Open a Clinic to Cultivate Myself

Chapter 1327: Birth of Iron Armor

What does it take to put a person's soul into a container?

Ning Tao also didn't know that this was just one of his experiments, and it could even be said to be a whimsical experiment.

However, sometimes fantasy and reality are separated by a layer of paper. After being broken, dreams come true.

The sashimi soul body was merged into the brain core, and the rune of the brain core flickered instantly, and the gold light was brilliant.

Ning Tao immediately carved a soul imprint with the power of creation in the nucleus of the brain. With this soul imprint, he was not afraid of the combination of heavenly burial and sashimi after the experimental results.

But this is only the first step. He also has to use the power of creation to give the sashimi soul and the body of the heavenly burial a creation. The celestial burial has only a body and is a living dead beast. The sashimi has only a soul, but no body. He connects the sashimi soul with the body of the burial, and then gives them a new common life. Therefore, this creation is a creation that gives a new birth, and he plays a role similar to the Creator at the moment.

The force of creation permeates the body of the burial, infiltrating every part of the burial, every bionic flesh and blood tissue. What is important is its brain core. The power of creation is like a welding torch, welding the sashimi soul to every connection point.

All the forces of creation are under the control of Ning Tao. The body of the burial and the soul of the sashimi are all omitted.

The part of Ning Tao's brain about the burial of heaven is all parts and bionic flesh and blood tissue, and the part about sashimi is energy and memory. The energy of the soul is really different from the energy of the power of creation. His power of creation easily renders and changes the energy of the sashimi's soul, and the memory of the sashimi is erased by the power of the creation.

What Ning Tao wants is only a blank soul, and all actions follow the command, not a soul with memory and complex emotions. He doesn't need the sashimi to remember the past, and he doesn't need extra emotions. He just needs the combination of the burial and the sashimi to be obedient like a dog.

In fact, Sky Temple is doing the same. The immortal catcher grabs the immortal people from the immortal realm, and the sky temple makes the soul into the iron people, and then enslaves the iron people. The difference is just a different way. The sky temple uses the technology of cultivation and technology, and he uses the power of creation.

Half an hour has passed.

Ning Tao withdrew his power of creation, then took a step back and said, "You are my creation. I give you a name, and you'll be called Iron Armor."

The Iron Armor suddenly opened his eyes, his eyes were filled with golden light, and his ferociousness was revealed. However, just in a blink of an eye, it stunned in front of Ning Tao, and placed his chin on the ground, like a dog showing respect and obedience to the owner.

Ning Tao said, "What's your name?"

There was a low, husky voice in Iron Armor's mouth: "Master, my name is Iron Armor."

"Do you know who I am?" Ning Tao asked again.

Iron Armor said, "You are my master."

Ning Tao said, "Get up and walk around me twice."

Tiejiawei stood up from the ground, then walked around Ning Tao twice, and finally stopped at the original position, squatted on the ground, watching Ning Tao intently, waiting for his instructions.

Ning Tao is very satisfied with its performance, but he is more satisfied with the means of his creation. Although the body of the burial is ready-made, the sashimi soul is also ready-made, but what he completed is the most difficult one, that is, the perfect combination of a soul and a machine beast.

He doesn't know how the sky temple can integrate the soul of an immortal into the body of an iron man, but it is certain that it will never be a force for creation. This power of creation is only for him and Nanmen Xunxian, but Nanmen Xunxian is still a god. Her power of creation has not yet evolved into a divine power, which is much lower.

"Follow me." Ning Tao turned and walked to Kumen.

Tiejiawei stood up, followed him out of the warehouse, and came to the temple lobby.

Zong Eryi looked surprised: "Why is this thing alive again?"

"Roar!" Tiejiawei Chongzong roared and stopped in front of Ning Tao, posing a posture to defend the master.

In its eyes, there is only one master, that is Ning Tao, and Zeng Er is not. In fact, Ning Tao is also the owner of Zhe Er, but he is cheap and likes to call himself a slug. He also calls Ning Aiqing.

Ning Tao said: "Iron armor, it's called Worm II, and that's its wife **** ratio, they are all my artifacts, they are their own people, don't roar in the future."

Iron Armor lowered his head: "Yes, master."

Ning Tao also said: "Zhong Er, Shenbi, it's called Tiejiawei, the new guy in the temple, you know it."

Zeng Er suddenly understood and said excitedly, "Ning Aiqing, did you put that silly soul into that iron beast?"

Ning Tao just nodded slightly.

"Wow! Ning Aiqing is really amazing. Your method is equal to creation. This is the supreme supernatural power!" God praised with lip service.

Ning Tao smiled indifferently: "Well, you two are staying in the temple well. Last night, Xiang Hun said that a grand worship service will be held today, and prosthetic arms will be distributed today. You should be stable and not make any mistakes.

"June." Zoji Er and God answered in unison.

"Iron armor, follow me." Ning Tao took the iron armor to leave the temple and went to Shenzhou's natal tree.

Shenzhou came out of the natal tree, looked at Tiejiawei, and said curiously, "Xianxi, what is this?"

Ning Tao said: "The beastly iron people, I gave it a good fortune, this time to go to the God Meteor Canyon and take it."

"Xiandi really good means, this iron armor is very powerful at first glance, more energetic than those iron people." Shenzhou praised.

Ning Tao said, "Brother Shenzhou, are you ready? If you are ready, let's go to Shenmei Canyon now."

Shenzhou said, "I didn't say yes yesterday ... forget it, since Xian Xian is so anxious, I'm too lazy to prepare anything, let's go."

A moment later, a sailing boat appeared outside the mountain, on the ruins of the original Yin Temple. Then, the sailing boat flew towards the foot of the mountain.

In the cabin, what Ning Tao saw was still a streamer flying and no mountains. However, he is no longer surprised that Shenzhou walks through the energy channel he created himself, and naturally, Shenshan cannot be seen.

In just a few minutes, Shenzhou stopped, and an old face of Shou Xingyi appeared on the bulkhead: "Xian, we've reached the outskirts of the God Valley, you can come out."

A door opened directly to the bulkhead, and Ning Tao led out of the armored guard.

In front of me was a rolling mountain peak, bare, without a tree or a grass. There was no trace of wind in the air, and the whole world seemed to be dead, without making any sound.

This is the real God Mountain. The so-called Apocalypse God Kingdom is nothing more than a space split inside the God Mountain, which develops a unique civilization with the help of the **** energy of God Mountain.

Shenzhou came out of the sailing boat and came to Ning Tao's side. He raised his finger and pointed at a gorge entrance in front of him, saying, "Xian Xi, there is the entrance to the Valley of Burial Gods."

Ning Tao looked at it with a hand, and saw two rolling mountains extending forward in an embracing attitude. In the middle of the valley, a mountain of tens of thousands of meters was handled. That mountain was also strange. It was not at the foot of a normal mountain, but a piece. The rectangle looks like a huge obelisk. The mountain peaks on the valley side are like two dragons lying on their backs. The terrain is really strange.

Shenzhou said: "Xian brother, see no, that is the terrain of the Erlong Baobei, the land of God-given burial. Ordinary people, even the emperor of the world and the immortal king of the immortal world, are not eligible to be buried here, only the gods Is eligible to be buried here. "

Ning Tao said curiously, "Why?"

Shenzhou said, "I'm not talking about Feng Shui, which is prevalent in the world and the immortal world. I'm talking about the godhead. How great a person's life is, what place is he buried behind, and where is his next life. These are arranged by heaven They are all destined things. Only God is different. God does not enter reincarnation after death, and naturally does not reincarnate. Some gods are preparing for rebirth after death. For example, Hemia is an example. But Most gods will accept the destiny, and they will come here before they die, and then die here. A saying spread on the mountain is that if God hides here after his death, the soul of God can go to the temple of the highest **** and the highest The gods celebrate wine. In the future, when this universe is destroyed, the soul of God will survive. "

Ning Tao smiled: "How many gods believe this statement?"

Shenzhou gazed at Ning Tao: "You are the only one who doesn't believe it."

Ning Tao: "..."

The universe is destroyed, but the soul of God still exists, because it is hiding in the temple of nothing? Is n’t that temple of nothingness covered by the universe? Is this possible? Unexpectedly, such a ridiculous statement is that only one God does not believe it, and the other gods believe it.

"Looking at your response, I didn't want to finish it, but I couldn't help it." Shenzhou added, "In the common saying, after the universe is destroyed, there will be no revival of the souls of all the gods ~ www. ~ Let them be reborn as gods and rebuild civilizations. "

"Do you believe it?" Ning Tao asked.

Shenzhou nodded his head: "Of course I believe it, why not believe it? If only one or two gods believe it, I may still doubt it, but the 99,999 gods above the mountain believe it, why don't I believe it? Do they All fools can't do it. Can a lie deceive 9,999 gods? "

Ning Tao froze slightly.

He seems to make a lot of sense in this statement. If this statement is only a lie, how can it deceive 9,999 gods? If there is such a lie that can deceive 9,999 gods, it will be the most powerful lie in this universe.

However, even if there are 9,999 gods who believe, Ning Tao is still unwilling to believe, but he does not want to waste time in a legend: "Brother Shenzhou, let's go and see."

Shenzhou hurriedly said, "No, I'll stay here to give you the wind. You can rest assured that it will be given to me outside."

Ning Tao: "..."

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