Open a Clinic to Cultivate Myself

Chapter 1193: Dragon meat is delicious

The mountain was ruined and the temple was still there.

The little ruined temple is so great.

"A mere person immortal, even a small broken temple was built." Zhenlong disdainfully said.

Uh ...

Insect two made a sound.

"My deity sends you to heaven!" Zhenlong suddenly opened his mouth wide, and a spit of dragon flame shot down at the small broken temple.

The flames were so high that the Xiao Po Temple specialty was swallowed up and invisible, and the cricket voice disappeared and was inaudible.

That's a natural dragon flame that is comparable to the Samadhi Fire. Ordinary fairyware can't withstand such a burn.


The true dragon shut up, and Dragon Flame disappeared.

A small broken temple appeared again. Seeing that it was a small broken temple built of wood, the extremely overbearing dragon flame did not even burn a small wooden board!

Zhenlong suddenly froze.

What is this shattered temple?

Just as the true dragon sacrifice God, the door of Xiaopo Temple opened.

Ning Tao came out of the small broken hat, holding a thunder hammer and a Sanshengding.

There are three legs in the tripod, as long as the one in the middle is a bit longer and slightly tilted up, it is more suitable for gripping. In fact, Ning Tao is like holding two hammers, but with a bug face and a pair of short-handed tripods that look very cute.

This is the solution Ning Tao thought of.

Lei Gong can't hurt the true dragon, and even Xi'er's tiger claws can't tear the dragon's scales. How can such a perverted defense be broken?

The best way to deal with metamorphosis is to be more perverted than it!

Therefore, when I returned to the temple just now, I felt a bit embarrassing that Ning Tao saw Worm II and thought of this method.

For a long time, the Sansheng Tripod was used as a temple tribe in a temple. In fact, it is also a temple tribe. But who stipulates that they can only be placed in the temple and cannot be used as a weapon?

The Sansheng Ding was originally his instrument, and he was the master of the instrument. It could be placed in the temple to hold the **** crystal. Of course, it could also be used as a hammer in his hand.

Good and evil tripods are so powerful, but the Sun King can use it as a spittoon.

The Soul of the Soul is so powerful, but the goddess of wisdom, Hemia, can use it as a washboard to wash clothes.

That's it.


"What is sticking on your tripod foot?" Ning Tao only walked out of the temple door to see the black leg on the tail of the tripod leg in the middle of Sansheng tripod. One sentence.

Zhe Er said: "Ning Aiqing, that's Ding Ding."

"Ding Ye?" Ning Tao still didn't understand.

Zhe Er said: "Ning Aiqing, only a bit of domineering decorations, you can imagine the red pimple under the gun head of the red pimple."

Ning Tao: "..."

He was thinking of more than just the red puppet of the red pistol. He also thought of something else.

In his opinion, the goods of Zoji Er have gone further and further on the path of metamorphosis.

But now is not the time to talk about this with the goods, then the real dragon is staring at the sky.

True Dragon is unhappy.

In its opinion, it was just a small ruined temple, and it would burn to ashes when it fell down. But the little ruined temple was still there, with no smoke.

What makes it even more uncomfortable is that Ning Tao came out with an extremely ugly instrument, and did not look at it, did not kneel for mercy, but beeped with that one.

When has it been so ignored?

Maybe there is, but it was burned to ashes by it.


A dragon yelled, and a plume of dragon flames fell from the sky.

The small ruined temple may not be destroyed by burning. The small ruined temple may use a large number of fireproof spiritual materials to prevent fire, but it does not believe that Ning Tao can also avoid fire!

Ning Tao waved his right hand, and the San Sheng Ding caught in his right hand burst out a cloud of ink smoke. When the dragon flame came, he was immediately wrapped in the ink smoke into the San Sheng Ding.

"Wow haha!" Zoji Er shouted in excitement, "It's so cool! Silly dragon, your fire is very hot, please spray it a few times to make it cool!"

True dragons were about to spit fire in both eyes.


Another group of dragon flames swooped down.

The three-life tripod trembled, and Long Yan was sucked into it again.

Zuji La laughed: "It's so cool! Silly dragon, come again!"

It is really cool. The dragon flame of True Dragon is similar to Ning Tao's Samadhi Fire, but Ning Tao's Samadhi Fire is not so fierce. Usually, it is burned with both palms when refining Shenjing. One kilometer of true dragon sprays a large mass, which helps it to purify impurities in the Sansheng Tripod, and even makes the **** crystal in the Sansheng Tripod more pure.

In such a situation, how can it not laugh.



Lightning fell down.


Sansheng Ding sounded.

Those flashes of lightning were sucked into Sansheng Ding again.

True dragon froze.

Until now, Ning Tao has not shot, but his weapon is fighting it.

Ning Tao stood there and said nothing, but this seemed to be saying to him, if you want to fight with me, first hit my magic weapon and then say.

"Go to death!" The real dragon was angry, and the kilometer-long dragon body was suppressed from the sky. The tail of the dragon swung and crashed into Ning Tao.

A golden auspicious cloud flashed, and Ning Tao flew up into the sky, avoiding the attack route of Zhenlong, holding a tripod in his right hand, and hit a tripod on the tail of the dragon.

"Dragon meat!" Zuji's voice.

A cloud of ink smoke emerged from the Sanshengding, not a cotton-like mass, but a large mouth with a long and short, staggered teeth!


The moment Sansheng Ding hit the dragon's tail, the big mouth transformed by the ink smoke was biting on the dragon's tail.


The golden dragon blood splattered, and a large piece of dragon meat and dragon scales were chopped off by Sansheng Ding.

"Roar!" Zhenlong roared, turned sharply, and a pair of dragon claws caught Ning Tao.

Ning Tao was like a chick under an eagle's claw under that huge dragon's claw.

"Dragon Claw!" Zoji Er shouted with excitement.

With this voice, Zhenlong, who had just been bitten by a big bite of flesh, heard his back numb, and his severe offensive action was delayed.

With this stagnation, Ning Tao smashed another dragon claw.


Another crunchy sound, golden dragon blood splattered, and another piece of meat was missing from the dragon claws!

True dragon is about to collapse.

It was a real dragon, and two dragons were cut off by a magic weapon!

It was unacceptable. The horrible people who had been beaten up by it just now, after taking a tripod from a small ruined temple, it seemed like Nirvana, and in a blink of an eye, it lost two pieces of meat!

But this is the truth.

Ning Tao is a demigod, but when there is no three-life tribe, his demigod is at best a top-level god. But once he holds the Trinity Tribe in his hands, when the weapon comes, he is infinitely close to the existence of God. When Sansheng Ding was in his hands, that was when he was the strongest!

If he is likened to a peerless celebrity chef, the Sansheng Ding is his favorite kitchen knife.

"Ahaha!" Zong Er laughed arrogantly. "The dragon meat is delicious, and the dragon blood is delicious! Ning Aiqing, fight, and let the crickets be full!"

Ning Tao was a little speechless.

This is fighting!

Can't you be serious?


French snail sounded.

Deep in the sky, a huge battleship popped up.

Heavenly warships swooped down from the clouds, densely packed, no less than a thousand.

On the huge battleship at the head, an extremely tall and majestic man stood proudly, and his golden cloak hunted and danced.

Ning Tao's gaze fell on that celestial body, and his brows frowned slightly.

That heavenly man is not someone else, it is the fairy king Phillips of heaven.

Fox Ji guessed it right, the main force of the kingdom of heaven really came from the endless sea to the east, and they would meet with the two-way army of the holy legion and the demon king Shi Jing to join Fanxian Dizangcheng!

Thousands of warships, one is fifty people, and there are fifty thousand!

What's more, there are not only fifty people on the big warship. As for the flagship where Phillips is, there are at least two hundred heavenly fairies!

This is almost an all-out move.

The army with a minimum of 50,000 people, and a real dragon to help out, coupled with the sacred legion and the demon soldiers in the south without swamps, the force of Fanxiandi can't even get on the table!

If in accordance with Phillips's strategic plan, he would be adamant in this battle to make Fanxian land flat.

Fortunately, Fox Ji had guessed Phillips's plan, otherwise this army would enter Fanxian land, and it would kill Funeral City in two days. Hundreds of thousands of immortal people buried in the fairy city, how many times can this real dragon toss? If you let Eli Saba and Shi Jing understand the Jizo City, it will undoubtedly be the end of life!

"The King of Immortals!" Phillips' voice was suppressed. "This time, whether you flee or not, the Sun dynasty will be wiped out by the cricket army!"


In the sound of the snails, one battleship dived down and surrounded the island.

An artillery cannon was aimed at the island, and the number of dark muzzles was unknown.

On the battleship, one by one, the immortal immortal Xianwu raised his gun to aim, the flying sword came out, and the spell was in his hand. Once Phillips gave an order, various ammunition and spells would hit Ning Tao in a storm.

"I will give you one last chance." Phillips' voice was suppressed again. "Give Shenzhou out and spare your life!"

Ning Tao responded with a loud voice: "You are out of your nest and are still in alliance with Shi Jingjing. Even in this battle, even if I give Shenzhou to you, I'm afraid you won't let the fairy land go?"

Phillips said coldly: "The untouchables of the Immortal Land should not exist at all. This immortal world needs to be purified. The world needs to be rebuilt. There is no reason for the inferior immortal people to exist."

Ning Tao smiled: "I'm also an immortal, and the immortal you most want to kill, so put away your transaction, you and I only have war, there will be no transaction. Since you think that immortal people should not exist Then I do n’t think there is a need for the kingdom of heaven to exist anymore. I will kill you, destroy your kingdom of heaven, and return a clean peace in this immortal world. "

Phillips explored a move, UU reading www.uukanshu. Com trembled in the void, and a scepter appeared in his right hand.

The scepter was about the length of a flying sword, black, white, and golden, and a blood-colored stone on the head. There was golden energy flowing in that stone, and the runes flickered, which had a great resemblance to the stone in Shenzhou.

Three Realm Scepter appeared.

So far, Ning Tao, the instrument on the list of the top ten malicious instruments, has all seen it. Moreover, Ning Tao was not surprised at all when the scepter of the Three Realms appeared in the hands of Phillips.


True dragon yin, a pair of big golden eyes full of fierce and hate light.

Phillips said coldly, "When are you going to escape this time?"

This is the radical method.

Ning Tao smiled indifferently: "Who said that I was about to run away?"

The temple door suddenly opened.

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