Open a Clinic to Cultivate Myself

Chapter 1318: Amamiya Valkyrie

The name of the **** guard officer who often followed Ron Xianghun to Kobe Palace was Lang Weisheng, and it was also the surname of the sky guardian **** Lang Lang. He is the deity leader of the Reincarnation Institute, ranking second only to Lang Xianghun in the Reincarnation Institute.

These are what Lang Xianghun told Ning Tao while waiting for others.


There was a knock outside the door, and there was a rough voice: "Lord, Lord, see you."

Ning Tao stepped forward to open the door, then backed away.

A Shenwei with a height of at least four meters came in, wearing black armor and carrying a machete with a long handle. The knife was at least six or seven meters long and the cold flickering. At first glance, it was a sword that cut iron like mud. King Kong's general stature, horrible sword, and sci-fi weaponry on his back have a strong visual impact. Ordinary people don't say that they fought with such a **** guard, I'm afraid they don't even have the courage to look directly.

Ning Tao reached out and closed the door.

Longview looked back at Ning Tao, his eyes were indifferent and deterrent.

Ning Tao bowed her head humbly, respectfully and authentically said, "Good Lord."

"Hmm!" A scornful hum came from Nobel's nostril. "A humble iron man, why are you here? Get out!"

Lang Xianghun said: "Via, he called me, let's go to Kobe Palace."

"How come today?" Asked LAN VIASON.

As soon as his words fell, Ning Tao jumped up suddenly, and a thunder move appeared in his hands. He took advantage of the hammer and hit it on the back of Long Weisheng.


Longview fell to the ground, motionless. During the whole process, from Ning Tao's shot to his fall to the ground, he did not react at all. There is no way to react, because the gap between his strength and Ning Tao is more than ten thousand miles.

Lang Xianghun's eyes were full of surprise and awe. In her eyes, the Guardian Long Weisheng was a very powerful person, but she couldn't even fight back to Ning Tao. There was a thought in her heart. Why was the force of this devious **** so great?

Ning Tao received the Lei Gong hammer and looked at Lang Xianghun: "How bad is I?"

Long Xianghun: "..."

Ning Tao pulled off the black robe of Long Weisheng and removed his sword and weapon. He then opened a door of convenience, and threw Long VIA into it.

The door of convenience was closed, and Ning Tao released a lot of divine spirits from the Japanese sun gourd, activated the magic seal and started to gather the magic armor. In just a few minutes, he became four meters tall. King Kong's majestic Longville was exactly the same. Even the mighty Lanweisheng's Shenwei could not see any flaws.

Shenwei is a replica of a mold, exactly the same, except the priests are different. This is probably also for the purpose of facilitating the soldiers to identify the chief and the superior to command the god-guard. If they are all made exactly the same, then who is the soldier and who is the sergeant, how do you command on the battlefield?

After getting it, Ning Tao, holding a large metal box, followed Lang Xianghun to leave the reincarnation institute, and followed a path to the center of the Sky Temple.

The sky road is right in the center of the Sky Temple, rising up to the sky several kilometers.

Along the way, the two passed several levels, but they only delayed a little time and did not encounter any trouble. After all, Long Xianghun sends brain nucleus to Kobe Palace every day, and the **** guards and **** guard officers in charge of those levels have recognized Lang Xiang soul and Long Weisheng.

After the last level, the two came to Tianlu.

Pieces of huge golden **** stone were spread to the sky, pieces of water were floating in the void like duckweed, and the runes were flickering and golden.

Lang Xianghun was a little nervous.

Ning Tao said: "Don't worry, you will be fine with me."

Long Xianghun nodded his head and set foot on the first stone step.

Unlike the sky temple in fairyland, the sky passers-by in the sky temple in fairyland will automatically go up or down as soon as they stand, but not here. There are two Shenweis standing on each of the stone steps here, without squinting, which is also different.

On the road to the sky, Lang Xianghun and Ning Tao stopped talking and went up step by step. ,

The first Temple of Heaven arrived soon.

Ning Tao followed Lang Xianghun into the Tianji Palace, which enshrined a pair of huge feet. That foot is crystal clear, carved like a beautiful jade. However, the feet are not a pair of small feet. They are at least 100 meters long and 20-30 meters wide, and can hold several trucks side by side on the instep.

Is this the foot of the goddess of wisdom, Hemia?

If it is, then her **** body is much larger than that of Ning Tao.

Lang Xianghun knelt down and coughed.

Ning Tao also lowered the metal box in his hand and knelt beside Lang Xianghun. Lang Xianghun muttered something, he also mumbled something, but he didn't know what he said.

Just then, a door on the side of Tiangong opened, and a group of Shenwei came in with a giant cluster.

Ning Tao glanced over and froze at a glance.

The giant was about ten or twenty meters tall, and a large group of mighty **** guards were by his side like children.

But this is not what surprised Ning Tao most. What surprised him was that the giant had three heads and six arms!

Three heads and six arms. This is an idiom, which means that people have great powers and superior skills. However, I did not expect that a word that I had learned as a child really saw a guy with three heads and six arms at the moment.

Ning Tao's mind suddenly heard the voice: "This man is the Valkyrie Langi in the Space Palace. Although he has many heads, they are very simple."

I have to say that she is a smart woman with snow and ice. Since knowing that Ning Tao can capture her mind, she has used this method to convey information to Ning Tao.

Ning Tao nodded slightly.

"Xiang Soul God, how come today?"

"Xiang Niu, you smell a little strange today."

"Who then, open the box and have a look, then get out."

When Langie opened his mouth, he opened three mouths, and three mouths spoke together, each saying their own part, disagreeing at all.

That's exactly what Lang Xianghun said. This guy actually has three heads, but they are all very simple.

Long Xianghun stood up: "Via, open the box to Lord Valkyrie."

Ning Tao opened the metal box beside him. As soon as the box was opened, the neatly arranged brain nuclei suddenly appeared, and the blood was diffused.

"Okay, I've seen it and can cover it."

"Xianghun, are you good with others? I smell a man from you."

"I heard that Wu Ling is missing. I like that guy so much. How could it be missing?"

There are still three mouths talking together, each saying their own, not at all unified.

Lang Xianghun said with a smile: "You three are talking to me, who am I answering?"


"Aren't you just me?"

"I am who I am."

The three heads talked together. Ning Tao was dizzy. He closed the box and stood up, standing next to Lang Xianghun.

Lang Xianghun said: "Master VIA, we have to go to Kobe Palace, so we don't have much to stay, come back and talk."

"You must come."

"I want to know what happened to the spirit."

"Come on, don't come, the scent on you makes me dizzy."

The three heads talked together again, and their opinions were still not unified.

Ning Tao was very curious when this LAN VIA was fighting, his three heads scrambled to control the body, wasn't the brain's instructions messy?

Although this Lang Weisheng is known as the Valkyrie, in his opinion, his strength is better than the burial he killed in the Colosseum. It belongs to a more powerful demigod. If he fights with him, he has the confidence to end the battle in one minute . But if you add the gods in this Tianji Palace, it is difficult to say, the strength of those gods is actually not weak.

"Let's go," said Lang Xianghun, and then walked to the back door of Tianji Palace.

Ning Tao followed her by carrying a box. As she approached the back door of the Tianji Palace, she looked back at the pair of "extra large jade feet" dedicated to the Temple.

Are those "jade feet" really part of the goddess of wisdom, the goddess of wisdom?

He didn't believe it.

His **** body will appear only after activating the divine standard. Even if the goddess of wisdom, Hemia, is no better, she can't cut her **** body into different parts and enshrine in different temples. And even if she could, what good would it do?

This sky temple, as well as the goddess of wisdom, Shemia, are shrouded in fog, invisible and opaque.

After leaving the Tianji Palace, and then on the road, a few hundred meters away is Dengyun Palace.

After entering a pair of legs in Dengyun Palace, the lower leg was connected to the thigh, and cut at the root, the cut was smooth as a mirror. No feet, no waist and hips, only one leg. The leg was hundreds of meters high, and almost touched the dome of Yunyun Palace.

Ning Tao was stunned.

His **** body is now a few hundred meters high, which is similar to these legs, but they are only a few hundred meters long!

If the goddess of wisdom, Himia, beat him with this **** body, lifted his long legs, and removed the big feet, his bones would be broken!

A door on the wall on the side of Dengyun Palace opened, and a large group of heavily armed sacred guards gathered and walked out.

The man was also several tens of meters tall, covered with a black armor, and had a black helmet on his head. There was only one pair of eyes exposed from the top and bottom of the body, and those eyes were **** and eye-catching. He does not have a tail, but he is not a god. He does not know what form it is, but it feels like a steel devil from hell-the magic weapon he holds is also a huge sickle, like a **** of death. Weapon.

The voice of Lang Xianghun came: "This is the Valkyrie at Dengyun Palace. He is more fierce. He is more powerful than the three-headed Lang Weisheng below. Deal, you try not to talk. "

Ning Tao just listened and didn't react at all.

Lang Xianghun said, "I'm an adult, are you old?"

There was a hoarse voice in Guanbian's mouth: "You are ahead of time this time. The situation is more complicated now. You'd better come up at the previous time."

Lang Xianghun smiled: "Okay, VIA, please open the box and let the adult see it."

Ning Tao placed the box on the ground and opened it.

Gengbian just glanced and said, "Go up, remember that tomorrow cannot be advanced."

Leaving this sentence, I turned and walked to the door where it always was.

Ning Tao secretly said in his heart: "Are these so-called warriors just looking at the core of Tiemin?"

But just when he thought so, the concubine suddenly turned around, his **** eyes stared at Ning Tao.

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