Open a Clinic to Cultivate Myself

Chapter 1195: Century kiss

One shot missed.

Phillips roared, "Coward-Ah!"

But he was rude to Ning Tao.

Obviously, you can use your strength to face your immediate opponent, but you like to attack you, create confusion, hit you, run away if you kill some people, you ca n’t catch up with him!

Such an opponent asks you to be angry?


Another warship was smashed into pieces by Polon, but he was not even guilty, but was very happy: "Phoenix girl, do you see what kind of man you married? He actually left you and ran away , He doesn't deserve you at all, just follow me, we are the most suitable pair! "


Phoenix Ming.

Undead Fire Phoenix is ​​busy burning the ship, how can there be time to talk to Polon.

"Bollon!" Phillips rushed over, snarling: "You stop!"

Polon did not pay attention to Phillips.

What Phillips wants to kill now is actually Ning Tao and Undead Fire Phoenix, but the color dragon of Polon!

Suddenly, the door of the small ruined temple opened.

Phillips originally wanted to kill the undead phoenix. This sudden situation attracted his attention and made him postpone the pursuit of the undead phoenix.

In fact, the small ruined temple has also been undermining and has crashed several warships. The warship of the kingdom of heaven has been attacking it, but instead of destroying it, it was backfired and the losses were not small.

The current small ruined temple is equivalent to the Tiandao Medical Museum in the middle and late stages. No matter who attacks it, it will back to the other side. Those who shot it and those who bombarded it were tantamount to hitting themselves.

Just as Phillips moved his eyes, a huge cave suddenly appeared in the door of the small ruined temple, and at that moment, a white figure leapt out of the cave.

Bai Huxi'er is back.

Immediately after her, the beast army from the endless forest swarmed out of the cave like a swarm. As soon as they came out, they were in the enemy line, and when they came out, they entered the battle.

So the war began.

Although there are many people in the kingdom of heaven, but everyone is on the warship, not all heavenly people can fly the sword, and even the heavenly fairy who can control the flying sword, they only have a few people who have flying swords, because they have Warships can replace flying swords, and they prefer their weaponry.

Therefore, suddenly killing so many spirit beasts, the warships of heaven and earth, artillery cannons, and firearms and weapons became a bondage. Most of the spirit beasts have very abnormal defense capabilities, and it is difficult to kill them with one shot. However, the explosion of artillery shells can hurt their own people and their ships.

The spirit beasts originally rely on their strong bodies, sharp teeth and sharp claws to fight, this kind of battle in the enemy line out of them can not be more comfortable. They can destroy the kingdom's warships unbridled and bite the heavenly immortals. Although this is an army of more than 50,000 people, the number of immortals is not large, and the ordinary heavenly man Xianwu fights with them at close range, which is equivalent to serving them.

The fighting was bloody.

More than a dozen heavenly fairies stepped on the flying sword and killed the leading Xi'er.

With a wave of Xi'er's right arm, the beast hammer flew out. A weird energy wave appeared, a dozen heavenly immortals were unaware of each other, and in the energy volume released by the beast mother's hammer directly, one by one, the bodies quickly shrank, and they turned into little farts in a blink of an eye.

A group of spirit beasts rushed over.

Dozens of heavenly people and heavenly gods who could have had a war just disappeared.

White tiger reduction surgery, Ning Tao will inevitably become a child, not to mention the dozens of heavenly fairies!


French snail sounded.

The warships on the outskirts receded quickly, forming a large encirclement.

Several flying spirit beasts chased down those warships that built a perimeter circle, and were killed by dense bullets.

Once the chaos is over, the spirit beast army of the endless forest will be in a state of besieging!

Bolong finally caught up with the Undead Fire Phoenix, a dragon claw toward the back of the Undead Fire Phoenix.

Undead Fire Phoenix turned over in the air, a phoenix and Polon's dragon claw blasted up.


The sound of the shells exploding, the energy shock wave was pushed out in all directions, and the ship was destroyed. The phoenix of the undead phoenix spit out the blood of the phoenix, and the phoenix body fell to the endless sea.

"You are mine!" Polon chased after a dive.

The phoenix of the undead phoenix has a wingspan of more than 100 meters, which is considered to be an extremely horrible existence, but it appears extremely weak before the dragon of Polong.

The true dragon is the head of the four great beasts, and the king of spirit beasts. Poron's strength is much higher than that of the undead phoenix. Whether it's a god-given spell, natural power, or immortal fire phoenix, it can't be compared with true dragon.

However, one thing is born by one thing.

A golden light flew from the temple.

"Ah haha! Dragon meat ah ah ah ah!" This is the voice of Zuji Er.

Hearing this sound, Polon's chrysanthemums were all tight. Where can he care about catching the undead phoenix, he turned back hastily, and at that moment, the golden light shot in front of him.

It's Ning Tao.

Before two incense sticks.

Among the small ruined temples.

Ning Tao strode under the lock wall, opened two doors of convenience, and then said, "Bai Long, go back and ask your Mother Phoenix to come over to help out, and then you inform Zhixianer to let them gather and prepare Fight. You tell him that we are not fighting defensively, but annihilating! "

"Yes, I'll go back immediately and ask Mother Fire Phoenix to come over." Bai Long entered the door of convenience pointed by Ning Tao.

Ning Tao also said to Xi'er, "Xi'er, return to the endless forest to convene your spirit beast army. We will be here to attack Phillips' army today."

Xi'er nodded his head and walked quickly to the second door of convenience. As she passed Ning Tao's side, she suddenly reached out and slapped her on the hip.

A crackling sound.

Ning Tao froze immediately.

It's time to burn her insteps, but she's so skinny?

It seems this tiger tamer has a long way to go.

right now.

Ning Tao is back.

The timing is right.

"Damn! Dare to hit my wife, Zerg Er bit him!" Ning Tao smashed in the past.

"Yin!" Bolong roared, and his mouth was strong first. The faucet swung, and the faucet that was 100 meters wide opened his blood basin and bited at Ning Tao.

Bite me?

How big is your mouth?

I will kill you first!

For a dragon head that is 100 meters in size, the mouth of the dragon is not only 100 meters in length. The mouth of the blood basin can swallow a small building with a few floors! Ning Tao and the Sansheng Ding in his hand are like a small shrimp, not even plugging the teeth.

It looks like this.

But it is actually another matter.


The Sansheng tripod shuddered, and a cloud of ink smoke was released. It was so big that it was several hundred meters wide and several hundred meters high, several times larger than the faucet.

The plume of ink and smoke was exactly like the second insect. It was fat and full of jagged teeth.

Regarding eating, Zong Er, who eats gold and iron, eats people, can eat anything, than bite force, it is not a fear of true dragons.

Two big mouths ran into each other instantly.


The kiss of the century!

The ink and smoke was gone.

After all, Zoji Er's mouth is not really a mouth, and can't stand the collision of a real dragon faucet.

However, Polon's situation is definitely worse than that of Zoji Er. Under the kiss of this century, Zoji Er abandoned his big mouth and attacked his tongue with a small mouth. Under this kiss, a piece of meat was stolen from its tongue!

Golden dragon blood spewed out of the dragon's mouth.

And roar of Polon.

"Ah-roar!" Polon was going mad.

Back and forth, this extremely ugly tripod even ate three pieces of meat!

It happened that Zoji Er also sprinkled a handful of salt on Bolong's wound: "Ahaha! Dragon tongue is slippery and tender, silly dragons come to us and kiss again, I want to bite your tongue."

Polon exasperated, and the dragon's tail yanked towards Ning Tao.

Ning Tao stepped on the golden auspicious cloud and smashed it in the past.


Another piece of dragon meat.


A blaze of phoenixes flew and rolled into the dragon's body. There was an instant scent of roasted meat in the air battlefield.

Undead Phoenix also joined the battle.

Undead Fire Phoenix and Ning Tao, coupled with a perverted three-life tripod, although Polon is expensive as a true dragon, known as the endless owner of the sea, he is not an opponent of the couple.

In fact, even if the undead fire phoenix did not join the battle, he could not beat Ning Tao who took out the Sansheng Ding as a weapon.

Ning Tao, who doesn't have three births, is just the most top-level Tianxian.

However, Ning Tao, who held the Trinity Tripod in his hand as a hammer, was a demigod that was infinitely close to the gods!

Polon never dared to keep his true dragon body anymore. He joined the fire, and he earned more, soared into the sky, his body continued to shrink and shrink, and he turned into a human shape in a blink of an eye. The white clothes on his body were covered with golden blood, and the golden blood stains remained on the corners of his mouth.

He had never been so embarrassed.

Today it was a ship overturned in the gutter.

Ning Tao Zhensheng said: "Just like you, do you want to grab a woman with me? Are you worthy?" He took a sip, "I am!"

The undead fire phoenix returned to Ning Tao's side, the huge body of the phoenix disappeared, and she was dressed in colorful feathers, and the bird stood beside Ning Tao as a person.

In fact, it is not a bird. She is more than two meters tall than Ning Tao, which is a big beautiful bird.

"Do you dare to fight against me?" Poron plunged into the endless sea.

Ning Tao glanced down at the surface of the sea, opened his eyes, and there were a large number of spirit beasts in the sea, huge sharks, hill-like spirit turtles, and so on.

Bolong is known as the sea king of the endless sea. He cannot be a single horse. There are not many water beasts in the sea.


Polonza plunged into the sea.

There was a sneer in the corner of Ning Tao's mouth ~ ~ with no thought of chasing.

When you say hit the sea, hit the sea?

who do you think You Are?

Ning Tao's gaze moved to another opponent.

Phillips didn't come to help him when he fought against Undead Phoenix, but returned to the flagship.

There was a cold smile on the corner of Phillips's mouth.

Just as Ning Tao looked at him, he waved the scepter of the Three Realms in his hand: "Attack!"

The guns roared.

Ning Tao and Undead Fire Phoenix no longer have the warship of heaven.

Artillery shells, bullets, spells and magical instruments flew towards the couple.

ps: I said it was more explosive, it must be explosive, but I just came back, rested for two days, and adjusted the state. Believe me, it will do.

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