his forehead: "Then he should be a research maniac, not to mention looking for Pandora."

Enil put away his finger and pointed at Feilin: "Testing you?"

Feilin laughed: "Even if he realizes that I am a hero, he will not take me seriously. There are many heroes among my brothers and sisters. Who can threaten him? To him, we are all expendable and can be destroyed at the fingertips." Taste."

Enil quietly came to Feilin's side, grabbed Feilin's hand, and held it with his fingers. Feilin felt something was wrong, but Enil had already sat on his lap and brought his face very close.

"Listen, brother, since you feel a sense of crisis, then we should formally form a vow." Ernier's lips came to Felin's neck, and there was a faint itching sensation from his breath while speaking, "Interpersonal relationships The most interesting and fragile thing is these verbal contracts. If we really trust each other, there should be no need to restrain each other. So, my dear brother, what will our relationship be like in the end? "

Feilin carefully held Ernier's hand and resisted the temptation: "Because you don't know whether we trust each other, that's why you uneasily added conditions and even chose such a ridiculous way to contact us?"

Ernier was noncommittal: "Excluding uneasiness and fear, I also want to be with you."

Feilin was very puzzled, and at the same time made his position clear: "We are half-blood relatives."

Ernier gave a wry smile: "I don't have such a feeling. When I first met you, you shed tears but didn't cry. Later, you were only told by the servant that you were my brother. There is no need for you to pretend. Acting like a brother and performing duties that don’t exist, I just want to..."

Feilin gently pushed Enil away and grabbed her arms: "Enil, at least you still call me brother, and I recognize you as my sister. I cherish our family relationship very much."

Ernier broke away his hands, held his arms and turned his face, not worrying about the problem: "I'm off topic. Fundamentally, it's also my fault. After all, it's me who has been seducing you. Let's get down to business. Let's go after dinner. Meet the second sister."

Feilin immediately looked at the pendulum clock, planned the time, and nodded slowly.

It is very dangerous to stay in the family with my current physique. I have to forcefully use deceitful power at night, but if I think about it carefully, it is no different than usual. It is just a matter of power. After all, as long as he stayed in the family, Feilin had to use deception to cover up his true self.

The family territory named after Dark is brightly lit at night. In this land with advanced magic technology, it is a city that never sleeps every night.

Feeling the connection with the secret letter in his pocket, Feilin looked out through the window. In a trance, he saw meteors falling from the sky, the earth shattering, and the city falling into a sea of ​​fire. It would be too bad if this were the case.

Why contact Pandora? Or what exactly is in the letter? You have to find a completely safe place to check.

Before dinner, Feilin went to visit the three witches in the Master House, ostensibly asking them about their opinions on the territory, but in fact he recommended Miriam, using money as a temptation to attract them to Miriam, and then brought the girl to Miriam. Write a report on the situation of the three witches to the intelligence manager - you see, witches are actually easy to bribe, right?

The intelligence chiefs were all confused as to where Master Feilin found the three weirdos.

"So, what is our job specifically? Miss Feili recommended us to be consultants. Master Feilin, the salary you gave us is indeed in line with our requirements. So what kind of work does it take?" Alabel is actually a passionate The witch of career, now that she has eaten the film, she will be embarrassed if she doesn't do something.

"Translate the ancient language." Feilin took out two ancient documents. It was not difficult to analyze the contents. The purpose of taking them out was to stabilize the three witches and let them gradually adapt to the habit of working for him.

Alabel rubbed her hands: "Is there any extra commission?"

Film immediately quoted: "Two gold for a thousand words."

Alabel tried to ask: "We will translate every word carefully and accurately to the punctuation point, so why does it increase?"

Feilin said casually: "One thousand words, three gold."

Alabel immediately bowed: "We will mark annotations while translating, but is there room for improvement?"

Felin nodded.

Alabel's eyes shone: "We will thoroughly analyze every punctuation mark. After translation, we will find the source and era of this book for you, and try to find other books related to it. Thank you for your commission."

Translating ancient languages ​​is a simple task for immortals. Albel looked at the magic book that Feilin took out. It was not difficult except that it was large.

Maybe the Wanshiwuwu has really not been open for a long time, and they will not even look for lost cats and dogs. They attach great importance to this hard-won commission and are grateful to Feili and Feilin.

Finally, Alabel asked in a low voice: "By the way, is there really no limit to the late-night snacks here?"

Feilin sighed: "Except that you can't pack it up and take it away, you can do whatever you want."

The three witches immediately shouted long live, and then got into work with 120% energy.

After dinner, Feilin and Ernier got into the carriage and headed to their second sister's mansion.

The second sister, Antis, gave Filmin the impression of being a otaku, which conforms to the basic feeling of reclusive and ladylike. However, she is actually a serious researcher of magic, commonly known as a magic otaku.

Antis's mansion looks like a library as a whole. Most of the rooms have been transformed into storage rooms. They are either filled with bookshelves or filled with research equipment. Unless necessary, she is obsessed with her research all day long. Three meals a day are served by servants, which is even more outrageous than Carol's.

"It's Enil again, and...Filin." Antis's room was filled with a strong smell of coffee, "I haven't seen you in almost seven years. You've grown taller."

With the blood of the Morgana family flowing, Antis can be called a beauty, but she looks a bit slovenly now. She is wearing loose pajamas, her hair is messy, and she is leaning lazily on the chair after drinking coffee, with that lazy look It feels like coffee will flow from the corner of your mouth in the next second.

Enil took the thick book from the side and sat down under his butt: "Sister Andis, how have you considered what I told you before?"

Antis glanced at her and said an irrelevant answer: "Life will find its own way."

Ernier snapped his fingers: "Brother, please tell Sister Antis what happened to Karan."

Feilin explained patiently, but Antis still looked drowsy: "It seems that my father didn't want Feilin to keep it a secret. So, by revealing this secret to me, do you want to drag me into trouble?"

Enir clapped her hands gently: "No, I just heard that sister, you have been studying sealing techniques for these years, and I want to know how much suppression power you can have against star beasts."

Antis put down what he was doing and forced a serious expression: "I'm not sure, I haven't conquered the star beasts yet, and my research direction is not the permanent sealing technique, but compressing it to ten seconds, or even just The ultimate seal of five seconds, the latest research results..."

Antis slowly stretched her hand towards the fireplace not far away, and there was a special wave coming from there. A few flames were solidified in her hand and brought to Felin and Ernier.

Feilin sensed it slightly: "You sealed it, eh? Light?"

Antis scratched his head with a quill: "You have to keep it a secret for me. I only revealed it because you are my younger brothers and sisters. The purpose of developing this sealing technique is to target people who are stronger than me. I have been worried about it. How to seal someone who is stronger than me? I can’t think of an answer. It’s like how to suppress a volcano from erupting, so I settled on the next best thing and just made the target incapacitated for a short time.”

Feilin half-closed his eyes: "It's a very powerful technique. Once you fall into it, it's like stopping time."

Antis said that this is his unique skill: "Yeah, that's about it. With a little arrangement, even the silver dragon, who is best at magic, can't escape the ten-second seal. Felin, what magic are you good at?"

Feilin clapped his hands gently: "I am good at deceiving people, so let me tell you two simple questions. Sister Andis, without joking, what is one plus one?"

Antis answered in a very natural way: "Three."

Ernier probably knew about the magic that Felin was good at. She only felt it was natural for a moment, and then she showed a look of disbelief.

“What is fifty thousand times fifty thousand?”

"Two hundred and fifty thousand."

"Is Ernier a younger brother or a younger sister?"

"younger brother."

"That's it."

"Uh...huh? Ah...ah? Wait, you made me a little messy."

Magic research in this world is inseparable from the secrets of mathematics. A mage with a poor foundation in mathematics will die in the hands of his own magic sooner or later. Therefore, after Filmin violently deceived Antis's memory, Antis felt confused and endured it. I couldn't help but cover my head and roll on the carpet.

Feilin expressed his understanding. The talent of deceit has great potential and a wide range. Cognitive interference is a relatively advanced application method, which has reached the level of tampering with common sense and memory. However, Feilin usually only shows that it is an illusion. For the first contact, For those who are deceitful, they are almost bound to fall for it if they are unprepared.

It took more than ten seconds for Antis to recover. His eyes when looking at Felin changed a lot, and he smiled with an unknown meaning. He tried to come over and hug Felin's arm, but Ernier blocked her directly in the middle.

Ernier activated his food protection: "Second sister, if you have something to say, please speak it carefully and don't do anything."

Antis wanted to continue researching: "Felin's talent is more than that, right? Let me feel the confusion just now."

Feilin couldn't help but frown: "Let's talk about business first."

Antis sat up straight: "I can see that you have hidden your strength. Even so, our strength is not enough. And Enil, we must promote her to the rank of hero as soon as possible to make her magic power more suppressive. . The last thing is my father’s ambiguous attitude. He casually orders you about such an important matter, as if he has given you permission to negotiate with other brothers and sisters. How many choices do you think we have after knowing this news? "

If they knew about it, they would think that Count Xia was colluding with Pandora. Once exposed, the Morgana family would be the target of public criticism and be wiped out in a minute. In order to survive, people like Filin had only two choices: one was to rebel against his mother, to show their cards and turn the table, and to raise the banner of rebellion against their tyrannical father; the other was to bow their heads and acquiesce to the dog chain that Count Xia put on them, and obediently follow the Count's footsteps to become part of the destroyers.

Antis said word by word: "In terms of cooperation, the elder brother and the elder sister can try to fight for it, but they can't tell them about Pandora. There is no need for others. They don't have the strength and courage. In the end, we have to choose a suitable place. I can say responsibly that there is no chance of winning in the family territory. We have to find a reason to let my father leave."

Filin nodded: "I will do it. When I return to Miriam, I will find a way to open up a new intelligence network and contact you without the family's eyes."

Antis lowered his head and thought for a moment: "By the way, I don't believe you yet, and you can't trust me completely. I have a blood contract here. The three of us will sign it. Its binding force is that the conversation tonight will not be disclosed to others."

Erniel looked at Feilin, and Feilin nodded to her.

Chapter 139 The Path to Godhood

Kalan, a space crack was torn in the ruins of a battlefield somewhere, and then Hecate and Dorothy walked out with each other. At this time, Hecate was close to coma, and Dorothy also supported her body with thorns.

Hecate opened one eye: "...How many familiar faces died this time?"

Dorothy exuded the power of life: "Two died, and no fragments of the godhead were left. Fortunately, after a few months of fighting, the goddess of Qingyue finally cut off the teleportation array, and Kalan will have a few years of respite."

Hecate felt helpless: "Only a few years?"

Dorothy didn't say anything, helped Hecate to a safe place, and used the power of life to start healing.

Now there are no more meteors flashing in the sky of Kara, the night sky has returned to purity, and the bright moonlight is once again sprinkled on this land. The war of gods is basically over, and the suffering of mankind has just begun.

In the Black Cat Pavilion, Carol took advantage of Philin's absence to transform the roof attic, and at this time fiddled with the astronomical telescope that had just been built.

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