After half a month.

Quietly in the temple, Ning Tao sat cross-legged next to the Sansheng Ding, and the whole body was filled with this faint golden light. At the beginning, before the retreat, he only had golden light on his head. For half a month after the retreat, he was already full of gold.

Jinguang represents divinity. The stronger the golden light, the stronger the divinity.

After half a month of retreat, the power of the demigod has also been merged into seven hundred and seventy-eight. It is no longer the original three-color mixture. It appears golden as a whole, like a golden soup flowing in his body.

The three energies that make up the power of the demigod, the lowest is the good and evil spirit, which also accounts for the largest proportion. The second is the Dragon Spirit energy, which is only as good as the evil spirit power. It brings Ning Tao powerful power and mana defense. The last is the power of creation that originates from the mark of creation. It is the highest and most mysterious existence of all the energies he has encountered. It has the least number, but it is also the most powerful. The heavier the ability, the refined the spell and the casting spell will become stronger due to its existence.

Now, these three energy situations are undergoing earth-shaking changes.

From the perspective of quantity, the good and evil spirits, which are the most in number, and should be dominated by themselves, should be dominant. However, it turns out that this is not the case. It is not the good and evil spirits, nor the dragon spirit energy, that dominates, but the least amount of creative power.

In the world of energy, it is not the number who can dominate who can dominate. But whoever is more advanced can dominate. There is only one king, and millions of subjects.

At this moment, in Ning Tao's body, the new king was preparing to ascend the throne.

As his divinity became stronger and stronger, the original force of creation became stronger and stronger. From retreat half a month ago to now, it has begun to devour two other energies!

The spiritual power of good and evil is less and less, the energy of dragon spirit is less and less, but the power of creation is more and more powerful.

When this situation first appeared, Ning Tao himself was taken aback, because the three energies have only been fused together, and no one who has swallowed and controlled who has happened. He always thought that with his cultivation, the three energies would eventually merge into one, and a new type of divine energy with three energy characteristics appeared.

However, he was wrong.

That trace of creative power became particularly active after his divinity reached a certain level, as if he couldn't wait to rule his inner world and become king.

The good and evil spirit power and dragon spirit energy naturally become obstacles for the already powerful force to reach the throne. Of course, it will not show mercy to its men, so the swallowing begins, and the amount of it will consume the other two energies Progress has been increasing.

"It's nothing to lose the dragon spirit energy, but the good and evil spirits, then my previous practice still makes sense? Once my good and evil spirits are swallowed up, then am I still me?" Ning Tao couldn't help but feel it When I think about it, I am very worried.

However, he had no other choice. After his divinity increased, he seemed to be on a path that could not be turned back. He couldn't stop, and couldn't even turn back, because even if he stopped practicing, that trace of fortune still swallowed his good and evil spirits and dragon spirit energy.

At this retreat, he is like an arrow that shoots out. He can never turn back only by flying on a set trajectory.

Once the practice was over, Ning Tao entered his inner world.

His power of fortune is more mature and brilliant. Among all the seals in the world in his body, the power of creation is like a pyramid-shaped existence, and other seals can only look at it and worship it.

At the beginning, a trace of the power of creation had occupied one-third of his energy. The energy was like golden soup, the runes inside were flowing, and the density was endless.

Moreover, even if he has not cultivated, his power of creation continues to devour the other two energies. Over time, those two energies are getting less and less and weaker, and it is getting more and more. The stronger.

After watching it, Ning Tao came out of his inner world and came to the side of Sansheng Ding again, reaching out to get the **** crystal.

However, in the Three Tribes, only some soul energy remained, among which there was no trace of love energy.

"Why not?" Ning Tao was a little depressed.

Zhe Er said: "Ning Aiqing, you knowingly why you asked, you have eaten a lot of **** crystals during this time, but you have not collected any of your favorite energy, of course you did not."

Of course Ning Tao knew what the reason was, and he was a little speechless. He was so hard-hearted that he wanted to retreat to the end, but his retreat was completely different from the retreats of others. He was trained by eating the **** crystal, the **** crystal was gone, and he was still closing his fart.

"Well, I've been here for half a month, and it's good to go out and have a look." Ning Tao said.

Zhe Er said: "Ning Aiqing, do you remember to collect more favorite energy, you still need a lot of **** crystals."

Ning Tao nodded and opened the door and walked out of the temple.

Before returning to the Mirror of the Void, he wanted to take a look at the current situation in Jizo City.

Jizo City Valley is full of construction sites, a large number of immortals and immortals, and a large number of craftsmen.

Ning Tao came out of the temple with golden light all over his body and full of divinity.

"Long live Your Majesty the King, Long live!"

There was a shout in the valley, and the sound then spread to every corner of Jizo City, and there were fairy people kneeling on the ground everywhere.

"Have you seen that? Our fairy king is glowing with gold, that's about to become a god!"

"We have the immortal king become a god, who will dare to invade us in the future? Our imperial dynasty will conquer the entire immortal world, and our immortal king will also become the king of kings!"

There are such arguments everywhere in Jizo.

Ning Tao just waved his hand slightly and said, "Don't worship me, what should you do?"

His voice was bland, and he didn't even force to say it, but he could be heard in every corner of Dizang City.

Leaving this sentence, he turned and walked into the temple again.

He just came out and took a look.

He is about to go to God Mountain, and accept the final test of life and death. All that he has in the world and the immortal world, fame, power, and power are not important.

Except his woman.

They are the most important, always, including now. Without them, he would not be able to make even a **** crystal.


A sound was suddenly captured in Ning Tao's ears, and he was very familiar with it, because it was the sound of good and evil.

Ning Tao looked around, his eyes locked on a normal room.

It was a stone house. The wooden door looked very worn and there were no plaques on the lintel. It looked like a stone house inhabited by ordinary people, and there was nothing special about it.

However, Ning Tao knew what kind of existence the stone house had become. After locking the stone house, he fluttered, flew over a kilometer distance, and went directly to the door of the stone house.

The door of the food room opens automatically, and the ink and smoke in the stone house is dazzling, making it difficult to see the scene inside.

"I was discovered by you when I came." The sound of good and evil came from the stone house.

Ning Tao said: "This is my place. If you come, how can I not feel it? You are much slower than I thought. Why didn't you come until today?"

Good and evil voices came out: "Come in and say."

Ning Tao didn't move.

This Tibetan city is his territory. He is the master, but once he enters the Tianwai Clinic, it is not his master that is the master of good and evil.

Good and evil voice: "What? I dare to come to your place, but you dare not come in? Since you don't believe me, how can I cooperate with you?"

Ning Tao smiled and lifted her foot into the wooden door of the Tianwai Clinic.


The wooden door of Tianwai Clinic was closed.

The ink and smoke that permeated the lobby quickly dissipated, and the familiar scene appeared.

The good and evil tripod is still the same, and the layout of the Tianwai Clinic is still the same. It was just that the mystery and awe that entered the Tianwai Clinic had disappeared. Ning Tao not only unlocked the secrets of the Tianwai Clinic, he even built a temple himself. There is nothing left for him to be curious about.

"I'm coming in, let's talk." Ning Tao said.

Good and Evil Ding said: "After you and I were at the last side of the room, I first went to Shenxu to find the town **** monument, and then came to the fairyland to continue to find it, so I haven't come to meet you until now."

"Did you find it?" Ning Tao asked.

Good and evil Ding said: "No, it's not in the Shenxu, nor in the immortal realm. Although I didn't find where it was, but I found a clue, I'm sure it's above Shenshan."

Ning Tao said after a moment of silence: "I also judged this way. It seems that we have to go to God to deal with it."

"I can't get on Shenshan, and I have to help with Shenzhou." Good and evil Ding said.

Ning Tao said: "It's okay. After half a month, if I can't get over God's calamity, we will go to Shenzhou on the Shenzhou together."

Good and evil Ding said: "You have golden light, it will take less than half a month to cause God ’s Calamity, but God ’s Calamity is no better than Fairy ’s Calamity, Tianxiandu God ’s Calamity, and in a lifetime, you have a Shenzhou to cross you up. Still wandering? "

Ning Tao smiled: "If you do n’t go through God ’s calamity, even if you sneak on to God Mountain and cross a meaningless God ’s calamity, what kind of **** am I? You do n’t need to persuade me, I ’ve decided, I ’m going to cross God ’s hill . "

Good and evil snorted coldly: "Don't get me wrong, I'm not worried about you, I'm worried that if you die, I won't have a place to look for God."

Ning Tao laughed: "Then you wish me good luck, UU reading You stay here first, I will retreat for half a month this time, I will go home and see."

"I'll wait for you here," said good and evil.

Ning Tao turned and walked towards the door. When he was about to come to the door, he stopped and turned to look at the good and evil tripod: "Yes, have you been to the end of the endless sea?"

"Why did you suddenly tell me this?"

Ning Tao said, "I've been there. I've been to a desert. The desert is very strange. It's as smooth as a mirror, not even a small dune. And half of it is brown desert, half is black desert, black desert You are eating this fairyland, do you know all this? "

Good and evil Ding said a moment before he said, "I don't know what you're talking about, that has nothing to do with me."

Ning Tao shook his head and left Tianwai Clinic.

Are the good and evil diners telling the truth or the truth?

No way to judge.

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