Open a Clinic to Cultivate Myself

Chapter 1292: Divine Force

Low-key people will always encounter some embarrassing situations, that is, you don't want to pretend, but you are always forced to pretend, not pretend.

Pretending to be a kind of disaster for Ning Tao. Last night Pambu forced him to pretend, and he cleverly crossed the robbery. But now, Xun Ling forced him to pretend again, and this robbery could not survive.

Therefore, Ning Tao can only quiesce one time to fix the burial of the sky.

Then a big iron beast, even the powerful existence of Reading who did not dare to fight, remained still, motionless, keeping the running posture, and asked you that the scene is weird, not weird, or not?

It wasn't just Ji Ling who was shocked on the spot, the jaws of several gods around him also fell to the ground.

Ning Tao looked up at Wu Ling and said quietly, "I just want to say something. What are you so anxious for? I won't let your monster tear me apart after I have finished speaking, isn't it good?"

Xun Ling returned to God, but where did he want to give Ning Tao a chance? He yelled, "What are you doing in the funeral? Tear me!"

He didn't know that the burial place was within the scope of Ning Tao's time stillness, and even if he heard his order, he would not react at all.

In this case, Ning Tao really didn't want to pretend to force him, he just wanted to say a word, but Xun Ling repeatedly forced him to pretend.

Ning Tao sighed: "I said, I just want to say a word, you don't want to give me such an opportunity? You are really bossy!"

The spirit's look changed, whether it was the stillness of the burial of heaven or the tone of Ning Tao's speaking, bothering him.

"I'm not an iron man, I'm a god." Ning Tao finally said what he wanted to say. "Although you have offended the gods repeatedly, I still have a compassionate heart, so I still want to give you a chance. Tell me, where is the woman I painted now? And where are the goddess of wisdom, Shemia and her town monument? Tell me everything I want to know, I will not only kill you, I will also Will return your stolen property. "

He finished.

Imperceptibly installed another force.

At this moment, the burial moved again, it shook the huge and stupid head vigorously, and then roared at Ning Tao: "Hou!"

Ning Tao didn't even look at it, he was waiting for the spirit to make a decision.

"Hahaha ..." Su Ling burst out laughing.

Ning Tao frowned slightly: "What are you laughing at?"

Wu Ling pointed at Ning Tao, and his expression was stubborn: "You guy dare to pretend to be a god, you are blaspheming the god! Heavenly burial, kill me!"

When the burial failed, he panicked. The celestial burial has now returned to normal, and his spirit is full again.

"Roar!" Tianburon roared, leaping towards Ning Tao.

It stands high, the huge mechanical body suppresses to a house and generally to Ning Tao.

Xun Ling's eyes shot with excitement.

Hacked him!

Shred him!

See if you're still arrogant!

Seeing Ning Tao's flame claws falling on Ning Tao's head, he saw Ning Tao's light hand lifted lightly, and at that moment, a golden spear pierced through his palm with a click He entered the burial of the burial, and then emerged from its head.

Ning Tao pulled his right arm sideways and waved it backwards. The huge body of the sky burial flew over him, and fell heavily on the sand of the Colosseum, and the whole Colosseum shook for a moment.

Then there was deadly silence.

Xu Ling and several gods were completely dumbfounded, and his mind was blank.

Just now, when the sky funeral jumped up and clawed towards Ning Tao, they all felt that this was just a spike.

In fact, this was indeed a spike, but it wasn't Ning Tao that was killed, but the sky burial.

They guessed wrongly at the beginning and wrongly ended.

Ning Tao probed his hand, the flier shot flew back into his hand, melted into the flesh, and disappeared in a blink of an eye.

Only then did the spirit return to God, and the voice of his voice trembled: "You, you ... you are ..."


A piece of golden light diffused out of Ning Tao's body, and the forcing and deity were instantly elevated a hundredfold.

This is Ning Tao's response.

I am a great god!

"You, how could you be God?" With golden eyes, but the spirit is still stubborn and unwilling to believe that Ning Tao is a god.

Ning Tao said, "I asked you to give me a chance to finish my words. Why didn't you even give me such a chance?"

Wu Ling: "..."

High-profile equipment is actually not terrible, the most terrible is invisible.

This is the case right now. This iron man was caught and beaten and scolded along the way without any temper. But just when you thought you could trample him like an ant, he suddenly told you that he is actually a great god. Moreover, it shows you his strength.

Just ask you that the invisible force is not terrible!

A faint smile on Ning Tao's face: "Although you have offended the gods repeatedly, but I always have a compassionate heart, so let me give you another chance and tell me where Daenerys is, the goddess of wisdom, Himi Where is Yahe Zhenshi monument, I assure you, as long as you tell me, I will not kill you. "

"Go!" Su Ling suddenly roared.

Several gods did not wait for his words to fall into a stream of streamers fleeing in different directions.

The speed of the soul is the speed of energy. As fast as light, there is as fast as the existence of the soul.

The splendid clothes of Xun Ling and a few gods fluttered down to the ground, eager to escape, they didn't even care about the image, even if they fled back to the temple with their **** bare, they didn't mind!

However, Ning Tao was too lazy to chase, just standing quietly in the Colosseum.

Bang Bang!

The dull impact sounded constantly.

Several godminds flew backwards, and they were all dizzy and turned.

In the world of the earth, Ning Tao often learns from Yuan Ying, and knows the speed of Yuan Ying, let alone a **** of pure soul. So, the moment he shot to kill the burial, he activated the Seal of Chaos. He doesn't pursue the size of the seal, but only talks about the Colosseum seal. When he activated the Seal of Chaos, it was exactly when he and Heavenly Burial shot each other to fight, and both had energy fluctuations, so that the spirit and several gods were completely unaware.

The minds of Xun Ling and several divine people are watching how Ning Tao died, and how can they notice anything else?

Several gods looked terrified, wondering what happened.

Su Ling suddenly leapt from the ground again, turning into a ray of energy that hit the Mark of Chaos.


There was another muffled sound, the golden energy spot flickered, and the spirit was flew back again. This time he was doing his best, the greater the force, the greater the rebound, and he was ejected into the Colosseum.

Ning Tao stepped towards Ling Ling and said lightly: "It's useless, you can't escape my Wuzhishan.


This is even pretending to be pretentious.

Xu Ling got up from the sand, his expression tense, his eyes filled with fear: "You ... the gods on the mountain of God have fallen, how could there be a god? What are you?"

With a push of Ning Tao's right hand, the golden flesh shot out through the palm and instantly penetrated Ling Ling's abdomen.

There is no blood, but energy splashes.

"Ah-" Wu Ling screamed, hurriedly gathering the energy of the soul that was shot by the gun in the flesh.

At this point in time, a trace of evil energy was released from his body, as dark as ink, extremely pure and carrying the factor of divine energy. Sure enough, the most beloved energy collected by Ning Tao from Pambu's body is very high. Now the most evil energy released from the spirit is the same level, much higher than the most evil energy collected by the fairyland.

There is no need for Ning Tao to move his thoughts, the Seal of Creation will absorb the most evil energy in the spirit.

Now, it is only a little bit of the superb energy of Shenshan that can make the first **** crystal on Shenshan. Although it has not been refined yet, it must be very advanced and powerful.

Ning Tao probed his hand, and the gun flew back from the spirit's body, and the torch opened the spirit body of the spirit again.

The soul is also sensible, even more sensitive than the real flesh body. I don't know how many feelings a person has in his life. To put it plainly, people live in feelings one after another, and these feelings are ultimately fed back to the soul. Therefore, without the medium of flesh and blood, the hurt and pain are directly transmitted to the soul, and the pain will naturally be stronger.

At this moment, Ling Ling opened his mouth wide, but couldn't even make a scream.

Ning Tao stopped in front of Xun Ling, and said lightly, "I don't know how I kill you like this, how many times can I kill you to the soul and fly away? Without a soul, you can't have it in the afterlife."

As he spoke, he glanced over several gods in the stands.

Several people of God avoided his eyes one after another, and did not even dare to look at him.

"There is only one chance, who wants to survive and answer my question just now." Ning Tao said.

The words dropped, and the flesh shot in his hand struck into Ling's chest again.

The body of the soul that had been killed by this gun trembled endlessly, and the soul energy that had just been gathered back burst out again, and this time he did not even have the strength to gather it.

"I ..." A godmind made a voice, and he was about to collapse.

Ning Tao looked at him: "Say, I promise you, I won't kill you."

The godmind said: "The woman you paint, you say her name is Daenerys ..."

But he didn't wait for him to finish his speech ~ ~ Yu Ling suddenly roared: "Apostates will never be born! Follow me to teach!"

His roar echoed in the Colosseum, full of tragic and divine breath.

A few gods and people looked at each other suddenly, and suddenly they were not afraid. They knelt down one by one, recited the mantra, and their soul bodies were compressed quickly. In a blink of an eye, several gods compressed their soul bodies into several table tennis-sized **** of light.


A series of violent explosions, one of the stands collapsed, and several gods and spirits also fluttered.

Ning Tao glanced at Wu Ling.

Wu Ling said, "They are all dead. Only I know the secret you want to know. Do you talk?"

Ning Tao found that he only really knew Wu Ling now.

Believe in leadership?

Those gods are examples.

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