Even Evelyn was amazed and took the initiative to challenge Arabelle for an arm-wrestle. The two of them could not decide the winner because the table was broken before the winner could be decided. The two women's hateful desire to win made them refuse to give in.

"It's amazing, Miss Arabelle. In terms of pure power, we can't win or lose." Evelinte is an elf, and has actually surpassed the status of a hero. "In the past thousand years, I have never seen someone who can compete in a competition." A succubus who is as strong as me."

Arabelle scratched her head: "It's an honor to be praised by Master Elf. After comparing with you, I realize that I still have a long way to go."

At this time Feili asked: "So Arabelle, what are your expectations for your own path?"

"Actually, I think I'm almost here, and I'm very satisfied." Arabelle frowned slightly and put her chin on her head to think seriously, "Now running the family, training the younger generations, and managing money take up all the time, convincing the old-fashioned elders in the family to change, educating It is my ideal for the new succubus to join our team. I was a little confused in pursuing a further path. In the past, I always thought about getting rid of my mother's shadow and living my own way. Now that I have done it, there is no such thing. The pursuit of becoming stronger is too far away.”

At this point, Arabelle still gave the answer: "If I have to talk about the purpose, it is probably 'all the attention'. I want the world's attention to focus on me. I want to be famous and leave a name in history with a positive image. "

Feili didn't know if this was the path, and if she didn't pursue the path, this ideal would be realized sooner or later.

After communicating with Arabelle, she discovered that Yingjie was the end point she had set for herself. After reaching this point, she had no time to care about others. She had no ambition, the environment had no push, and she also had no way to practice, so she lived and worked in peace and contentment.

In the next two days, Arabelle helped prepare the supply convoy, while Feili went to the black market to negotiate with other organizations to support Karan, which was delayed for two days.

The border city is specially protected by the witch enchantment "Hermitage under the Star Curtain". Under the threat of Bahamut, the strength of this enchantment is stronger than that of the Witch Forest and King Miriam. This is also because of this enchantment. It is exclusively operated by the witch and has many special functions under the barrier, giving the witch a special voice in the city.

However, the witches do not participate in any power struggles at all and are only responsible for protecting.

Most witches don't have ambitions, but that doesn't mean Feili doesn't. She can take over control of the barrier at any time and block the entire city instantly. Using this barrier, she can sneak into the dreams of anyone within range.

In the past two days, Feili's dining and drinking dew has been noticed by Evelint. Even when the time comes, Evelint will take the initiative to help Feili collect her daily food, hoping that Feili will eat more and give out some Give Feili your own fire power.

"The elements of our four elves are independent, and they all represent a form of life. Water and the origin of life on the earth, fire is the survival of life, and wind is the cycle of life. Now that you have mastered the power of the four elements, what are you planning to do with it? The forms merge together?" Evelint asked Feili in a probing tone.

The so-called form is just like science, how to use energy?

The same goes for boiling water. For ordinary people, boiling water means drinking more hot water. In industry, boiling water means lighting up thousands of homes.

The same goes for magic. It combines the power of the four elements. In ancient times, people used violence. If you were a great witch like Feili, it would be a bit embarrassing for you to think of yourself as a trebuchet.

"Gigabit Quartet." Feili raised her hand, and four different elements suddenly floated in her palm.

"Gigabit...?" Evelint's eyebrows jumped and her heart beat.

This was a number that even the four elves who had contracted with them could not reach.

Feili smiled and explained: "Ah, the numbers are just for bluffing, just like the Baijing nuclear explosion, it's just talk."

Evelint began to worry about Feili's own safety: "Just listening to these exaggerated numbers, I can feel that you are not a peaceful person, tell me?"

In the past life, flame was the driving force for human scientific progress. The way Feili looked at Evelint was that she was a particularly useful tool elf. Of course, she was very beautiful, so she liked her very much. She was more convincing than the water witch who caught fish halfway. .

Afterwards, Feili explained her analysis and opinions on flames one by one according to the scientific view of her previous life. Basically, they were all hindsight from the God's perspective of the scientific view of development. After summarizing the knowledge she understood, she combined it with mystical science to speak out. Her own understanding, even so, seemed to Evelint to have enough unique understanding that put her to shame.

As an ordinary witch, Evelint thought that she could play the role of a mentor and get along with Feili. Evelint felt that she could communicate with Feili and make progress together. But after today's exchange, Evelint found that she was talking to Feili. study.

Feili unconsciously became much more confident than usual.

The admiration in Evelint's eyes became even stronger: "There are many new ideas. I am looking forward to the time when you use my power."

Feili was also sincere: "Yeah, me too."

An inappropriate voice came from the corner: "Why did you two start flirting with each other?"

The Water Witch appeared at some point, and Feili pretended to be looking for her.

The Water Miko immediately became furious: "What are you looking for? Sewers!"

Feili waved her hand: "Okay, don't worry about the details. What have you been doing these two days since you disappeared? And when did you start listening to it?"

The Water Witch showed an exaggerated expression: "It started to stop when you talked about water vapor. My God, a witch and a fire elf are actually plotting to squeeze the water elves."

"If you don't want to, we can find other water elves." Evelint snorted, "But in Fili's understanding, our two elements alone have huge energy. Combined with the four elements, and then the six elements, what will the giga-sextet become? I'm looking forward to it."

The Water Witch smiled: "So it's right for me to come along this time. If I meet Pandora, when I reveal this trump card, let her see the wrath of nature."

The three of them gathered in a room, and the atmosphere was a little relaxed during the conversation. They discussed the time to set off with the convoy organized by Arabel tomorrow.

Suddenly, the three of them paused, and at the same time felt that something unusual had fallen into the city.

"Fragments of the abyss."

The three did not hesitate, especially Fili. As a witch, she controlled the city's barrier and felt the abnormality at the first time. She first released the magic of notification, sent a warning to the witches who lived in the city, and then jumped out of the window.

Evelint and the Water Witch's bodies each transformed into elements and disappeared in the room.

This is a remote slum outside the city. It is outside the main city. The public security is not particularly good, but there are people to manage it. The environment is not particularly good, but because of the magic cleaning, it is not dirty. The buildings are old and some houses have cracks on the surface. The owner has repeatedly reinforced and repaired the buildings for another year.

Soon after, Fili appeared on a building, squatting on the edge overlooking the street, with two glowing butterflies floating around her, one blue and one red. They are the incarnation of elves.

Evelint's tone was very sure: "It was definitely the breath of the Abyss Fragment just now. The last place it appeared was near here. I think it has found a host and hidden itself. It's so fast."

Fili frowned: "There is no gray fog."

The Water Witch lacked information: "I heard from Sylph before that the Abyss Fragment will parasitize the host and turn into a monster. That is Pandora's power of disaster. Can the monster formed by this fragment alone have intelligence?"

Fili thought of the Abyss Fragment she encountered before. The other party was not very intelligent, but very wild and possessed the power of rules.

"It can penetrate the witch's barrier, but its power has been greatly weakened. After entering the city, it was also suppressed." Fili looked up at the sky, thinking of Pandora's identity as a witch. Maybe she also knows about the witch's ancient barrier. It's not surprising that it can penetrate it. "There is not much time. Find it out as quickly as possible."

"Is there a way?"


Kalan's trip can be delayed for five or six days, but the fragments of the Abyss are a huge threat.

Fili used the power of deception to hide herself, sat down quietly, and released her perception domain to cover the slum.

Fili didn't know much about Pandora, but she also knew a little about the cause and effect of using desire, magnifying hatred, and creating disasters. The fragments of the abyss did not need to plan a deep conspiracy, as long as it cast a wide net, it would always be able to reap something.

Fili was quiet for six hours, from day to night, and when it was late at night, the fragments of the abyss emitted gray mist.

"It appeared." Fili sighed in her heart. At the same time, they saw a family on the street shrouded in gray mist. The life in it might have been swallowed by the power of the abyss.

Evelint fell beside Fili: "Let's go, let them rest before it spreads."

Fili nodded, feeling uncomfortable. She knew that there would be danger today and innocent people would be killed, but she still didn't stop it. Even if she found the gray mist at the first time, there might be victims. She just hoped that the monster in the gray mist was not particularly dangerous.

Fili quietly landed outside the house covered by gray fog and found that it was a family of six, including the elderly, parents, brothers and sisters. After Evelint dispelled the gray fog, it was clear that the fragments of the abyss were in the hands of the boy.

To be precise, it was not parasitic, but turned into a ring. The ring was not inlaid with gems but with open eyeballs. The boy stayed in his room and tried to take off the ring, but the ring seemed to be rooted in his finger and connected with his flesh and blood.

The boy was very panicked and covered his head from time to time, probably to resist some mumbling.

"It's not a monster, it's an item? Although it looks... annoying." The water witch was still in the state of a butterfly.

Fili and Evelint released the power of fire around to dispel the gray fog. The two first ensured the safety of ordinary people.

After everything was arranged, Fili and Evelint were ready to show up. At this moment, the boy's door was pushed open and his mother came in with some fruits.

"That... child, you looked very bad during dinner. Are you feeling unwell?" The mother's body was thin and her skin was white due to malnutrition.

"It's okay, I'm probably too tired from work." The boy hurriedly hid his left hand, not wanting his mother to see the horrible thing.

"I prepared some midnight snacks, you have to take care of yourself." The mother's tone was full of worry.

"Well, mom, look here." The boy's forehead was sweaty, and he suddenly mustered up the courage to show the ring.

The ring of the abyss stared at the mother, and the mother's vision was slightly stunned, and then became dim, her consciousness was manipulated, and she became a puppet at the mercy of others.

"Mom, what, I seem to have encountered something dangerous. I have to go to church now. If I haven't gone home tomorrow morning, please forget about my existence." The young man's voice was urgent, and he said what he thought of, "Weavers and Just quit your job as a laundry worker. You have to take good care of your body. Take a rest at noon and after dinner every day. Go to bed early. Prepare midnight snacks for yourself, your father and your sister at night. You will save the money after I am gone. Share the rations with others, that one... If you are confused when you see my empty room, just assume it is for passing adventurers, but don't let strangers stay overnight in the future. Remember, you must take good care of it. Goodbye, body."

The boy had a premonition that the ring on his hand seemed to have some very dangerous power.

Chapter 159 The spies behind the potion

When ordinary people encounter strange things, most of the time they can only seek happiness on their own. The boy who is haunted by the abyss fragments has only two options. One is to go to the sheriff, and the other is to go to the temple. The former can easily become a problem to be solved, and the latter The reporter is more reliable, but Miriam's religious atmosphere is not high, and the border city is a relatively chaotic place. Anyway, there is no temple on this street.

Feili observed the young man. After the abyss fragments were officially activated, his mental power was constantly disturbed and eroded by the power of the abyss fragments. Ten minutes is the limit for him to resist with mortal will. Everyone who is close to the ring will be mentally controlled. After giving his last words as quickly as possible, he planned to go to the temple.

Then he was stopped by Fei Li the moment he went out. A deceiver entered the illusion. The deceitful realm expanded and cut off his connection with reality. He was locked in Schrödinger's box. At the same time, Evelyn gently snapped her fingers, It looked like fierce flames enveloped the boy's hand.

"Ah——! My hand, my...huh?" Everything happened so suddenly. The boy panicked when he saw his hand on fire at first. After screaming, he realized that there was no burning pain. The burning palm only felt warm.

Feili landed leisurely and said quietly: "Your king's power, right? Okay, don't worry."

The boy was attracted to Feili when he saw her: "Is she...a witch?"

Feili quickly approached and checked the ring with her senses across the flames. At the same time, she replied: "Yes, I am a witch. I have been tracking the thing on your hand all afternoon. Boy, this is a dangerous creature called an abyss fragment. It looks like The ring is actually a living organism, parasitic on your body. We need to remove it now. It depends on your luck. If you are not lucky, the most direct way at present is to cut off your finger. "

The young man swallowed and held his forehead: "Then let's cut it. It's on my body and I feel very uncomfortable..."

Of course he felt uncomfortable. The power of the abyss fragments was transforming his body. If he hadn't discovered it right away, his body would have turned into a real monster in just one hour. He was neither human nor ghost. Even if he remained in that state, Human will is also difficult to accept by humans, and then it will evolve into the classic form of being hunted by humans, which may involve the family members being discriminated against, and finally see the family members being persecuted, and eventually turn black to take revenge on humans, following Pandora's wishes.

Feili looked at Evelint, whose flame burned the ring for a moment, and shook her head slightly: "No, although I suppressed its activation, he has just connected to the young man's flesh and blood. , has grown together with the body, it is not difficult to guess that a new body will grow with this eye as the center, and the boy will eventually become a pendant on the monster. "

Ⅲ Yier Ba Yisi is also his uncle

As soon as he finished speaking, the silver sword light flashed across the young man's shoulder. His entire arm was tied up with thin threads and was instantly pulled into the air. The butterfly transformed by the water witch caught up with the arm, and the water bubbles surged and wrapped around the severed limb.

During this process, the boy's wound did not bleed. His eyes were briefly confused, and he was lost in the illusion. The wound was affected by the power of change, and a new arm grew again. Evelint gently tapped the boy's chest, and A ball of fire sank into his heart.

Evelint explained: "Given the fire of life, his vitality will increase in the next month, and he will even be somewhat energetic. Even if there is any remaining gray mist, it can be completely driven away. Let's go."

The three of them checked the surrounding environment one last time and quickly left after confirming that there was no smell of abyss fragments. The next step was to take the strange ring to a safe place for disposal.

After a brief period of confusion, the young man touched his head. He forgot everything that had just happened and returned home to rest. This ordinary family returned to the peace of the past, and it would be even warmer from tomorrow on.

In this city, Philly can mobilize the power of the witch's barrier to suppress foreign objects. At this time, the eyes of the cursed ring opened in anger, and Evelint wanted to burn it directly, but Philly wanted to study it. The Water Miko had a different view.

"You see this ring is devouring flesh and blood. It seems to be eating and it can grow." The water witch found it interesting. "Within a range of about five or six meters, any creature that comes close will be mentally controlled. Ordinary people will almost instantly become Dolls, aren’t you curious about how far it can go?”

Evelint frowned: "No matter how far it is, it is always a derivative of Pandora's power. It is the embodiment of disaster. Destroying it is the safest way."

Feili didn't say anything. Through the argument between the two, Feili thought of taking advantage.

Feili summoned the Sword of Luna: "Lord Luna, what do you think?"

Luna's figure appeared next to Feili's sword-holding hand. Evelinte and the Water Witch were stunned when they saw it. The two elves first wondered why Feli had such a beautiful woman at her side, and then they noticed each other. The divinity of Luna, because Luna was just an incarnation, they did not recognize Luna's identity immediately.

Luna was dressed very neatly at this time, a heavy-style white nun's uniform. She gently reached out and approached the cursed ring. At this time, the cursed ring had eaten up the severed limb and turned into an ordinary-looking staring ring: "To be specific, this is a... creature that is resurrected by the power of disaster after the death of a star beast. Alas, the definition of life is becoming more and more confused by young people. In a few years, there will be stars and beasts. I’m not surprised that it’s a product of human hybrids.”

Feili looked at it openly: "It's just a hybrid, I don't care."

The Water Miko stared at Luna, her eyes full of expectation: "Hey, young lady, who are you? The aura on your body looks familiar. Is it the authority related to the moon? Are you Tiansi or an apostle? Ah? Do you know me? I am Undine, the witch of water.”

"Don't be embarrassed, enough is enough." Evelint quickly grabbed the collar of the Water Witch and violently pulled her behind her, "In short, after the battle in Karan, the starry sky is currently under chaos. According to you , Pandora must be doing something with the wreckage there. These abyss fragments spread out from Karan. The ones discovered so far are all in the form of pure monsters. This is the first time that the prop type has been discovered, although this ring should be considered a living thing. of'."

Feili said: "My suggestion is to study it after containment. It poses no threat to us. Even if I wear it directly, it cannot parasitize me. Instead, it will be suppressed and used by me."

Evelint frowned: "You are a bit too extreme."

Luna was noncommittal: "First of all, let me declare that I am the incarnation of Qingyue. I have an equal contract with Feili. I am her weapon and her half. Our wills are connected and we share life and death. Then let's talk about this ring. I Agree with the containment research, but oppose the use of its power. Pandora's power of disaster has pollution properties. Feili, you can't underestimate her pollution, but on the other hand, there is such a product of fate and cause and effect. You can use Morgana's pendant. It’s better to look for Pandora. Finally, Miss Water Elf, can you please stop coming here?”

After Luna finished speaking, her body turned into a point of light and disappeared. In a sense, it was as perfect as a plug-in system.

Evelint glared at the Water Witch, who had a face full of regret. Feili was funny and helpless, and used a sealing technique in her backhand. A large amount of false magic enveloped the ring itself, and the ring's eyes slowly closed. .

"Okay, put it away first, let's go back." Feili finally chose to contain it for research.

As I said before, if you are provoking a battle at the god level, intelligence is very important. Rare abilities are often uncertain. If you don't want to be killed at first sight, you must study the opponent's strength more.

After the abyss fragment infiltration incident occurred, Feili edited the document when she went back and made a detailed report of the incident, which she handed over in triplicate to the local witch, Arabelle, and the local lord who managed the barrier.

"Abyss fragments? Gray mist? Hmm..." Arabelle didn't know much about this yet. "I just heard about the Karan War. I didn't expect that it would have such effects in the aftermath. I will mobilize my connections to collect more of this information. Thank you also. "

Arabelle pursues order. After all, only when the world is peaceful can her business make money. Otherwise, a tsunami would submerge her financial empire before she could actually go ashore.

Fei Li discussed the plan to go to Kalan with Arabelle again. The transport team will set off when it is fully equipped. Then they will contact Serena's troops. Before leaving, Fei Li has one more thing to do.

The last thing Feili still talked about was the intelligence branch established before: "Those people who were entrusted to you before... women, how are they?"

"Them?" Arabelle recalled something with a strange expression. "The situation is a bit complicated. Would you like to go take a closer look?"

Almost all of the spies sent by the family to open a second intelligence network in Miriam were caught by Feili. Under the devastation of the potion and the distortion of deceit, almost all of them stayed away from the royal capital and hid in border cities. inside.

As for the specific situation, Feili asked Arabelle to take care of them. Unexpectedly, Feli found that the conditions of these spies were surprisingly good when they arrived. Their lives were much better than those of their counterparts squatting in the Holy Kingdom of Arius.

These spies in the Life 2.0 mode succumbed to Feili's deceitful twist and turned into doormats. They gathered in the tavern. Although they did not forget their original intentions and continued their espionage missions, they managed the tavern successfully.

"Although they are taken care of, the leaders are very smart. The general manager is running around and negotiating contracts for several wineries. Some of the others have infiltrated the guild and become front desk girls, bringing back various commissioned tasks every day. The information was analyzed by the team, and some people opened black market routes in the tavern to facilitate negotiations with unknown people. They took commissions and eavesdropped, and the person in charge of the money in the end was a little crazy. "

Feili rubbed her temples. In a sense, they...they were indeed talents. At least they were graduates of magic academies from various places in the Stellar Empire. They were later trained by the family's intelligence department, and were finally selected to infiltrate Miriam. , intending to get close to the witch like Felin.

Originally, they were all young talents, and their appearances were still outstanding after being transformed by the magic potion. Besides, the magic potion was just a transformation, not a retardation. The deception was just to make them obey Fili subconsciously, so that they would not easily report to higher levels, nor would they be confused about the identities of each other's companions. It was not to turn them into naive people. In addition, the task was to establish a branch, so they could still play their strengths after gathering together.

As for the self-protection ability of these "beautiful girls", Fili did not have to worry, because there were no players below the transcendent level here.

Fili was worried that these people would do something out of the ordinary: "What does a little crazy mean?"

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