Open a Clinic to Cultivate Myself

Chapter 1263: Magic fairy armor

In the past, Ning Tao wanted to sleep where he slept, but after the world ’s Ning family five tigers entered the fairyland, the women at home were reunited, but he had nowhere to sleep.

This is probably the opposite of things. If you eat too much seafood, you will get sick, but if you have more women, you will not find a place to sleep.

As far as the situation tonight is concerned, no matter which mountain peak he is going to live in, the women in the other two peaks will probably have opinions.

As for the avatar, the void is so big, if it is spotted, it is tantamount to shooting yourself in the foot.

So, apart from the retreat, Ning Tao really couldn't think of anything else he could do. Rather than facing women, retreat.

Become stronger! Become stronger!

Only when he gets stronger and the mountain is sealed, can he suppress the women at home and completely conquer!

Several **** crystals slumped, and Ning Tao's belly seemed to be scorching a fire, which was uncomfortably hot. Before eating Shenjing, he ate it one by one. This time, it was several capsules. The amount of medicine increased several times, and the medicine power naturally increased several times.

"Oh!" Ning Tao exhaled, and the air was as hot as a flame.

"Ning Aiqing, are you okay?" Zhe Er said with concern: "You can't stand the gods you eat like this."

Ning Tao resisted the burning discomfort in his body and said, "I set my goal of going to Shenshan one month later, and it has now passed for several days. I don't have much time to prepare, so I must speed up. . "

"Ning Aiqing, what can you do for you?"

Ning Tao said, "Just shut your mouth."

Zhe Er spread out a pair of short hands: "Uh ..."

Ning Tao sat down cross-legged and began to run the ice and fire refining tactics, while guiding the power of the demigod to suppress the violent energy generated by several **** crystals.

That energy is divine energy, but his demigod has more powerful and advanced divinity, so there is no problem with assimilation and absorption.

The energy of several **** crystals was quickly assimilated and absorbed cleanly. Ning Tao's spiritual power did not increase significantly, but his divinity improved a little.

This is a very normal situation.

He is already in the state of demigod. His spiritual power has reached the bottleneck period. If he wants to break through, he must cross the gods and go to the **** mountain to seal the god. Only when he becomes a **** and the spiritual power becomes a divine power can he continue to ascend.

This is like filling a bottle with wine. His bottle has a capacity of only 500 ml. No matter how he fills it, he can only hold 500 ml of wine. If he wants more wine, he needs a bigger bottle.

After the assimilation and absorption of several **** crystals were completed, Ning Tao took a few more **** crystals from the Trinity Tripod.

Zhe Er has been gnawing for a long time, and he can't control his mouth: "Ning Aiqing, take a break. You are so anxious. What if you go into trouble?"

Ning Tao said, "It's just a few **** crystals, and it won't let me go into a demon. You shut up, I have my own measure."

Zhe Er closed her mouth again and said such a word, it seemed to feel much better.

Ning Tao swallowed those **** crystals again, then sat cross-legged next to the Sansheng Ding, and continued to run the ice-fire refining method to refine the **** crystals.

With the refinement of Binghuo's spirit-refining tactics, those nerves were transformed into divine energy again, assimilated and absorbed by his demigod power.

His spiritual power could no longer be strengthened, but it became more and more pure, and the more his divinity became,

Getting stronger.

This is like hitting iron. After hitting with hammer after hammer, every iron will become King Kong.

A few grains of Jingjing were absorbed and refined, and Ning Tao stood up again and took a few grains from the Trinity.

Insect Erji bitterly said, "Ning Aiqing, you really don't need to worry too much. You sit down and take a break and listen to a song for you?"

Ning Tao said, "Would you feel uncomfortable without talking?"

Zoji Er smiled suddenly: "Ning Aiqing who knows me also, yeah yeah!"

Ning Tao said, "What about your research on the natural rune that became a fine chaotic stone? Have you developed any spells or spell arrays?"

He did need to take a break. Such a fierce refining and absorption of Shenjing, his body could not bear it. Since this product likes to beep, please accompany it and say a few words to understand its current situation.

Zushi Er said: "The runes of the chaotic stone are all in the body of Xi, a total of 1314520. Seemingly disordered, can have its own logic. So far, He has decrypted a spell. He named For hard work, if Ning Aiqing wants to learn, I can pass it on to you right away. "

"Wait ..." Ning Tao asked, "What's the name of the spell you said?"

Zhe Er said: "This is a big and hard technique. This spell is quite powerful. If you cast Ning Aiqing, your body will absorb the surrounding rocks and metal molecules and form a protective shell on top of your body. The hardness should be harder than immortal gold, so I named it big and hard. "

Ning Tao was rather speechless.

Spells are a good spell, but the name of this item is so bad.

Zhe Er went on to say: "The hard shell condensed by this spell not only resists physical strikes, but also possesses the mana through the void at the time of chaos, and a considerable amount of spell immunity. Dislike? "

Ning Tao said: "This spell sounds really good, but the name is too bad. I think it should be called Fairy Armor."

"I think it's still bigger, harder and more aggressive, simple and clear."

Ning Tao interrupted it: "I decided, it's called fairy armor, you pass it to me."

After that, he put his hands on the wall of Sansheng Ding.

The spiritual connection was established, and glittering runes emerged in his brain, densely packed with hundreds.

The higher the level of spells, the more runes are needed, and the spells are naturally longer when used. But in his realm, there is no need to recite the chanting of the Fa, but only to seal it in his mind. And at the speed of his current brain, it only takes a few seconds to form hundreds of runes into the seal of law. If he is more lazy, he can even engrav the spell seal. When he wants to use this spell, he can directly inject the power of the demigod to activate it.

An immortal armor operation was so simple and entered Ning Tao's brain, and later became a part of him, because he imprinted this method in his mind.

"Ning Aiqing, show it to you, and you want to know how powerful this spell is."

Ning Tao originally wanted to try again in the future, but seeing that the goods were so anxious, he did not want to discourage its enthusiasm. He still has to count on this item to crack more advanced spells, especially the ultimate mystery of Chaos Stone. So if it hits this product

The enthusiasm for that is not worth it.

Thinking about this, Ning Tao decided to give it a try.

He went straight to the Treasury's Treasury, then opened the Treasury and went in.

In the treasury, immortal gold is piled up in mountains, all kinds of precious spiritual materials are piled up in piles, and there are all kinds of magical instruments and spiritual materials.

Immortal armor will condense the surrounding immortal gold and the molecules of the rock to form a hard shell. There is more than immortal gold here. It is just what you want. It is the ideal place to test this spell.

Ning Tao came to the treasury, and Zoji Er stepped in with a pair of tripods.

"Ning Aiqing, quickly show it to the uncle." Zhe Er urged, staring at Ning Tao eagerly.

Ning Tao chose a place to stop, and with a change of mind, the seal of the immortal art emerged in his mind, and then he injected a demigod into the seal and activated the seal.


As soon as the seal was activated, an energy field was released in Ning Tao's body, and the immortal gold, magical instruments, spiritual materials and spiritual materials shivered wherever they passed! Even San Sheng Ding was not under the control of Zong Er, and the sound of the cricket's tripod came out.

"Fuck! That's amazing!" Zuji hurriedly withdrew, and kept exiting from the treasury door to get rid of the mysterious and powerful energy field.

Molecules of immortal gold, molecules of magical instruments, molecules of various spiritual materials and spiritual materials detached from the mother body and flew to Ning Tao's body.

Ning Tao's body was like a humanoid magnet, and iron powder around his body gathered towards him. The various molecules that had accumulated on his body quickly coagulated. At first, it was only a vague look, but after a blink of an eye, it condensed into a huge humanoid fairy armor.

That fairy armour had head, hands, trunk and feet. It was his appearance, but it was several times his body!

The fairy armor is silver, and the golden runes flash, as if there are hundreds of golden stars flowing in the fairy armor, pulling the wind very well.

As he is now, even the three-meter-high Phillips standing in front of him is just a thin boy, and he is a giant!

What suddenly came to mind in Ning Tao's heart, he secretly said, "The immortal catcher is as high as the sky, and he can set foot on a mountain with one foot. Will he also use a spell similar to the fairy armor?"

No way of knowing, but this angle of thinking seems to be in the right direction.

"Great! Good!" Zoji Er shouted with excitement ~ ~ Ning Tao said: "I'll go out and try what you said to penetrate the void mana."

He walked towards Kumen, and the sound of buzzing footsteps echoed in the temple, giving the impression that the fighter in a science fiction movie was walking. This fairy armor does not know how many thousands of pounds it weighs, but under the power of mana, he doesn't feel heavy at all, and it feels like he is wearing a relatively thick suit.

Ning Tao came straight under the lock wall, opened a door of convenience and walked in. When he came out, he was already on an island in the endless sea.

This small island is the old nest of Bailong.

Ning Tao came out of the door of convenience, kicked his feet, a burst of sand and dust dozens of meters high suddenly burst on the beach, and at that moment, the shells generally shot out.


When the void shuddered, a crack ripped by the magic power of the fairy armor appeared in front of it, and there was almost no time interval. Ning Tao plunged in and disappeared into the void.

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