Open a Clinic to Cultivate Myself

Chapter 1352: Who is the main character?

Fox Ji was so angry that she couldn't imagine it. She can't beat the black bear spirit, the repair of this product is second only to the stone spirit, but even if the stone spirit fights him, it is not easy to defeat him and kill him. Otherwise, with Shi Jingjing's ruthless strength, if there is no reason to get rid of this goods?

If you can't win, these people under her are all grassroots. It now appears that the people in this hall are not just wall grass, and some of them may have colluded with the old bears long ago!

However, you cannot lose momentum at this time, otherwise it is more dangerous!

The fox-hide said angrily, "Come here, take me down!"

There were some monster soldiers outside the main hall. Some people wanted to move, but the old bear Jing glanced back. Those who wanted to move did not dare to move, and stood with their legs shaking.

Humei got to her side and whispered, "Sister, what can I do?"

Hu Ji pretended to be calm: "Don't panic, the more we are afraid and obedient, the more bearish the more arrogant."

Humei bit her lip slightly and muttered, "If my brother-in-law is still there, brother-in-law, where are you?"

The brother-in-law called the fox-ji heart pantothenic and his nose was sour. No matter how strong a woman needs a man to guard her, she is no exception.

Lao Xiongjing approached the throne at the end of the hall, sneering as he walked: "Fuji, don't bother, I conclude that your godfather has died on the mountain, and he can't help you. You A few godmothers are far away, and they ca n’t help you. It ’s better to obey the king. The king not only spares your life, but also loves you. ”

Fox Ji held back the anger in her heart: "This throne is for you, you let me and my sister go."

Lao Xiongjing's gaze swept across Hu Mei and Hu Ji's eyes, and her eyes were full of greed: "Do you think I will let you go? Shi Jingjing is blessed to enjoy your sisters, but my old bear's family is A blessed person. Don't expect to leave here to find your godmothers to help, my old bear family is not afraid of them at all. "

Humei smiled angrily: "You really treat yourself as an onion, my goddess is a phoenix, and I can destroy you in one breath. My godmother is a white tiger, the king of endless forest, she wants It's a matter of slapping you! "

"Hahaha!" Lao Xiongjing laughed. "My old Xiong's family has lived for five thousand years. If I am not prepared and I have no certainty of winning, will I start today? My old Xiong's family will show you a baby now! "

Indeed, if an old demon who has lived for five thousand years has no absolute certainty, how can he dare to do it today? Not only did he plan the forced palace at this moment, but he also prepared to deal with the undead phoenix and Xi'er. In his tone at this moment, it really gave people a sense that he would not be afraid even if the undead phoenix and Xi'er came.

Everyone's eyes focused on Lao Xiongjing to see what baby he took out.

The old bear refinedly pulled out a blood-colored stone from his body. The stone was smaller than his fist, rounded like a ball, and the runes inside flickered. Those runes were densely packed like ants and moved with a golden light. , At first glance is an amazing baby.

The sights of Hu Ji and Hu Mei fell on the blood-colored stone in the hands of Lao Xiong Jing at the same time, but neither of them had seen any magic weapon.

Lao Xiong Jing smiled and expressed his spirit: "This is the great **** on the mountain who gave me a dream and asked me to find this baby in a big mountain. With this baby, let alone some of your godmothers come to call, even if it is Your godfather is resurrected after the death of the immortal king, and I can take this baby to destroy him! "

"You fart!" Humei's mood got out of control and she sweared: "You don't even match my goddaddy to mention shoes, what qualifications do you have?"

"Hum!" The old bear spirit suddenly waved the blood-colored stone in his hand to a leprechaun next to him, a mass of ink.

Immediately, the dark energy poured out of the stone, and the elf minister didn't even have a scream before he could make a sound. Hundreds of pounds of body turned into flying ash and fell to the ground in his breath.

This scene is like the scene of the black desert on the edge of the fairyland devouring the fairyland.

There is a ghost in this matter.

If Ning Tao were here, he would definitely have a lot of suspicions.

Unfortunately, he is not here.

Hu Ji and Hu Mei's faces were no longer scarlet. Just before Lao Xiong Jing's shot, the two sisters didn't feel dangerous, and they gave up the throne and left. But after Lao Xiongjing took out the **** stone and killed a fairy prince instantly, they realized that today is really dangerous!

Lao Xiong Jing continued to push towards Fox and Fox.

Foxhime roared, "Come, who won him and rewarded millions of cents!"

Still no one moved, most of the demon guards here were bought, and the rest did not dare to move. Although one million cents was attractive, it had to be destined to spend it.

Lao Xiongjing stopped at the steps of the platform on which the throne was placed, with a playful smile in the corners of his mouth: "Are you two sisters still dead? Still want to be arrested, I will let you see if they are Hearing you, I still listen to my old bear's house. "He paused and shouted," Come here, surround this king! "

The demon guard outside the main hall heard the sound pouring into the main hall, came running, and immediately surrounded the main hall.

The fox girl was shaking with anger.

Why is she such a demon king so mean?

She now regrets that when the undead fire phoenix and Xi'er were still in this immeasurable mountain, she didn't take the opportunity to eradicate the old bear essence and those hostile mountain owners. She spends all her time on training, and her mind is on Ning Tao. Where can she still have time and mind to clear up dissidents and consolidate the kingship. She just felt that there was Ning Tao and a few godmothers as the backers, who would dare to glimpse her throne? But she couldn't, she was awakened suddenly, but it was too late.

Humei's hand reached behind her, and a pill slipped out of her sleeve.

Lao Xiongjing laughed hesitantly: "Little fox, don't move your mind, if you dare to shoot, I will kill you immediately."

Humei immediately froze on the spot.

Lao Xiongjing suddenly said, "Come here, to prepare for the cost of getting married, my king must not only sit on this throne today, but also be a groom!"


"King Hexi!"

"The king is happy, and happiness is with the sky!"

"I wish the king a long and precious son!"

"King Wencheng martial arts, dominate the fairyland!"

There was a flattering voice in the hall.

Lao Xiong Jing stepped on his steps, stepping towards Fox and Fox.

Humei clenched her hands, but she didn't dare to do it.

This is a matter of life and death, and there is no room for regret once it is shot. With the viciousness of this old bear spirit, he said that killing her would surely kill her.

The old bear walked straight to the throne, then sat down with a hunch, and laughed: "This chair is just ordinary, well, there is no difference between the chair of King Ben in Heifeng Mountain ... you two will not give it King kneel! "

Hu Ji said to Humei: "Wait for you to escape first."

Humei resolutely said: "No, our sisters live in the same bed and die in the same acupoints. I will never leave you to go first. If I die today, I will die together!"

"Huh! It's not easy to die, you will be fulfilled by the King!" Lao Xiongjing stood up and waved the **** stone in his hand.

But at this time, a loud roar came from outside the hall.

"Look! What's that?"

"so big!"

"So long!"

"That's ... I went there. Is that God?


what's going on?

Lao Xiongjing's eyes suddenly moved to the direction of the door of the temple.

"Let's go!" Hu Ji grabbed Hu Mei's hand, leaped forward, and her body stood up.

"Where to escape!" Lao Xiongjing chased after him.

The two fox spirits rushed out of the door of the temple, their eyes suddenly opened, then both were shocked on the spot.

In the sky, a great **** with golden light all over his head is falling from the sky. The great **** had a leg of several hundred meters long, a leg of several hundred meters long, and a leg of more than a hundred meters long. He also held a huge saucepan in his hand, blocking his waist. But the two sisters were standing on the ground, looking up at the angle, so the pan was just like a burglar and it was useless.

But these are not the points.

The point is the face of this great god.

Isn't that dear godfather!

Seeing Godfather in desperation, the tears of Fox Ji burst into tears.

"Brother-in-law!" Humei was so excited that she forgot to call her godfather instead of her brother-in-law, and opened her mouth.

As soon as Detective Ning Tao fished, Fox Ji and Hu Meiyu were in his big hand, then he raised them in front of him and laughed, "I am back, happy or not?"

The Foxhitter wept with joy and choked, "I'm glad ... I'm glad."

"Brother!" Humei pointed at the ground. "Someone is going to kill me and my sister. If you come one step later, my sister and me will be dead!"

"Huh?" The smile on Ning Tao's face froze instantly, and he looked down, the old bear Jing just chased out the door, just to be seen by him. His eyes suddenly fell on a blood-colored stone held by Lao Xiong Jing. He didn't know who was going to kill Fox Ji and Hu Mei, but he could see that stone, and the old Xiong Jing holding the stone. And he knew it.

As soon as the old bear chased out, he was dumbfounded and sweating all over.

Nima! He had been planning for so long that it was not calculated that the immortal king would return.

Aren't you dead?

Why don't you die with peace of mind!

You lied to a bird's corpse!

People have waited for thousands of years to wait for the opportunity, and you just ruined the door, you said you are not too much!

There were 10,000 insults in his heart, but he couldn't say a word.

"Is this ant trying to kill that?" Ning Tao asked, and he wanted to confirm. After all, he had just arrived, and he couldn't figure out the situation at all.

Humei sueed quickly: "He is an old bear spirit from the north, he said you were dead, and he took the stone to take the throne. He bought the people in the palace, just forced the palace, but also ...

Ning Tao frowned. "What else does he want?"

Humei cried out: "He also forced me and my sister to marry him, otherwise we would kill us. Alas ..."

Ning Tao looked again at the old bear essence ~ ~ Two golden lights shot from his eyes, covering the old bear essence with golden light.

"You go to death!" Lao Xiongjing yelled to brave himself, and then smashed the stone in his hand to Ning Tao.

All his hopes rested on the **** stone.

Ning Tao patted on a pan.


Even people with stones were snapped flat.

Life is like a play.

Some people always think that they are the protagonist, but they are often the last second or they are full of spirits, pointing to the mountains and mountains, and the real protagonist is kicked to death one second later, and they get the lunch.

The protagonist is not just a cat or a dog.

This is a passage written in the history of Nan Wu Swamp, and the old bear essence has become a typical case that people of later generations have taken for granted.

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