Open a Clinic to Cultivate Myself

Chapter 1240: The most bitter parting

Cold Star City.

Ning Tao, the satellite city of this holy city, has come here to kill the city's owner Pence and loot his treasure house.

The temple was housed in the city's main capital, Burns.

The ink and smoke were dispersed, and the insects were very honest, and they did not say anything inconsistent.

"Here it is," Ning Tao said.

Daenerys nodded. "Let's go out and see."

Ning Tao took her hand and walked towards the door.

Zoji Er still called out: "Mother Danny ..."

Daenerys stopped and looked back at the worm-face on Sanshengding: "Do you have something to tell me? Or do you count me again?"

Zoji Er's short hand waved: "朕 ... 朕 wants to say that Mother Danny takes care. We will meet at Shenshan the other day."

Daenerys smiled, "You take care too."

She and Ning Tao walked out of the temple.

There is a street just outside the temple gate, and after crossing the street is the square of Hanxing City.

The streets of the Cold Star City are crowded with people, all kinds of bargains, bargaining sounds mixed, and there are people playing musical instruments in the square, singing beautiful love stories, a bustling scene.

Ten thousand miles away, the people here don't know what happened in the holy city of Hemia, and they don't realize what kind of danger lies on their heads.

It is also a normal thing that the news is not passed here. There are millions of people in the holy city. Only the Tang family survived. No one escaped, and it was impossible to bring the news to the Cold Star City. It will take a long time for the surrounding villages to deliver the news here.

There are huge portraits of Daenerys in the streets, wearing royal robes and crowns.

"Wait a minute," Ning Tao said.

"What are you doing?" Daenerys asked.

Ning Tao said: "I'll buy you a hat. If you appear on the street like this, your people will recognize you."

"No, I want them to recognize me, because I have a very important thing to announce." Daenerys said, her eyes were firm.

Ning Tao said, "What are you going to announce?"

Daenerys smiled indifferently, took Ning Tao's hand and walked into the street, then went to the square.

"Look, that's ..."

"Oh my god, that's our queen!"

"Really our queen!"

"Long live Your Majesty! Long live the Queen!"

Unsurprisingly, starting from the first heavenly man who found Daenerys, in just a few minutes, everyone on the street and in the square knelt down.

Daenerys came to the square with Ning Tao's hand.

Ning Tao seemed to be aware of what Daenerys wanted to announce. When she stopped, he said, "I know what you want to announce, but ... your ideas don't work, and I do No. "

"How could you know?" Daenerys looked curious, "Then tell me, what do I want to announce?"

Ning Tao said, "You want me to take your place and be the fairy king of heaven, right?"

Daenerys hesitated for a moment before she said, "You're really right. I can't think of anyone other than you who is better than the Celestial King of Heaven. You should help me. Why not? "

Ning Tao said: "Although we have become husbands and wives, Celestials look down on immortal people. As the king of immortal people, they will definitely reject me, and I will go up to the mountain. I am the king of all immortals. Can't do it, how can I be king of heaven. "

"Is it really impossible?"

Ning Tao said: "It really does n’t work. If I became the fairy king of the kingdom of heaven, and the city owners and nobles in the country, they would definitely not be willing to surrender. Will I suppress or not? If I suppress, I do n’t know if How many people will die under my hand, would you like to see that happen? "

Daenerys was silent.

At this time, a large group of celestial beings and immortals gathered together and came to this place. The man came to the ground and bowed to the ground.

Daenerys said, "Arthur, the people with you will clear the square and let everyone go home."

"Observe." Arthur led the man.

The people on the square were quickly emptied, and the originally lively streets were empty. However, a little farther away, it was full of people, and the buildings around the square also found their heads, looking curiously.

When the Queen of Heaven arrives, everyone wants to see the Queen's grace. You know, Daenerys still bears the reputation of "the flower of the kingdom of heaven". When she was a saint, she did n’t know how many children of the noble family wanted to pursue her to get her For the lover of dreams. Now that she is here, the noble children of the Cold Star City are naturally scrambling to come and have a look.

It ’s dark when it ’s dark.

One lamp lit up in the Cold Star City, and the whole city was brightly lit.

The city lit up, but Ning Tao's heart gave birth to a sad mood.

"Father, you go, it's coming," Daenerys said.

Ning Tao also felt that the moment when it was dark, an extremely powerful energy field appeared over the cold star city. The sky is full of wind and clouds, and changes may occur at any time.

With the power of that golden light, even if he stays there will be danger.

But he didn't want to leave like that.

"Don't forget me." Tears appeared in Daenerys' eyes.

Ning Tao's eyes were also wet: "No, no matter who you are or where you go in the future, I will never forget you."

Daenerys whispered, and plunged into Ning Tao's arms.

Ning Tao hugged her tightly, unwilling to part.

The hardest part of life is parting.

What's more, after this time of separation, I still don't know if I can meet in this life.

"Fu Jun, if I could give birth to our child, what name would you like to give him?"

Ning Tao's tears burst into her eyes, but a smile appeared on the corner of her mouth: "Do you know if it's a boy or a girl?"

Daenerys shook her head.

Ning Tao thought for a moment: "Just call Ning Xiao, boys and girls can use this name."

"Ning Xiao ... Well, I like the name, I remember, our child is called Ning Xiao." Daenerys also laughed, but tears rolled down from her eyes.


A thunder came suddenly from deep in the clouds.

Daenerys suddenly pushed Ning Tao away: "Hurry up!"

Ning Tao took a deep look at Daenerys, then walked backwards towards the edge of the square.

Daenerys also walked backwards towards the center of the square.

The distance between the two men increased.

Before Ning Tao walked to the street outside the square, a golden light was cast deep in the sky, and the golden light was just right on Daenerys.

Everyone around the square knelt down.

The heavens and the heavens of the City of Stars, like the heavens and the heavens of the city of Hemia, regard this golden light as a god.

With a golden shimmering body, Daenerys' figure instantly blurred.

Ning Tao wanted to see her face clearly, but she couldn't see it clearly.

The runes flickered in the golden light, and Daenerys's figure became weaker and lighter, and she was invisible in just a few seconds.

In the end, Jin Guang also disappeared, leaving only an empty square.

Heaven and people around the square poured into the square from all sides.

"Why is Her Majesty gone?"

"what happened?"

"Her Majesty the Queen has ascended into the sky, she must have gone to Shenshan!"

"We are going to have gods in heaven!"

"Yes, it must be!"

"If our queen goes to the mountain and seals the gods, we must fight back to Fanxiandi and revenge for the first king!"

There was talk everywhere, but they didn't know what their queen had sacrificed to keep them alive.

Ning Tao crossed the street and returned to the temple.

He didn't care about the remarks that he wanted to fight back to Fanxiandi. It takes a long time for Heaven and Man and Fanxiandi to get real peace and understand each other.

Quiet in the temple.

When Ning Tao entered the door, Zuji closed the temple door.

"Ning Aiqing, where do we go when we get down?" Zhe Er asked.

Ning Tao said, "Go back to the fairyland."

"Is it now?"

Ning Tao said, "Don't worry about this time, just stay a while."

Zhe Er said: "Ning Aiqing, I know you are uncomfortable, but if you look away, you will meet on the mountain."

Ning Tao smiled bitterly: "It is not necessarily a good thing to meet, at that time we may become enemies, and she is no longer her."

"What does Ning Aiqing mean?"

Ning Tao said: "I suspect that Hemia will be reborn by Daenerys, and the town monument may also come to life with Hemia. If that is the case, I will not have much time."

Zhe Er said: "Ning Aiqing, have you made a decision?"

Ning Tao nodded.

Zer Er asked, "Well, did you train yourself to the gods, or did you ask Shenzhou to help you go to the gods?"

Ning Tao said: "I am limited to 30 days. If I can break through that barrier and lead to God ’s calamity within these 30 days, I will cross the calamity to God Mountain myself. If I cannot break through that barrier within 30 days, I Please ask Brother Shenzhou for help, sneaking over Shenshan, and crossing the mountains on Shenshan. "

Zhe Er said after a moment of silence: "On the 30th, Ning Aiqing, you have to eat more Shenjing."

Ning Tao said: "Go back and talk ~ ~ After I go back, I would like to ask Brother Shenzhou to help me and return to my hometown."

Zuji said in surprise: "Ning Aiqing, do you mean back to earth?"

Ning Tao nodded his head: "I don't know if I can survive God's calamity, and I don't know what kind of enemy I will face when I go to Shenshan. I want to go back and see."

He wanted Qing Zhui, Bai Jing, Jiang Hao, Soft Tianyin, Lin Qing to beat them.

If going to Shenshan is a way of no return, it's good to meet with each other and think about it individually.

Zhe Er's pair of short hands stunned, and then said, "Ning Aiqing, I have calculated a few divine mothers and mothers. Even if you don't go back, you can meet the two mothers in the near future. "

Ning Tao suddenly hesitated: "What do you mean?"

Zhe Er's worm's face showed a thick smile: "Yi Zhi's hexagram base is Erlong Xizhu. He wondered that most of Mother Qing and Mother Bai would cross over to the immortal world."

Ning Tao's mood suddenly improved a lot.

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