Alabel picked up a piece of manuscript paper: "The monster born from the blood of the star beast is not an ordinary monster. It seems to be a conceptual existence, a kind of mimicry. It appears automatically when it senses special magic fluctuations. It will fully imitate the first sight. According to the records, even those with divine status can copy it. Of course, the weaknesses of this monster have also been studied. According to the records, chanting special syllables for this monster can cause it to collapse. If you are interested, you can learn about it. To avoid being at a loss one day.”

Feilin was greatly surprised that these witches actually found something useful.

Chapter 141 In a different world, there is not only fighting and killing, but also worldly relationships.

Money can make ghosts work, and money can make witches work overtime. The three witches in Albel's Master House have no other requirements for their work except consuming snacks and desserts, and they stay peacefully in the mansion.

Feilin learned the magic recorded in the literature, bit the bread and went out to inspect the workshop in Morgana's territory.

It has to be said that the technology and equipment of the workshop here far exceed that of Miriam. The gap is comparable to that of the United States, the Soviet Union and other countries during the Cold War. The technical level of the workshop owners is also very good, but there is no way to compete with Carol. For me, knowing Carol is truly a blessing from God.

In order to repay Carol, Felin began to purchase rare materials, specializing in Stellar specialties. They were all sold in small bottles and small packages, and he stopped only after spending all his money.

After shopping, Feilin investigated the churches in the territory. Generally, families with divine beings existing all year round will resist external divine power, and the Morgana family is no exception. However, they still maintain respect for the Church of the Green Moon Goddess, and there are a few churches built in the territory. , both parties maintain a tacit agreement not to proselytize or exclude.

The Green Moon Goddess is in charge of many divine powers, the most praised of which is the medical system. Even the Morgana family will not make medical trouble everywhere. The church here is more appropriately described as a hospital. Only the main entrance hall stands with a statue of the goddess.

Since Felin was saved from near death, he has been reflecting on how to continue to gain strength. After he was stuck in the heroic position, he could not find a way to become stronger. He found some abnormalities in the path but lost control, and almost made a real Baham. What's more, now he can't help but transform under the protection of Qingyue. If he continues like this, he is afraid that his deceitful ability will make his second brother disappear.

Although Feili is a kind-hearted witch, she is a witch in fantasy. Felin neither wants her nor wants to be her. If there is someone like Feli, he is indeed a very good friend.

"Feilin~." Feilin stepped into the Qingyue Goddess Church Hospital with messy thoughts. Before he could look around, someone called from not far away.

Following the sound, I saw Luna dressed as a nun. A nun in white, she looked particularly holy and beautiful.

Feilin was not particularly surprised. The other party was a top-notch god who gave him the blessing of Qingyue. If it was a surgical accident, it would be really disrespectful to the goddess.

Whether he was careless or deliberately careless, it doesn't mean much. Feilin is not a tangled Cinderella. He wants to master the true power of protection, which can be regarded as a trump card against old Biden in the future.

"Lord Luna." Feilin bowed and saluted, no matter how grateful he was for saving his life.

Luna smiled and came to Feilin: "It's Sister Luna, just call me by my name. You finally came to see me."

"It shouldn't have been long since we last said goodbye. Are you waiting for me here?" Feilin can roughly guess that this Luna is just an incarnation, but she also represents the will of the goddess Qingyue. She suddenly appeared and said hello. She shouldn't be here for entertainment. his.

Luna nodded slowly. Their presence and conversation seemed to be in an independent space and did not affect the pedestrians passing by.

"I'm here to tell you good news. The gods have thwarted Pandora's conspiracy. Thanks to your timely reporting, otherwise the losses will be further expanded, and we may even have to remove Karan from the planet."

"Is it this serious?"

Luna approached Feilin, stretched out her hand to hold Feilin's collar, and touched their foreheads gently. Suddenly some memories that did not belong to Feilin flooded into his mind. He saw a chaotic battlefield, with the remains of star beasts and gods everywhere. The golden blood of the corpses of the gods was floating in the black space, and some of it seeped into the space and flowed turbulently without knowing where to go.

Without the knowledge of the creatures on the earth, the gods spilled blood across the universe, which is heroic and worthy of respect.

Luna stood quietly in front of Felin: "Pandora's actions have touched our bottom line, so I want to ask you to continue tracking Pandora and find her identity. Of course, I have already given the commission, you can make it conditions."

Feilin pondered for a moment. He had the idea of ​​using divine power to help him get rid of the blood curse, but his ambitions did not stop there. He planned to ask first, but when he was about to speak, Luna seemed to understand something and showed a wry smile.

"Wait a moment, I can't solve the question you are about to ask. The Godhead is on the same level as us in terms of rank, and the earl here is really extraordinary. He has the power to control time." After saying that, Luna showed her extremely powerful expression. With a seductive expression, "However, if you give up Feilin's identity, let Feili become my saint, and fully accept the blessing of Qingyue, you can get rid of this prison. This is the easiest way."

Feilin sighed. He still had Ernier to protect now: "What element binds the blood curse?"

Luna took Feilin's hand, bit her fingertips lightly, and stained the blood with her tongue. After a moment, she said, "You are trapped in the past, present, and future. Time is not a simple concept like a long river, but a higher dimension. The essence of this curse is to turn you into an anchor point, imprinting the essence of the count, making him transcend time. But don't worry, he can only reach the level of 'observation' and cannot return to you. The point of birth kills you."

Feilin silently withdrew his hand, but was held by Luna. She gently wiped away the blood with a handkerchief, and the wound healed.

Luna continued: "You can visit the River Goddess and do something for her, and she will also help you. Okay, except for the blood curse, you can make some other conditions."

Feilin raised his hand calmly: "How should I become a godhead?"

Luna shook her head: "Change, I won't interfere with what you can do."

Feilin sighed: "How to kill the earl?"

Luna was silent for a few seconds, staring at Feilin with her clear eyes: "Keep changing."

Feilin sighed and turned his face away: " it, help me catch a shrimp in the river."

Even though she was the incarnation of the Green Moon Goddess, Luna couldn't help but frown and smile: "Although I really want to deal with you directly, I am about to entrust you with something very important, so you should come up with better terms."

Feilin also went crazy: "No! Goddess! Sister! I make a condition and you exchange it for another. What can I do? Then give me some treasures."

Luna raised her hand gently, and a divine power gathered in her hand and connected with Feilin's hand: "Okay, you can have this, I will leave this body to you. This is the greatest help I can give you."

Feilin felt a little surprised. His first reaction was whether this incarnation of the Green Moon Goddess was Aqua in disguise. Then he found that there was an elegant and light swift sword in his hand.

Luna walked past Feilin and held his hand: "Follow me to the statue of the goddess."

Feilin followed helplessly: "You are so good at it. I can at least feel that this sword is as good as any magic sword or holy sword I have ever seen."

Luna's tone was unexpectedly impatient: "Shut up and hurry up."

To be honest, Felin felt that Luna was less like a god and more like a human being, more humane than Arius.

The two stood in front of the statue of the Green Moon Goddess, and Luna asked Feilin to learn how to sing with her.

Luna continued to hold Feilin's hand and looked at her statue: "Today and today, Feilin and I have concluded a contract. I ask the goddess Qingyue to witness it. I, Luna, swear in the name of the god that we will stay together for the rest of our lives and never be separated."

After speaking, Luna reached out and touched the blade of the sword. Silver blood beads flowed down the blade and merged into the cold weapon. Then Luna gave Felin a look.

Feilin doesn’t really understand the power of the gods in this world, but he can feel the solemnity of this ceremony: "Today and today, I have concluded a contract with Luna, and I ask the goddess Qingyue to witness it. I, Feilin Morgana, swear with my soul that I will spend the rest of my life Stay with me until death.”

As soon as he finished speaking, he held the edge of the sword and let the blood blend into the divine sword.

After swearing the oath, Felin felt a special connection with Luna. This connection was connected with the divine sword and could harness additional divine power to strengthen the magic.

"Its name is my name, take advantage of it, Felin."

After Luna finished speaking, her body gradually became transparent and then disappeared. Feilin felt that she had not left, and her body was this sword.

Sword girl? Luna's Sword, Moon God Sword, Feilin's injured wound has healed again. He can feel that this sword has extremely powerful healing power. In addition to healing, there should be other rules of power, but Feilin doesn't know much about it. It may be necessary Take your time and explore.

It seems that the matter involving Pandora is of great importance. Just by promising to find Pandora, he can get the divine sword given by the goddess Qingyue. Feilin feels that he has made a profit this time.

The joy soon passed, and the dark clouds soon came over. It was a good thing to increase the strength, but I also saw the attitude of the Qingyue Goddess. She was unable and unwilling to deal with the count directly. She still had to rely on herself, and the matter of the blood curse was not settled.

"We still have to find the River Goddess. Oops, what kind of church is the River Goddess?" Feilin hurriedly grabbed the Moon God Sword, trying to find Luna's consciousness, but the other party didn't seem to be online. "First, find the general book Let’s investigate in the library.”

There are thousands of sects in the world, not just orthodox religions, pagan religions and cults. The name River Goddess does not sound domineering at all. It does not have the dignity and mystery of the moon, nor the decisive killing like the God of War. It is more like a fairy tale. A bedtime story about losing three for one.

What's even more troublesome is that Felin visited three libraries after that, and the administrators all said that there was no record of the River Goddess.

The library administrator had some difficulties with Film's request: "You can't say thank you to the river for not flooding. If you just pray twice, you are considered a river goddess. Then there are river goddesses everywhere in the world's many mountains and rivers."

Feilin worked until dusk, but still had no results, so he could only pay and leave: "Thank you, thank you for your hard work."

The administrator took the money and suddenly came up with an idea: "I'm sorry. I took the money but didn't help the customer find the book he wanted... By the way, since the knowledge the customer wants is not found here, guest, you might as well go to the Immortality Plant Please tell me, dragons live in Morgana Territory, and guests can visit them."

This is indeed an idea, and this is what Felin is planning to do.

Morgana's family has a deep heritage, so it is reasonable to support the guardian dragon. She has connections among the Immortals, so it shouldn't be a problem to prepare gifts and come to ask for advice.

Seeing that it was getting late, Feilin returned to the mansion first, preparing to resist today's Blue Moon Protection. After nightfall, he found Alubel and the others. The three witches were still busy in the studio, and Feilin asked them to listen first.

Philin tried it out: "Have you heard of the Goddess of the River?"

Sure enough, Alber shook his head after hearing it: "Isn't this name too common? It's too petty to regard the river as a god. If you really want to find it, there are related legends all over the world. Villages and towns in remote places, living by the river, will commemorate similar gods as long as there is a good harvest."

Filin thought: "In the legend, there is no god who regards the river as a god and controls the concept of time?"

Alber tilted his head: "The concept of time? The gods of the concept of time are almost separated from reality. They are part of the world order and can exist without belief. Even if humans become extinct and the planet is destroyed, it still exists. It is hard to say whether this concept can give birth to the gods we understand. Well... If it is a god who controls this kind of power, there are similar ones, such as the goddess of justice and scales. It is said that she can reverse the end of the judgment, but this is already an ancient legend."

The boss of the Wanshiwu said so. It seems that they don't have any relevant clues here.

One of Alubel's friends put down the work in her hands and raised her hand: "The name of a god related to the river. I heard a few hundred years ago that a country had warm snow, which turned people into monsters and caused mutations. In the end, they were defeated by a brave man. It seems that the god was called something like the river god. It is said that she has the divine power of cause and effect and reincarnation."

The other witch who was silent for a long time seemed to think of something: "Wait, I once heard a rumor. Of course, it's just a rumor. Don't take it seriously. The name of the river goddess you are looking for is wrong. It may be called the Great River Goddess. I once read a book called "Records of the Gods". It is part of the Great River Canon, but the content is not very detailed. It was too bizarre to be believed, and later when they were hungry, they used it as kindling..."

Filin asked: "Why not believe it?"

The witch said confidently: "In fact, if you look through the scriptures of small and medium-sized churches, they all praise their own gods as the gods of creation. They respond to human wishes and have the power to destroy the world with their gestures. They can easily send a flood so that the survivors can hide on the ark and lie flat. The "Records of the Gods" also has similar content. "

Indeed, the existence of the Blue Moon Goddess, the scriptures she passed down are how to cure diseases and save people, while the scriptures of the Arian Order are comparable to Pangu creating the world.

Feilin couldn't help but feel troubled: "If possible, I want to find the temple of this river goddess."

Who knows that Alubel said naturally: "This is easy, just find a temple to pray. It's difficult for us to find gods, but gods are familiar with each other. In this era, the gods have a good relationship and visit each other. If there is really a river goddess, it shouldn't be difficult for you to just find a temple."

Feilin felt that the problem was coming back again, because Luna hung up the phone and never contacted the goddess of Qingyue again. There were no other churches in the territory, so he could only put it aside for now and ask the water witch and Arius to take a look when he returned to Miriam.

At night, when everyone fell asleep, Feilin took off his disguise in the room and turned into Fili, feeling a little relieved.

After shaking her hair a little, Fili picked up the pendant on her chest, first used the power of deception to hide her body, and then injected magic power into the Morgana pendant, thinking in her heart: "Is the dark witch Morgana still alive?"

As her thoughts flowed, the Morgana pendant responded. Fili frowned slightly, then suddenly opened her eyes and looked into the distance.

"Direction of the main house?"

The real Morgana is not only still alive, but also in the Earl's mansion.

Chapter 142 Dark Witch

Fili was thinking, Fili was entangled. After receiving the task of finding Pandora from the scumbag Earl, Fili felt that time was running out. If these descendants did not resist, there would be only two endings. One is to become the Earl's nourishment under the blood curse, and the other is to collude with the witch who destroyed the world and be killed by the world nine or ten clans for fun.

san yi er ba yi si yi san jiu

Delaying time is a slow death. While the main body is here and Qingyue is protecting it, try to investigate any secrets of the family. Isn't the power of deception used to sneak in secretly?

"I am a godhead, I am a godhead, I am a godhead..." Fili put her hands together, prayed silently, and gently pinched Morgana's pendant. Fight!

Morgana's pendant has the ability to find things. It was given by Hecate. Hecate once entrusted Fili to help investigate Morgana's affairs. Since she has someone's treasure, she will naturally fulfill her promise. Fili locked the doors and windows, transformed into a deceptive clone Fellin lying on the bed, and then sneaked out.

What kind of entanglement does the dark witch have with the family? Only by seeing the real person can you know.

In fact, if you really get close to Morgana's main house, you will find that there are two divine beings here, who are considered elders in the family. However, the divine beings are inherited and are not as strong as pure divine beings. Fili sneaked into the vicinity and made a little test, and found that these two divine beings were unaware of her.

The real challenge is the Count himself.

I learned from Luna that the Count's talent is related to time, which caused Fili to be worried when she saw the stairs after sneaking into the main house. She was really worried that she would suddenly see the Count and then find that she could never walk up the stairs.

Off topic, did the owner of a bakery really use time stop to move people?

Feili stepped into the main house and could feel that there were various detection magics here. There was a light and dark sentry assigned a few meters away and the security was tight. However, after passing through the perimeter, the number of internal defense personnel decreased. On the contrary, there were many more unspeakable areas. Once triggered, certain entities will be alerted, and then an intruder will be announced to the entire main house's defense.

Feili tried her best to avoid the direction of the Earl, and slowly pressed the Morgana pendant in the corner, injecting spirituality into it, looking for traces of the witch. This time, the sense was clearer than before, and Morgana was under the main house.

basement? "The Quiet Witch" or something? Feili looked around and found that there was only one way leading to the basement. This was the place where secrets were originally stored. The past family owners had strengthened the space here to a degree that even the gods could not shake. They could only walk in honestly. This meant that once Feli After being discovered, if someone comes and closes the door, Feili will have no way out.

"But this bead..." Feili held the Morgana pendant. This is a secret treasure made by Morgana using her own blood as a medium. She is very accurate in finding Bahamut and other irrelevant things, and she can sense her own body without any traces. Oops, the pendant now leads Feili into the basement.

There are various famous paintings hanging on both sides of this underground corridor, but the content of the paintings is not beautiful. They are all related to killings and imprisonment, and they also have erotic content. There are also paintings that are blasphemous to religion like Weeping Blood Tiansi, and occasionally there are no traces of anything. There was only a picture frame with no content. Feili didn't want to cause trouble, but she was attracted by the picture of Tiansi weeping blood in it, and her energy was concentrated unknowingly.

"Are you aware of it?" Luna's voice suddenly sounded in her mind.

"Hmm...are these paintings traps? There seem to be living things in them." Feili's hand was only a few millimeters away from the Weeping Blood Tiansi scroll, and she sensed the power of the godhead coming from inside.

The Tiansi in the painting is also miserable. His armor and clothes were taken off, and he was surrounded by dark arms. It was like he was drowning in a black pool and being dragged into the abyss. The face of Tiansi, who was a majestic god, was full of fear.

Luna's tone did not change significantly, and she did not feel sad or happy about the experiences of other gods: "Gaxia, the god in charge of charm and change, is actually imprisoned in your family and is put in such a blasphemous posture. It is really sad."

Feili took the opportunity to be curious: "Gods can be imprisoned here. Who is more powerful, the godhead or the gods? How do you gods divide the strength?"

Luna said softly: "Let me tell you, apart from the boring factor of us, the classification of levels is mainly a deterrent."

"Deterrence?" Feili seemed to understand something.

"Thousands of years ago, there was no distinction between transcendents and godheads. Most of the powerful people who achieved transcendence chose to form or join forces, start wars wantonly, and conquer each other. Later, after the levels were divided, what do you think?"

"Well, two strong people confront each other, state their names and levels, and the weak one commits suicide."


Luna was speechless for three seconds before she reorganized her words.

"After getting to know you, it does make me feel a little happy. I want to invite you to dance in front of my statue. Yes, after you have levels, the weak will restrain their fangs when they see the strong, and the strong will gradually gather their power. Establishing a stable class, the world order gradually stabilizes. The same goes for our gods. New gods are often born. They are also new born calves and are not afraid of tigers, trying to annex more power, so we also divide the gods into one to three levels. Young people, please calm down and don’t think about defeating others all day long.”

Feili saw this: "Goddess Qingyue, what level are you?"

Luna said naturally: "I am a first-level god. How have humans today seen the moon of ancient times? The blessing of the green moon has protected people in ancient times."

Feili said hurriedly: "Where is the River Goddess? What kind of god is she? Where should I find her?"

Luna was silent for a while: "I don't know, maybe you can walk around, and when the decision of fate comes, her temple will naturally appear in front of you. My lovely Feili, the reason why I am a first-level god , because I have actually reached this realm. The River Goddess is different. She is a first-level god because the end of the divine realm is here. To be more precise, she is a transcendent."

Feili could only admire this, but could not touch it at all: "Finally, I still have a question, can gods worship gods..."

Luna answered for the last time: "Yes."

After saying that, Luna never responded again. Feili felt that she was out of service again due to arrears. It seemed that Luna would only show up when she encountered something of interest.

After passing through the corridor of the scroll, Feilin came to a maze again. When she put her front foot down, she realized that something was wrong. She sensed a huge space in front of her, and the route was complicated and she didn't know where it led.

As the possessor of the gift of deceit, she is extremely sensitive to spirits and illusions. Moreover, the Morgana family is not bored enough to dig a maze underground, but there is indeed a space with several floors and intertwined roads in front of them.

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