Op Girl With Touhou System

Chapter 29 - 29 - Ascension Quest!

Mai could hear some more random curses, coming from Eraser Head, who's outside of her compartment. But she didn't want to waste her time listening to that.

Now that her second identity as Mai Friend has been founded out, it will also get ȧssociated with Vigilant Yaksha. Her identity as a lavender-haired girl, Mai Waifu, was already known to the public. She just hoped that the second one would only spread among the hero communities.

Mai didn't want to wear another fake hair. She already held back her displeasure whenever she wore Kaguya's cosplay hair, even if it was for the convenience. Why? Because her real one looks much cuter and better suited, of course.

"What a drag..." Mai murmured with a low monotone voice. It would be better if she was also a great strategist.

After soothing herself down, she instantly changes her pajama into yet another kimono. But this time, mainly black-colored, with some ornamentations of tall green bamboos. It felt like a manifestation of a dense bamboo forest in the middle of a dark chilling night. Enchanting her image into another level.

Following that, she then roams around her cabin, toward all the items that she wishes to bring with her, and puts them inside of her inventory. Physical contact is required to perform it. However, if the items were that of a related category, and their position was near to each other, she could settle them all at once just by reaching for one of them. For example, she just needs to grab one of her books to plop all her comics, novels, and other readable stuff into her inventory.

Fortunately, there were not many items she needed to touch as most of them were already inside of her inventory space. If she were to bring out all of her things, even she herself wasn't honestly sure if the room would even fit. There were just tons of them. Especially her storybooks.

As for electronics, the important ones were only her smartphone, iPad, and ŀȧptop. Yeah, that was all. Mai was not a gamer. The games that she prefers were those casual RPGs that could be played on mobile. As for her ŀȧptop, she uses it sometimes to play Os*! It was just a tragedy that there's no Touhou music in this world.

'But even worse than that, was when there's no Touhou game for sale in the system's shop. I mean, what kind of Touhou system didn't sell Touhou games? Oh wait, we have one right here...' Contemplate Mai, filled with sarcasm.

[Host! Please don't impose your spite on me! It will be available after you complete the Ascension Quest, maybe!]

'That one, huh...' Mai noted to herself, overlooking the system's uncertainty over its own quest reward. Consequently, she opens up her mission tab and focuses her gaze on its contents.


- Incident: Vigilant Yaksha! (Ongoing)

Prize: 29.570.000 Incident Points (Collect?)

Prize: 1 Gacha Ticket

-Ascension Quest (LUNATIC): Defeat All ...!

Prize: Level-cap Increased, Shop Expansion, ???

She glanced at the name of the one who would stand as her target opponent, and then, take a look at her current status.

•Name: Mai Waifu

•Race: Human?¿

•Estimate Level: 97 » 99 (MAX!)

Hp: 30.000/30.000 » 30.300/30.300

Mp: 30.000/30.000 » 30.300/30.300

Magic: 5.000

Agility: 4.250 » 4.500

Luck: 10.000 » 10.500

Attributes Point: 805 » 3030 (Locked!)

Incident Point: 3.000

Gacha ticket: 0


(Manipulation of Emotion)

(Manipulation of Unconscious Mind)

(Eidetic Memory)


(Summon ZUN's Trumpet)

(Advance Elemental Magic)(196/200)

(Advance Weapon Mastery)(151/200)

{Click here to see more...}

'Urgh!' Mai grunted in her mind. She knew that her level was high, but she also recognized that her most powerful attribute was luck. And worst of all, she's still not certain if it would ȧssist her greatly in combat.

The reason she still hasn't grasp that, was because the opponents that she had fought before were all so vulnerable. She pretty much didn't need any luck to beat them at all. That's why this particular attribute of her hasn't had an opportunity to shine yet.

Even Overhaul was weak. Because when they met for the first time, he was still kind of young and couldn't wield his quirk as adequate as his ȧduŀt form in the anime. That's the reason why she didn't recognize that he was Overhaul in the first place, even when they fought with each other. Poor him.

Another important thing to note was Mai also hasn't yet realized that even though her luck didn't give her fortune out of nowhere, such as discovering money on the street or something. It did make her effortlessly encounter whatever manga, novels, or light novels that she had a preference for, every time she went into anime bookstores.

Maybe because she liked books much better than money, and her luck acted according to what she truly dėsɨrės.

Regardless, just as stated before. If she wishes to complete her Ascension Quest, she would need to fight someone, so she can increase her level's capacity. It's not that she was a power creep or anything. She just didn't like the feeling of not making any progress. That's why she'll do it, even though she knew it would be troublesome to accomplish.

However, even when she understood that her stated foe in the quest would be difficult to defeat, she still believed that she had a greater chance to earn the victory. Her abilities were just that powerful.

But there's still a small chance that she could lose, and Mai definitely won't ignore it. That's why...


- Incident: Vigilant Yaksha! (Ongoing)

Prize: 29.567.000 Incident Points (Collect?)

"I guess, this is it..." Mai mumbled to herself. Well, she had been amassing these points for a long time, waiting for the incident to suddenly evolve and multiplied them. Nevertheless, it hadn't changed at all since she got it for the first time, and it might as well remain the same in the future.

Hence, slowly but surely, her hands began reaching closer and closer toward the Collect buŧŧon, until eventually, they were connected.

[Incident Point: 3.000 » 29.570.000]


'Ah~ That was so satisfying!!!' The sensation was just too intoxicating for Mai. Hence, she rapidly bounced up and down, hands in the air, and of course, with her usual deadpan expression.

[H-Host! P-Please calm down!]

'Fufufu~! Don't worry Ai-chan, I still have my sanity~!' Mai gently responded to the system, trying not to make it concerned. But she didn't know that her effort just now, was in fact, useless.

Owning that many incident points, it would be inevitable that she would commit her shopping spree, but she'll do it later. Because for now, she still needs to- wait, there's nothing left. 'Oh well...'

By the way, as for her quest's opponent, It would be-


Suddenly, multiple police siren noises can be heard. From listening to their elevated sounds, Mai figures out that they were heading toward her location.

'So he called for some backup, huh? But why police department, and not heroes?' Mai pondered to herself. But at last, she couldn't find any feasible conclusion. 'Well, whatever! It's not my problem!'

She then hastily walks toward her desk to picks up an ecstatic-looking card. It was Overhaul's business card, given to Mai yesterday night, after Eri ceaselessly pleaded with him. It so that she could go visit their place whenever she had the time. Their house's address was mentioned in it, well, it seems like their working headquarter also functioned as their home.

But enough of that. After Mai was done examining her room and found nothing was left out, she was about to jump down from her window, before she promptly stepped aside, as her instinct abruptly warned her to.


Somethi-, no, someone crashed through her room.

"I AM..... COMING THROUGH THE WINDOW LIKE A NORMAL PERSON!!!" Exclaimed the intruder, filled with an unhealthy amount of vigor.

From Mai's perspective, he was a very large man with an equally muscular and well-defined physique. His short blond hair, swept backward, with two distinct tufts that stick up above his head. He also wears a blue skin-tight bodysuit that resembles western comic books' superhero costume.

After declaring his entrance slogan, the man's pair of bright blue eyes quickly swept around the now plain-looking room. In an instant, he consequently realized that, other than himself, there's seems to be no other people inside of this closed area.

"NANI?!" The man yelled once more, but this time, it was filled with disappointment.

As for Mai, she had already covered herself with an unconscious aura and gone out using her fresh broadened window. It wasn't her fault, so she would simply let the number one hero be the one who'll compensate the apartment's owner.

Again, for her, time is money. Wait, shift that. Time is happiness. That's why she didn't like wasting her time on doing something uninteresting, such as idolizing over All Might's chiseled features, strong jawline, pronounced cheekbones, or anything similar. She just went out as if nothing ever bothered her.

Oh right, for her Ascension Quest, the target wasn't All Might. As to who it was...


(Flashback Start! Yesterday's night!)

[New Ascension Quest!]

'Huh?' At that time, Mai was bewildered. A notification just popped up right after her gacha's prize one. 'Ascension Quest? What's that?' She asked in her mind, probably toward the system.

It was then that another transparent screen appeared in front of her.

[Note: You have reached level 99! No more stats can be imposed on your status! All excess stats will be converted into Attribute Points and its usage will be locked! Complete the Ascension Quest to avert this restriction!]

'Um... Ai-chan?'



[Scanning the current world for Ascension Quest . . .]

[Ascencion Quest Discovered!]

Again, another message came out. But Mai just didn't seem to mind about them anymore.

[Please Choose the Difficulty! The harder the quest, the higher the rewards!]

However, she instantly became very interested after seeing that statement. Following that, four small panels suddenly appeared in her view, and she had to select either one of them.

[Easy Mode - Defeat Overhaul!]

[Normal Mode - Defeat Tomura Shigaraki!]

[Hard Mode - Defeat All Might!]

[LUNATIC MODE - Defeat All for One!]

The difficulty selection looks the same as Touhou games. Mai sure did felt nostalgia. But then the feeling was completely shattered.

'...EEEH?! EASY MODO?!' Merely by seeing those two words, made the calm and reserved Mai became extremely triggered. 'HOW LAMEEE!!!'

Of course, as a Touhou player, her choice was already set in stone. She selects on LUNATIC MODE without further thinking. Just by catching a glimpse of the word, LUNATIC, her right hand, as if having a mind of its own, moved by itself. She wondered as to why they were written in caps, but probably just to make it looks much more imposing.

But at last, it's not over yet. As to her surprise, yet another announcement materialized before her. But this time, not only did it managed to gain Mai's full attention, but it also made her dull-looking eyes appeared as if they had stars in them.

[The scan detects an Anomaly! Extra Stage Quest is available for the current world! Accessible after completing Ascension Quest on normal difficulty or higher!]


(Flashback Ended!)


Meanwhile, a few hours after Mai ran away from her rented apartment room, the hero Eraser Head, Or Aizawa, as his real name, can be seen sitting down on the side part of a bed inside the U.A. Highschool's nurse office. One of his hands was wrapped in bandages.

Just when Aizawa was deeply reminiscing about the way he earned his injury, he was suddenly interrupted when the door of the room he's in was suddenly opened. The one who came inside was an old lady, wearing a doctor's lab coat with a purple-visored helmet. She's the one who was known to society as Youthful Heroine: Recovery Girl.

Her Quirk, which was titled 'Heal', allows her to amplify and fastened up the human body's natural healing process by planting a kiss on them. The process is fueled by a large amount of life energy that comes from the recipient themself, and could potentially drain enough energy to kill the said recipient. Her most exceptional ability seems to be on her lips, as it could stretch to an abnormal length.

The two looked at each other in the eyes as the old woman slowly strode forward, lessening their distance. Aizawa doesn't know how, but he got a really bad feeling about his current situation.

"Aizawa-kun, right? Show me your hand!" The grandma calmly instructed Aizawa. It was actually his first time attempting this kind of healing service ever since he became a teacher in U.A. Highschool. He rarely got wounded, and when he does, he usually just cope it up by himself. It was all just out of curiosity, not only that, but it was also because his friend, All Might, recommended it to him.

He thus extended his injured hand away. At first, he was a bit relaxed as the grandma unwrapped the bandages with tender care, revealing his swelling fingers. Even when her lips suddenly stretched out, he was still quiet as he already got the knowledge of this.

And then, it was time for the kiss on the cheek, at least that's what he's expected, until it's not. What he got instead was a lip-to-lip kiss, but only for a fracture of a second, before they quickly separated with each other.

"...eh?" Aizawa, looking for an explanation, directed his gaze toward the Recovery Girl, who just winked at him before she hastily walked away from the medical room. And now, he was alone once more. He could also perceive that his hand has already transformed back to its usual form. Yet, his face looks devoid of happiness and any other emotions, except for confusion, naturally.


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