Open a Clinic to Cultivate Myself

Chapter 1146: Nan Wu Yao Wang Shi Jing Jing


There are no swamps and mountains in the south.

Wuliang Mountain is a holy place in Nanwu Marsh, because a stone monkey emerges from this mountain, and this stone monkey finally becomes the demon king of Nanwu Marsh.

This stone monkey is stone essence.

He has no father and no mother. He was born of heaven and earth. He was born a stone, and that stone was on the top of this infinite mountain, with two pointed ends, a circle in the middle, and a crack in the middle. The King of the Demon King was drilled out of the hole in the stone. At that time, it was said that the overcast sky actually cracked a crack, cast a beam of sky, and shot him impartially.

In that sky, he grew long when he saw the light, opened his eyes, and gazed at the golden light. Any monster must show his original shape under his golden eyes, very powerful. This world also gave him infinite strength. It is said that there is a mountain in front of Wuliang Mountain. He suspected that it had blocked his sight, so he carried the mountain on his shoulder and moved elsewhere.

This world also gave this stone monkey a stick, called a gold wire rod, which was transformed by a goblin, with infinite mana and infinite power. At this time in these years, no monster can hold his three sticks. The average one stick is killed, the more powerful two sticks are killed, and the more powerful three sticks are killed. Therefore, in addition to the sacred name of Nanwu Dasheng, he got another nickname, Shi Sanbang. In Nanwu Swamp, as long as you say the name "Shi San Bang", even children can stop crying.

This stone monkey has more than one stick, and there is a stick that changes the color of the demon world, because this stick only hits the leprechaun, and it is a beautiful leprechaun. In Nanwu Swamp, as long as he is the sorceress he loves, whether he has a husband or has no children, he will always marry the sorceress into Wuliang Xiangong.

Said to be married, in fact, to grab.

There is only one palace in Wuliang Xian Palace, and that is the harem.

How many girl fairies are in the harem of Wuliang Xiangu?

not a single one.

Because no one was able to carry the banshee who was married to the fairy palace by this stone monkey for a month. In the end, she was as thin as a tree and died of life. It is said that there is an abyss behind Wuliang Mountain, and the abyss is filled with the bones of the female fairy. That abyss also got a name, Cassiopeia.

Therefore, as the center of power in Nanwu Marsh, the symbol of royal power, Wuliang Xiangong operates one thing all year round, that is, beauty pageants and marrying.

South Wusong is different from Fanxiandi and Heaven. There is no city or city owner, only mountains and mountain owners. A fairy, as long as you have the strength, you can take the mountain as the king, command a place, and enjoy the enshrinement of the fairy. The mountain lords of all places had to pay tribute to the stone monkeys. The tribute gave out the elixir of gold, magical treasures, and beautiful nymphs. Therefore, every time, the owner of the mountains without swamps in the south has to pay tribute to the stone monkeys for beautiful beauty.

Today is a day for beauty pageants.

There was a large area of ​​mountain owners kneeling in Wuliang Xiangong, and the scene was very quiet. Shi Jingjing hasn't come yet, but the owner of the mountain seems very nervous.

The most tense is the tea tree cricket, she had obtained a superb tributary, that is, the fox spirit fox concubine, but did not expect that the half-cooked duck actually flew.

Blame the immortal king!

She even thought that the title of the immortal king was a deceptive lie.

A series of footsteps came from behind the hall.

This immeasurable fairy palace is actually a cave on the mountainside of Wuliang Mountain. The hall where the "quns" were met was just a space separated by several stones. A high platform was set up, and a chair symbolizing royal power was placed on the high platform. That's it.

The fairy world is different from Xianmin and Heavenly People, not so particular about it.

Tea Tree 姥姥 raised his head carefully, and hurled toward the corner of the side of the stone screen.

As it happened, a man came out from behind the stone screen.

Not the demon king Shi Jingjing, but the demon king's darling refers to the real person Cai Bujing.

None of the lords of the mountains kneeling in the hall liked the real Yin man, and there were even people who wanted to kill him, but the real Yin man was so favored by the demon king that no one dared to poke him with a finger.

"An immortal who can't be mixed in Fanxiandi, came here to Huhuohuwei, oh!"

"Someday the demon king won't spoil him, at that time I must kill him!"

"This **** fancyed my wife and forced me to dedicate it to the demon king ... I have this wife's hatred for this bastard!"

The lords of the mountains muttered, and the hall was filled with resentment.

However, when Cai Buzhen, the real man in Zhiyin, climbed up to the high platform, the hall suddenly became quiet again, silent.

Cai Bujue stood on the edge of the high platform, glanced over the mountain hosts kneeling in the hall, and said quietly: "It seems that our family has heard some bad words, are you saying bad things about our family?"

The monster who said that he was going to kill Cai Bujing just said, "We don't have it. We just praised you for being good-looking, and we are wise and incomparable. You have a real man who assists the king. That's a blessing for us. "

"Yes, yes, the king is alive, and Mrs. Cai is in charge of you, a thousand years old." The monster who said that he had no hate with his wife and cried out loudly, and his ugly face was full of charming smiles.

Director, this refers to the position of Yin Buzhen Cai Bujing in this immortal palace, which is said to be an extension of an ancient book.

That book is still in this immortal palace called "Legend of the Chicken God".

"Hee hee hee ..." Cai Yin, who is a real man, said that he really liked this feeling. These monsters obviously want to kill him, but have to please him, this feels really good!

But at this time, Cha Shuyi said: "Master, Xiaoxian has something to play."

"The king is not here yet." Cai Bujing said.

Cha Shuyi said: "Some people scolded you just now and said they were going to kill you. Xiaoxin has written their names on this paper. Please look forward to it."

The sight of the masters of the roads fell on the tea tree's body.



Your old demon dared to tell the truth!

Cai didn't smile. "Let's show it to our family."

The tea tree cricket fluttered, and a paper ball flew to the high platform.

Cai Buzhen, the real person who pointed at Yin, reached out to pick it up.

But at this time, a piece of golden light came, and the paper ball instantly turned into ashes. Then, as the void flashed, there was an additional person on the throne on the high platform.

Here comes the demon king stone.

He does look like a monkey with a pointed cheek and a tail behind his butt. But his five-meter-high monkey was like a giant, and even the tallest celestial being was in front of him, and it was like a child. He didn't wear fairy armor, because there was no need for it. He was covered with thick hair, and each hair was one foot long. The hair contained natural runes. Those runes were shining and full of divinity. Don't dare to offend.

What impressed him most were those golden eyes, the real golden eyes of fire, and he could ignite the paper ball with one look. If he wants, he can set a monster's **** on fire with one glance.

Of course, he wasn't naked, but a red rope was tied around his waist, and a stone was tied to that red rope. It is said that the stone was taken from the stone in which he was conceived. It is his scalp, which has a very strong mana. When he walked, the stone would make a jingling sound because of the impact, so the stone was also called dingdong stone.

In Nanwu Swamp, no one dares to question his authority. Almost all monsters regard him as a god, and he is also the most hopeful to survive God ’s calamity and become a god.

As soon as the demon king Shi Jing came, there was no sound in the hall.

Cai Buzhen, the real man in Zhiyin, also knelt down. He wasn't really interested at all about who wrote on the paper group. In the hall there was a ninety-nine road lord who was kneeling. I am afraid that all ninety-eight road lords wanted to kill him. Therefore, even if fifty names are written on that paper ball, a lot will be missed.

The golden eyes of the stone monkey swept across the mountain hosts in the hall, and said, "My king's harem is no longer there. Where are your tribute?"

His voice also has a stone-like texture.

"King, I brought my two daughters this time. They are twin peaches, all beautiful."

"King, this time I robbed a woman. It's a water demon. If you're soft and boneless, you will like it."

"King, this time I dedicate my wife to you ..."

There was a cloud of smoke in the hall.

"What are you waiting for?" Said the stone monkey. "Bring them all up, Wang will be a beauty contest now."

The real man in Zhiyin hurriedly stood up and shouted, "Beauty of Xuangelu enters the temple!"

This tone is exquisite.

One felt that the fairy was taken into the hall, some were tied with ropes, some were shackled, and some were even carried in cages. Some nymphs are crying, and some nymphs are yelling, this is another black smoke.

This is the beauty of Wuliang Xiangong.

The lord of the mountain who has offered the beauty can leave the hall, and those who don't have the tribute to the magician to stay will stay, and the fate is determined by the stone monkey. If the stone monkey is dissatisfied and breaks its hands and feet, it is because the stone monkey is in a good mood.

This time, it seems that the twin peach blossoms made the stone monkeys open to heart. He was very happy that the masters of the offensives that launched the treasures also left. There was no one who broke his hands or his head.

In the end, there was only one tea tree in the hall.

The stone monkey glared at Tea Tree 姥姥: "You old demon, where are the beauties you tribute? Without beauties and magical treasures, do you know what you will do?"

Jin Guang's upper body, Tea Tree's body began to smoke, she endured the pain of being burnt, and trembled, "King, Xiaoxian had already caught a fine fox essence. The fox is beautiful and unparalleled, born with beautiful bones. The king snatched it. "

The stone monkey snorted coldly: "Do you mean to let the king go and see Fanxian grab it back? I think you are looking for death!"

The tea tree shivered suddenly, and said hurriedly: "The king is killing, Xiaoxian is saying that the king of the immortal land not only robbed the fox spirit, there are several stunning fairies around him, and even a phoenix girl. He When he came to grab that fox spirit, the Phoenix Girl incarnation of Phoenix almost burned Xiaoxian's natal tree ... "

The stone monkey narrowed his eyes for a moment, and the words of Cha Shuji aroused his interest.

Tea tree sighed a little sigh of relief, and did not dare to delay, and then said, "Teacher, this is to be offered to the king, that is, the portrait of the phoenix girl and those character fairies, please look at the king."

She took a scroll from a ring.

The real man of Zhiyin jumped down from the high platform, took the painting axe from the hand of Cha Shuyi, and then returned to the high platform, bending down, holding his hands in front of the stone monkey, respectfully saying: King, do you want me to open it? "

The stone monkey nodded slightly ~ ~ Cai Bu slowly unfolded the drawing axis.

The sight of the stone monkey fell on the axis of painting, and a pair of golden eyes fired suddenly and excitedly.

Tea tree sighed a sigh of relief, and then said, "King, Xiaoxian has a plan that can help the king to be beautiful."


There was a smile on the corner of Tea Tree's mouth: "Xianxian's strategy is ..."

Cai Yin, a real man who refers to Yin, did not laugh or say a word. He had seen the portrait long ago, and he even knew that Tea Tree was talking about the strategy.


He is so good.

PS: Try not to send it in the early morning, it is bad for your health. Going to bed early and getting more exercise is the most important.

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