Op Girl With Touhou System

Chapter 35 - 35 - Suprise Moth-!

Once they reached their destination, the students from the A-1 classroom of U.A. Highschool gathered inside the massive structure of the U.S.J. as they were introduced to its owner, the space-themed hero, Thirteen. Most of the students were happy to see Thirteen. They then converse with each other with the hero as the main topic.

But amidst the discussion of his friends, it was then that Izuku noticed Thirteen and Aizawa, their teacher, were speaking in low tones. He watched as Thirteen held up three fingers, and Aizawa bristled in bitterness.

Izuku could already guess what they were talking about. All Might can only use his quirk for 3 hours a day. If he were to use it more than that, his injury would've worsened. Now that he didn't see All Might at all today, even though he was supposed to attend here with them, then there's only one reason for that to happen.

'He already used all of his quirk's duration for today...' Izuku guessed to himself.

"All right, everyone!" Aizawa's voice cut through all the chatter of the class, drawing their attention toward him. "Thirteen is going to lay out why we're here today, so listen up!"

Izuku listened to every word of Thirteen's speech with rapt attention, about safe quirk usage, the dangers of losing focus, and many more. All of them were important points, to be sure.

As his attention started to waver near the end of Thirteen's speech because he already knew them since he was a child, Izuku was the first one to notice the appearance of some sort of swirling black mass, down in the central plaza.

"A-Aizawa sensei! W-What is that?!" He quickly pointed and alerted his teacher about the strange thing's whereabouts. Because of his loud voice that attracted attention, not only Aizawa, but now everyone else is also looking in the same direction.

There is no additional agenda other than training the kids using the different environments in U.S.J., so he was very skeptical when the weird thing manifest itself. "Be careful everyone!" Aizawa warned.

Suddenly, the top part of a villain-looking slender young man with many hands snitched on his body, walked out from the black swirl portal-like thingie. Almost every student became stiff just by looking at him. He looks absolutely menacing.

But just as one of his feet finally reached the outside ground area, he fell and crashed down. A total silence happened inside the big giant massive building. Until Minoru Mineta, the chibi, and Kaminari Denki, the electro user, laugh out loud without any self-restraint.

"Hahahaha!" "Hahahaha!"

The villain-looking young man shakingly stood up in shame and stared at the ground to see what caused his fall. It was a freaking banana peel.

Mineta and Denki also saw the yellow-colored banana peel, so they laughed even harder.


After he did that, he shifted his gaze toward the group of hero students and their teachers, especially the ones who are still laughing at him, sending chills to both of their spines, making them halt what they're doing.

The next few minutes happened in a blur. Dozens of people appeared from the swirling black portal.

"W-Who are they, Aizawa-sensei?" One of the students asked with a stutter.

Without looking back at his student, Aizawa kept his focus toward the direction of the newcomers, as he answered, "They're... Villains!"

Hearing that, everyone gasped in shock. As for Izuku, he felt terrified at the sight of one in particular. A massive being with jet-black skin, a bird-like head, and what appeared to be an exposed brain. Then, after Aizawa had jumped down to the plaza to fight off the throngs of villains, the one responsible for the portal warped right behind the class.

The villain introduced his group as the League of Villains and demanded where All Might was. Some of Izuku's classmates attacked the warp quirk user, but their attacks did literally nothing. And before anyone could react, the Villain's misty body swirled around all of his classmates, including him, and he felt the ground vanish beneath his feet.

Izuku felt like he's becoming one of those SAO characters in the opening song.

While all of these happened, Mai just watched from the sidelines, inside a tall ruined building in the distance to be exact, while eating the remaining of her bananas.

"*Nom!* Just as planned... *Nom!*" Mai muttered. Of course, she was the perpetrator who dropped the banana peel in the central plaza. Though, she didn't expect for it to actually work. Perhaps it was her luck stats. Also, she didn't think what she had committed was littering, because it would get disposed of when the battle started anyway.

'There's no need for you to say that, Ai-chan! Because I already know that I'm a genius!' Mai shamelessly responded.


'A-Anyway, please employ appraisal to those three!' Instructed Mai toward the system. Of course, by reading her mind, it already knows whom she wanted to target.

Three status bars immediately appeared in her vision.



The fight between Aizawa and groups of villains is still ongoing, but even when he was outnumbered, he's still got the upper hand against them.

"Grrrrr!!!" Shigaraki Tomura, the villain-looking young man, growled in annoyance as he watched the grunts that he brought with him got beaten one by one until no one's left, by the eraser hero.

"Nomu!" Shigaraki shifted his gaze to the massive jet-black bird-headed creature which was packed with muscles that stood right beside him, before he opened his mouth once more, "F*ck him up!"

Nomu, the weird creature, moves closer at breakneck speeds towards the eraser hero, who was already gasping for breath as he had fought a long fight. By the time Aizawa realized it, the bird-headed creature was already in front of him, with its right hand in the middle of throwing a punch.

Aizawa used his quirk to neutralize Nomu's quirk while both of his hands shifted into a defensive posture. But his quirk didn't work at all, as Nomu's quirk is a mutant type, and his hands were fractured as Nomu's strength is too much for him to handle.

After that, Aizawa continued to get beaten up by Nomu, and he became Nomu's plaything.


Seeing the situation on hand, Mai concluded that it was now a perfect time for her to start her act. But before that...

"(Agility), (Aurora Veil), (Calm Mind), (Harden), (Focus Energy), (SafeGuard), (Sharpen)..." Some sort of colorful light appeared around Mai, one after another.

Now that the preparation was over, she jumped down the building and started to float quietly toward her early prey as her subconscious ability has been activated before. It was Kurogiri, the warp quirk user, as he was the most troublesome out of the three opponents. It was best to knock him out first while they haven't yet realized that something's wrong.

"How do you feel now, Hero~? KUHAHAHAHA!" Seeing the eraser hero's devastated state, Shigaraki couldn't help but to crack up. Nevertheless, he didn't want Nomu to have all the entertainment to itself. He also wanted to join their 'Fun-time'. That's why he stride closer to them.

*Crack!* *Thud!*

"Kurogiri!" He shouted out loud, but didn't dare to get close. He knew that the enemy might be nearby, so he glanced around but there's no one to be found. At last, he called out to his one remaining ally, "Nomu! Search and defeat the hidden intruder!"

Nomu, who was playing with Aizawa's body, stopped his inappropriate action and sprints toward Shigaraki. But even when it reached him, it kept on running past in a straight line and throws a powerful punch toward the air.

"Nomu! What are you do-" Just as he was about to finish off his question, the punch was connected to something as it made an impact. A girl suddenly appeared out of nowhere, blocking Nomu's punch with X-shaped arms. After that, she got blown a few meters away. "-Eh?"

In fact, Shigaraki is not the only one who was surprised.



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