Open a Clinic to Cultivate Myself

Chapter 1388: King Blast 3 Gods

Several Jiulong open-air symbols exploded, but there were energy magic symbols that had the power to open up heaven and earth. When several exploded at the same time, the power could be imagined. The entire valley was submerged by the explosion of fire and energy shock waves, and the dense fog covering the valley disappeared instantly. Only the fire and blood, as well as the minced meat and parts flying all over the sky.

The warships that directly entered the valley have disappeared. The warships suspended in mid-air survived a little, but they were more or less impacted, the hull was damaged, and people were injured.

The three heavenly kings also disappeared.

This is not that the three kings responded promptly and retreated in time, but were really blasted into pieces and parts.

They were originally created false gods. They were not real gods at all. Their gods looked terrifying, but they were not real gods based on believers ’beliefs. They were created using spells and technology. of. How can such a false **** withstand the round-robin bombardment of Kowloon's open heavenly charm that has the power to open the world?

The valley was flattened in all directions, and the dense virgin forest disappeared. On the other side, even a larger stone could not be found.

Only the column-shaped stone that Ning Tao hid was okay, without any peel. It's like a chicken in the mountains. If you let the wind blow from the northeast to the southeast, I can't stand still.

Ning Tao's gaze swept across the valley that was blew up, and she was in a good mood: "Elder Elisabba can't come down. I killed the three patron saints of the Kingdom of Apocalypse. This is also a great record, worthy of my hard work A bitter trap. "

This result is actually much better than what was expected before.

The ships retreated quickly, and a cloud of dark energy gathered over them, and the city of the sky suspended in the sky disappeared in the dark clouds.

At this moment, Ning Tao wanted to shatter the hidden stone pillars, catch up with the city of the sky, and arrest Elisabeth in the city of the sky, or simply destroy the city of the sky.

However, he just started the idea, and before it was put into practice, he could not feel the existence of the city in the sky, and there were only large and small warships in the sky, and some were still burning with fire and smoke. , Wolverine fled towards the city of the sky.

The town **** monument that is holding the city of the sky is made of chaos stone, and the chaos stone has the ability to penetrate the void. From a certain point of view, the town **** monument is actually an enhanced version of the thunder hammer. If such a goal is not entered without any opportunity, any conspiracy against it will be difficult to achieve.

"Laozhangren, Laozhangren, you are so timid. What kind of patron saint of the sky are you?" Ning Tao said to himself, the rocks and waves on his body were rushing to the ground, and disappeared in a blink .

Appeared, Ning Tao entered the valley, he soon found three groups of things similar to Jintang.

These three groups of things are Jintang's brains of three patron saints. Their bodies were blasted and smashed, but the brain is still intact and does not appear to be damaged.

Now obviously it is not the time to study the brains of the three patron saints. Ning Tao puts the stuff of the three **** of gold soup into the Japanese gourd, then opens a door of convenience and returns to the temple.

Grunt, grunt ...

A Shibo actually slept darkly under the lock wall.

Ning Tao couldn't help but feel a little speechless: "How on earth did you cultivate from the wetland star to the immortal world, and then from the immortal world to the **** mountain? We just just knew that in case I am a bad person and you sleep like this in front of me, you are not afraid of me hurting You?"

He is certainly not a bad guy, but there are too many bad guys in this world.

"New Mother

It's so beautiful. Congratulations to Ning Aiqing. "Zhong Er's voice came, full of charming smell.

Ning Tao glanced at it and said angrily: "Don't talk nonsense, we just met, she and I are just friends."

"Ning Aiqing's remarks are bad, don't all husband and wife relationships begin with friends of the opposite sex?" Zoji Er said.

Ning Tao: "..."

Chatting with this item is really troublesome.

Ning Tao didn't care about Ashibo, who was sleeping, and he went out of the temple. Standing high, the situation of the entire tribe was seen. He saw that the iron people in the tribe were gathering in the square. Some pushed the car, some carried the burden, some supported the elderly, and some carried the children. The scene was a little bit very messy.

Tiemin's luggage is actually very simple. Most of them are cooking pots and utensils for eating, quilt sheets and other items when sleeping, and some food. There is nothing before. Before they came here to become savages, they were all desperate iron people, where there is any property.

This matter is handled by Lingyu and Lang Xianghun. He does not need to worry about this god, and after a brief look, he came to the Shenzhou's natal tree.

Shenzhou came out of the natal tree and opened the door to see the mountain authentically: "Xian brother, have you played against the goddess of wisdom Hemia? I feel the horrible energy waves coming from the east."

Ning Tao said: "The goddess of wisdom, Hemia, did not show up, nor did the fairy catcher show up. Instead, the three patron saints of the Kingdom of Apocalypse and the city of the sky were dispatched. They bombarded the traps I set. They Blast me, I blow them up too, and it kills those three patron saints. "

"Uh ..." Shenzhou couldn't shut up in shock. "You killed the three patron saints of the Kingdom of Apocalypse in the first battle?"

Ning Tao said: "Three pseudo-gods. Not to mention. I originally wanted to catch Elisabeth, but the guy was cunning and didn't hide in the city of the sky. He just sent a fake stand-in. I put it back. You said that when you found the tribal territory, the goddess of wisdom, Hemia, and the fairy catcher did not show up. What is she doing? "

Shenzhou spread his hands: "How would I know? But there must be something strange about this."

Ning Tao said after a moment of silence: "I have to go to the city of Apocalypse, what secret plan Goddess of Wisdom must be doing, I must figure out what she is doing, or she will be passive when she kills."

"Aren't you moving?" Shenzhou said.

Ning Tao said: "Of course you have to move. The two things must be done at the same time. By the way, you have been on the mountain for so long. Do you know where there is a gap?"

"Gap?" Shenzhou had a strange expression on his face. "Xianxi, there are gaps all over Shenshan, even at the foot of this tree, there are many gaps. What are you looking for?"

Ning Tao said: "The gap I am looking for is not a general analysis, it is the gap between the plates. The Kingdom of Apocalypse is in a gap. I want to move out of the tribal kingdom, but it must be moved above the mountain. No, the target is too big and it is easy to be attacked, so I want to move the tribal **** kingdom into such a gap. Brother Shenzhou, do you know where there is such a gap? "

Shenzhou thought for a while but shook his head: "I have never looked for any gaps, and I don't know where there are such gaps. What's more, where is the gap, it is completely void. "

He spent some time in the void of fairyland, and he liked that place too, so he used it as a metaphor.

Shenzhou's answer surprised Ning Tao, and she was a little disappointed: "It seems that I only ran it myself.

Hope luck is better, you can find it soon, otherwise you won't be able to go to Tianqi City. "

"Will I go find it with you?" Shenzhou was a little embarrassed. He was a pilot with a high salary hired by Ning Tao. He didn't help to find the gap. He sent Ning Tao to the gap. It's a horse.

However, Ning Tao said, "It's not safe here yet. You need to continue to block it. You stay here. I'll find it myself. I can deal with thunder hammer."

"Well then, Yindi Yintang is shining. It is a good omen that Hongyun is taking the lead. It will be successful." Shenzhou said a nice word.

Ning Tao just smiled. He listened more to the good words, so he didn't have the feeling of listening.

Just as Ning Tao was about to leave, a snoring voice came out of a small ruined temple next to Shenzhou's natal tree: "I know where there is a gap you want to find, and I want to take you there."

This is the sound of good and evil.

Ning Tao's heart moved quickly.

The door of Li Blazi Massage Shop opened, a cloud of ink smoke poured out of the door, and then disappeared.

Ning Tao walked in and saw the familiar clinic and the good and evil tripod under the main wall. The bronze color on it had weakened a lot, and it was replaced by a godly golden color.

The shotgun changed, and it was gilded.

People rely on clothes and Buddha rely on gold, and now the good and evil dingers have a little divine style.

Obviously, this is the role of the one hundred superb **** crystals.

Ning Tao glanced at the lock wall in the clinic again. The blood locks he painted that year were still there, and each one was bright red. Each blood lock represented a place, a story, full of memories.

Just sighing, Ning Tao put away his thoughts: "Brother Ding, what gap are you talking about, not far away?"

Good and evil Ding said: "I don't know the specific distance, you also know how big this place is, but I left the seal of coordinates in that place, and I can take you to see it now."

Ning Tao said: "So there is Brother Ding."

Good and evil Ding said: "But you have to let the tree open his energy barrier. He shields everything. I can't sense the position of the coordinate mark."

Ning Tao followed the door and said to Shenzhou: "Brother Shenzhou, open the energy barrier once ~ ~ you close it after we leave."

"Good!" Shenzhou responded quickly, then added another sentence, "It's already open, hurry up."

The door of Li Blazi massage shop closed with a bang, and a thick cloud of ink and smoke was pouring out of the good and evil, and the space inside the clinic was enveloped in a blink of an eye.

Before, Ning Tao could see nothing at this time, but now his **** eyes can clearly see the good and evil in the ink smoke. That tripod was glittering like a starry sky, and there were still French seals flying over the tripod like electricity, and one French seal was fixed in a blink of an eye. Subsequently, the clinic trembled, tearing a crack in the space flatly, and then disappeared.

This is the clinic move.

The mysterious things of God used to seem so simple now.

PS: I'm sorry that yesterday's update was wrong. This chapter should have been at the back of the previous chapter. When it was updated yesterday, this chapter was put in front. It was changed yesterday. Friends who have seen this chapter re-watch One chapter is good. I wo n’t spend more coins. Please forgive me, thank you for your support.

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