Open a Clinic to Cultivate Myself

Chapter 1381: Magic flower

To the east are rolling mountains and dense forests.

The Kingdom of Apocalypse does not know whether it is a space in a natural mountain, or a space dug out by the goddess of wisdom, Hermione, or a combination of the two, just like an empty place in the fairyland. It existed naturally, and Zhang Sanfeng discovered it, and then created a later void. Therefore, the Kingdom of Apocalypse in the Mountain of God may also exist naturally. The goddess of wisdom, Hemia, discovered it, and then created the current Kingdom of Apocalypse.

"If that's the case, this infinitely large mountain is not necessarily in another place. If I can find one, move the tribal kingdom into it and slowly develop it, then create some new life forms. Ah, is there still such a space? "Yu Feng was flying east, Ning Tao overlooked the rolling mountains and forests, and he was thinking about moving.

Although he was reluctant to admit it, he was still envious of the goddess of wisdom, Hemia, to have such a space to establish the Kingdom of Apocalypse, and he was also envious of that woman's wisdom. If this mountain is compared to the top university in the universe, then the goddess of wisdom, Hemia, is undoubtedly a school fighter, and he is a scum.

Suddenly, that wave of energy again appeared.

Ning Tao also captured it, not from the ground, but from the sky. It is a kind of **** energy that has never been seen before. It is very advanced and mysterious. It is very different from the ordinary **** energy that is everywhere in this mountain.

The divine energy appeared only briefly and then disappeared.

The sudden appearance made it difficult for Ning Tao to determine what the god's sexual energy was, but this place was close to the tribal **** country. He didn't dare to carelessly, so Yu Feng flew in the direction of the source of energy fluctuations.

One of the benefits of Royal Wind Flight is concealment, and it is too conspicuous to drive the golden **** cloud. The cloud is golden and bright, and it can be seen at a distance of 100 kilometers in a dimly lit place. Now he only drives the golden **** cloud when he needs to pretend, and the general flight needs to be researched and changed to Yufeng.

Flying higher and higher, I do not know the distance of hundreds of thousands of meters was left behind. During this period, Ning Tao twice caught that trace of energy fluctuations, but all of them were short-lived and disappeared when he appeared. He still couldn't figure out what kind of divine energy the divine energy was. However, it is these two fluctuations that he has locked the source.

A white cloud was thrown behind him, and in front of him was a light energy crack. Through the crack, we can see the black rock wall.

It was a rock on the mountain of God, seemingly a steep cliff, but it was just a small stone. The crack is also likely to be just a crack on a small stone.

In front of the infinite mountain of gods, even gods like him are humble like ants, like dust.

Ning Tao did not rush out, but stood in front of the crack of energy to observe, his heart was also secretly pondering: "It seems that the space where the kingdom of the apocalypse is really existed naturally, but it was created by Hemia Just a moment. Even the immortal world has a void like this. How can the mountain of God not be? This mountain of infinity is infinite, and the two large plates are shed together, and the gap is enough to hide the next country. After I go out, I look for the big There must be a gap in the edge of the plate. "

After studying geography, he naturally thought of the idea of ​​this plate. The earth is so big that it is like a small stone on the mountain, and there are cracks between the plates on the earth. Wouldn't this mountain be the same?

Since the tribal **** kingdom is moving, it should be built into the cracked space so that it is stable. Built on the surface of the mountain is also easy to find and more vulnerable to attack. Except for the goddess of wisdom, Hemia, and the three pseudo-guardian gods, it ’s just a headache to catch the immortal. If the goods fly to the tribal kingdom, come to a free fall in the air, sit down with one butt, What else can China leave?

After observing and pondering for a while, Ning Tao put away his thoughts, and Yufeng passed through the energy crack.

In front of me there was a crack, which was a crack on the rock wall of the mountain.

The crack extended forward, crooked, and the end was invisible.

At that time, the energy fluctuations appeared again, this time being more intense and lasting longer. Ning Tao finally had the opportunity to analyze the structure and properties of this energy, but there was no result.

It's amazing.

Ning Tao Yufeng flew forward from the crack, and after a distance, a dim sky light flew head-on. It was the sky light on the mountain, just like the sunset on the earth.


A huge impact sound came, followed by the mysterious energy wave.

Ning Tao looked around. It was a canyon between several small stones.

Although it is a small stone, it can be tens of thousands of meters high, and it can be considered as a great grand canyon when it is placed on the earth.

This time the energy fluctuations were more intense and there was no attenuation, but Ning Tao still couldn't figure out what the godly energy was. But he had figured out what was going on. This place happened to be above the tribal **** kingdom. The energy wave transmitted from that canyon passed through the air raid between the Shenshan plate and the energy crack, so the energy wave captured by Shenzhou and him was very weak and lasted for a short time. But now, without attenuation and loss, this energy is quite powerful.

"Is it a new god?" Curious in Ning Tao's mind, Yu Feng flew to the canyon.

He didn't think of it for no reason.

The ancient gods on the mountain of God have fallen, even if there is a god, it can only be a new **** who crosses the calamity like him. The universe is so big, there is more than just intelligent life on the planet, there are more planets similar to the earth, and it is not surprising that there are higher intelligent life. Did n’t Shenzhou say that at the beginning, there are various gods on this mountain, from different worlds.

Since he went to the mountain, he has never seen a living god, the only **** he has seen is the goddess of wisdom, Hemia, but she is also alive and dead, and has occupied Daenerys ’body, which is not really New god. Shenzhou can barely count as a deity, but it is also an ancient god, not the true **** he crossed over.

Therefore, when thinking of a possible new god, he was very excited. Not to mention, at least there will be a lively atmosphere on this mountain, right? As far as he is a new god, he is really lonely.



The mysterious energy fluctuations have intensified, and it is not yet known whether it is a new god, but in terms of the frequency of energy fluctuations, Ning Tao is helpful to suspect that the emotions that are coming are out of control.

Yu Feng stepped over the mouth of the canyon, and Ning Tao's sight suddenly opened.

In front of me is a narrow canyon, on a huge rock not far from the mouth of the canyon, a bunch of flowers blooming brightly. The fresh flowers are as white as jade, and even the leaves and vines are white, giving a sense of incomparable holiness and sacredness.

It is rooted on that huge rock, occupying a large area, and looks like a precious flower plant carefully cultivated by someone. Its flowers and its smallest buds are also large in bowls, the largest being about the same size as his head, with many petals, not only white but also crystal clear, and very beautiful.

Ning Tao quickly determined that this is a real flower, not an energy form.

Is it the same as the Shenzhou, the plant spirit born and raised on this mountain?

Intrigued by Ning Tao's heart, he strode over and politely said, "This senior flower, I am the destiny of this **** on the mountain, and dare to ask senior flower ..."

Before he could finish a sentence, the flower plant suddenly raised a vine and smoked it.

The strong wind is like a knife. The flowers on the vine exude a charming fragrance. Just smelling it, Ning Tao reacted dizzily.

The force of good fortune came out, and the dizziness disappeared instantly, and he ducked to avoid.

The vines full of flowers were pumping on the rocky ground.


As if the sound of a hammer hitting the iron plate echoed in the valley, the rock changed color in an instant, it was still yellow before blinking, but it turned white in a blink of an eye.

Only then did Ning Tao discover that the ground around the flower plant was all white and spotless.

It seems that those dangdang voices I heard before are not that the flowers are out of control, but that they are creating their own living environment.

This flower plant is a god, and it is a real hammer.

After the vine fell into the air, it suddenly rose up, and the spirit snake was generally entangled in Ning Tao. The flowers on the vine were all closed and no longer open.

Ning Tao maintained restraint: "This senior flower, I am not malicious, what are you doing?"

Suddenly, the blossoming flowers on the vine opened, and each flower sprayed a ball of white pulp to Ning Tao.

The dizzying mysterious fragrance previously increased by hundreds of times. Although there is a power to suppress detoxification, Ning Tao still inevitably has a hallucination.

Vaguely, he seemed to see a slender, slender white-haired woman with white flowers on her body, which was suffocating, but her eyes were fierce and daring to get close.

Really producing magic!

However, Ning Tao can still hold it. He explored a trick, and the Chaodu pot appeared in his hands ~ ~ He waved at his hand, and the bottom of the pot suddenly became large, blocking him like a wall. A wave followed, all the white pulp sprayed from the flowers hit the bottom of his pot, and the vine also hit the bottom of his pot, and made a sound.

Ning Tao shook her hand, and the white pulp on the bottom of the pan fell down, and a white smoke rose from the ground, and even the **** stones on the mountain were corroded into thousands of holes!

This product is so beautiful, but so poisonous!

Ning Tao also had a spark in her heart, holding the pot and saying, "You are enough, I have made it clear, I am not malicious, if you attack me again, don't blame me."


The roots of the vines were all raised, and it was impossible to count how many, and it felt like a sudden wind had blown up a woman's hair.

The flowers on each vine are closed and budding.

This is the response of the flower.

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