Open a Clinic to Cultivate Myself

Chapter 1397: Wu Zhong Wu Dao

Ning Tao really entered a magical and mysterious space.

The fleshy petals tightly wrapped him tightly, impervious to the wind, and there was no gap at all. Fortunately, he is a god. Breathing is just a habit. There is nothing to breathe. His power of creation will maintain the operation of all organs in his body, and will not bring him a sense of discomfort.

However, this is not the point, the point is still magical and mysterious.

How amazing is this super-god space?

How mysterious is this super-god space?

Ning Tao couldn't say anything at all, and he found how pale and descriptive the words and sentences he had learned at the moment.

He had a feeling that Qitian Dasheng entered Taoyuan.

The petals of the natal flower wrapped him in layers, and the petals were still creeping, pushing him forward.

Not far ahead is the stamen of a sunflower flower.

The golden flower of that flower fluttered like a silk thread, and the runes flowed like rivers. The speed was getting faster and faster, and people couldn't see clearly.


A slight collision, Ning Tao's head hit the sunflower-like stamen. At that moment, those fluttering gold wires entangled him and merged into his body. Those runes also climbed into his skin, then penetrated into his skin, holding a thread inside his body, and the river flowed generally.

He didn't feel any discomfort, but a feeling of warmth and itching. Those runes crawled through his body like an ant.

"What is this feeling? It ’s weird ..." Ning Tao secretly said in his heart: "Is this the so-called super-god space? Except for this strange feeling, is it nothing? This has something to do with the problem of the creation I want to solve Ghost relationship? "

He felt fooled again.

But at this time, Ashibo's voice came from this warm space: "I'm going to start the magic of Super God Space, you are ready."

This is a sound built on telepathy.

Ning Tao was surprised and said, "You haven't activated the spell for a long time?"

With his long mouth, he touched the flower.

The fate took a while to tremble, followed by Ashibo's voice: "Don't you move, you can't cast me if you move!"

Her voice was also trembling.

Ning Tao closed her mouth and had something in her heart, but it was obviously not the time to speak now.

A strange and mysterious space suddenly sounded the sound of Ashibo's chanting, which was not any language he was familiar with. It sounded a bit like the wind blowing the forest, sobbing, vague, ancient and obscure It seems to be from the language of the wetland star.

With her chanting, she suddenly didn't know where to fill the water in this mysterious space, and the narrow space was even narrower, and Ning Tao was soaked in it.

It happened, but he was very adaptable to this change, and still did not feel a little bit uncomfortable.

However, he couldn't help but ask with curiosity in his heart: "What's going on, how can I get into the water?"

This time he didn't open his mouth to say, but communicated with consciousness.

A Shibo can capture his brain waves, translate them into a language she can understand, and learn to master the language instantly. This ability is quite impressive.

Ashibo did not respond to him and continued to chant.

Ning Tao thought she would finish the chanting soon. As a result, her thought was half an hour, and he felt that he was about to swell.

A Shibo finally finished reading, and her voice came: "What did you just say?"

Ning Tao: "..."

Just now?

Obviously half an hour ago, OK?

However, the exchange between the two ends here.

This narrow space suddenly spun up, it was very slow at the beginning, and the speed of the eye quickly reached the level of flying!

Ning Tao felt as if he had been placed in a centrifuge. The speed was wind and electricity. He couldn't see anything anymore. There was only a golden man in front of him!

Super God's space circles.

Turn around and turn around, there is no sign of stopping at all, but it is getting faster and faster.

Ning Tao's brain began to vertigo, he felt his soul seemed to be torn from his body by this centrifuge.

What is even more weird is that even in this strange situation, he still feels a little uncomfortable, but it is a kind of ordinary joy that is poisoned and is hearty.

who am I?

Why am I here?

What am I doing here?

Why am I so happy?


The critical point came without any warning. The moment he crossed the critical point, Ning Tao stunned. His soul really came out and came into a mysterious space.

In the boundlessness of space, he was hovering quietly in the void, and he could not see the margins up, down, left or right. The space was white and empty, like the place where Ashibo had taken root.

Ning Tao looked down at himself again. He didn't even have a tree leaf on his body, exactly the same as when he entered Super God Space.

However, if this is the so-called super-god space, then it is not great, it is similar to the feeling of his own **** when he enters the mud pill palace, but this time it is not a thought action, but given by a petal centrifuge Throw it out of the soul.

By the way, am I a soul or a body now?

Thinking of the centrifuge, Ning Tao recalled the situation when he felt that he was about to cross the critical point. He raised his hand and poked his chest, and as a result, his fingers fell directly into his chest.

Then he remembered the moment when he crossed the tipping point.

Oh my god, I'm so happy that my soul is out.

If this is the magic of Super God Space, it is really magical enough.

It's just confused, he always feels deceived.

After all, he is a Tang monk from the Three Realms. There are more immortals who want to eat his meat.

But in this messy thoughts and feelings, the rune chains hang down in the white and clean space. The situation that suddenly came was like a rune rain rushing to the horse, and the whole world instantly became a world of runes with golden light shining.

Nowhere to dodge, I don't know how many runes entered through his body.

He didn't know any of these runes, but the moment he entered his body, he knew its pronunciation and its meaning.

There was a smile on the corner of his mouth, so it turned out!

He walked among the runes, and the raindrops of the destiny flowers generally fell on him and passed through him.

He just walked like this. He didn't know how much rune rain it had been, nor how long. The fog on his mind grew thinner and thinner, and finally dispersed.

This is indeed a super-god space.

In this space, the most meaningful and strong feeling he received was actually not the rotation of the petal centrifuge, nor the moment when he crossed the critical point, but the feeling obtained in the peace at the moment-understand the truth Feeling!

For a time he stopped, his eyes were calm, and his face was not excited and happy.

He opened his arms, and at this moment, he opened himself, his soul turned into a golden light spot, and sprinkled into this super **** space.

At first, a person grows up from a cell combining yin and yang, and when he is born and dies, leaving the world is how the flesh turns into gray and the soul turns into rain. Wherever you come from, go back. There was chaos at the beginning of life, and chaos after life. If the middle process is omitted, there is actually no life and no death, but one energy form is transformed into another energy form. It is the laws of the universe that dominate all this.

Super God Super God, beyond the realm of God, isn't that the law of this universe?

Ning Tao has never seen this rule before, but this rule is actually in him, in everyone.

The mystery of the universe?

We ourselves are the mysteries of the universe.

Origin of Life?

We ourselves are the origin of life.

But we can't see it, just like we have a soul, but we can't see it. Because the bounding wall is blocking, just like the boundary between immortal and mortal, and the boundary between Shenshan and immortal, only those who break through the boundary can see, discover the truth, and get the truth.

He practiced all the way to the realm of God. This was already extreme, and it was impossible to surpass it anymore, but he encountered A Shibo, a flower and vine girl who cheated all the way from the wetland star to the mountain of God. She took him super-god, and realized the feeling of transcending the realm of God. Super-god, over the barrier, he saw the truth and got the truth.

A Shibo's natal flower, as well as the natural runes contained in the natal flower, is actually a ladder over the wall. Without her supernatural space for her natal flower, he is afraid that he won't be able to turn this wall in his entire life. Don't talk about seeing the truth, getting the truth.

The soul rain, for the average person, is already completely dead.

However, for Ning Tao, the super-god, this is just the beginning of a magical journey.

Hua Yu's soul flew back with each rune and gathered together, but Ning Tao was no longer Ning Tao, but a human figure piled up by the runes.

Rune surged, he became an iron man, without using the **** seal, he was an iron man from head to toe.

Then he broke up the iron people piled up by the runes into a white flower vine, and his body was full of flowers. It's just that he doesn't have a natal flower, but only a fruit.

He shattered the flowers and vines piled up by the runes again, turned his soul into rain, and brought together a bunch of runes in a blink of an eye. This time he piled up into a cow, a cow and a cow.

Call and try.


Breaking up, UU reading brought the runes together again, and he became a sheep.

Call and try.


Whatever you want to change, is it amazing?

When you see a cow, do you think it is magical? You won't, you just think the braised beef is delicious. When you see a sheep, do you think a sheep is magical? You won't, you just think that brushing mutton is delicious. Do you think your wife looks good, do you think about her structure, what energy and material is she made of? No, you won't.

The mystery of the universe, the mystery of life is actually in our own bodies, in the flowers and grass around us, even in stones and soil, but we cannot see or touch.

But it is indeed magical.

This magic is only for Ning Tao, because at this moment he is part of this magic, he is the mystery of the universe, he is the mystery of life!

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