Open a Clinic to Cultivate Myself

Chapter 1320: you know too much

Detective Ning Tao grabbed the Ecstasy covered on the holy object, and tore it with a force, the Ecstasy broke in half.

Without the enchantment, the sucked mana of that relic disappeared instantly, and Lang Xianghun fell to the ground.

Ning Tao's hand trembled, and the tossing spirit, which was torn in half, suddenly turned into large and small fragments, and fluttered to the ground.

A large group of goddess guards and yinsha spirits were stunned, especially the goddess yinsha spirit. Her big mouth was enough to put an adult head.

The spiritual enchantment left by the goddess of wisdom, Shemia, the artifacts used to assist the holy object to absorb the soul were thus destroyed, and turned into a useless fragment.

Ning Tao finally saw the whole picture of the relic, and couldn't bear to look directly.

"Surround," Yin Shaling yelled.

Dozens of goddess guards moved quickly, and in a blink of an eye they surrounded Ning Tao and Lang Xianghun. The bow was full and the arrow was wound. Dozens of arrows pointed at Ning Tao and Lang Xianghun. The runes on those arrows flicker and contain powerful mana energy. At first glance, they are very powerful magic arrows.

A golden bloodlock had emerged from Ning Tao's hands, and he could unlock it at any time to let Lang Xianghun leave.

Lang Xianghun got up from the ground and stood next to Ning Tao. She was almost sucked away by Kobe's relics just now. She is still shocked.

At this time, the gate of Kobe Palace flooded again with a large group of **** guards, and there was also a war god, that war **** was just a pair of eyes showing up and down.

"Who the **** are you?" Gai Bian said as he walked over. "You are not Longville. I knew you were not him when you said the first sentence."

Ning Tao finally knew where his flaws were.

He can use God's Armor to transform himself into Long VIAS, but he cannot completely imitate the voice of Long VIAS. After all, he is the first time to see Long VIA, and the other party said something and he gave Stunned.

The first time I met, in a word, even in this situation, even if he was a god, he could not completely imitate the voice of Long Weisheng, as well as the tone and expression of the reaction. These are flaws, and people who are more attentive will find them.

But now there is no chance to correct the mistakes, and there is no point in covering it up, so Ning Tao is too lazy to talk to Bian Bian, but he said to his heart to Lang Xianghun with a voice: "I will open the door of convenience for you. Just go. "

"How about you?" Lang Xianghun's eyes were full of worry and tension.

Ning Tao smiled indifferently: "It's just two bugs that can't stop me from going up to the Temple of the Sky. This time I have to go up and look anyway."

Yin Shaling suddenly yelled out: "Lang Xianghun! The Sky Temple has entrusted you with a heavy responsibility. You dare to betray the Sky Temple. Do you know what your end is? Tell me, who is this person, is it The savage leader? Say! Or let your soul fly!

Gai Bian said: "Lang Xianghun, you have time to regret it. Tell him, who is he and what should you do with him here?"

With a wave of Ning Tao's hand, a dark middle appeared, and the door of convenience surrounding Jin Guangxi appeared out of thin air.

As soon as the door of convenience opened, he grabbed Lang Xianghun's arm and pushed her in. The next door closed.


Dozens of arrows screamed and all shot at Ning Tao.

Almost at the same time, the Kobe Palace was activated, and the repressive energy was like a mountain. Ning Tao suppressed it.

The flames of explosion exploded in an instant, but were locked in a spherical space by the energy field of the Pharama. People outside can only see the flames from the energy ball, golden light surging, but Ning Tao cannot be seen.

He snorted coldly: "I thought it was a big man, but it was so."

Yin Shaling said: "It's a pity that Lang Xianghun has run away, she should be the mastermind."

But at this time, the flames and golden light in that energy ball quickly collapsed and became smaller and smaller. A figure emerged from the sphere. It was the suppressed Ning Tao. He was still Long VIA, but at this time he was full of golden light, and there was a very obvious golden ring above his head.

He just said that Ning Tao's death was dead and his eyes were stunned: "You ..."

Yinshaling couldn't be better, and his chin fell to the ground.

This dubious guy turned out to be a god!

how can that be!

The arrows of the magic weapon and the repressive energy of Kobe Palace were instantly compressed by Ning Tao into a small ball of light, just like a table tennis ball that would glow.

Ning Tao said with a smile: "Don't you want to know who I am? I tell you, I'm a **** of death, are you ready for your death?"

Yinshaling suddenly realized something and screamed, "Quickly withdraw!"

The two heavenly palaces add up to almost a hundred **** guards, and men and women rush to the gate of Kobe palace. However, the fastest runners are still Yinshaling and Change. These two warriors have long legs of twenty or thirty meters, which can reach ten or twenty steps in one step.

However, running fast does not mean being able to run out.


The yinsha spirit that ran at the front hit the energy barrier she couldn't see inside, and at that moment, she was bombarded back. Then she saw the cataclysm that was bombarded like her, and there was one **** guard, and the scene was like a giant **** opened his mouth and sighed, blowing her and everyone else up.

This is the seal of Ning Tao's chaos, the seal of the child god.

Ning Tao threw the ball of light in his hand, and the golden light burned his eyes instantly, and each of the Shenwei was blasted into pieces and parts.

The evil spirits and metamorphosis were not spared. A pair of long legs of the evil spirit were blown alive, and the hands of the metamorphosis were fried into pieces and parts. The body was covered with God's parts and golden blood. Ground. The helmet was also lifted more than halfway, revealing a scruffy face.

One shot killed two Valkyrie and nearly one hundred Goddesses of Tengyun Palace and Kobe Palace, how terrible such a strength!

Of the entire seal space, the only one intact was Ning Tao himself. The Seal of Chaos is his seal. This space is his absolute realm. He controls everything.

"You ... who are you?" Zhuanhua struggled to get up from the moment, but there seemed to be a big mountain on his body, making him unable to move.

Ning Tao walked towards Qiong, his voice was cold: "I have a question, I only ask once, where is Eli Saba and Daenerys?"

"Oh!" I changed to Ning Tao and took a spit of water, but unfortunately I didn't spit on Ning Tao's body. When the drool mixed with golden blood flew from his mouth, he fell into his chest with a whimper.

Even saliva has to be suppressed.

Ning Tao came to the concubine. He really only asked once, and didn't ask.

A sneer sneered at the corner of his mouth: "You can't escape, you will soon be trapped in a crowded battlefield. Even if you are a wild god, you will die here! And I, I will be resurrected, I It's not dead! "

Ning Tao pushed down with his right hand, and the gun shot out through the flesh. He clicked into the forehead with a click, and then pierced through the back of his head.

My eyes widened, and my eyes were full of fear and unwillingness.

At the corner of Ning Tao's right wrist, the swollen head suddenly burst open, and the blood-colored brain nucleus inside was also shattered, and the blood was sprinkled with the brain plasma and parts together.

Ning Tao said lightly: "You will be resurrected? I see how you are resurrected now."

If he just kills the metamorphosis and does not destroy his brain, with the technology of the Sky Temple, he is really likely to be resurrected. After all, everything is made of him. But the brain was destroyed, and he could never be resurrected.

Some things really know as little as possible. The change is an example. If he doesn't doubt Ning Tao's pretending to be Lan Weisheng, don't remind the evil spirits, and don't come to arrest, he won't die. Now he knew the truth, but it was not the truth he could afford.

Ning Tao walked towards Yinshaling: "The same question, I will only ask you once, and you will only once, tell me, where is Eli Saba and Daenerys?"

Yin Sha Ling closed his eyes and said nothing.

Ning Tao shook his head slightly, the flesh shot forward, and slammed into Yin Sha Ling's head, followed by a fierce agitation, shattering Yin Sha Ling's head with the brain nucleus alive.

Killing a Tiangong Valkyrie is equivalent to reducing one enemy. Firm to such a belief, the clever and cunning warrior, not killing is the endless trouble. The evil spirits and conversions will certainly not bring him any threats, but they will bring disaster to the savages of the tribal kingdom and ordinary iron people. Therefore, kill as much as you can, and never leave the future!

The seal of chaos was withdrawn, the temple of Silence was silent, the air was filled with a thick smell of blood, and the ground was covered with pieces of flesh, mechanical parts and weapon fragments. People who did n’t know thought that something terrible had happened here. Battlefield. But the reality is that the child-god **** just got the battle with one hand.

Ning Tao's gaze moved to the holy relic enshrined in Kobe Palace ~ ~ looking at the lifelike relic, for a moment he wanted to move it to his temple, but glanced at the size, This lifelike relic almost filled his temple. If he moves this thing back to his temple, will his followers worship the holy relics of Hemia, or the acrobatics of his **** of giving?


Strange sounds often come from deep in the sky, and powerful mana energy also flows from all directions to this Kobe palace.

The runes of the entire Kobe Palace flashed out, the golden light was brilliant, the repressive energy appeared again, and Ning Tao's body was impacted in all directions without a dead end.

With the push of Ning Tao's hand, a golden law mark appeared in his palm, and the energy barrier formed by the force of creation spread out instantly. Wherever you go, the energy retreats and the masonry smashes.

How can this Kobe palace's energy suppression suppress his great god?

As the energy field of the Chaos Seal spreads, the entire Kobe Palace is trembling, shattering, and collapsing!

Just do it big!

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