Open a Clinic to Cultivate Myself

Chapter 1335: Refined Deities

Ning Tao looked at the rising faucet and said, "Are you here to negotiate with me? Well, tell me your decision."

An old voice came out of the dragon head: "You can erase the seal of the master who was left by the God of the earth, and that seal of seal also holds us."

Ning Tao was secretly pleased and agreed so easily, which saved him a lot of effort.

He didn't wait for him to speak, and another dragon head on the shield lifted up and said, "But we won't follow you."

The smile that just came out of Ning Tao's mouth froze instantly.

The third dragon head emerged from the shield and said, "We are dragons enslaved by the gods of the earth. We don't want to be enslaved by any gods anymore. We want freedom."

The fourth dragon head lifted from the shield and said, "I feel the breath of the dragon from your body, and you also have the dragon spirit. Then you should know that the dragon is not willing to be enslaved by anyone. "

The fifth dragon head lifted its head from the shield and said, "The dragon is the most free creature in the world. We have been imprisoned for too long. You can get this shield, but you don't expect to return Can enslave us like the **** of the earth. "

The sixth faucet lifted its head from the face of the shield and said, "Not free, but rather die!"

The seventh dragon head lifted its head from the shield, and said, "Erase the mark of the Lord God used to imprison us. Don't try to imprison us before we leave. This shield is yours."

The eighth dragon head lifted its head from the shield and said, "You have a dragon spirit. We are your ancestors. Will you enslave your ancestors?"

The ninth dragon raised his head from the shield and said, "This is our decision. Tell us your decision."

Nine dragons had spoken, and Ning Tao listened carefully. It was in the process of the nine dragon spirits talking to him that he also figured it out.

Pulling the shield car with nine dragons, it was pure pretense. He has a thunder hammer and can travel short distances. If he wants to travel through the Three Realms or long distances, he can ask Shenzhou for help. He does not need to take the shield car pulled by the nine dragon spirits. What good is the shield car pulled by the nine dragon spirits?

That eighth dragon head is right. He is a Chinese who considers dragons as ancestors. He also has true dragons and dragon spirits. To him, the nine dragon spirits really exist as ancestors. Therefore, people ’s questions are also very reasonable. Do you want to enslave your ancestors?

Riding on a cart pulled by a nine dragon, it is indeed enough to force it, and it is against the sky, but if it is your ancestor, it will be a treason.

"Well, I promise you." Ning Tao said his decision. "I erase the mark of the master left by the God of the earth and let you go. This shield I will re-make into another artifact."

No matter how strong the Jiulong Dun is, it is also an artifact of the **** of the earth, not his. The **** who is suitable for the earth may not be suitable for him, so is the reason for the daily magic stick. That is the artifact of the Sunstar King, not his, it is suitable for the Sunstar King, not necessarily for him.

"Okay, we believe in you, because you also have dragon spirits on you." This time, the nine dragon heads spoke in unison.

Ning Tao withdrew the energy shield of the Mark of Chaos and put his hand on the shield. "I'm going to erase the master's mark now. You can go in or stay outside and watch me."

This is to convince the dragon spirits of the nine dragons that he will not lie to them.

The nine-headed faucet still maintained its head-up posture, apparently trying to watch Ning Tao's prints.

Wrath of the power of fortune came into the Jiulong Shield with the insight of observing and erasing. This time without encountering any resistance, he easily found the mark of the Lord of the Earth, and then wiped it with the power of fortune.

The **** of the earth ’s device was burned and erased, and the dragons on the shield dangled, and a mass of golden energy emerged from the shield. One, two, three, four, five, six, and eighty-nine were the nine gods Dragon spirit. They revolved around Ning Tao, as if thanking him.

Ning Tao stood up and looked at the dragon spirit of the nine dragons deeply: "Nine ancestors, you are free, you can go."

The nine dragons and dragon spirits did not leave immediately, but instead changed into nine runes in the void, and those nine runes constituted an energy rune.

Ning Tao's heart moved: "Nine ancestors, what are you ... what is this magic sign?"

An old voice emerged in his mind: "This is the Kowloon Opening Talisman. It is a spell that our nine brothers combined their respective God-given spells. Non-dragons cannot cast them. You have a dragon spirit. We will use it. pass it to you."

Ning Tao stunned again.

The energy spell turned into flecks of energy and flew into his body. There were ancient runes in his mind, and the sound of recitations. It seems that there are only nine ancient runes in the sky in the sky, but in fact, each of the nine runes has dozens of runes.

A small rune constitutes a large rune, and then nine large runes form an energy rune, which becomes a spell. Ning Tao met for the first time. Although he didn't know what kind of magic spell and how powerful it was, but he had a hunch that it must be an extremely powerful spell. Nothing else, just because the nine major runes of the nine heavenly runes in Kowloon are each a god-spell from the Dragon Dragon Spirit. Can spells not be great?

Ning Tao closed his eyes and looked at the ancient runes that came into his mind, listening to the sound of Jiulong Longling chanting them. At this time, he had no thoughts at all.

After a while, he opened his eyes.

There are nine dragon spirits in the void, very clear look of the dragon. They are somewhat different from current dragons, which is also normal. Later generations of dragons have undergone billions of years of evolution and cannot be left unchanged.

Ning Tao worshiped the nine dragons and spirits: "Thank you for the inheritance of the nine ancestors, I will carry it forward."

The dragon spirits of the nine dragons circled around Ning Tao's head, and then flew together into the void.

They may go to the endless void, or they may finally belong.

Ning Tao secretly said in his heart: "I hope there will be a chance to meet in the future."

This can be considered an adventure.

He wanted to erase the imprint of the **** of the earth and become the new owner of the Kowloon Shield to control the dragon spirit of Kowloon, but he released the nine dragon spirits, and the nine dragon spirits also gave him his reward, The powerful Kowloon Kaitianfu was passed on to him.

How powerful is the Jiulong Kaitian Rune, which is a collection of nine god-given divine spells?

Ning Tao couldn't wait to try it, but he finally resisted. He still has to research and learn to use the Jiulong Kaifu, and there is one more important thing waiting for him to do right now, and that is to refine his own magic weapon.

The Jiulong Dun has no brand of the master, and the Jiulong Dragon Spirit imprisoned in it has left. Strictly speaking, it has become an artifact without a master and no spirit. The power is certainly not as good as before.

The brand of the master of the magic wand is also erased by him, and only one third is left. It can not even be regarded as an artifact.

Give the Sun-God Stick to Worm II to upgrade the temple?

This is too wasteful, and he brought hundreds of artifacts out of the tomb. He certainly can't play so many artifacts by himself, and he doesn't need them. Those artifacts are the materials used to upgrade Zoji to the temple.

Integrate the daily magic stick into the Kowloon Shield?

This idea is not good. He doesn't like defensive artifacts, and he doesn't have the Kowloon Dragon Spirit. Does he have a shield of more than 2 million kilograms and smash walnuts?

Refining Jiulong Dun to complete the daily magic stick?

This seems to be the most sensible choice at the moment. He has the secret method of making the Sunless Stick, and the materials are sufficient.

However, looking at the Sunshine Stick who didn't know what power was split, he felt hesitant.

Completing the Sunstroke Stick, he still has the artifact of the Sunstar King. If he encounters the opponent who splits the Sunstroke Stick, will he be chopped again?

"I have to go my own way. I'm not a starless star. I'm a child-god." After thinking about it, Ning Tao made a decision. I want to make one of my own artifacts. "

Just do it.

Ning Tao picked up the daily **** stick and put it on the Kowloon Shield, then released the magic fire for welding.

Divine fire is burning, and the power of creation has given new changes to the two divine artifacts, and the two artifacts are also fused into one.

Shield plus a stick, what is this artifact?

Ning Tao himself didn't know.

An hour later, a section of the Sun Stick was "welded" to the Kowloon Shield. The "π" shaped handle on the Kowloon Shield was also smoothed by him. Although it is "welding", there is no trace of "welding" in the place where the two are combined. It is a whole, giving people the impression that it was like this when it was born.

So the prototype of the divine artifact was born.

Ning Tao tried to grab it, but it didn't move.

It is not yet an artifact, it must be as heavy as it is, and it weighs more than two million pounds. Even if his **** wants to pick it up with his bare hands, it is very difficult.

Shenzhou had been watching Ning Tao on the deck. At this time, she couldn't help but came to Ning Tao's side. "Xianxi, are you making a ... pan?"

Ning Tao was suddenly on the spot.

The prototype of two super nirvana artifacts together ~ ~ he actually said that this is a pan? !!

You are really old-eyed!

Shenzhou coughed dryly: "However, although it looks like a pan, but ... it is also a very good pan. Xian Xian, continue, I am optimistic about you."

Ning Tao: "..."

After so many words, Shenzhou shook again and left.

Ning Tao looked at the prototype of the sacred body of the shield and handle in front of him, and his heart was a little depressed. Shenzhou did not think like a pan. He hadn't thought about that direction yet. When Shenzhou said it, he looked like a pan.

After a short pause, a smile appeared on the corner of Ning Tao's mouth: "The frying pan is just a frying pan. It can be used for fighting and can be used to cook hot pot. What's wrong? I will make it Make a saucepan and come out, go for a mountain! "

Thinking about it that way, he was no longer depressed, but full of joy.

He poured the power of nature into the pan and began to mark ...

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