It was a woman's voice, very weak.

Qi Ningtao had already walked to the door of an empty prison cell that was not closed, and was going to draw a bloodlock and go back to the small ruined temple.

Zhe Lin Shishan wanted to kill, but it was not tonight, it was too cheap to kill that guy casually.

Hearing the woman's voice, Ning Tao turned back and came to the cell door.

A young woman was held in the cell, holding a baby in her arms. The baby curled up in her arms, wondering whether she fell asleep or passed out.

The woman who asked for water was in her early twenties, her lips were chapped, her face was pale, and she had a serious health problem at first glance. But in terms of appearance, it is very beautiful. As a matter of fact, the girls in this prison are pretty good-looking. From this point on, it is not difficult to see what Lin Shishan treats them like.

"I beg you ... please give me some water ..." The young woman called Ning Tao back with a hint of hope in her empty eyes. She said in a husky voice: "I haven't had any water for two days No water ... I don't have milk ... My child will starve to death ... I ask the grandfather to give me some water ... "

Hearing these words, Ning Tao heard pantothenic acid in his heart. He said, "Why, they're keeping you here without even drinking water?"

"Grandfather ... you ... give me some water ..." A woman only wants water.

Tong Ningtao glanced around, and soon saw a bunch of keys hanging on the wall. He walked over and took the keychain off, then returned to the cell door, found the corresponding key, and opened the cell door.

没有 There is no water here, but there are a lot of spirit springs and fruits and fruits in his Japanese gourd.

Wu Ningtao walked into the cell and saw a dirty and broken porcelain bowl. The porcelain bowl aimed at the gourd mouth, a thought, a stream of Lingquan immediately flowed out of the Japanese gourd. He simply cleaned the broken bowl before pouring water into the bowl.

The woman saw the water, and suddenly felt the light in her two eyes. She held the child in one hand and crawled towards Ning Tao with the other on the ground.

She hasn't drank water for two days, and the beasts here will definitely not give her anything to eat. So hungry now, she has no strength to stand up.

"Don't move, I'll bring it for you." Ning Tao walked over holding the broken bowl and handed it to the woman's mouth, and said: "Don't worry, drink slowly, you haven't for two days Drink water, drink too fast and your heart can't stand it. "

哪里 Where can this woman care about what heart is not heart, spit into the belly with water.

Wu Ningtao would not persuade her anymore. With his Tianxian here, even if she had a sudden cardiac arrest, he could save her.

He did not wait for the poor woman to drink a bowl of water, and footsteps rang out of the prison cell.

A man came over here.

Wu Ningtao hesitated for a moment, without any response, continued to hold the broken bowl and let the woman drink water.

The man quickly walked to the door of the cell, glanced inside, and snapped sharply, "Who asked you to give him water? Damn, you get out of Lao Tzu!"

Ning Tao did not move, and did not answer.

"Don't you hear what Lao Tzu said? Damn, I think you're looking for death!" The comer came in, "This woman gave birth to a sister-in-law, and it was her life, how dare you give him water to drink?"

The woman quickly drank the last bit of water in the bowl.

The Taolai kicked and flew the broken bowl that Ning Tao held in his hand. The broken bowl flew out, hit the wall, and the pieces fell to the ground.

Wu Ningtao looked up at him.

Here comes a fairy martial artist, five big and three thick, with a beard and a vicious face.

Luo Luo mustache also looked at Ning Tao, gave a slight frown, and then cursed: "Damn, you

who is it? How did you get in? "

Wu Ningtao stood up and said quietly, "Yun Nai, the immortal king, you haven't kneel yet when you see him!"

The beard froze again, and suddenly a punch was drawn in Ning Tao's face.


There was a muffled sound.

Wu Ningtao's head remained motionless and he didn't feel any pain, but this fist knocked him out.

This is the first time that he claimed to be 朕, trying to pretend to frighten and scare this bearded man who didn't know the height and height of the beard, but did not expect that he was not pretended to be beaten.

I am the fairy king of the imperial dynasty!

You dare to fight the king of immortals?

"Dare to play with Lao Tzu, and still act as a fairy king in front of Lao Tzu, I'll choke you!" The beard and his beard struck on Ning Tao's lower abdomen ""

一次 Ning Tao took a step back this time and pretended to fall.

"Here is the dungeon of the city's mansion. How did you come in? You didn't make it clear today, I slaughtered you!" Bearded beard looks very vicious.

Ning Tao said: "I have made it very clear that the immortal king of my dynasty will be the earth of the king and the king of the governor's court. Although this is the dungeon of the main city, it is also my Site, I am also your king, why should I not be here? "

The beard sneered with a sneer: "Hey! I think you are a fool to lose heart, I'm too lazy to talk nonsense with you, this crazy man, I will send you on the road now!"

Tongluo Beard pulled out a short sharp knife from his waist and drew it to Ning Tao's heart.

Wu Ningtao did not even hide.


The sharp knife hit the muddling Biyun clothing and snapped with a click.

Suddenly, the beard suddenly stunned at the spot, unbelievably looking at the broken blade in his hand.

"You ..." The beard grows thick and thick, but his mind is not stupid. He has realized now that the situation is wrong.

Wu Ningtao smiled: "I can only count bad luck when I meet."

"Come ..." The beard called out, and people rushed to the iron gate of the net cell.

However, he didn't wait for him to call out a word completely. Ning Tao's palm had been split around his neck, and he fainted as soon as he saw black.

The young woman took a sigh of relief and said with a tremor, "Well, grace ... you run away ..."

Wu Ningtao said, "Don't be afraid, I'll take your mother and son away now."

"Can't escape ... if you can ... take my child out ... let him be your son ... I beg you ..." the young woman begged, in order for Ning Tao to promise her, She struggled to get up from the ground, ready to give Ning Tao an oral.

She didn't wait for her to slap her head down. A dark ink cave appeared on a wall in the prison cell, with ink and smoke entangled around it, very mysterious.

The woman was stunned.

Tong Ningtao kicked the beard into the door of convenience, and then supported the woman: "Follow me, I will take you out."

"Engong, you are ..." The woman was stunned, wondering what she wanted to say.

Wu Ningtao smiled indifferently: "I am the immortal king of the imperial dynasty. Come with me."

"Ah?" The woman's legs would kneel on the ground again.

Wu Ningtao supported her without letting her kneel.

The woman said, "Fairy King ... There are still many suffering sisters in this prison. Please ask them to take them away too."

Wu Ningtao said: "I will also save them, but not now, I will take you back first, and then come back to save them. The condition of your child is very bad. If you delay again, the gods will not be able to save them."

The woman hugged the child subconsciously.

Tong Ningtao helped her into the door of convenience.

In the small broken temple, the beard lay under the lock wall, his eyes closed.

Ascaris II did not eat him. This was not that he did not want to eat him, but that Ning Tao had rules. People who threw in could only eat it with his consent. This rule is very necessary. The bearded beard in front of him is an example. He has to interrogate the bearded beard, otherwise he would have slaughtered it. If he throws it in and eats it, he will not have to be tried.

The woman looked a little nervous as she hugged her child.

The worm-face on the Sanshengding Ding smiled, but it gave a silly feeling.

Wu Ningtao said, "Give me the child. I'll show him."

The woman came back to her, carefully handing the child into Ning Tao's hands.

Wu Ningtao injected a little spirit into the child's body, and the dying child suddenly had a little spirit. Then he pulled out that trace of fortune and walked around the child's body.

There was no trace of blood on the child's face. After a trace of the force of creation walked around his body, his face suddenly became blood, and his breathing became stronger.

Wu Ningtao handed the child back to the woman: "Your child has no problem."

"This ... this is all right?" The woman looked surprised and couldn't believe it, but glanced at the sleeping child, her face was rosy and her breathing was even, she burst into tears with joy and no doubt in her heart.

After all, this is the immortal world. Even ordinary immortal people know the immortal's means of reaching the sky without being too curious.

Tong Ningtao put some melon and fruit from the Japanese gourd and handed it to the woman: "You can eat these things."

这 "This ... Thank you, King Fairy." The woman was grateful.

Wu Ningtao asked, "What's your name, why were you locked into the dungeon of the city's main house, and why were the girls in the dungeon locked into the dungeon?"

The woman was gorging on the fruit and fruit, and when Ning Tao asked her, she stopped. She opened her mouth, but said nothing.

Ning Tao said: "You do n’t have to worry about it. No matter what you say to me, I wo n’t tell anyone, and no one will dare to bully you again ~ ~ woman then said: "My name is Zhong Ling. I'm from a nearby village. One day, the young master led a hunting pass by our village, and I looked a bit charming and forced me back to the city's mansion ... he ... insulted me ... Then I became pregnant and gave birth to this child . I thought I would have a better life after giving birth to this child, but I didn't expect that the beast would kill our mother and son ... "

Sui Ningtao suddenly remembered that when he first entered the city main mansion, the fat man he saw, and the girl who was sleeping in the same bed with him, the girl had scars on her body. He didn't think much at that time, but in retrospect, the fat man is probably the young master Lin Yunfei who buried the fairy city.

The so-called tiger poison does not eat the child, that guy even killed his own son!

"You go on." Ning Tao's tone was very gentle.

Zhong Ling went on to say: "The sisters in the dungeon are girls robbed by the city and young masters from all over the place. Those fathers and sons have done things that are not as good as animals to them ... they will be slightly disobedient to that father and son. When they were beaten or even executed. They had played enough and tired, they would sell the girls in the dungeon as slaves, and some would reward them to their men ... "

She can't go on.

Wu Ningtao nodded his head, and Wen Sheng said, "I know, you eat, believe me, I will give you justice."

He walked towards that bearded.

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