Op Girl With Touhou System

Chapter 6 - 6 - Gugu Gaga!


- Incident: Crazy Floating Knife! (Ongoing)

Prize: 250 Incident Points (Collect?)

- Daily Mission: Slap someone (0/1)

Prize: 1 Gacha Ticket

'Can I just slapp myself?' Mai asked the system.

[N- No, host will not make any progress on the mission if you do that. And host, it's slap, not slapp]

'Owhhh~' Mai pouted imaginarily. She thought the mission was just going to be ez pz lemon sqw-z. 'Then, what about the incident points, what happened if I collect it now?' Asked Mai.

[W- Well... if host collect it now, you will get the reward that was written down on the screen]

'My dear Ai-chan~, I know that, but what I'm asking is, what's the difference between collecting it now or later? Also, why can't it just be collected automatically?' Mai was curious.

[Blush! Um... Um..... there's no difference, really. I- It's just so that host can see the progress of the incident. If the host wants it to be collected automatically, it can also be done]

'So that what it is,' Mai nod sagely. 'Nevermind, I'll just collect it manually. But hey, Ai-chan, why did you say blush, when it wasn't supposed to be said vocally?' She smugly teased the system.


Mai waited a long time, with her imaginary smug, for the system reaction. But instead of what she wanted, all she got was a sentence plastered across the transparent screen that suddenly appeared in her sight. She also didn't hear the system voice.

[System has left the chat! The cause is identified as overheating! Please wait for a bit for it to be fixed!]

'Wait, it can do that?' Mai was shocked. She's also worried about how long the system will be gone. But she just calmed herself down. 'There's no way the system would be gone for that long,' She thought to herself. And it was proven right. After about 1 minute, the system came back.

[Sorry, host! I'm... I'm just-]

'It's alright, Ai-chan,' Mai intercepted. 'It was me who's in the wrong. I'm sorry for teasing you too much!' She felt guilty.

[No-no-no host!]

'No-no-no Ai-chan!'



[A- Alright host. Apology accepted!]

'Yatta!~' It can be seen that Mai clenches her fist and throw it upward as if she's happy, even with her expressionless face.

[H- Host, please don't make me felt like I'm losing after I accept your apology!]

'Ehe!~' Mai bonked her own head. She also breathed a sigh of relief. 'Alright, let's get back to business. I think I'll just collect the points for now!' She then moves her finger to touch the collect buŧŧon on the screen. Another screen suddenly appeared after she does that.

[You have received 250 Incident Points!]

[Incident Point: 0 -> 250]

'Woohoo!' Mai was happy just because her incident point wasn't identified as zero anymore. She wondered what can she do with this amount of incident points. By the way, she hasn't even seen the shop yet. From things that were taught to her before, she knows what she gotta do.

Mai focused her mind to open the shop function. Another transparent screen appeared on her vision. The other screens have been dissipated by the system because it thought its host didn't need them anymore.

When she looked at the screen, she could see many boxes showing flashy pictures of the items that were sold inside. But when she looks at the price tag of the items, she was like...

'Ai-chan, why didn't you just go rob a Temple, Church, Shrine, Mosque, and Pagoda!'


The night has come. Mai just finished having dinner in the dining room. She's in her bedroom now. Of course, she was already done doing her daily mission just a few minutes ago. Why not do it at lunchtime? In fact, she had already slapped someone during lunch but when she asked the system why they weren't any reward, the system said that what she did wasn't classified as a slap but as a touch because she was slapping too softly. So she does it again at dinner time.

(Flashback Start)

After Mai has done eating dinner, she suddenly stands up and her eyes move around at a high speed, searching for prey. In just a few seconds, she found it. The victim. Of course, it's Bic, who's else?

After that Mai started walking, approaching Bic who's just happily eating her banana. Bic shuddered, she had a bad feeling. Bic then put her banana down and started to look around, she found Mai walking closer to her with her usual expressionless face. "*Sigh* Here we go again..." Bic muttered to herself.

Bic knows something weird would happen to her if Mai was involved. Just like this afternoon, when they were done having lunch, Mai suddenly started taping her cheek. 'Her hand is so soft, it feels grea-' Bic then shakes her head. 'No-no-no-no, I haven't done anything wrong yet officer, I swear!'

That's when Bic saw Mai raise her right hand. 'She wants a high five?' Bic asked herself. She wasn't sure so she also raised her hand. And then Mai opened her mouth. "What's up-"

"Wha-" Bic just decides to answer the greeting, but then it was quickly interrupted by Mai.

"-Slappers!" Mai's hand moves, Bic failed to react, and then... *Slap!*

As Bic started to feel the pain, she saw Mai's figure getting smaller, most likely running away. Mai failed to notice that Bic's cheeks were slightly red, but it's not because of the slap as it wasn't that hard, it's from something else. Bic's breathing is slightly ragged. There is also blood coming out of her nose. Perverted uncle grin plastered on her face. But she quickly shakes her head and her expression change into normal. 'No officer, I already said I'm innocent! Trust me!'

(Flashback End)

Mai didn't use her ability to stay hidden while slapping because she wanted to know what it felt like to slap someone like a normal person. She knows she would be in trouble because of slapping a caretaker but she would just take care of it later. Right now, she's getting ready to continue the incident tonight. But before that...

'Ai-chan~, Gacha! Go! Go! Go!'

[A- Alright host!]

And then, just like the first gacha, a white light illuminate Mai's bedroom.

[Congratulations! You have got 1 Star character: (Rabbit Youkai)]

[Added ability: -(High Jump)]

[Bonus attribute: -Agility(+5)]

[Agility: 1015 -> 1020]

"Bruh!" Mai said with a flat tone. Well, not that she hates it. It was as expected to get a 1-star anyway, so she'll just take it. 'High jump, huh? I don't think I need that right now,' She thought to herself. Well, her physique is at 110 right now. She can pretty much jump to the rooftop of her orphanage from the ground with that much strength and she already tried it. It proved to be true.

'Ok, let's continue the incident!' Mai braced herself. What she does is pretty much the same as last night, but this time, three caretakers are on patrol. She decided to not follow any of the caretakers and just open up the room herself. She didn't want it to get troublesome by choosing the room she just goes to the one near her.

She gently opened the door, after she entered, she closed it just as slowly. She checks the room and it looks like everyone inside is sleeping. Wait, there's one kid who's still awake. It was an infant who looked about one year old. When she entered, the infant started to stand up by grabbing the handle on the cradle and then turned his face toward her. The baby then started grumbling something random while looking at her happily.

"Gugu gaga gugu gaga!" Said the baby.

Mai just looks at the baby intensely. The room went silent for a few seconds before she then opens her mouth.

"GaGiGuGeGo U u A a!" Mai answered.

The baby started to laugh. Its looks like he understand what Mai just said. This is called communication.

'So it looks like I can still be seen by an infant, just like Koishi, the original owner of Manipulation of Unconcious Mind,' Mai thought to herself. Children whose minds have not been overly developed are immune to this ability. But she didn't know how old the children were before they couldn't see her.

Welp, she's not here to collect some data, she's here to make an incident. She then waves at the infant, the infant just grumbles happily. She then started doing her thing.

Youkai ("mystic apparition" or "mysterious calamity") is a term used to refer to Japanese folk creatures and ghosts, or to supernatural beings in general.. Because there are thousands of stories of magical beings around the world, the different types of youkai are endless.

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