Open a Clinic to Cultivate Myself

Chapter 1179: Salted Egg Heaven

There is a river in Meiyu Gorge called Tianhe. Any stone that is picked up by the river is Lingyu. The sky was shining and it was shining everywhere, beautiful and beautiful. Meiyu Castle is located on the mountainside of Baiyu Mountain, the source of Tianhe River. The mountain is covered with snow and crystals all year round, and even the rocks are white Lingyu, which is a veritable Baiyu Mountain.

In the culture of heaven and man, Meiyu Gorge is the most beautiful place in the whole fairyland, and the scenery there is painted by the Supreme God. The Meiyu Castle is a pearl on the Baiyu Mountain, and even the bricks used for building the wall are cut from the spirit jade mined from the Baiyu Mountain, known as the most beautiful castle in heaven.

No one in the kingdom of heaven dares to be richer than Duke Sampo, because no one has more money than him.

Shanpu has more money, but his son is poor. There is only one named Auwei Shanpu.

The Duke of Sampe saw this only son as a treasure in his palm, and he even made a will before leaving, leaving everything to Auvisham.

But he had no other choice.

Ovisamp has a very special hobby. He likes to eat eggs.

What he likes to eat is not eggs laid by chickens and ducks, but picked from Xiannu.

He is the only son of Duke Shanpu. He was born and raised from small, and did whatever he wanted to. He ate the forbidden fruit at a very young age. It's so small that it's illusive, and in the worst cases it can't even act. Later, I don't know where he got a remedy, which is to eat eggs and fill the shape.

It turns out that it is really the case. After eating for a while, he recovered some aspects of his ability, and since then he has fallen in love with eating eggs. To this end, he also researched and invented several different ways of eating, grilling, braising, braising, dipping and steaming.

These days he has always wanted to surprise Laoshanpu, that is, when Laoshanpu triumphantly returned, he would pull a noble heavenly woman and point to the woman's belly and tell Laoshanpu: Dad, you Be Grandpa!

Are you happy?

Happy or not?

Thinking of the good things in his mind, Ovamp shook suddenly.

The heavenly woman with him made a very loud voice, which seemed to penetrate the roof of the castle and fly straight out of the clouds for nine days.

"The young master is really powerful. People have been completely conquered by you." The celestial woman smiled charmingly, and her face looked tired but content. Although this expression is very contradictory, but the contradiction is just right, it makes people want to be wrong and have a sense of conquest.

Auvisham grinned, "Really?"

"Of course it is true." Heavenly woman turned her head shyly, turning her face, but there was a disgusting expression on that pretty face.

Nima, you ’re only gaover when you count to thirty-six. You still have a face to ask if it ’s true. Do you have a hard count in your heart?

Auvisap felt very good, and smiled happily: "I said, I will completely conquer you."

The face of the heavenly woman turned into an expression of toothache. Although women are naturally good at acting, sometimes they feel embarrassed, too fake, and completely soulless.

At this time a voice from the servant came out of the door: "Master, we have caught that fairy, and we are going to be taken to the dungeon."

Ovisamp said, "Just don't rush people to the dungeon, to the kitchen."

"Yes, I'll go right away." The attendant left.

Auvisap climbed down from the bed, dressed and walked to the door. When he reached the door, he stopped and glanced at the heavenly woman with a bad smile on his face: My baby, don't leave here, I'll be back soon. "

The heavenly woman coquettishly said, "Young Master, people can't even walk the road, where else can they go?"

"Hahaha ..." Aoshanpu smiled happily, and went out with anger.

When the door was closed, the woman lying on the bed pouted: "Oh!"

The kitchen is on the far left of Meiyu Castle, and there is a certain distance from the main body of the castle. After all, it is a place for cooking, there is oil fume and uncomfortable ingredients and food waste. Lao Shanpu and Xiaoshan Pu are both more sophisticated people, and naturally they will not build the kitchen next to their place of residence.

There is a warehouse for ingredients next to the kitchen, and there is an open space in front of the door. The open space was covered with broken pieces of jade and a wooden cross.

This cross wooden frame has nothing to do with God, but only to the ingredients.

When Ovisamp came to the open space in front of the kitchen, a person was already tied to the cross-frame. The man's hair was scattered and his body covered with injuries. He looked tired, but his eyes were flashing with fierce light. I'm afraid, if he wasn't tied to a wooden frame, he would pounce on and kill someone with his teeth.

A large group of celestial beings immortal Xianwu Xianwu kneeling on one knee, respectfully screamed, "Young Master!"

Oliver Shampoo waved his hand, and went straight to the cross wooden frame, carefully looked at the man tied to the wooden frame, and asked: "You are the pink thief?"

The man on the wooden frame blew the hair in front of his eyes, revealing a blood-stained young face, and a smirk appeared from the corner of his mouth: "Liaozi surnamed Liu Mingjun, Taohao Huajianzi, you said that pink Thief, it's your grandpa and me! "

Auweishanpu frowned, and suddenly punched Liu Jun's lower abdomen.

A muffled sound.

Hua Junzi Liu Jun smiled stupidly: "Hahaha ... you **** haven't eaten for a few days, you just have this energy?"

A celestial being, Xian Wu, walked up and hit a gun handle on Liu Jun's head. Liu Jun's head swayed a little, and there was an opening in his head, and blood ran down his cheek.

"Damn, dare to be weak against our young master, and then dare to swear, and kill you immediately!" Said Xian Wu fiercely that day.

Liu Jun breathed a sigh of relief, but a series of weird laughter came out of his mouth: "Hehehe ... Lao Tzu has never been afraid of death. Your heavenly people treat immortals of immortal land as improper and burn them at will. Killing and robbing the women of all fairy land, Lao Tzu just can't get used to your heavenly people, so I deliberately came to your heavenly country to play with your heavenly women. Lao Tzu counted you ... as of last night ... Lao Tzu played After thirty-six heavenly women, maybe you have your sister or your mother, hahaha! "

This is why he is called a "pink thief". He is committing crimes in the kingdom of heaven. Many celestial women talk about pink thieves, and chrysanthemums will be one of them.

"You **** look for death!" Another one, Xian Wu, hit Liu Jun's head that day.

Liu Jun suffered, and didn't care.

"Retreat," Ovisamp said.

That day, Xian Wu glanced at Liu Jun with a hate, and then retreated.

Oliver Slap hit a finger.

A fairy slave in white clothes came out of the kitchen, holding a box made of lingyu in his hand. The box was carved with numerous patterns and patterns, which was very delicate.

In the kingdom of heaven, most large households and noble families have fairy slave cooks in heaven. Heaven is not good at cooking, so the master slave chefs are far more valuable and tight in the slave market than the young and beautiful fairy girls. Xiannu cook is also the only slave category that will not be abused by the heavens, of course, it is limited to the owner's home.

Xiannu's cook knelt in front of Aoweishanpu, and opened the cover of Lingyu box for Aoweishanpu.

The Lingyu box contains several exquisite knives, spoons and dishes made from the finest Lingyu, water-dipped dishes and the like.

These are the tools that Ovishanpu uses to retrieve and eat eggs.

It is said that this set of tools and tableware for egg retrieval and eating is worth 10,000 cents, which is extremely luxurious.

Another attendant came up to wear an apron to Ovisanpu, but he did not wear leather gloves, and finally handed him carefully with an offensive knife. The whole process was full of ritual and very particular.

When Ovsamp again stood in front of Liu Jun, he was not Ovsup, he was the egg-eating expert Ovsup.

"No one has ever dared to be rude to me, I will choke you, and then chop you up to feed the dog." Ovisan said quietly.

"Well!" Liu Jun sipped in blood.

It is a pity that the heavenly man is too tall, and even the middle-sized Ovishanpu has a height of at least two and a half meters. His blood was all spit on Ovishanpu's apron inlaid with gold.

Aoweishanpu stretched his right hand to Liu Jun's waist.

Liu Jun suddenly became tense, his breathing was obviously sharper than before. He is not afraid of death, but this is not the way he wants to die. What he likes most is to lie on the belly of a celestial woman and die, rather than the way he was castrated and then chopped up to feed the dog.


He has no choice.

"Ah-" He roared.

Oliver Sniper sneered: "You bark, the more you bark, the more excited you will be, your eggs will be filled with blood and male substance, and your eggs will have higher quality. What I like most is you Planting fairy eggs is even more perfect if you improve the quality a little bit. "

Liu Jun couldn't call out.

Auvisap extended his exquisite knife ...


A sudden muffled noise came.

Everyone's eyes gathered in the direction of the sound ~ ~ That was the warehouse next to the kitchen.

It's weird, but the decent warehouse just now is smoky with ink.

嘤 嘤 嘤 …… 嘤 嘤 嘤 ……

There was a weird noise coming from the originally quiet warehouse.

Oliver Sap retracted the beautiful knife: "What's going on, go and see!"

Several heavenly immortals Xianwu immediately went to the warehouse.

Just then the door of the warehouse suddenly opened automatically, and a cloud of ink and smoke was pouring out of the door.

A few of the heavenly gods and immortals Xianwu stopped and watched vigilantly. Here, the heavenly gods and immortals encircled Aoshan.

Vaguely, someone came in the smoke of ink.

ps: I went to Hangzhou with a shot in the flesh. This is a regular update.

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