Open a Clinic to Cultivate Myself

Chapter 1369: Strange situation

"Don't find me, nor kneel me, or I won't be able to bring kindness and soft tone into the city to play." Walking towards the gate of the city step by step, Ning Tao thought to himself.

The great **** also has the troubles of the great god. Everywhere people go, they bow down and worship, even if they want to keep a low profile.

He also now understands why the big stars need to wear big masks when they go in and out of public places, because they will be recognized everywhere. Someone will chase the stars. If the situation is serious, some people will faint. He also wanted to put on a big mask, but the fairyland had no such thing. If he put on the whole one, he would stare at him instead.


"Stop!" An immortal scolded, looking fierce, not polite at all.

Ning Tao suddenly froze. He was used to being bowed down, and suddenly he was scolded like this.

"Bold!" Song Qingyin stepped forward, "You know what's standing in front of you ..."

Before she finished speaking, Ning Tao pulled her behind, and said politely, "This big brother, we want to walk around the city, please be convenient."

Xian Wu, who was blocking the road, stared at Song Qingyin, who was standing behind Ning Tao, with a head out of his head.

"Okay, no problem." Ning Tao took three immortal gold coins out of his pocket and handed them to the hands of that immortal. He held a compassionate dumpling with one hand during the whole process, and felt no difficulty at all. And compassion did not feel a little uncomfortable.

Jokingly, he is a **** of child. A super pot is close to two million pounds. He can play like a spoon in his hand. Compared with that super pot, the weight of compassion is not as good as a feather.

After collecting the money, Xian Wu blocking the road said: "I see that you are coming from a foreign country. I remind you that the main city of the city has been banned for two days, and no one can enter it, nor can it be near the main city of city. , The latter killed without pardon, remember! "

Curious in Ning Tao's mind, he sent out the documents to build the temple before he came, presumably it should have been served. Under normal circumstances, the city's Lord Wu Sheng should summon the immortal people of Frozen City to prepare to meet him as a gift-god god. Now he did not see any sign of welcoming God, and was told that the city-lord's house was banned. What is the situation?

However, although he was curious and skeptical in his mind, he was calm and replied politely: "Okay, let us remember, adults, rest assured, we can just go shopping elsewhere. "

"Go in." Xian Wu, who was blocking the way, gave way.

Ning Tao, with compassion, led Song Qingyin into the city gate.

"Brother Ning, let me down. There are city walls sheltered from the wind. I'm not cold anymore." Said kindly, blushing.

After all, she was a monk, and was shopping by a big man on her back. It was okay when there were no outsiders, but there were people everywhere on the street, and she couldn't adapt. Even a stranger's eyes would make her feel uncomfortable and shy. .

Ning Tao squatted down and set her down.

"There seems to be a store selling clothes in front, let's go and see." Song Qingyin pointed to a shop on the street and said.

"Then let's take a look." Ning Tao led the two women forward and didn't walk a few steps. He always felt something was wrong in his heart. He stopped and looked back at the people standing at the gate of the city. An immortal wearing white immortal armor, a gleam of gold flashed in his eyes.

Opening his eyes, his eyebrows frowned slightly.

There is a trace of death in those Xianwu's pre-weather fields, because it is extremely difficult to find the hidden vitality, and it is no wonder he didn't find it just now. But after opening the eyes of the gods, the secrets of those few immortals were lost.

A faint of fortune flew away from Ning Tao's eyebrows, and plunged into the head of Xianwu who had just collected three of his coins.

The immortal suddenly froze, his eyes suddenly sluggish.

There was a picture in Ning Tao's mind. There was a grain of black sand in the head of Xianwu, and the source of that trace of death was that grain of black sand.

It was the black sand again.

But it is not the ordinary sand grain containing death energy that he has seen. There is a micro-engraved rune on the grain of sand, which gives him a sense of familiarity that he has seen before. But he wasn't sure when and where he had seen it. After all, during this time he has been exposed to too many mysterious runes, far from saying, just after the battle with the Immortal Catcher three days ago, the golden light cast by the city of the sky contains the symbols of his interpretation There are hundreds of millions of texts, and even if he is God, he cannot remember so many runes.

"Master?" Song Qingyin had already walked a few steps with compassion, and found that Ning Tao was still standing behind, looking at the direction of the city gate, and she followed it back up.

Ning Tao retracted his gaze and glanced at another Xianwu.

This time he was fast in and fast out, almost glancing at it. But this casual glance has the same effect. He saw that there was also a black grain of rune in the head of another Xianwu, and there was another difference, which was the micro-engraved runes on the black sand in the two Xianwu's heads. It's not the same.

"Master, what are you looking at?" Song Qingyin stopped next to Ning Tao and whispered, she also looked at the gate, but she found nothing, only a few strangers entering the city .

Ning Tao said: "Let's go, don't watch, find a place to stay and talk."

This is a street, not a place to talk.

Moreover, Ning Tao himself couldn't figure out what was going on.

At first glance, when there was a black sand grain in the head of the immortal and a micro-engraved rune, his first intuition was that the black sand and the rune controlled the immortal, which is equivalent to a low-level version. The presence of the brain nucleus. However, when the second look found that the micro-engraved runes on the black sand in the head of the second Xianwu were not the same, he was not sure.

But no matter what, this strange thing must be related to the goddess of wisdom Hemia!

Near the battle of Lincheng, he seriously injured the catcher of immortals, and the rune Jinguang of the city of sky did not want him, but the goddess of wisdom, Hemia, did not play in that battle. Now it seems that she is very likely to figure out that he will eventually come to Frozen City after World War I near Lincheng, so come here in advance!

"This city is weird. Follow me carefully and be careful." Ning Tao reminded him in a low voice, leading the two women on the road again.

Song Qingyin said in surprise, "Does anyone still dare to fight against Master now?"

Ning Tao said: "It is a **** on the mountain of God. Don't ask more, don't be afraid. With me, no one can hurt you."

At first hearing that it was a **** on the mountain, Song Qingyin and compassion suddenly became tense, couldn't help looking at each other, and shortened the distance with Ning Tao invariably, and really followed him closely.

Fortunately for other immortals, Xian Wu said that even if they could not win, they would still have to stand by to help. But the opponent is God, they have no temper.

While walking, Ning Tao observed the pedestrians on the street with his eyes.

Grains of black sand came into his sight. Every pedestrian had almost a black sand in his head, and the runes on each black sand were different. On average, at least seven of the ten people had black sand grains in their heads, and only three did not. This means that only one-third of them are normal.

This is weird!

What is the goddess of wisdom, Shemia, and what conspiracy does she have?

Suddenly found an abnormal situation, coupled with the poor situation of mastery, Ning Tao had no clue. What made him surprised was that two-thirds of the people in this ice-snow city were abnormal, but it looked like a lively and stable big city, and there were no obvious abnormalities.

Ning Tao suddenly missed Zerg II. If Zerg II was also in the fairyland, he could open a door of convenience to send compassion and Song Qingyin to a safe place. In this weird city, he always feels unreliable. The more calm, the more normal, the more he felt problematic.

Unconsciously, she arrived at the door of the ready-to-wear store that Song Qingyin had found before. The girls were all the same. When she saw the beautiful clothes and gorgeous fur hanging in the shop, she immediately threw Ning Tao's admonition behind her head. When he appeared, he entered the store and urged Ning Tao: "Master, come and have a look. Maybe there is a suit that suits you ... oh, that dress is so beautiful. Does it look good on me?"

"Well, it should look good." Ning Tao responded casually.

It looks good that you don't wear it. You have passed on the snake skinny leather clothes over the years.

It's just that Ning Tao didn't say it.

"You haven't seen it, perfunctory me." Song Qingyin said.

Ning Tao: "..."

He really didn't look.

Song Qingyin took her favorite clothes off the shelf and put it on her body: "Master, do you like it?"

It was a tight-fitting tight-fitting net, and it wasn't sold to normal people at first sight.

Ning Tao glanced: "Well, it looks good."

Song Qingyin was happy and giggled, "Then you buy it for me, and I pass it on to you?"

Ning Tao: "..."

Kindheartedly said, "Is this outfit ... whatever you wear? Doesn't everything show up? It's not called outfit ~ ~ Song Qingyin smiled and said," Of course you can't wear it on the street. The clothes I wore only then. I heard that the folk customs of Bingxuecheng are unrestrained, and that the clothing technology is the highest in the immortal world. Sure enough, such clothes have not been sold in Jizo City. "

Ning Tao really wanted to tell him how much Taobao needs on earth, but what he said from his mouth was: "Since you like it, wrap it up, kindly, whatever clothes you like, although you take them, I also Buy it for you. "

He hesitated for a moment before he said, "I can't wear worldly clothes, so I need a jacket."

Song Qingyin said: "There is fur, don't you want it?"

Compassionately folded his hands and declared a Buddhist slogan: "Amitabha, that is a killer, I can't ask for it."

"It's up to you." Song Qingyin was again busy scoring the rope-mesh clothes she valued.

At this moment a person walked out from a door in the middle.

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