Open a Clinic to Cultivate Myself

Chapter 1342: Return to Apocalypse

Apocalypse City woke up in the dawn, the gates in all four directions were opened, and iron people and vehicles entered the city one after another. There are also large and small spaceships in the sky, and they are busy.

Compared to the tribal kingdom, this is the real city. The tribal kingdom is more like a backward village.

By the side of a small river, several iron people are washing by the river, and their pallet trucks full of goods are parked by the roadside. Last night they missed the time to enter the city and could only sleep in the wild. No, after washing, they prepare to enter the city for breakfast, and then deliver the goods in the car to the designated place.

"Did you know?" A thick-looking middle-aged man wiped his neck with a wet towel while talking, "I heard a fellow trader passing by from Qiqi City said that there were gods fighting in Qiqi City not long ago and destroyed There are so many houses, countless deaths and injuries. "

"I also heard that I heard the kid who works in the city from our village. He said that a wild **** broke into the city of Apocalypse, and was beaten by the great goddess of wisdom, Hemiah, and fled. "A thin young man Tiemin said, he was full of contempt for the wild **** in his mouth.

"That is a must. A district **** even dared to go to the city of Apocalypse, and it was his luck to be taught. I hope that the great goddess of wisdom, Himia, killed him." A fat man said.

"I heard that the earth patron saint Yinshali in Shentucheng, and the iron patron samurai in Ironbone City have taken the Guardian Army to Tianqi City." An old man said: "I guess soon There will be big action, the three patron saints should go and kill the savages of the savage tribe. "

"Do you know where the Savage Tribe is?" The middle-aged man who spoke first asked.

The tall and thin young man said, "Brother Asakusa, you ask this, don't you want to get the reward of that ten thousand gods?"

"That's a ten thousand **** crystals, don't you want to?" The Central Plains man asked back, and then added a sentence, "If I know where the savage tribe is, I will go to tell the truth and earn a bounty of ten thousand **** crystals. , And then marry a daughter-in-law and live a good life of plenty. "

A few iron people laughed.

The only one who didn't laugh was the old man, who was looking at the other side of the road, and a beautifully dressed Tiemin was coming this way. That iron name looks very young, not only dressed in gorgeous clothes, but also handsome in appearance, at first glance it is the kind and respected male brother in the city.

"You whisper a little, someone came over," the old man reminded.

Several Tiemin people moved their eyes and looked at the Chinese youth who had not yet come.

In their eyes, the young man in Chinese clothes was just a pampering son.

However, the eyes are the most deceiving organs, and what they see as the real thing is often fake, or just a surface.

This young man in Chinese clothing is not someone else. It is Ning Tao, the son of the tribal god.

This time, he didn't bring Langxiang soul and Lingyu, but he came alone, because the temple needed Langxiang soul to preside over the worship of the gods, and Lingyu also had to deal with the various affairs of the tribal **** kingdom. Moreover, even if they took them with them, they would not be of much help in what he wanted to do, but once their identity was revealed, it would be a very troublesome thing.

Ning Tao had already heard the dialogue between these iron people who had been selling goods, and had also obtained two valuable information. The first is the patron saint of Tiemin and the patron saint of the earth, Yin Shali, who came to the city of Apocalypse with their guards. Another valuable piece of information is that the Sky Temple actually offered a reward of 10,000 gods for hunting wild people. tribe.

He secretly wondered: "Yin Shali, the patron saint of the iron people, and Xunxu, the patron saint of the earth, came to the city of Apocalypse with their respective Guardian Corps. Is this to send troops to siege the tribal **** kingdom, or for some other reason? For example , The goddess of wisdom, Shemia, is about to be resurrected, or has it been resurrected? In addition, even these few traffickers knew that the temple of the sky gave a reward of ten thousand gods to collect information on the savage tribe, and iron people joined the tribe every day God kingdom, will there be a spy who wants to earn that ten thousand **** crystals? Has the position of the tribal **** kingdom been exposed? "

This was not a trivial matter, and the information made him deeply worried.

"Hey, son, are you going to the city?" The middle-aged man called Asakusa spoke to Ning Tao.

Ning Tao smiled: "Yeah, where are the friends?"

"We are from Shentucheng, and we want to send some goods to Tianqicheng," Asakusa said.

Ning Tao said with a smile: "I also came from other places. I want to go to Tianqi City to have some fun, and then go to the sky temple to worship God."

Asakusa said: "Son, don't you know that a **** war has occurred in the Sky Temple? Now that the Sky Temple is under martial law, most people don't say it went in, even close."

Ning Tao showed a disappointed look: "What should I do? I have traveled so far, do I have to run for nothing?"

Asakusa said silently: "We just happened to go to the Sky Temple. The goods we want to send are the sacrificial supplies needed by the Sky Temple. However, we also brought a little private goods, which are all good things. I do n’t know if the son interest?"

Ning Tao stopped, and his eyes swept across a few iron people. Suddenly he had an idea. He said, "I have money. If you can take me into the Sky Temple, I will give you a thousand each. God crystal. "

"How much?" The thin young man looked surprised, and apparently didn't believe what he heard.

In fact, it wasn't just him, the other Tiemin were also stunned. They came to Tianqi City from Shentucheng, a few thousand kilometers away. After running this business, they could earn dozens of gods, but they did not expect that the brother of the Chinese costume would give them one thousand gods as soon as they spoke. And just let them earn him by bringing him into the sky temple, and they have never dreamed of such a good thing.

Ning Tao went on to say, "You can say that I am your companion. My name is Lang Xiangfu, and you can trust me."

He is the male **** plus man of Lang Xianghun, and the name is also appropriate.

Asakusa said, "We have several people, do you have that much money?"

Ning Tao just smiled and didn't speak, then pulled out a stack of paper **** crystals from his pocket and shook it in his hand.

The stack of paper **** crystals is rarely said to have seven or eight thousand. If the estimate is higher, I am afraid that it will be tens of thousands.

A few Tiemin suddenly looked at the stack of paper **** crystals in Ning Tao's hands. When did they see so much money?

Ning Tao carried the stack of paper Shenjing back into his pocket.

"Haha!" Asakusa came to Ning Tao with a smile on her face and said, "This son is really a magnificent man. My name is Yinsha Asakusa. This is the head of this caravan. We can take you to the sky temple. But you have to pay half of our deposit first. "

Ning Tao said: "Half it won't work. What if I give you money and you don't take me into the sky temple? What are you? I can't beat you all by myself."

Yasha Asakusa said: "Where the son says, we are all honest businessmen, we will not save your money, you can trust us."

Ning Tao said, "Let ’s do this. I will pay you a one-hundred-dollar deposit first. When you take me into the Sky Temple, I will give you the rest of the money."

Yasha Asakusa glanced back at a few of the caravan's companions, exchanged glances, and saw each of them nodded, and then they turned around and said with a smile: "The son also makes sense, okay, let's take it One hundred deposits per person, the rest will be after we bring you into the sky temple. "

Ning Tao counted the number of people and took out a stack of paper Shenjing to give a person a deposit of one hundred.

Yinsha Asakusa received Ning Tao's deposit and said: "Master, we will definitely bring you into the sky temple, but you also have to be careful not to talk casually, let alone walk away, otherwise there will be trouble. We all have to suffer. "

Ning Tao nodded his head: "Just rest assured, I won't talk nonchalantly, let alone go nonchalantly, I'll follow you around for a walk and then come out."

"Okay, then you change your clothes. Your clothes don't look like one of us." Yasha Asakusa walked towards a scooter. "You follow me, I see you and me I'm about the same size. I'll give you a spare suit. You can change it. "

This guy didn't even let go of his clothes.

Ning Tao had no sympathy for the Tiemin, but he followed it, took off his Chinese clothes, and replaced him with a shabby suit given to him by Asakusa.

Subsequently, several iron people each drove their scooters towards the gate of the city. Ning Tao was sitting on the scooter in Asakusa, and he saw the cargo on the scooter through the gap in the tarpaulin. The carts are indeed sacrificial items, including sacred incense candles, as well as some utensils and flags.

"Friend, do you have sacrificial supplies on your car?" Ning Tao asked casually.

Onsha Asakusa said: "Most of them are sacrificial supplies to be used in the temple, as well as some private goods. Didn't I tell you just now?"

"Oh, I didn't pay attention." Ning Tao said, "So many sacrificial supplies, is there any major sacrificial event in the Sky Temple?"

"I heard that it is a sacrifice activity related to the great goddess of wisdom ~ ~ but I don't know exactly what it is. When I arrive at the temple, I can inquire about it." Yinsha Asakusa said.

Ning Tao didn't ask any more. Looking at the city gate that was getting closer, the number of guards at the gate was obviously several times greater than when he came last time. Almost everyone who entered the city was searched.

This is why he wants to "join" this caravan. If not for this reason, then this asakusa knows those crooked thoughts and he will destroy him with a finger.

Returning to Apocalypse City, his goals this time are the Rambo and the City of the Sky.

The gates are getting closer.

There was an imperceptible smile on the corner of Ning Tao's mouth, and he secretly said, "Apocalypse City, I am here again."

Goddess of Wisdom?

The three patron saints?

If it doesn't exist, he has a special pan for extermination.

He didn't panic at all.

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