Open a Clinic to Cultivate Myself

Chapter 1021: Tang Zixian Appears at Baotou Mountain

Opening the eyes, the small island in the center of the lake is still quiet. There are weathering fields for insects and birds and rabbits, but there are no weathering fields for people. His nose could still capture Tang Zixian's scent, and continued to extend to the small island in the center of the lake.

She won't be eaten by any monster or beast. If there is such a powerful monster or beast, he should be able to see it, even if it is invisible, can he smell the smell?

Without Tang Zixian's appearance, Ning Tao couldn't help thinking about it and worrying about her. After waiting for two minutes to see Tang Zixian appear, he removed his feet from the bald fairy's chest.

The pressure on his chest plummeted, and the bald fairy gasped heavily.

Ning Tao said lightly: "Is the woman you hunted hidden on an island in the center of the lake?"

The bald fairy blinked: "I tell you ... will you let me go?"

Ning Tao nodded his head: "That is necessary."

I don't know why. Seeing Ning Tao promised to be so refreshing, the bald fairy always felt that this was not true.

Ning Tao frowned slightly: "You don't believe me?"

The bald fairy nodded her head hard.

You said that you came in to save money, and dozens of brothers have been scattered. How can a person like you be convinced?

Ning Tao drew the terrible green flying sword in his hand against the bald fairy's chest: "Then do you believe I killed you now?"

The bald fairy immediately became tense and nodded hastily: "Believe, believe."

Ning Tao took the sword and cursed: "Damn, you are cheap, I said let you believe it, if you kill you, you believe it, I will give you one last chance, say!"

The bald fairy trembled and said with a tremor: "Yesterday, last night ... We chased her all the way here, and she fled to the island. We are here to guard and wait for her to come out if she ... she If I can come out. "

There is something hidden in this saying.

Ning Tao's voice turned cold: "She was injured. It ’s easy for you to go up that island. Why did n’t you catch up? What is that island?"

"Yes ..." The bald fairy stopped talking.

Ning Tao once again put the terrible green flying sword on the bald fairy's chest.

"I said I said ..." The bald fairy took a deep breath. "It was a tomb of gods, guarded by a magic circle. It is said that there is a very powerful monster that regards the island as a territory, no matter who goes up It will die when it's over. "

"God's tomb?"

"I don't know about this, but I know that many immortals who are good at grave digging and digging treasure never go up again. Occasionally we will hear the horror roar of monsters, so we are full of awe and scared Go up, "said the bald fairy.

Ning Tao remembered the strange feeling of entering the Yin Valley when he came, and he became more and more heavy. Is there really any powerful magic circle and monster?

"I, I have told you everything I know, you promised me, let me go, I beg you." The bald fairy begged.

Ning Tao said: "No rush, is there any evidence to prove what you said?"

The bald fairy stunned for a moment, then shook her head.

Ning Tao also said, "You do n’t actually believe it, or you wo n’t stay here. I think you even want her out, grab her, and then ask the situation on the island, you actually want to go to that seat. Is n’t the island a treasure hunt? "

The bald fairy looked surprised, hesitated, and nodded.

Ning Tao glanced at the gimmick-shaped island in the heart of the lake, lost in thought.

"Daxian, I ... can I go?" The bald fairy carefully tentatively tried.

Ning Tao nodded his head: "Well, you go."

The bald fairy climbed up, glanced at the miserable green flying sword held in Ning Tao's hands, opened her mouth to want it, but swallowed it back to her mouth. Then he limped towards the valley and valley mouth, the poor eyes were gone, replaced by the cold and terrible eyes.

Some people, you glared at him ten years ago, he remembered in your heart, always ready to an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth, let alone such a **** hatred?

The bald fairy is such a person. As he walks, he swears in his heart: "You wait for me, I will definitely take revenge! I want to kill everyone related to you! I want to ..."

"Wait." Ning Tao's voice came.

The bald fairy's feet trembled suddenly, and the tone of speech was very gentle: "What else do you want, Daxian?"

Ning Tao said, "Where are you going?"

Bald Fairy: "?"

Ning Tao pointed at the small island in the lake with his flying sword: "I mean, you should go there."

"You ..." The bald fairy's emotion suddenly lost control, "You promised me! I told you everything, you will let me go! You ..."

Ning Tao's figure flickered, grabbed the bald fairy's collar, pulled him to make a leap towards the small island in the center of the lake, and a cloud of ink smoke came out from the reeds.

The bald fairy said in horror: "You, you ... are you a fairy?"

"Is it strange?" Ning Tao asked back.

The expression of the bald fairy now is like eating a pile of steaming shit: "You ... you can kill us directly, you are a god, you use such mean means ... you ... meanness!"

Ning Tao stabbed into the bald fairy's cheek with a sword, and then stirred it fiercely. After pulling the sword, she kicked the bald fairy with one foot.

He didn't care how the guy scolded him, he broke the tongue of the guy, just in case he yelled to attract the fairy catcher.

The bald fairy fell to the top of the **** hill on the island, and the dead dog usually lay on a rock. Next to that rock was a recessed crack that extended to both sides and penetrated the entire three-quarters of the **** hill.

Standing tall, the shape of this hoe-headed hill, coupled with the cracks of the ghostly axe, Ning Tao's mind suddenly emerged with a similar form.

He threw down the bald fairy, but did not touch any magic circle. He wanted to go on, but hesitated and decided to observe.

The upper end of the crack is not deep, but it goes deeper and deeper. There is a deep pit near the bottom. Then he discovered that the source of the cold that pervaded the valley was the unremarkable pit!

Is Tang Zixian hiding there?

Without waiting for him to think about it, the bald fairy climbed up from the rock, he glanced at Ning Tao with a look of hatred, suddenly jumped and jumped into the crack. The cracks are several meters wide and several meters deep. The bottom is smooth and slopes down to form a slope. As soon as he jumped down, his body slid down the deep pit against the smooth rock.

What does this guy want to do?

An uneasy premonition emerged from his heart, and a blood lock suddenly appeared on Ning Tao's left palm. As soon as a dangerous situation beyond his control appeared, he opened the door of convenience and escaped.

Zoji Er's door of convenience is always the door of convenience, although it is only as large as a dog hole.

Suddenly, a strange cold air was released from the deep pit at the bottom of the crack. Before the bald fairy approached the deep pit, his body was frozen instantly. The taxiing speed is also faster, but only after gliding for a distance, it hit a protruding rock in the crack, and a squeaking noise broke into pieces of frozen meat.

Pieces of frozen meat slid into the deep pit at the bottom of the crack, but no falling sound was transmitted.

Ning Tao opened his eyes, and there was still a dark piece in the deep pit, and he could see nothing. His nostrils captured Tang Zixian's scent, and until now her scent was still spreading out of the deep pit.

The chill viper generally rushed towards Ning Tao.

Ning Tao's right hand was pushed forward, and the gun came out in the flesh. A group of ink guns exploded, blocking the cold. However, even if the energy field of the gun gas with the gun in the flesh canceled out a part of the cold energy and slowed down that cold energy, it still invaded a little. At that moment, even the gun gas energy field was frozen into a flocculent ice crystal!

Fortunately, the robbery suit also has the ability to withstand the cold, so he has not been frozen. However, the power of this chill still startled him, instinctively released the samadhi fire, burning the whole body, which forced the chill out.

"Tang Zixian, it's me! Ning Tao!" Ning Tao shouted at the deep pit. "Are you still alive? If you are still alive, you can come out and be safe outside."

His voice directed into the deep pit ~ ~ echoing in the deep pit.

There was no response in the pit.

The reason he felt Tang Zixian was alive was because he could still smell her smell. But now, he had to think in a bad direction, and the smell might be emitted from her body.

Such a deep pit, do you want to go down and see?

Ning Tao thought about it, but finally gave up the idea.

He is more curious about killing cats than anyone else. Although he can barely withstand this weird cold, in case there are more weird and powerful traps below?

If you don't dare to go, then there is only silence.

Ning Tao stood on the cloud of ink and smoke and bowed deeply into the deep pit, with a heavy tone: "You said that if I came to the fairyland, I would come to you and meet you. I am here ... but you ... Why did you die? You also said that you are a moon-moon fairy, you are such a vegetable, you are a moon-moon fairy ... "

"Are you eulogy to me?" A familiar voice came.

Ning Tao froze immediately, staring closely at the deep pit at the bottom of the crack.

He remembered that sound, which was Tang Zixian's voice!

A white figure flew out of the deep pit, stepped on a flying sword, and stood opposite Ning Tao. The wind is accompanied, the skirt is fluttering, the legs are thin, and the waist is bright and moving. Who is Tang Zixian, the young lady of Tang Men?

She also has another identity, the queen of the Moonmoon civilization, the Moonmoon Fairy. However, the two are one, just like Nanmen Xunxian, she can also be Kunlun jade or Xue Weiyang.

She was alive, right in front of her.

Ning Tao forgot what to say.

The four eyes are opposite.

Everything is in each other's eyes.

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