Open a Clinic to Cultivate Myself

Chapter 1305: Confession

Late at night, the tribal savage finally stopped, the carnival ended, and they went home to rest.

Ning Tao also ended the refining of the last **** crystal and stood up from the ground. Although he did not go to see the situation in the tribe, but this is his kingdom of God, he has control of everything, and he even knows who is peeing in the woods next to the tribe, and who is rolling to and fro in bed. This is really the answer, people are doing, God is watching.

However, when Ning Tao didn't want to see it, the image similar to Tianyan overlooking would disappear from his mind, and it would not affect him much. If the image of who is peeing, who is bathing, who is digging a well will appear all the time, I am afraid he is also schizophrenic. Therefore, some people are right to say that God does n’t open their eyes, because God sometimes does n’t care about these trivial things, so it is inevitable that some people will be evil and cannot be stopped in time.

Heavenly burial still looked at Ning Tao with her eyes open. The two golden eyes looked very fierce, but there was no light at all, just like two fake eye beads made of gold.

Ning Tao walked over and patted him on the forehead of the burial, tentatively saying, "Can you hear me? Take one and show it to me."

After all, he didn't give up.

Celestial burial remains motionless.

Ning Tao shook her head with a bitter smile, came to the cave entrance, soared down, and came to the entrance of the temple.

At the foot of the mountain was the temple, and he was too lazy to open the door of convenience.

The temple door opened, Ning Tao walked in, and heard the sound of Zoji Er as soon as he entered.

"Hmm ..." The second voice of Zoji Er is this virtue, but this time it sounds a little different, giving a feeling of crying.

Ning Tao walked over and asked casually: "Zhong Er, what's wrong?"

Zerg Er glanced at Ning Tao, his mouth froze: "Ning Aiqing, hey ..."

Ning Tao was speechless, but he had seen a little clue. That is, the middle tripod on the tripod is bright in color and has a higher brightness than the other two tripods. In addition, it is covered with fingerprints and sweat.

At this time, God said in an aggrieved tone: "Ning Aiqing, you have the palace and the Emperor here to receive worship from the people of the kingdom of God, you cannot move or speak, but those women scramble to touch the Emperor's feet, You see, it's all peeled off. "

Ning Tao: "..."

This kind of thing often happens in the earth's scenic spots, but this strange thing also appears on the mountain, it really makes people speechless.

"Ning Aiqing, what do you say?" Shenbi was full of resentment, and the crested foot in the middle of Zhe Er was touched brightly. It seemed to be the most disadvantaged one.

Ning Tao said, "Okay, aren't you just touching it a few times, and you aren't really peeling off your skin. Looking back, I let Lingyu order, and I will come to the temple to worship God, and men and women will not be able to touch you, will the head office? "

"Haha! Ning Aiqing, I know that you will protect the uncle." Zhe Er will not pretend.

Doesn't it like those savages touch it?

not necessarily.

It's just that God is here. It has to be loaded.

How this kind of trick escaped Ning Tao's tricks, he was just too lazy to expose it. Not only did he not expose it, but he also cooperated with the acting for a while.

"Now bring up Lingling for questioning, and I guess his will is about to collapse," Ning Tao said.

"Zhunzou!" Zuji rushed towards Kumen with her two short legs, which was faster than the rabbit.

In this state, where is the male Ding who has been humiliated.

Wu Ling was lifted out, and the dead dog was lying on the ground. He wanted to stand facing Ning Tao, but his soul energy had been tortured, and he had no strength to stand.

Ning Tao opens his eyes

Authentic: "Spiritual God, have you figured it out?"

Xun Ling did not respond, and did not know if it was slow or for some reason.


A blue bolt of lightning struck Wu Ling's body.

"Ah!" Su Ling suddenly became nervous, shivering, "I figured it out."

Zuji whispered, "Bold wild ghost, seeing the **** of giving birth does not bow down!"

"Sending the God of God?" Zhe Ling's expression of aggressiveness, he did not see Ning Tao's Fengshen Hall, naturally he did not know what to send the God of God. However, Yu Guang, at the corner of his eye, saw the God of Sending Zi standing in the temple, and suddenly guessed who was the God of Sending Zi. He looked at Ning Tao and said in surprise: "You, you Feng God? "

Ning Tao nodded his head slightly and said, "Zhong Er, go back, I will come and interrogate him."

"June." Zuji retreated.

Ning Tao then said to Ling Ling: "I have a few questions to ask you, you honestly answer, I will let you go alive. If you want to die, I will complete you now and guarantee that you will be wiped out and never born. "

Wu Ling shivered and then nodded.

Zoji Er tortured him for a long time, where he still has the will to persist. And the soldiers at the sky temple he waited for were half a shadow away, and he was no longer hopeful.

Ning Tao said: "My first question, you followed the priest Rambo to a place from a back room of the temple, what is that place?"

Xu Ling's eyes were full of surprise: "How do you know that secret room in the temple?"

Ning Tao said blankly: "I am God, I control everything, I want to know, I can know, so you better be smart, if you lie to me, I will not give you any chance."

He can't actually control everything of the puppet spirit, but the power and deterrence of God must be revealed. What God says is what, if you dare to question God, you will never lose it!

Wu Ling said for a moment before he said, "That place is called the city of the sky. It is a space between Shenshan and the fairyland. We can't go to the fairyland, but there is no problem going to the city of the sky."

The immortal comes to the world, and there is a calamity.

If God goes down to the immortal realm, there will naturally be Divine Robbery, which is not something anyone can say. Even if the gods who have successfully passed the festival, they may not be able to survive if they experience a calamity in the lower world. So if there is a **** who wants to go to the immortal world and there is a channel, it will definitely be able to go down, but it is difficult to say if he can come back after going down.

"What is that place for?" Ning Tao asked again.

Wu Ling said, "I don't know."

"Huh?" Ning Tao's eyes shot out two golden lights, fierce and eloquent.

"I think about it, I think about ..." Wu Ling hurriedly changed his mouth. "The city of the sky can control the fairy catcher, and the immortal people captured by the fairy catcher from the fairy realm are sent to the city of the sky."

"What did the catchers do to catch the people?" Ning Tao asked.

Xu Ling kept shaking his head, looking nervous: "I don't know, I really don't know."

"Huh?" Ning Tao frowned.

Wu Ling cried out: "My position in the Sky Temple is actually not as high as you think. I am actually a small person who collects money for the Sky Temple. A gentleman like me grabbed one in the Sky Temple. A lot, that was the only time I went to the city of the sky, and because I was the ancestor of Elisabba, the priest Rambo took me to the city of the sky. "

What he said was true, because Ning Tao heard his conversation with the ascended Rambo through his ears, and the reason why the priest Rambo took him to the city of the sky was indeed because of his ancestor

He didn't even know this, and his memory was interrupted after he lay down on the operating table-like instrument.

"My second question." Ning Tao said, "Danelis is in the Sky City or the Sky Temple?"

"Daenerys ..." Ling Ling's eyes flickered a little.

Ning Tao said: "You better think clearly before answering, your ancestor of Elisabba is also the ancestor of Daenerys, wouldn't you have known that Elisabeth was Daenerys' father? ? "

Wu Ling said after a moment of silence: "I know that the city of the sky captured Elisabah for Daenerys, she is in the city of the sky."

"My last question." Ning Tao said, "What is the God of Apocalypse God's Kingdom is guarding, and where is it? You must think clearly before answering this question. As a god, you ca n’t even know this? "

Xun Ling was not silent on this issue: "The main **** is naturally the goddess of wisdom Daenerys. As for the patron saint, there can be more than one, there are three. They are the guardian of the iron man Gun Tianwang Xixu. My last name is the magic gun Tianwang From the market. "

The people of God are pure souls. They do n’t remember the things in their lives, so they naturally do n’t remember their names. The patron saint gives the surname, which is also a kind of glory made by God.

"The second is the sky guardian **** Broadsword King Lang Lang. He is guarding the sky temple. The surname of the priest Rambo is the name given by the big sword king Lang Lang."

"The third is the patron saint of the gods, the dark king Yin Shali, because he is the guardian of the **** people, so many deities are his surnames, including gods such as me, so that most people use the name Yin Sha . "

After Wu Ling finished speaking, he looked at Ning Tao pitifully, waiting for Ning Tao's final judgment.

Ning Tao was a little embarrassed.

Killing this puppet spirit is the most secure, but it is only a short time. Keeping him in the temple warehouse can also prevent him from going to the sky temple to report.

In addition, he is always the ancestor of Daenerys, which means that he is the ancestor-level grandfather of the child in Daenerys's belly. Is n’t killing him equal to the child ’s ancestor-level grandfather? The relationship may seem a bit far away, but what would Daenerys think if she knew it?

Do you know it was my ancestors that you still killed?

Do you know that you are the ancestor of your child?

You, the six relatives who do n’t recognize you, will divorce you!

This situation is not impossible, but it is very likely, because Daenerys has that temper, and he and her children are made in a state of hatred.

Zhe Er blinked at Ning Tao: "Ning Aiqing, old rules?"

The old rule is that Ning Tao releases people. It kills people there. The good one Ning Tao does it. The evil one does it. It kills the spirit. Ning Tao does not break the promise. ~ Ning Tao sighs One breath: "This man is the ancestor of Daenerys, can't be killed, temporarily locked in the coffers. Or you can open a dungeon or something, you can lock him in the dungeon."

Zuji said, "The magpie immediately opened a dungeon and locked him in."

That warehouse is where it compares with God. It had long wanted to extinguish the light bulb of the spirit, and Ning Tao said that he could open a cell without killing the spirit, but he couldn't wait.

Ning Tao glanced at Ling Ling and walked towards the temple entrance.

Don't know why, suddenly the figure of the iron beast burial appeared in his mind.

Celestial burial has no soul, and the spirit is the body of soul. If the spirit and the heavenly burial are combined, what will be the result?

No way of knowing.

He has not yet mastered the technology of the Sky Temple.

It seems that the Sky Temple must be explored.

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