Open a Clinic to Cultivate Myself

Chapter 1067: 讣 天书

The road up the mountain is long.

Wu Ningtao was not in a hurry, he followed the undead phoenix slowly climbing up and saluted her.

Undead Fire Phoenix has been thinking about something, and his face is a little hesitant. After walking up a long way, he turned back and said to Ning Tao, "I remembered that he was my master. I was still very young at that time. He taught me a lot. He was like my father. That soul was engraved deep in my soul before he was dying. I don't blame him. "

I was like this.

Wu Ningtao curiously said, "Senior, why did you not remember such an important thing until now?"

Undead Fire Phoenix said: "Every time I regenerate Nirvana, I will lose part of my memory. The more times I regenerate, the more I lose, and the last time I do n’t remember anything."

Ning Tao said: "It turned out to be like this, it ’s like the reincarnation of human beings. In mortal world, it is said that human souls will drink a bowl of Mengpo soup when they go to hell, and they will forget what happened before they drank. Seniors are better Much more, at least remember something very important. "

Undead Fire Phoenix said: "You do n’t need to call me a senior. The person who cultivates immortals is not based on the age, let alone you are a heaven fairy, but also my salvation benefactor. You will call me a fire phoenix in the future. If you call me an senior, I Just call you gracious. "

Pu Ningtao smiled: "Okay, I'll call you Huohuang. You can call me the Tao number, or the name."

Seniors, this title is the same as auntie or grandmother on earth. It is normal for Phoenix to dislike it. Although she is not a woman on earth, she is also a beautiful woman. His predecessor's name was polite, but he also called others old.

I talked to the top of the mountain.

A blood-colored mist shone on the top of Laoshan Mountain, but it was much thinner than the foot of the mountain. The line of sight can penetrate out to see the vast and boundless sea, and you can also see the sky when you look up. The sky was still overcast with no sunlight.

Wu Ningtao thought that he might be able to see Shenshan after he came up, but he still couldn't see it, and his heart was a little disappointed.

"Ji Rijun, you come to see this." Undead Fire Phoenix walked towards a boulder.

Wu Ningtao retracted his eyes and followed her to the boulder.

That megalith is at least tens of thousands of tons, like a giant stone monument standing on the top of an undead volcano. The boulder is engraved with dense runes, which look like a magic circle but not like it.

Wu Ningtao said curiously, "Who carved it?"

Undead Fire Phoenix said, "This is carved by the Sun King."

"Is this law formation?"

"No, this is 讣 天书." Undead Fire Phoenix said, she reached out and touched a rune on the rock, with a hint of sadness hidden in her expression.

Wu Ningtao said secretly in his heart: "Tiantianshu ... Is this a book about how Tiandao is destroyed? If so, how to interpret it?"

Mind moving.

Wu Ningtao also put his hand on a rune on the rock.

There was no trigger reaction.

Undead Fire Phoenix said: "I have tried to read it, but I can't read it at all. Ji Ri Xing Jun once told me that if someone comes to read this book, I can follow him away."

After saying this, she looked at Ning Tao with a little expectation in her eyes.

Wu Ningtao said: "You are free already, can't you leave here yet?"

"Of course I can leave here."

"Why do you need someone to read this book, and then you can leave here with him?" Her brain circuit was a little strange, and Ning Tao wanted to understand.

Undead Fire Phoenix smiled indifferently: "I said yes

I followed him and I meant that I would follow him. Rather than leaving here to go further fishing, or do something else. "

Wu Ningtao's heart moved: "If I read this book, would you follow me?"

Undead Fire Phoenix said: "Of course, this is the last death of Sunstar King. I regard her as a father. For me, his life is also his father's life. Of course, I have to obey it. And I believe he left this heavenly book , There must be his intention. "

Wu Ningtao's heart was excited: "Then I will try it."

This undead fire phoenix struggles even with him. If she can be taken as a mount and she will go out to fight and ride the big phoenix in the future, wouldn't it be great!

I just try it.

He injected a spirit into the rock.

Wu Tianshu did not respond.

He tried to recite the runes on the rock again, and read them all from high to low, but still didn't respond.

念 He read it from bottom to top again, still unresponsive.

His confidence was hit.

Before trying it, he felt that he and Fu Rixing are both natural good and evil middlemen, and he also erased the imprint of the soul left by Fu Rixing in the soul of the undead Fire Phoenix. He is completely confident to open this book Take the big US Phoenix.

I did not expect to try again and again, but this book of Tian Tian was motionless.

The disappointed look also appeared on the face of the undead phoenix: "It seems to be waiting for someone."

Wu Ningtao refused to give up, and then said, "I am the destined person."

“Then you try again, this uncle Tianshu has troubled me for a long time. I want to know what it says.”

Except for this purpose, she seems to want to leave here with Ning Tao to see the outside world.

If she is destined to have a new master, Ning Tao, who is also a natural middleman of good and evil, is undoubtedly suitable for her, and Ning Tao is still a person inherited by the Sun King, far better than any other destiny Her mind.

I just don't know how to express her words.

Wu Ningtao leapt forward and climbed to the top of the monumental rock.

The top of the rock was smooth and flat, approaching a rectangular shape, and it really looked like a standing book.

Wu Ningtao's gaze swept away, and his gaze quickly stopped on a mark in the middle.

That is a circular mark, about the size of an ordinary compass.

Would it be the same thing as the book-opening mechanism or the eyes?

Wu Ningtao walked over and took a closer look, and stayed a little.

That's not a rune, but a Tai Chi figure. A Yin fish and a Yang fish are entangled. You have me, and you have me. This constitutes the natural Yin and Yang Tai Chi.

But there is only this figure of yin and yang tai chi, without runes. He reached out and poked, and there was no hidden organ.

There was a rush of heat behind him, and before he looked back, the undead phoenix had come to his side.

Undead Fire Phoenix said: "This mark is also left by Sun Xingjun, but he didn't say why he wanted to leave such a mark. I also tried to open 讣 天书 through it, but it didn't work."

"I'll try it." Ning Tao said.

He injected a spirit into the mark.

Wu Tianshu still had no response.

He frowned, and Yuanshen appeared out of nowhere, and plunged into the Yin-Yang Taiji mark.

His eyes entered the mark, dived from the top of 讣 Tianshu all the way to the bottom.

I still didn't respond.

The look of disappointment on the face of the undead fire phoenix is ​​even more obvious: "You are not the destined person.

I must leave it to others. "

Wu Ningtao was silent.

He doesn't believe in this evil.

I must be wrong.

But there must be a correct method for this book. What method is it?

Wu Ningtao sat cross-legged beside the Yin-Yang Taiji mark and fell into thought.

The undead fire phoenix also learned his movements and sat across from him.

With her cross-legged her, Ning Tao's whole body is not good, and her thinking is disrupted. Just now, there was only the yin and yang fish in the Yin-Yang Taiji mark in his head, but as soon as she sat across from him, there was only another fish in his eyes and mind.

Do people want to think anymore?

The undead fire Phoenix looked at Ning Tao quietly, his eyes were so simple that there was no thought. If you have to say something else, it's just curiosity.

Ning Tao was the first man she had met since the end of the ancient Ling Ling era, how curious she was in her mind.

Wu Ningtao lowered his head. He had to be focused. Looking at her, he couldn't stay focused.

Time passed in silence, little by little.

In the sight of Ning Tao, the yin and yang fishes in the yin and yang tai chi seemed to swim, turning around and turning.

Yin and Yang together, everything is born.

Suddenly, a flash of light flashed in Ning Tao's mind, and he raised his head, his expression exclaimed, "I see!"

The undead fire phoenix was also excited: "What do you know? Tell me!"

Ning Tao pointed to the Yin-Yang Taiji mark in front of him and said, "Yan Tianshu, that is to say that the day is dead, but death is the beginning of life. The dead bones of the Sun-King star are here, and he left this on the Xuantian book The imprint of yin and yang tai chi is actually a hint that this day and even he himself will be born again. There is no real death in this world, everything between heaven and earth, and even the universe. The living person enters death, and the living person Always come. "

The undead phoenix shook his head: "I don't understand. Does what you say have anything to do with opening this book?"

Ning Tao said: "Of course there is, the bones of the Sun King are in Yaochi, and every time you regenerate Nirvana, you must enter that Yaochi. In my opinion, it is a blood pool, maybe the blood of a certain deity. ~ ~ and the yin and yang taiji mark is engraved on this heavenly book, this is a rebirth revelation. "

The undead fire Phoenix shook his head again: "I still don't understand."

Wu Ningtao: "..."

Da Meihuang has been imprisoned here since the end of the Linggu era, and she has kept pace with the times, and has not experienced how many times Nirvana has been reborn, and it is normal for the brain circuit to have problems.

Wu Ningtao was too lazy to talk to her about these avenues. He put his left hand into the Yinyue Taiji, and held down Yangyu. A burst of blood came out of his palm, and the sunfish was drowned in an instant.

"You also learn how to do this," Ning Tao said to the undead phoenix.

He died for a moment, "Are you sure?"

Wu Ningtao said, "You catch the overcast fish with your right hand and learn to bleed like me, we will be able to open this book."

The undead fire phoenix put his right hand into the yin-yang taiji mark, but said again: "Are you sure?"

Wu Ningtao nodded his head: "I'm pretty sure."

"Don't you regret it?" Undead Phoenix asked again.

Tong Ningtao froze a little, but thinking that her brain circuit was a little abnormal, so she nodded again: "I don't regret it."

The undead fire phoenix grinned: "Then I will join your blood and die."

Suddenly a flaming question mark popped up in Wu Ningtao's head.

又 What is this brain circuit?

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