Ning Tao has been to all three realms, but he has never seen any heaven. In his opinion, after he died, he went to hell, and a few people could enter the fairyland through training. If we have to say that there is heaven, then it is probably fairyland. But how can there be such a paradise?

There used to be immortal catchers to capture people, and now there is golden light to catch celestial beings. If you take a video of what happened in front of you and play it on the earth, I don't know what those people who believe in heaven and desire to go to heaven will think?

Ning Tao's roar also awakened the stunned Daenerys, and she roared loudly: "Hide into the house! Hurry-dodge!"

Her voice was vast and could be heard throughout the holy city of Hemia.

However, no one listened to her, and the queen's voice was useless at this time. Those heavenly men madly rushed into the golden light, and the scene was like a moth flinging fire. Those twelve golden lights are fire, and those heaven and man are moths. It doesn't take two or three seconds for them to enter the golden light, and they will disappear in the ascent process. I don't know if it was teleported to another space or completely ablated.

A golden light suddenly moved over to the Temple of Nothing, and the celestial beings were sucked into the sky and disappeared instantly.

"Go!" Ning Tao grabbed Daenerys by the hand and jumped, pulling Daenerys off the platform.

Below the platform are thousands of stone steps.

A golden auspicious cloud emerged from the footsteps of Tusibuyun, carrying them to the square.

Ning Tao was worried about Liu Jun and the old Tang De's family. If Old Tang De called Liu Jun and Ivana out to worship God, he would be ascended to heaven.

"Hide into the house! That's not a miracle. They will kill you!" Daenerys hissed and roared.

Finally, some people heard her voice, some people hid in the house, but some people were dissatisfied because she married Ning Tao, and even opened her arms in front of her face to welcome Jin Guang.

The square arrived in a blink of an eye. Before that, there were still many people, but in this blink of an eye, a large square was already empty.

Old Donald ’s boathouse.

"Hurry up, you two, hurry up, this is a rare miracle for thousands of years, we have to go to worship." Old Tang De said to Liu Jun and Ivana, can also sort out clothes when talking.

If he didn't want to dress grandly and change his gorgeous clothes, old Tang De would have dragged Liu Jun and Ivana out to worship God.

At this moment, Liu Jun's ears moved a lot, and his expression suddenly became tense: "Master Father-in-law, I heard the Queen's voice, she ... she let people hide in the house!"

Old Tang De frowned. "Why didn't you hear me? Don't talk about it. This is a god. If you don't want to go, you stay at home. I take Ivana out to worship God. Come out with me. "

Liu Jun also wanted to persuade Old Tang De, but Old Tang De's brow frowned even higher and his words were blocked in his throat.

Old Tang De couldn't wait, and pulled Ivana to the door.

Ivana said, "Father, Liu Lang is a fairy. I think we should ..."


The door was knocked open.

Ning Tao and Daenerys broke into the door, just blocking the old Tang De and Ivana.

"Her Majesty the Immortal?" Old Tang De froze a moment, and fell down in haste.

A door of convenience opened.

Ning Tao said, "Liu Jun, take your daughter-in-law and your old husband out of here, hurry up!"

Liu Jun didn't bother to pay any favors either, he helped the old Tang De up and pulled Ivana into the door of convenience.

The door of convenience is closed.

Daenerys looked dignified: "No, husband, I'm going to save my people!"

Ning Tao said, "But are they willing to listen to you?"

"Whether they listen to me or not, I'll go to them." Daenerys turned and rushed out.

Ning Tao chased out.

Someone was running away on the street, while others were kneeling on the ground, waiting for Jinguang to bring himself to heaven like a demon.

Daenerys rushed to a group of heavenly men, dragged a heavenly man kneeling on the ground to pray, and shouted at him, "That's not a miracle. Get out of here!"

"Her Majesty the Immortal? You ... can't you see?" The man's spirit was very agitated. "The Twelve Golden Lights came to the world, and as said in the Surviving Scriptures, the Supreme Heavenly God will be born, and the whole world will be purified. Jinguang chooses a child and sends it to Bliss Pure Land, I will go to Pure Land! "

Daenerys growled, "You're awake!"

The man closed his eyes.

Daenerys pushed with one hand, and the man flew out of her hand, hitting a window and smashing into a room on the street.

However, without waiting for Daenerys to drive another person out, the man climbed out of the window again and rushed his legs towards the golden light that quickly moved from the other side of the street.

"You all get me up!" Daenerys roared.

More people suddenly rushed to Jinguang, seemingly afraid that they would lose the opportunity to go to Bliss Pure Land after running slowly.

The Queen's order didn't work either.

There was a splash of water in Daenerys' blue eyes, but she didn't know if it had been angered, or because she was moribund to watch her own moth go to death, but she was powerless.

Golden light is getting closer.

Daenerys still stared at the golden light dullly.

Ning Tao embraced her waist, leaped forward, and drove away from the clouds.

A large group of people kneeling on the street, as well as the moths who acted as moths, disappeared into the golden light.

"What's going on?" Daenerys wept.

Ning Tao couldn't answer her, and he wanted to know what happened.

He remembered what the heavenly man said.

The Secret of the World, the twelve golden selection of sons, sent to the Pure Land of Bliss.

"What is the Sutra?" Ning Tao asked.

Daenerys seemed to hear his voice, and her tears were more urgent.

At this moment, the twelve golden lights suddenly closed towards the square.

Ning Tao drove the golden auspicious cloud out of between the two golden lights, and then flew to the palace.

After waiting for the golden auspicious clouds to fly to the palace, the twelve golden lights merged into twelve in the square.


The ground trembled, and the square cracked. The bottomless cracks centered on the square and spread rapidly in all directions.

The ground moved, the buildings collapsed!

The sight seemed like a godlike hand toppled the dominoes.

The celestial beings and immortal people hiding in the house were not spared.

"No--" Daenerys snarled a roar.

Jinguang moved quickly and rushed towards the palace.

"That voice ... that voice ..." Daenerys suddenly rose, "I heard that voice again!"

Ning Tao could not help asking what she heard, and opened a door of convenience directly on the golden auspicious cloud, and ran into the door of convenience with Daenerys.

In the temple, Old Tang De stood at the door and tried to open the door. Liu Jun took Ivana's hand to comfort her so that she should not be nervous.

Zhe Er did not respond. It apparently knew what was going on outside, but it was not at all.

As soon as Ning Tao came in, Zhe Er said, "Ning Aiqing, I have been waiting for you to come back."

Ning Tao opened the door to see the mountain tunnel: "This place is dangerous, leave here immediately!"

Zhe Er asked: "Where to move?"

Ning Tao said: "Outside the city, you don't have to be too far away, a safe place is fine."

"Jun Zhuo!" Zhe Er answered.

A cloud of ink smoke was released from the Trinity Tribe, which instantly filled the entire temple space.

Even Ning Tao himself was invisible.

Within a minute, the sky above the temple's location trembled, and the temple moved away.

A few seconds later, the twelve-in-one giant golden beam of light moved to the royal palace, and the palace that had been shaken by the east and west was completely disintegrated in the golden light, bricks and ash, beams and ash.

Ink smoke returned to the Sansheng Tripod.

Old Tang De froze, reached out and pushed the door, and the door that could not be opened before suddenly opened. He couldn't wait to go out, and glanced at him, his whole body froze.

This is the top of a mountain, just to the left of the holy city of Hemia, and a distance of ten miles. The mountain is so high that you can see the holy city of Hemia from the top.

However, the holy city of Hemia has been destroyed.

The high city walls collapsed, and the houses collapsed. Even the two iconic buildings, the Sky Temple and the Temple of Nothing, were destroyed and could no longer be seen.

That huge golden light is still moving among the ruins of the city.

The place illuminated by the golden light is like the ground cleaned with a broom, except for a piece of scorched mud and a bottomless crack, there is nothing left.

Ning Tao and Daenerys, as well as Liu Jun and Ivana also came out of the temple. Five people stood in a row, watching the golden light in the ruins of the holy city of Hemia. Mobile. No one spoke, the atmosphere was solemn and depressing.

"Stop it!" Zoji Er also stepped out of the temple with an exaggerated expression on the worm face. "If I walk one step late, I wonder if I will be overthrown by that golden light?"

No one left it.

This cargo walked with two tripods, one tripod stood in the middle ~ ~ Of course, it walked in front of five people, occupying c position. Its two short hands were holding on to the place where Dingdu was able to hold, and the Dingzhong in the middle was tilted towards the huge golden light, and I didn't know what the action meant.

The last piece of ruin was "purified", and originally a huge and prosperous city had only a piece of scorched earth, not even a brick.

The golden light disappeared.

The sky was overcast with clouds, as before, as if nothing had happened.

Without warning, Daenerys collapsed.

Ning Tao hurriedly reached out to hold her, concernfully said, "Are you all right?"

Daenerys didn't speak, her eyes were dull, and blue tears burst into her eyes.

She ascended the throne as king, and it was only a few days after that, the king city was gone!

If this is a dream.

That is definitely a nightmare.

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