Open a Clinic to Cultivate Myself

Chapter 1322: Goddess of wisdom

The energy phantom that emerged from the void is a piece of sacred object, the big feet enshrined in the Temple of Heaven, the long legs provided in Tengyun Palace, the things provided in Kobe Palace, and nine other temples The holy things offered are the lower abdomen, chest, arms, head, etc. Those relics are part of the goddess of wisdom goddess Hemia, and now they are being pieced together, it seems to be a whole!

The entire sky temple is full of powerful and mysterious divine energy, and it is not weaker than the magical energy of the seal. The crack just slashed by Dadao Tianwang Langlang is actually not so big as Dadao Tianwang Langlang The extent to which the Seal of Chaos can be split, but the structure of the Temple of Sky has destroyed the Seal of Chaos. Otherwise, with the power of a pseudo-god of the sword Dawang Langlang, how could he break the mark of his chaos!

In this blink of an eye, the twelve relics in the void were pieced together to form a complete human body, with head and body, hands and feet, and tail, although it was just an energy ghost. However, in Ning Tao's view, she is the goddess of wisdom, Hemia, who is exactly the same as Hemia he has seen in the gods.

The Chaos Seal was not completely cleaved, but Broadsword King Lang Lang retreated. Those goddess crowded on the sky temple steps also receded.

At the same time, an extremely powerful energy field spread over, and the air solidified and the **** stone frozen wherever it passed!

Ning Tao turned sharply and looked at the doorway, and at that moment his pupils enlarged uncontrollably.

A head appeared at the gate of the Sky Temple, and a pair of round blue eyes were looking at Ning Tao from the gate.

That eye and that look gave Ning Tao a sense of familiarity he had seen before, and he naturally thought of a man, the goddess of wisdom, Hemia, and she came.

"Where is the pseudo-god daring to come to my temple to spread the wild!" The voice of a woman, like that of a knife, came straight to Ning Tao.


In a series of cracked sounds, the energy enchantment of the Seal of Chaos collapsed, and the aftermath could still kill Ning Tao. At that moment, it was like tens of thousands of flying into the body of Ning Tao. !!

The rags flew across, and the black jersey Ning Tao pulled from Long Weisheng was broken by the sound blade, flying in the air, and turning into powder before falling.

Longville is a sacred guard, and his jersey can be regarded as a high-level robe, which has a certain ability to defend mana and physical attacks, but at the moment it is turned into a powder in the voice of the other party!

Not only the black jersey, but also all the holes and dents of Ning Tao's angel armor that were chopped and pierced by the sound blade!

However, Ning Tao did not gather again, or even absorbed the energy of God to repair the armor. For him, the strongest is not the armor, but his body. And he has two bodies, one is the body of the deity, the other is the body of the god, and the strongest is the body of the god. Therefore, the sacred armor on the body rots, and it rots. He is equivalent to throwing away the burden, and can enter the strongest state of the gods at any time!

"Hemia, don't you recognize me?" Ning Tao also said a word and walked towards the gate of the Sky Temple.

The **** body outside the temple, just pulling a hair down from his body is as high as he is now, but his momentum is not lost at all.

The big eyes of those round tables moved backwards, as if waiting for Ning Tao to go out.

Ning Tao went out.

In the void, a goddess several thousand meters high has no roots, no armor, no clothes, and everything is visible. However, whoever sees such a body will not produce any illusions that should not be, because she is the true goddess. Her body exuded a sacred scent, and a mighty power that made people dare not offend.

Ning Tao saw her whole picture.

She is indeed the goddess of wisdom Hemia.

The energy image that appeared in the temple of the sky just now, the body composed of the twelve relics is the goddess of wisdom, Hemia. It feels like the Sky Temple is a live broadcast for him.

And he was given a voice-over.

You see, you see.

I will be transformed!

"Who are you?" Hemia, the goddess of wisdom, failed to recognize Ning Tao.

Ning Tao stared directly into her eyes: "Don't you remember me? We had a war in the Shenxu."

In that battle, he pierced her triangular lower armour with a shotgun, and almost cut a hole in that lower armour. He still remembers this.

"Have you been to Shenxu?"

"Has been."

"Hmm!" Hemia, the goddess of wisdom, sneered, "What are you doing as a pseudo-god in the shadow world? You said that you had a battle with me in the gods' fair, what if you won? You go, you intervene The shadow world of yours will be still, and it will affect the world it is. So, even if you become a **** king in the shadow world, it's just that you deceive yourself. "

I don't know why, at this time, Ning Tao actually thought of a woman again, a woman who wanted to be the king and the king Wu Wu. She would rather give up everything in the real world and go to the shadowy world to conquer the world.

Is it really so important?

As long as you feel happy, playing stand-alone games will also be satisfied and a sense of accomplishment. In the real world, even if you have millions of assets, you may not be happy. So it's really not that important. Human beings are just so many tens and a hundred years old. When they are a hundred years old, what is true or false to them?

"Show your true body, my queen of heaven and earth, the daughter of the supreme **** of heaven, the goddess of wisdom, Hemia, I don't want to kill an unknown person."

She really doesn't remember Ning Tao, nor can she remember.

Just like Xue Weiyang, a woman he loved in past time and space, he still remembers that relationship, but it is unforgettable. The smiles of Xue Weiyang and Ding Ling still linger in his mind. I can't help but feel sad when I think of it. However, it was just a shadow world. The real Xue Weiyang didn't know her at all. She would die in bed, her daughter Ding Ling would be alone and helpless, and live a short and miserable life in that war-torn world. His appearance only gave them a few happy days, but for them and him, the relationship was real and precious, and that was enough.

Therefore, even if he fought a battle with Hemia in the God's Ruins, Hemia in the real world cannot remember. That period of time and space is still after he left, and it can be said that it no longer exists. The gulf between the shadow world and the real world cannot be bridged. Hemia is already a goddess. How could she know him?

"Well, then I'll show my true body, so that you know who killed you." Ning Tao said.

The words fell, and the gods on his body turned into particles of flying ash and fell to the ground, and his true body was revealed at the blink of an eye.

He was still four meters high when wearing the armor, but even the four-meter-high pseudo-incarnation was like a tiny ant in front of the goddess of wisdom. His true body is less than two meters away, which makes him even smaller, so small that it seems that as long as a finger of the goddess of wisdom Hemia is pressed down, he will be crushed into powder!

The face of the goddess of wisdom, Shemia, also showed a surprised look: "You are a mortal, how is this possible?"

Mortal is a cage, no matter what life is, the life span is very short, even the best mortal is amazing is to cross the lands of the immortal world, but did not expect this humble mortal to go to God Mountain!

Ning Tao said lightly: "Since you know that I am a mortal, would you still say that I am a false god?"

The goddess of wisdom Hemia was silent.

If a mortal can cross over to the immortal realm, and then cross over to the **** mountain from the immortal realm, then this villain can never be a false god, but a true god!

"I came to your kingdom of God just to find a woman. Her name is Daenerys. If you give her to me, I will leave your kingdom of God. I assure you that we can be safe and sound." Ning Tao said .

"Daenerys is your woman?"

Ning Tao said: "Yes, the child in her belly is mine too, and I think you should know this very well."

"Hahaha ..." The goddess of wisdom, Shemia, smiled angrily. Under her voice, the entire city of Apocalypse was shaking, and all the iron people and gods in the city covered their ears and fell to the ground.

The goddess of wisdom appeared and she could hear her voice, which was undoubtedly a miracle for the believers and people in the city of Apocalypse.

Ning Tao just looked at her and smiled.

The goddess of wisdom, Hemia, did not show his real body, but only this body, so he was not sure that Hemia ’s soul had already been taken by Daenerys, so he always had a hope in his heart, that is Dani Liz was still locked up somewhere in the city of the sky, she did not lose her soul, and the baby in her stomach was still safe.

But at this moment, the goddess of wisdom, Hemia, suddenly stopped laughing and patted it with a slap.

That palm is at least 100 meters long, dozens of meters wide, and before it falls, the shadow of the palm covers Ning Tao.

Ning Tao leapt forward, and the body shells generally flew out of the platform in front of the temple in the sky, avoiding the giant palm of the goddess of wisdom.


The platform in front of the sky temple collapsed.

This is why she found that Ning Tao escaped and recovered her divine power in time, otherwise the entire sky temple might be shot down by her!

"A wild **** from above dared to call me a friend? Even in the gods of the ancient times, UU reads The gods have to bow my head when you see me! What kind of thing do you think, you die! "The goddess of wisdom, Shemia, slaps it again.

A wild **** from the world?

Then let you see the power of the wild gods!

A trace of forging power poured into the seal of God's standard, Ning Tao's body shot out a thousand feet of golden light, and his true body disappeared into the golden light. In the next second, the God of the Son of God appeared in the golden light, thousands of meters high, with his legs a few hundred meters, a few hundred meters, and a hundred meters. In just a few days, his body has grown up!

God really needs the faith of believers and people to become stronger and stronger, otherwise it will weaken.

Obviously, although the tribal **** kingdom is only 10,000 people, the savage's belief energy is quite powerful.

PS: Today, two more changes, a small adjustment, and an additional chapter to save the draft. There is an important recommendation next month, just from the 4th to the 6th. I want to make a change. Please support everyone.

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