Open a Clinic to Cultivate Myself

Chapter 1275: Stories of gods

When I heard that Shenzhou was about to take him to the Sky Temple to see, Ning Tao was still a little worried. After all, he had just arrived on the mountain, the land had not yet stepped on the heat, and suddenly he would encounter the word of the goddess of wisdom Hemia, most of them would Fierce fighting, and he was not even ready to fight.

But he thought that there would be a battle sooner or later, and if Daenerys became Hemia, he would have to face it sooner or later. There is also the town monument, which he has to face the old opponent, so he still comes.

Now, facing the ruins of the massive Sky Temple, all previous worries and concerns have disappeared. Hemia wasn't here, and he didn't catch the smell of Daenerys. If Daenerys was here, he could know by smelling it.

It's the same here, there is nothing except the rocks and dirt, and the ruins of the temple. It's as quiet as a grave. The sky is always green, there is no change at all.

If we have to say that the world of these gods is still alive, it is only the sky, because it looks like a sunny sky, but it has no sun.

"Xianxi, this is the Sky Temple of the goddess of wisdom Hemia. This was the most lively place on the mountain. At that time, gods came from different places in the mountain almost every day." Shenzhou and Ning Tao shoulder to shoulder to the ruins of the temple Walked and talked to Ning Tao while walking, "Do you guess what happened?"

Ning Tao said, "How do you guess this?"

Shenzhou said with a smile: "This is because the goddess coveted the beauty of the wisdom goddess Hemia and wanted to attract her attention. Those who asked a little hope started a crazy pursuit. I remember once a **** from another world wanted to get The heart of Hemia presented directly the hearts of nine hundred and ninety-nine believers, and a heart shape was set up in front of the temple of the sky.

Ning Tao frowned: "Posing a heart shape with the hearts of nine hundred and ninety-nine believers, just to pursue a woman to do such a cruel thing, what kind of **** is it? No matter what?"

Shenzhou said: "Such a small thing can be so alarming. The goddess of wisdom, Hemia, confiscated the gift of that god, and that **** turned nine hundred and ninety-nine hearts into ashes, and then went back. Later I heard that Xingjun cut off the head of that **** and hung it on his temple. "

Ning Tao could not help but show a smile: "Sure enough it was his ex. If such a thing happened to me, I would also cut that silly head into a sphere."

The two talked to the center of the ruins of the Sky Temple.

A huge piece of blue stone brick, with the stigma lying in the field of vision, could not see the end. If this temple does not collapse, it is probably the most majestic one among all the temples Ning Tao has ever seen. Even the lunar temple on the back of the moon will be inferior, and the visual area of ​​that temple has Thirty or forty square kilometers.

"Brother Ning Xian, it's a pity that you didn't see this temple. I told you that while it was still there were a lot of ground on the ground and a lot of heaven. There are just a few temples floating in the sky. This is exactly one. city."

"Why does she live so alone?" Ning Tao disagreed.

What does temple power represent?

Nothing but face can be represented.

Shenzhou said, "She's alone? Oh, brother Xian, you are totally wrong. There are people created by the goddess of wisdom in this temple. There were hundreds of thousands of people in the heyday.

,Very lively. "

Ning Tao suddenly hesitated: "She ... the people she created?"

Shenzhou said, "Yeah, the people she created. Those people are just like the heavenly people. In addition to worshipping the goddess of wisdom in the realm of the goddess of wisdom, they are also working on this land to build temples. The reason for the sky temple It can be so magnificent because her people have been built by countless generations of people. A temple like yours can be built by a **** in one day. "

Ning Tao was a little speechless. Shenzhou always said his temple this way. He was a little upset in his heart, but it was not easy to refute, because his temple was indeed so cold that it could no longer be chilled. People are telling the truth, what's the point of refuting?

"Well, does Hemia have the ability to create life? How did she do it?" Ning Tao shifted the topic.

Shenzhou shook his head: "I don't know about this. No one can enter here unless she is invited by her. The day before my accident, I followed her here and stood outside waiting for her. I told you of."

Ning Tao was lost in thought.

The goddess of wisdom, Hemia, has the ability to create life. Isn't that the existence of the Creator? If there is no such ability, he is still willing to believe, but if he is said to have such ability, he is unwilling to believe.

The power of creation is flowing on his body, that is the energy to create life, but until now he did not have the ability to create a life, at most it was the rebirth of broken legs, the dead trees in spring, and the seeds germinate, grow and mature quickly That's it. Create a joke, what a joke?

He felt that there must be some secrets in it, but the sky temple had collapsed, and even the people she had created had disappeared, and there was no point in tangling the authenticity of the story.

"Brother Shenzhou, let's go up and take a look." Ning Tao leaped forward, his body shells generally soared into the sky, and immediately fell on a huge blue stone brick suspended above a kilometer.

There is a faint rune flow on the stone brick. Although it is incomplete, it still has some mana remaining, which may be why it can still be suspended in the void until now.

Ning Tao stood on the edge of the stone brick and overlooked, and the ground part of the ruins of the Sky Temple had a panoramic view. Indeed, it covers an area of ​​dozens of square kilometers, just like a medium city. However, all he could see was the ruins, not even a well-preserved house.

Does such a place really have hundreds of thousands of people?

Suddenly, something shook in her sight, and Ning Tao disappeared as she moved her eyes. Just when Ning Tao was preparing to open his gods eyes and prepare to shine with golden light, Shenzhou came to his side.

"Xian brother, what are you looking at?" Shenzhou just blocked Ning Tao's sight.

Ning Tao took a step across, and two golden lights shot out of her eyes, and instantly fell on the place where the shadow flashed.

Unfortunately, nothing was found. The shadow just seemed to be a hallucination.

Shenzhou also looked at the place, wondering, "Dear brother, did you find anything?"

Ning Tao said: "I just seemed to see something popping up and then disappeared."

"No, I haven't seen anything. Is it because you have collected your favorite energy too much and are dazzled?"

Ning Tao: "..."

I can't talk down this day.

He doesn't take a serious relationship, and he crosses over the new **** of God himself, will he be dazzled by that?

What a joke!

Ning Tao shifted the topic: "Brother Shenzhou, in addition to the goddess of wisdom Hemia on this mountain, whose temple still has hundreds of thousands of people?"

Shenzhou said: "Only the goddess of wisdom Hemia, no other **** has the ability to create their own people, but their temples are not only themselves, they also have the soul of believers, and they are usually lively."

"Eh? You speak and listen." Ning Tao was curious.

Shenzhou said: "I'll give you an example of me. An old man I know, he is a **** of war in the sea world. His name is Au Xing, and he has a beautiful goatee, especially a male god. All his followers are soldiers. Some qualified warriors on the battlefield came to his temple and drank with him all the time, sang battle songs, duels, and made them suffocated. I often went to play with him, Have a drink and drink. There he is, there are tens of thousands of heroes in the back and forth. If he fights with other gods and pulls his team away, he will become a bully over time. As a result ... "

"It was killed by the Sunburst King?" Ning Tao tentatively tried.

Shenzhou nodded his head: "However, it didn't take long for a new Aosing **** to come up, but I was not familiar with that new Aoxing god, so I didn't go to that place again."

Suddenly, Ning Tao feels that the Sun King is just the idea of ​​killing nothing, and he will not live long. This mountain is full of gods. You can easily be targeted by killing this evil **** and killing that evil god. Once several evil gods join forces and set up a trap, will it not be killed?

"Brother Shenzhou, you drink with the spiritual believer of the **** Aoxing. What are those spirits?" Ning Tao suddenly thought of this question.

Shenzhou said, "Look at what I look like? Look at what I look like and what they look like. On this mountain of God, each deity has its own believer. If no one believes, then the deities will come. The weaker, it finally disappears. So, whoever has the most believers on this mountain, who has the greatest personality and the strongest strength. However, believers are not what you want to have ~ ~ Only the most devout believers With an extremely firm conviction, it is possible to come to this mountain after death. The goddess of wisdom, Himiana, is a special situation. She also has believers in heaven and earth, but more of her own flesh and blood.

Ning Tao understood that this mountain is almost the "bliss world" in myth. After the death of a man, he went to **** with iniquity, and he also went to hell, which is really not a place for people to stay. This **** mountain is much better than hell, living in the grand temple, and drinking. Even if it is reincarnation, it will be invested in a better person than in the beginning.

"Assuming my believers are dead, they will not be able to come to the mountain?" Ning Tao asked again.

Shenzhou said: "Of course it will come, so you have to shape your godhead. You have nothing to go to the immortal world, walk around the world, show miracles, fulfill believers' desires, and punish those who need punishment. This way of doing business, after a while You have believers coming up. "

Ning Tao imagined it, but still couldn't accept it.

Suddenly, something flashed amid the ruins.

Ning Tao couldn't help talking to Shenzhou, stepped out of the slab, and the shell usually hit the shadow.

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