The Count's understanding of dreams once tempted an experimental subject to create a complete world in the dream. Although he did not escape the outline of magic, he tried to create many new rules. Judging from a few words, the experimental subject is still lying somewhere. To make the dream world run normally, and finally lure the monsters born in the dream into reality.

This is also a lie.

"Except for us, the eldest sister and Olufa were all summoned by father today. I saw the bastard and the man with glasses passing by in the evening. I wonder if other children will be summoned tomorrow." After saying that, Erni Er stared at Feilin, then crept closer, crawled under the table into Feilin's arms, "It's strange, brother, you smell good."

Feilin was shocked. He strictly disciplined himself when he returned home from this trip and did not bring Fei Li's habit of wearing perfume with him. The hero's body was tempered by magic power and would not have any smell. "What kind of dog are you? How can I have smell on my body?" "

Ernier was confused for a few seconds, and then Feilinti slipped out. However, he still wanted to be evil, and couldn't help but get closer, sniffing around Feilin: "It doesn't seem to be a fragrance, but it smells good. Have you finally changed your mind? Are you seducing me?" I?"

"Get out!" Feilin was annoyed. It seemed to be a problem with the charm protection. When he met the count, he used deceit to cover it up. Now he can just relax.

Enil sat on Felin's lap with a smile on her face again, but suddenly lost consciousness. When she regained consciousness, she was already standing outside the mansion, and Enil was so angry that she stamped her feet.

"There's something wrong! There's such a big reaction! There must be something wrong!"

Chapter 145 I am Feili, it’s weird that I’m already dead

The Morgana family banquet has begun. This banquet is only attended by internal members. Relatives who used to be scattered around gathered here. Even the eldest lady and second lady, who Feilin usually avoids, also appeared. These are not ordinary people. They are clinging to each other. The count's power and his reputation as a pure godhead meant that these relatives could be regarded as ascending to heaven.

There were not many people at the banquet, and the content was very boring. Because the earl was hosting this year's banquet, Feilin encountered almost no bullying incidents. In daily affairs, the earl communicated normally with family members, and there was no sense of oppression from the superiors. There was also no bullying among relatives. There is no blood curse, everyone seems to be enjoying themselves.

Only the younger generation had a heavy atmosphere. Everyone on Feilin's side was expressionless. Even the carefree Olufa had a straight face today. The blood relatives gathered together in small groups, looking out of place with the children of relatives.

Olufa and Feilin met. They were holding wine glasses. They were gentle and gentle, but they communicated in a low voice on the edge: "You were also summoned by father yesterday?"

Feilin didn't hide anything: "Yes."

Olufa quickly drank a glass of wine to calm down his shock: "Yesterday, I was scolded as worthless. I thought I was going to be punished, but in the end, I was forced to have a few magic books, as well as my father's notes and experience, saying that I was asked to study them."

Olufa regards himself as a tool man. If the earl points him eastward, he will not go westward. He just works hard if he has the mark. Maybe one day he can be let go? Maintaining this style, Olufa thought he was living a good life. The Earl had a cold attitude towards him, but he was satisfied as long as he was still alive. He would never dare to resist before he was unsure, but what about yesterday? Uncharacteristically, the count had goosebumps after he left.

Feilin said that I was the same, and asked Olufa if he had found any other blood relatives. According to subsequent observations, the two found that the blood relatives summoned yesterday were all powerful beings in the younger generation, either with extraordinary talents or outstanding abilities.

"I can talk casually, and you can listen casually." Olufa took the wine glass and touched it lightly with Feilin. "It's like the livestock raised on the farm. It's time to get out of the cage until it's fat and strong."

Feilin scanned the left and right sense fields, thinking that Olufa's big mouth really dared to say that the count was less than thirty meters away from their position, wasn't he afraid of being heard and shot to death on the spot?

Olufa's mood is also complicated. He is not really stupid. The reason why he shows the same loyalty to his father as his third sister is because the eldest son should be unshakable. But after yesterday's incident, his beast-like intuition came to him. The omen of danger directly caused him to lose sleep.

Feilin is different from Olufa. On the surface, he changes the topic calmly. In fact, he communicates with words: "The count's change is like a signal. It can be said that we are running out of time. It can be as short as one year or as long as In just two or three years, there must be an end during this period.”

Olufa's emotions fluctuated even more as he read: "What is the reason for the speculation? In such a short period of time, the count wants to do something to us, how can we resist? If he pulls the blood curse and does something, we have no resistance at all. Ability, unless you ascend to the status of god, but for what purpose? "

Strength of the individual is the theme of this world. The Morgana family is powerful and has good resources. Their ancestors helped them pave the way from ordinary people to divine beings. They have also inherited so many divine beings. As long as they have talent and time, , everything falls into place.

The problem now is the lack of time. Generally speaking, people who are promoted to godhood at the age of seventy or eighty are considered geniuses. It is normal to work hard for resources in a big family and shorten the time. However, knowledge and magic power need to be accumulated. People like Feilin are considered by the Earl The threats are all those who have exhausted their talents and worked hard. Being a hero within thirty years old has already amazed the world. If you want to go further, everyone really can't climb.

"Have you ever been panicked?" Feilin took a glass of wine from the table next to him, filled it for himself and for Olufa, and continued to read, "The most common situation is that our flesh and blood turns into the earl's. But according to my information, the count is not seeking such superficial power, so what are you thinking about joining forces now?"

Olufa lowered his head and looked at his reflection in the wine glass, then looked at Feilin, and then turned his eyes to other directions of the banquet. Some of the other brothers and sisters were talking in secret, some were simply enjoying the banquet without knowing it, and there were also three of his father's licking dogs. The younger sister accompanies the earl, looking like a standard filial daughter in front of the horse and behind the horse.

Olufa looked at Feilin and Enil, who was pretending to eat snacks next to him: "You and Enil are the only ones here, right?"

Feilin was really speechless: "Brother, I call you big brother now because of my blood relationship." Feilin looked at Olufa with some pity in his eyes, "Are you a dead person? You have been walking outside for so many years without friends? As for me, think about it. What do I do at Miriam?"

On the surface, he is investigating the witch, but in fact he is making friends with the witch. Olufa has made some inquiries with the intelligence department, and Feilin is quite familiar with the witch.

The witch is Felin's foreign aid? Wait, can you still do this? The gears in Olufa's mind turned slightly.

Unlike other brothers and sisters, Feilin does not have the support of his mother's family. On the contrary, most of the people like Olufa have the support of their wives. They have been involved in the family political circle for a long time and cultivate their own power internally. The foreign aid of the two sides is completely different.


Olufa began to care about the help Feilin received. He had been away for more than a year, how much help could he get from the witch? And what about him? In the family for so many years, there has been a group of loyal subordinates...

Feilin just made a hypothesis: "The Witch has a formula that can temporarily suppress the curse. I was lucky enough to try it once from a good friend. It has a suppressive effect on the blood curse. This time I plan to try mass production when I go back. This is I can offer the most sincere terms. And what about you? All the resources you can get are under the control of the earl."

Olufa fell into thinking: "Let me think about it."

"I will leave the day after tomorrow and go to Miriam. Before that, I want to get your answer." After Felin finished speaking, he walked to Enil and whispered into the little girl's ear.

After thinking for a while, Olufa first walked towards his second brother. However, after seeing his second brother dressed like a peacock at the banquet, surrounded by a group of younger brothers, and exuding the aura of looking down on the world, Olufa stepped on his feet and was extremely smooth. He turned to the direction of his third brother, intending to talk to the glasses guy and then go talk to the girl.

Seeing this, Ernier ate snacks expressionlessly and communicated with Feilin in a low voice: "Why is this idiot so angry? It's the first time I saw him so restless, and the count is still there, so he is so blatantly looking for someone else." People talk in secret, do you really want to join forces with this idiot? "

Feilin was noncommittal. He didn't know much about the earl before, but after meeting the earl in Feili's state, he intuitively told him that the earl wouldn't care about these small actions: "If I'm not wrong, what the earl did can be simply summed up as pressure. "

Ernier frowned and repeated the word, feeling it was very vivid: "Pressure? It's really an apt description. I was angry for a long time yesterday, and look over there, the eldest sister doesn't like to laugh today."

Feilin followed Ernier's hand and saw that the eldest sister, who was surrounded by many blood relatives, only had a business smile on her face today. When talking to relatives, her face was full of fake smiles, without any trace of calmness.

Feilin didn't know much about her: "I'm not familiar with her. Does she like to laugh a lot?"

Ernier smiled. At this time, other people's pain was the source of her happiness: "She likes to be an opinion leader and shows a loving side in front of her younger brothers and sisters. She always had a bright smile. It seems that she also met her father yesterday. It’s a lot of pressure.”

The two discussed how to contact each other in the future. Ernier said that he would find a way to go to Miriam to do the mission, and he would go to see Felin on the way and try to stay in the hotel for a long time.

At this time, Feilin felt someone tugging on his sleeve. He looked back but saw no one. Then he looked down and found a second sister hiding under the long table.

The second sister, Antis, actually squatted under the table. It was really difficult to detect under the cover of the tablecloth. Feilin thought she had the courage to skip the annual banquet hosted by the count, but ended up hiding at the banquet.

Antis looked around and looked nervous: "Two, two, come in and talk."

Feilin and Ernier were stunned: "I said, no, how can you hide in a place like this under such circumstances? If others see it, they will be punished verbally and written down."

The members of the Morgana family are slightly middle-class in character. They pay special attention to appearance and demeanor. They pride themselves on being dignified and honorable, so much so that their dignity can be greater than life. They can really implement this will. If there is a possibility of being insulted, the family members will directly self-destruct without taking any precautions. Hesitantly, this trend was also brought out, and there were also a large number of such people among the knights and mages who served the family.

Antis seemed out of place in such an environment, and his socially fearful character was often ostracized. However, his unique sealing magic was unique and effective in defeating the star beasts. His life was barely passable, and he was treated as the second film.

Ernier refused straight away: "No, we won't come in, just keep talking."

"Okay." Antis was a little disappointed, pulled down the tablecloth again, and the three of them began to talk secretly.

It turned out that Antis was also called by the Count yesterday to explain the sealing technique to her and point her in the direction of her path. Antis was flattered. She liked knowledge and didn't feel anything at the time. She realized it later after returning home. It feels like being seen through by the count.

Antis now felt a sense of fear: "During that process, I felt that my father saw through that my sealing technique was aimed at the engraving and him..."

Feilin looked at it blankly: "Our count, even if he has great skills, cannot be omniscient and omnipotent. Unless you expose your secret skills, I can responsibly say that the count cannot know things that have never happened."

It's a pity that Feilin can't be responsible. The Count's ability has been certified by the Green Moon Goddess. The other party has the ability to observe parallel world timelines. He may be able to experience what happened in the future and then recall the memory to the present to achieve what they think is the ability to predict. So it's really It's hard to say whether he can hide his trump card when fighting against the earl.

But Antis is in a bad state. She needs a backbone now, and even more comfort. Felin can only take on this important role to calm her down.

Immediately, Felin and Ernier comforted Antis, tricked her out from under the table, and relaxed with some wine and food.

Feilin and Ernier comforted Antis as younger brothers and sisters. The three of them gathered together to have a rare atmosphere of family members sharing the same hardships, but suddenly someone broke in.

An arrogant and domineering voice came over, and the second brother, who was wearing a gorgeous dress and shined particularly brightly at the banquet, came over: "Aha, my dear brother, I heard that Miriam has lost many intelligence personnel, and I thought you had suffered the same. Unfortunately, it’s a pity to see you here.”

"Are you sure you have a trace of logic when you speak? You can't even speak smoothly. I suggest you go to the tropical sea of ​​​​trees to box with a broad-backed gorilla. Your head needs to be in close contact with the monster's slap to wake up." Feilin thought. Sighing, he was disgusted with these idiots.

At that time, he beat him in public until his mouth was full of blood. Later, for a period of time, the idiot walked around the film. Later, whenever he had the opportunity to provoke the film, he would whip his legs, pour wine, push, frame, and frame the blame. No need to go to extremes, the level of persistence left Felin speechless.

"Unlike some people, I now have my father's trust, and you..." The second brother began to talk a lot, integrating the traditional tea skills of villains from all over the world, and his quotations can form a book "The Way to Death" 》.

Feilin, Ernier and Antis had been talking and talking to each other, so on the surface they were dealing with the second brother casually. After about ten minutes, the guy said he was thirsty, and when Feilin didn't say anything, he got angry. left.

Antis was full of confusion at this time: "I don't understand. Didn't he come to provoke you? Why did he get angry and leave in the end? What did he want?"

If the Count was not present, there is a high probability that this idiot would take action. However, this is an annual family banquet, and these idiots are also afraid of the Count.

"He is happy." Feilin fed Ernier a bite of roasted meat with a fork, and the latter looked happy.

The day passed and ended in the evening, with the banquet celebrating another strong anniversary of the Morgana family.

Nothing special changed. At night, the green moon rose as usual.

"I was still a little tired when I went home in the evening, but with the blessing of Qingyue, I felt no longer sleepy immediately." Feili stood in front of the mirror, touched it lightly, and quietly admired the witch dressed in men's clothing opposite.

Luna suddenly appeared, stretched out her hand outside the mirror, and took Feili's hand: "While there is still time, let's go take care of your little sister."

"Take care of me? What's your idea?" Feili was not surprised by her appearance. Her thoughts flashed in the family territory. Since she was about to return to Miriam, she wondered if she could take some treasures with her.

"Your little sister has transcendent magic talent. The root of her soul has a special connection with the planet. She can try to follow the path of a star god." Luna pointed at her feet. "Otherwise, where do you think her nearly infinite magic power comes from?"

Feili also felt that Ernier needed to be promoted, at least to get a ticket to the hero position: "Okay, what should we do?"

Luna leaned close to Feili's ear: "Same as dealing with your father, use deceit to become invisible, and then get so close..."

Late at night, Ernier was carefully studying the books given to her by the count. While taking notes, she suddenly found that her hands were not working.

She resisted desperately in surprise, but still couldn't control her right hand, and then wrote a line of words on the paper.

"I am Feili. I am dead because..."

Chapter 146 Caught the little girl gathering wool

Enil screamed for half a second, then stopped.

First of all, she is still very courageous, but not particularly courageous.

Facing the ferocious star beast, Ernier dared to throw magic cannons all over the sky, but when faced with the strange incident, Ernier's brain suddenly shut down, so he screamed.

After screaming, Enir then thought: Is there such a good thing?

Ernier said happily: "It's a good death, Feili, but if you die, you will die. Go and pester the person who killed you. Why are you pestering me?"

"..." The deceitful Feili suddenly wanted to hold down the little girl's head and make her face roll left and right on the table.

Later, Ernier's uncontrollable right hand started to move again.

"I am Feili, I am dead, and I died together with Feilin."

Ernier's eyes became sharp, and she looked around, with thoughts and speculations all over her mind. She was particularly alert at the moment, and her first reaction was that someone was doing something bad to her.

But this is the territory of Morgana's family, and her mansion is relatively close to the main house. If danger occurs and the family's godhead is called at any moment, who would dare to harm her in the family?

After a moment of silence, Ernier calmed down and said, "Continue talking."

The real Feili stood aside, in the realm of deceit, holding Ernier's hand: "We lost to Earl Abiles. There were many factors for the failure. The reason why you see the current information is, It means you are one of the reasons for our failure. You are too weak and have no power."

Enil sat still, unable to move even if he wanted to, but the veins on his forehead were pulsing, and he was on the verge of anger: "I don't know why you are pretending to be a ghost, but I don't believe what you say unless..."

Before she finished speaking, Feili controlled Ernier's hand, wrote down things related to the count's ability on the paper, and shared the known information with Ernier. Three seconds after writing these words, they were swallowed up by the power of deceit. , only Ernier can remember.

Since Feili is very good at making up stories, she deliberately described a failed future. In addition to letting Ernier understand the power of the count, she also deliberately asked Feili to leave a good impression on Ernier and create a feeling that Feili was willing to help them with her life. It feels like brother and sister.

After reading these half-truths and half-false information, Ernier only believed half of it, and the other half was directed at Feili: "So what do you want me to do?"

Feili and Luna whispered, and after communicating with the Green Moon Goddess, they wrote down a meditation rule and asked Enil to contact her after she went out.

The guidance given by the Count to Enil is the way to use magic, and the guidance given by Luna to Enil is the shortcut to the road.

There are many shortcuts on the road, the most direct one is to inherit the godhead. This kind of future trouble has also been explained.

There are also some special shortcuts, such as swearing to destiny or the planet, and going to various trials every day, which Feili calls loan to become a god.

Now the shortcut given by Qingyue is the best, letting Enil go and kill him.

Feili began to explain the fastest way to become a hero: "... Before you destroy the demon god, you should learn about the history and gods of the local church, 'take over' their unfinished mission, kill the demon god alone, and inherit the legacy of the trial. This way You can gain the favor of the heroic spirit, persuade the heroic spirit to become your companion, and gain the support of the heroic spirit."

Ancient people did not have the ability to kill the demon god at that time. Modern people should be rewarded for fulfilling their last wishes. Although it is also a shortcut, it has a high risk factor. It depends entirely on skill and may be life-threatening.

Most of the benefits that can be obtained will be missed if there is no one to guide and the parties involved do not understand them. In addition, this is a matter of inheriting the will of the predecessors and achieving the path through bravery. Not only can you quickly become a hero, but it will not hinder the path to achieve godhood in the future. .

After hearing this method, Feili felt excited. Of course, Luna also poured cold water on her: "Don't think about it. The natural cycle of the earth's creatures is the order of the planet. Demons are moving natural disasters and anomalies of the planet. , your sister’s talent is in line with the way of salvation, and the various benefits she gets can be integrated into her own way.”

Feili also wanted to hug Luna's thigh: "Me and me."

Luna thought about it: "Your talent... is very dangerous, so wouldn't the count's plan for you be a good one?"

Feili was depressed: "Dream lies are indeed a very novel idea. We need to find a test subject."

Luna felt strange: "What are you looking for? Isn't there a ready-made test product?"

Feili was shocked: "You're not talking about my little sister, are you?"

Luna responded: "Otherwise, a being at the pinnacle of transcendence cannot resist your power, so he is an excellent guinea pig. Besides, will you hurt her? Of course not, just let her dream."

Feili thought about it for a moment and felt that this was reasonable. If the lie in the dream went bad, it would definitely be dangerous, but would she hurt Ernier? Certainly not. It was just a matter of deceiving Enil in a dream to see the effect.

At this time, Enir had digested the knowledge about the Demon God. Of course she kept this good thing in mind, but she was not convinced by Feili: "Why do you want to help Feilin? What are your intentions for him?"

Feili wrote the standard answer: "We are friends."

Ernier didn't believe it. After the fiancée incident, she was particularly sensitive: "Just a friend? Would you give your life for a friend?"

Feili was silent and later wrote: "You already have the answer in your mind, why do you keep asking? You asked me again and again, just to confirm whether your idea is correct."

Enil thought about this and was immediately struck down. She was either sad or extremely depressed. She doubted her charm as a beautiful girl and the rationality of secular ethics.

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