A celestial boy came out of the dragon car, wearing a purple gold crown, wearing a Kowloon robe, two meters tall, full of vigor.

Although it was the first time to see him, Ke Ningtao couldn't help but admire him, a handsome young man!

"He ..." Daenerys wanted to say something, but didn't say it, her face was a look of surprise.

Ning Tao said: "You should know that boy, who is he?"

Daenerys said: "He is Peo's son, Foco."

Ning Tao said curiously, "You said that he was Peo's son. It wasn't Peo who ascended the throne, but his son. What is going on?"

Daenerys said, "I don't know."

Ning Tao said, "Let's go and see."

"Ning Aiqing, can I go with you to see?" Zhe Er said.

Ning Tao said: "What is it like a tripod for you to walk outside, just stay here, I guess I will do it, and you will come out when you do."

"Good," said Zhe Er.

Ning Tao stopped walking and jumped out of the window sill. He stepped in the void and landed on the street under the boat.

Liu Jun also jumped down and stood next to Ning Tao.

On the street, blue eyes moved.

"It's a bold darling, so dare to show up at such a solemn moment!"

"Whose fairy slave is this? They should be executed!"

There was a voice of reprimand, and there were even people ready to start.

Ning Tao looked indifferent, but Liu Jun looked nervous. He was a thief, suddenly exposed on the street, or in an occasion such as the ceremony, without Ning Tao's strength, he could not support the confidence of Ning Tao.

Just then Daenerys jumped from the boathouse and said aloud, "Both step down for me, they are my fairy slaves."

"That's ... Virgin Daenerys!"

"It's her, the flower of heaven!"

"Ah! I finally saw a real person!"

"Noble and beautiful Daenerys, I praise you!"


"Daenerys! Daenerys!"

The heavenly men on the street began to call Daenerys' name.

Daenerys yelled, "Quiet!"

Cheers and praises subsided instantly.

Many heavenly people have their heads down, and some devout Tiandao believers even kneel.

It is not difficult to see that Daenerys has a higher reputation in the folks than Peo.

This is also a normal situation. Daenerys is the sage of Heavenly Taoism, and every heavenly man is a believer in Heavenly Taoism. The sacred lady is a very sacred being in their hearts. And Daenerys is much better than Peodor when she faces the public. She has to show up at every major religious event and festival, or preside over religious rituals, or bless the people. However, because of his status, Peo stayed in the palace most of the time, and ordinary people had little chance to see him.

There was a smile on the corner of Ning Tao's mouth, and he already had a bottom in his heart.

Daenerys gave Ning Tao a dizzy eye: "You still have a smile on your face? It's so offensive that I have to solve the problem for you."

Ning Tao didn't care. His problems were almost solved by her for the past two days. To be honest, nothing was wrong.

"You two follow me." Daenerys walked to the square across the street.

Ning Tao followed her.

Liu Jun followed, daring not to stand side by side with Ning Tao. He could be half a step behind, and whispered, "Her Majesty the Immortal, is she ... your captive?"

Ning Tao nodded.

Liu Jun said in surprise: "Did she dare to talk to Her Majesty the King with this tone? Bold!"

Ning Tao said lightly: "The captive also has the captive's temper and rights. You will become her arm. You have to adapt."

Liu Jun hurriedly bowed his head: "Weichen complies."

Daenerys looked back at Ning Tao and Liu Jun, and said fiercely, "Hurry up!"

"Come here." Ning Tao quickened his pace.

Liu Jun also accelerated his pace, but never dared to walk side by side with Ning Tao, deliberately one step behind. Daenerys didn't understand the courtesy and courtesy and rules, he knew it.

Entering the square, the heavens and men who stood in front of Daenerys gave way.

The shouts of shouts and praises that had just subsided sounded again, and the wind was spreading all over the square.

In front of the dragon car, Peo soon heard the voice of the people shouting Daenerys, and his brows suddenly frowned. The voice of shouting and praise soon grew louder, and his expression went dark.

Fok, who had just stepped off the dragon truck, said nervously, "Father, Sister Daenerys is back?"

He stepped on his feet, but he was surrounded by a three-meter-high bald eagle guard, and he couldn't see Daenerys at all.

Peio said: "Fo Ke, you remember, this is the last time you called my father, you ca n’t call it anymore. You will be crowned king, you will be the king of heaven, including when I see you. I will kneel for you. "

"But ... she is a sage, and the people are calling her by name and praising her." After all, Fo Ke was a young boy Lang. Peo's words did not let him relax. He was still nervous.

Peio sternly said, "What are you worried about? She is a maiden, but the sacred legion of Heaven and Taoism has been destroyed, and Elisabha and the bishop are dead. She wants no one, no soldiers, she She had no choice but to bow down to you. You gave me the whole seat, climbed the ladder with me, and went to the sky temple to hold a ceremony! "

Foucault bit his lip and nodded.

Peo glanced over the group of bald eagle guards around him and said sharply, "After Daenerys comes, stop her and don't let her go to the Temple of Sky."

"Yes!" A group of bald eagle guards responded in unison.

Peio took Foco's hand to the stairway to the first ladder. At that moment, the 999th staircase moved, the highest staircase moved down, and the staircase carrying Peo and Foucault moved up, step by step.

The mana principle of this ladder is like the elevator in the earth mall.

Peo and Foco got higher and higher on the ladder.

Peo Zhen shouted, "Silent-quiet!"

The whole square, and the surrounding area, suddenly became quiet.

Those who shouted and praised Daenerys also calmed down, and what Peo said was tantamount to an order, and no one wanted to be convicted of despising Regal on the day of the new king's ascension, causing trouble.

Peo's voice went all out: "Ascend the dragon, the new king will take the throne-kneel!"

On the square, the people around the square, as well as the guards of the Bald Eagle Legion, all kneeled down.

The only ones who didn't kneel down were Daenerys, and Ning Tao and Liu Jun. The three stood on the square. Ning Tao and Liu Jun were better. The two standing in the crowd were not conspicuous, but Dani Liz glared like a thorn.

She is a maiden. She is the daughter of Elisabeth. Even when she meets Phillips, she only bows and does not kneel. Not to mention that Foucault has not yet gained power and inherited Datong. Even if Foucault is already the immortal king of heaven, she will not kneel.

The flower of heaven is so proud.

Ascending the ladder, Peo's gaze fell on Daenerys, her face was cold.

He wanted to do something big, but Daenerys came back at this time and it became his threat.

Throughout the ages, those who want to achieve great things must be ruthless!

"You better not mess with me, otherwise—hum!" A cold voice popped into Peo's teeth. "Don't blame me for being cruel!"

Daenerys also looked at him, she had felt the murderous look from Peo's eyes.

As a result, Peo ignored the two immortals standing behind Daenerys. Of course, Daenerys is tall and long, blocking Ning Tao's body for one reason, and another reason is that Ning Tao shields the body's breath, and in Peo's eyes, he is a humble existence. How does Peo, who is about to control the kingdom of heaven, care about a humble slave?

Daenerys retracted her gaze and walked up the ladder.

Ning Tao and Liu Jun followed up again.

"Your Majesty the King, what is your plan?" Liu Jun asked in a low voice, so nervous.

Ning Tao said lightly: "I have no plan, do you have any good suggestions?"

Liu Jun: "..."

He was speechless, but in his heart was an irresistible admiration.

Sure enough, it is the immortal king of all immortals who hangs the sky!

In such an occasion, there is no plan at all!

Ascending the ladder stopped moving, Peo took Foco's hand and stepped onto the platform in front of the Temple of the Sky.

On the platform, two rows of clerics in the Sky Temple welcoming each other kneeled down. A heavenly boy and a heavenly girl carried flower baskets and began to scatter flowers on Folk and Payne. Then turned around, and while walking into the temple, sprinkled flowers on the blue carpet underneath.

Peola turned around and turned to face the common people on the square.

Peo Zhensheng said, "I, Peo, the head of the Bald Eagle Legion, the guard of the empire, I will announce one thing in this sacred moment!

People looked up and looked forward to it.

Peo's voice: "Fo Ke, he is actually not my son, he is the son of the first King Phillips!"

The layers of his voice were suppressed, and they could be heard for ten miles.

This is a thunder!

The original quiet square suddenly became active, and there was much discussion.

"My God, what did I hear, did I hear it wrong?"

"How could Foucault be the son of the first king?"

"Such a thing, UU reading www.uukanshu.com why have I never heard of it?"

"Have you noticed that the fairy's hat seems a bit greenish, is that the reason for the light?"

"My God, what happened?"

Talks like this are everywhere.

Ning Tao also froze. He looked at Peo, who was high above him.



In order to get the seat of the fairy king, this product even offered himself a green crown!

He had met ruthless people, but it was his first time to see such a ruthless person.

If all goes well and Foucault succeeds, Peo will really become the green hat of heaven.

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