Open a Clinic to Cultivate Myself

Chapter 1138: Endless Forest Large Mermaid

Outside the door is a dense forest, with towering ancient trees extending in the field of vision, the sky is still overcast with only a little faint sky light. The woods were not quiet. There were insects everywhere, and occasionally a roar of beasts.

Ning Tao opened his eyes and walked out of the temple door. When he looked back, he found that the temple was surrounded by a huge bird's nest, and not on the ground, but on a branch of a huge tree. .

How big is this tree?

The branch under his feet would allow a large passenger plane to land and take off.

This super scary giant tree was born in a valley, so when he opened the door just now, he had the feeling of standing on the ground and looking up at the sky and mountains, but in fact he was on a branch in the crown of this giant tree.

How big is that bird's nest?

A branch building a bird's nest casually has the thickness of his thigh, and the temple is enclosed in the bird's nest, which looks like a children's toy.

This tree, this bird's nest, Ning Tao suddenly gave birth to a feeling of turning into an ant. Tianxian like him is so small on this tree and in this birdhouse.

Nanmen Xunxian, Tang Zixian's undead fire phoenix, and Wu Jinzang also came out of the small ruined temple.

"Here ... it's a tree!" Nanmen Xunxian couldn't stop his mouth.

"This ... Is this a bird's nest?" Tang Zixian was also shocked.

貔貅 Jinzang was considered an "indigenous people" of the endless forest, but it was taken away by Yingren at a very young age, and he didn't understand this place at all, so he was stunned, and felt novel and excited when he saw everything.

Only the undead phoenix is ​​very calm, whether it is a giant tree or a big bird's nest, she is not interested at all.

Ning Tao said, "Zhong Er, what is this place, what tree is this tree, and what is this bird nest?"

The voice of Insect II came from the small broken temple that had become part of the bird's nest: "Ning Aiqing, of course there is endless forest. This tree is called the giant spirit tree, and this bird's nest is a golden-winged Dapeng carving. Bird's nest. The golden-winged Dapeng vulture doesn't know if it is dead or do not want this bird's nest, so this is an unowned bird's nest. "

Golden-winged Dapeng carving?

Ning Tao was familiar with the name, and after thinking about it, it suddenly occurred to her. Isn't that a monster in Journey to the West?

I did not expect that there is such a bird in fairyland.

Undead Fire Phoenix said: "I think of it, the bird's golden-winged hoe, star eyes and leopard eyes, very fierce, can also be considered a low-level beast, can spray lightning, good at air combat, very powerful."

Ning Tao smiled: "Don't say this is an empty bird's nest, even if there is a golden-winged Dapeng carving here, you must bow down in front of your beloved wife."

A bright smile appeared on Undead Fire Phoenix's face: "That's it."

The phoenix is ​​the king of hundreds of birds, and the true dragon is a level of beast. What bird dare to bark in front of her?

Nanmen Xunxian said: "Fu Jun, take out that map and look at it."

Ning Tao released the animal skin map from the Japanese gourd and spread it in his hands. The three wives, including Ji Jinzang, came together to see it.

However, the scale of the map on the skin of the animal does not know how big it is, and the forest in front of it is impossible to judge where the legendary remains of the large animal tribe are.

Ning Tao asked again: "Zhong Er, are you sure you are near the Beast Tribe?"

From what the voice of Zoji Er came out: "This ... in the legendary place, there is a lot of uncertainty. Moreover, this endless forest is many times larger than Fanxiandi, so I am not sure if this place is here Near the ruins of the Beast Tribe. But Ning Aiqing, you can ask Yuan Shen to go out and find that it may not be found. "

Ning Tao said: "It can only be this way."

Tang Zixian said: "We also know how to do things. We and our husband and wife can find a direction one by one. This will also expand the scope of our search."

Ning Tao looked at Nanmen to search for immortals: "Finding immortals, are you okay?"

Among the three wives, Nanmen Xunxian is the weakest, and he won't even fight, letting her out in this kind of place, he always feels insecure.

Nanmen Xunxian could see that Ning Tao was caring for her, and his heart was warm. A smile appeared on the corner of his mouth: "Fu Jun, don't look down on me, although I won't fight, there is no problem with Yuan Shen getting out of the way. If I run into any danger, I immediately fled back, and it is safe to have Jinzang and Zhe Er here. "

Ning Tao said: "I'm still not assured, let's go back to the temple and let the Yuanshen get out of it."

In fact, he was able to "use one heart and two things" for a long time. Even if Yuanshen was out of control, he could protect his three wives, but his combat effectiveness was only half weak. And his primordial spirit was able to return to his body and recover to its peak state in an instant, but even then he was still not assured, so he would let the three wives enter the temple with him and get rid of it.

After all, this is an endless forest. I don't know if there are any powerful beasts and lurking creatures lurking near here, so be careful.

After entering the temple, Ning Tao simply closed the door, and then divided his direction with the three wives.

He chose the north.

Tang Zixian chose the West.

Nanmen Xunxian chose the south.

Undead Phoenix chose the East.

A family of four sat cross-legged on the floor in front of Sanshengding, and then Yuanshen got out of the way, left the temple, and flew in different directions.

Ning Tao went all the way north.

The night wind blew, Lin Hai stretched in all directions in the line of sight, the mountains were undulating, and the forests and peaks seemed to have no end. Even if his Yuan Shen has been flying like this for a thousand years, he will not fly to the end for ten thousand years.

Endless Forest, this is a strange place. Even a fairy like him feels very small here.

Not sure why, he thought of the earth.

Human beings on the earth kill each other for resources, so the elites of the so-called leaders only have immediate interests in their eyes, and do nothing for their own benefit. But if human beings are moved into this endless forest, it is like moving billions of ants into a vast forest, with resources everywhere. Who would kill each other for resources?

Then, he thought of Wu, the "million" above the mountain.

This endless forest is so vast. I do n’t know how many souls thrive in this forest. In this forest, I do n’t know how many and powerful energies are contained in the mountain. Can he really dominate all things? ?

He didn't believe it.

A thousand miles away.

Yes, thousands of miles!

Initially, his Yuan Ying came out, and the range of activities was eight kilometers. Now that he is Tianxian, Yuan Shen can reach thousands of miles in no time!

Moreover, his Yuan Shen can continue to fly forward.

This range of movement is not scary!

In fact, one is an infant and the other is a god. This difference has already explained the problem.

Suddenly, a lake surrounded by mountains came into Ning Tao's sight. He stopped flying and hovered over the valley.

This lake is abnormal.

Nocturnal wind, but this lake is not even a wave of waves, as if a lake is standing water.

The lake was aura, but it was dark.

If you see such a lake in Nanwu Swamp, Ning Tao will definitely think that there is a demon in this lake. But here is the endless forest, this is the world of the spirit beast, and the black gas hidden in the aura is not a demon, it is a phenomenon of energy diffusion that has not been seen before.

What spirit beast or **** beast is hiding in this lake?

Ning Tao was a little curious, but he quickly gave up. He didn't know how many strange creatures he saw this way. Some even found his primordial god, but couldn't catch up with him. It is not surprising that there are any water-based spirit beasts or **** beasts hidden in this lake, and the purpose of his trip is to find the remains of the big beast tribe, not any spirit beast or beast.

Ning Tao's sight quickly swept across the lakeside area, looking for the existence of the ruins. The eye of the Yuanshen was the eye of the sky, and he was taken aback by this sight. The lake is densely wooded and rich in water plants, but it doesn't even have a bug.

The things in this lake are by no means good!

"Forget it, look elsewhere." Ning Tao was about to leave.

Suddenly, there was a wave on the lake.

"Wow wow ..." A cry like a baby came out underwater.

Ning Tao's sight returned to the lake.


A monster with a human face and a fish suddenly shot from the water and bit into Ning Tao's Yuanshen.


This was Ning Tao's instant thought, but it was ridiculously wrong.

Where is this mermaid the mermaid in his impression? The handsome man is handsome and the beautiful woman is sexy. This mermaid's head is as big as a car, an ugly baby face, a body like a whale, at least a hundred tons of weight, and suddenly shot up, that speed is as fast as a meteor!

Ning Tao's Yuanshen flashed, avoiding the attack of the mermaid.

The mermaid's attack failed, and his body fell.


With a loud noise, a huge water column was lifted on the calm and calm lake surface, and the glass layers pushed forward in all directions.

"The guy who can't help himself, even wants to eat my Yuanshen?" Ning Tao scorned.


The mermaid shot again, opened a **** mouth and bited at Ning Tao's Yuanshen.

It is actually the most basic point of with two brushes. It can see the gods of heaven like Ning Tao, and dare to talk.

Ning Tao's Yuanshen dodged again, easily avoiding the mermaid attack.

But this time the mermaid didn't fall, the tail of the fish swung, and suddenly came to the void, and in a moment it was in front of Ning Tao's Yuanshen, and opened his mouth to bite!

So cunning!

It could have done this just now, but it deliberately fell into the water, giving the illusion that it would not fly!

But how can it catch up with the speed of the Yuanshen.

Ning Tao's Yuanshen rose instantly, once again avoiding the mermaid attack.

This time the mermaid did not fall into the lake, but did not attack Ning Tao's Yuanshen again, it seemed to understand the gap between each other.

When Ning Tao wondered whether he left here and searched almost forward, or returned to his body, the mermaid suddenly spoke.

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