Open a Clinic to Cultivate Myself

Chapter 1182: Celestial vision

A holographic projection appeared on the deck.

It is known as the most beautiful Meiyu castle in the kingdom of heaven. Under the light of the sky, every city brick shines brightly, Meilun Meiyang.

in case……

Don't look at the corpse hanging on the wall.

The corpse on the wall was the high-ranking Duke of the Sacred Kingdom of the Kingdom of Heaven. He had a sunken footprint on his face and stomped his nose. His head was covered with blunt wounds, the most terrifying You can even see the blue brain inside a wound. What's more frightening is that his lower half was gone and was cut off alive.

This is the old duke of the kingdom of heaven, who was so abused to death!

Elisaba clenched his fists, and his anger was burning in his chest.

Daenerys said angrily, "Who did it!"

The heavenly man who reported the letter said tensely: "A sentence was left on the wall, it should be ... the king of the immortal land did the king of the immortals."

Daenerys roared, "Damn! I'm going to kill him!"

The celestial man who reported the news stubbornly said, "In addition ... based on reliable information ... the aristocratic private army formed by Lord Duke Sanpe ... the whole army was gone."

Elisaba was so angry that he grabbed the person who brought the messenger's collar and lifted him off the deck: "How is this possible? It must be that your information is wrong!"

The celestial man who reported the message said with a tremor: "The immortal is angry, the information is accurate ... no error ..."

Elisabha let go of his hand, he was a celestial being after all, and he had controlled his emotions. He knew very well that being angry was useless. Even if he killed the celestial man in front of him, Shan Pu could not survive, and the noble personal army would not be reborn.

"Go on." Elisabad's voice was low.

The heavenly man who reported the letter went on to say: "According to our information, the incident happened shortly last night. Duke Shanpu led the aristocratic private army to prepare to attack the empty city on the west of Fanxiandi, and was ambushed by the immortal king ... "

"Wait!" Elisabha interrupted him. "Our scouts have been monitoring the Jizo City. Several main legions of the imperial dynasty are guarding the Jizo City. None have left the Jizo City. How could there be an army of more than two thousand aristocratic private soldiers ambushing the Duke of Samp? "

The heavenly man who reported the letter said: "It is a spirit beast. The information we have obtained is that thousands of spirit beasts suddenly flew from the depths of the sky. At that time, the aristocratic private army of Duke Shanpu was attacking the hanging city and was killed. There were no soldiers left, and even those who surrendered were killed. "

"It's so fierce!" Elisaba's fist made a crackling sound, and the anger that had just been suppressed resurrected.

No one left!

Surrender also kills!

Who dares to treat the people of the Supreme God like this?

There has never been a noble heavenly man who enslaved the immortal people of Fanxiandi. Killing is also a chicken and duck, but now he is the opposite. The untouchables of Fanxiandi dare to kill the heavenly people, and there is nothing left!

"Where did the immortal king come from with so many beasts, and still listen to his command to fight for him?" Daenerys couldn't understand the problem.

The heavenly man who reported the letter shook his head: "I don't even know."

Daenerys frowned slightly, and she was clearly not satisfied with the answer.

Elisabeth said, "You go on."

The heavenly man who reported the letter went on to say: "Now, according to our information ... The immortal king led the army of spirit beasts to destroy the army of noble soldiers, and then took the Duke of Samp to the Meiyu Gorge and killed the Samp His son Aoweishanpu and his family also looted the treasure house of Meiyu Castle. According to preliminary estimates, the total value of the property that the immortal king looted from Meiyu Castle was almost 100 million cents. "

"How much?" Elisaba was stunned.

"One hundred million cents." Tianren, who reported the letter, repeated this figure.

Daenerys was stunned, too, "Oh my god!"

100 million cents, that's almost half a year of tax revenue for the entire kingdom of heaven!

Duke Shanpu claims to be the richest aristocrat in the kingdom of heaven, and it really has a good reputation, otherwise he won't have such a high reputation and courage. Make money!

However, Lao Shanpu, the richest man in heaven, was slaughtered and hung on the wall, and his money was also stolen.

"You go down and investigate the enemies of Fengxianshan." Elisabba suppressed the anger in her heart again.

"Observe!" That day, the man stepped onto the Pegasus and drove the horse away.

Daenerys did not have such good control. A pair of sapphire eyes were full of angry light: "Father, the daughter of Fengxianshan wanted to take the lead! How did the immortal king deal with Duke Shanpu, daughter Treat his people like that! I will cut off all the legs of Fengxianshan and nail them to Fengxianshan! "

Eli Saba said: "Funny! Fengxianshan is the central hinterland of Fanxiandi, and it can be regarded as the last barrier of Jizo. Heads up? "

"But father ..."

"This matter has not been discussed!" Doting is doting, but Lisaba also has a bottom line. He only has such a baby daughter, so willing to let her go to try it out? If the immortal king is in Fengxianshan, and his baby daughter goes to the front, what's the difference between meat bun and dog?

But at this time, a drop of golden light suddenly dropped in the deep sky. The golden light emerged from the clouds, and the sharp sword generally pierced the earth.

A vision?

"That's ..." Elisaba stared at the golden light, horrified, and yelled, "Stop moving!"

Order is forbidden.

When Elisabah ordered, the Holy Legion stopped.

Eli Saba pulled his sword to the sky and roared with a loud voice: "Ready to fight!"

All the immortals and immortals quickly entered the combat state, and hundreds of search vessels' artillery cannons also began to adjust the firing direction and were ready to fire.


Is it the immortal king of Fanxiandi?

Heaven fell golden, when did he have such a high force?

Among the holy legion, there are not a few people who have this idea at the moment.

However, the golden light suddenly disappeared again.

It disappeared in an instant, nothing was left, and no army lying in the clouds killed it. Only the night breeze is blowing, the sails are swaying, the flags are rolled, and the nervous heaven and earth immortals are immortal.

After waiting for a while, there was no movement, Eli Saba set down the flying sword in his hand. This sword is a sword of command conferred by the Taoists, called the sword of justice. His weapon is the second-ranked axe on the list of top ten vicious instruments. It is only used when fighting.

"Be vigilant, move on!" Elisabha gave a new order.

The Holy Legion moved forward again, slowing down a lot.

Eli Saba looked at Daenerys. He was curious about the strange celestial phenomenon just now, and the lover who had always been curious did not speak.

It was this look, and Eli Sabah paused.

Daenerys still kept watching the direction of the golden light, and didn't even blink her eyelids.

"Daughter, what's wrong with you?" Elisaba said with concern.

Daenerys didn't seem to hear what he said, still looking in that direction, her eyes blank.

Elisaba suddenly became tense, reaching out and grabbing Daenerys' arm: "Daenerys?"

Daenerys blinked for a moment, but she was still indifferent.

"What's wrong with you?" Elisaba was anxious.

Daenerys "delayed" for a few more seconds before she said, "I ... someone seemed to be talking to me just now."

"Someone is talking to you?" Eli Sabaton frowned suddenly, he heard nothing. He is one of the Two Saints of Heaven. Even if someone talks to his daughter by way of voice transmission, he still doesn't want to escape his ears. He just heard nothing.

Daenerys murmured: "That strange sound ... seems to be from heaven ..."

"What did he say?" Elisaba asked.

"He said ... he said ... the holy grave ... the first stairway in the void ..." Daenerys spoke intermittently. She didn't seem to hear it clearly, or the voice wasn't clear.

"Holy tomb, first void?" Elisaba asked, "What else did he say?"

Daenerys thought for a moment, then shook her head: "No, his voice is so special, I can't hear it clearly. The only thing I can hear clearly is the Holy Sepulchre and the First Void Ladder."

Eli Saba again turned his eyes to the place where the golden light was cast. Unfortunately, there was nothing but empty air, and he was silent for a while before he said, "Daughter, who do you think the voice is?"

Daenerys shook her head: "I don't know, the voice came directly to my head ... I want to talk to him, but I can't open my mouth, it's weird ... It feels like dreaming . "

"You come with me." Elisabeth walked towards the boathouse.

Daenerys followed Elisabeth into the boathouse and followed him into a cabin.

Eli Saba closed the door, and then said, "Daughter, you can't tell this, you should know nothing."

Daenerys said in surprise: "Why?"

Eli Saba said in a deep voice: "Don't ask why ~ ~ You just listen to me, no one can say it."

Daenerys said, "Father, do you know who that voice is?"

Eli Saba shook his head: "I don't know, but it's not a good thing to have a hunch for the father. You should keep it secret until the investigation is clear for the father before making a decision."

Daenerys said: "Father, the army is marching, and a vision is emerging. The fairy king will soon know about it, will he not even tell it?"

Eli Saba said sharply, "You child, you have made it very clear for your father, no one can say it, the fairy king can't say it! Don't ask why, there aren't so many reasons!"

Daenerys' lips moved, but there was nothing to say.

For the first time, she saw her father so severely.

Although she didn't speak, she couldn't help but wonder: "What's that sound? Holy grave, the first ladder of void ..."

Am I producing magic?

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