Open a Clinic to Cultivate Myself

: One thousand four hundred and one with the same root

The light spot flickered by Ning Tao's flesh flew into the wetland, and some of it merged into the water, and various energy gathered into the light spot, and a magical reaction occurred.

After a while, the French seal disappeared, and all the energy spots disappeared.

There are many tiny bugs in the small puddles, and they swim in the puddles.

All the insects Ning Tao brought from the fairyland were dead, but they all lived well.

A Shibo widened her eyes and stared straight at the bug in the puddle. The bugs were all golden, with a slight gleam of golden light, and there was a vague rune in the golden light, giving a particularly mysterious feeling.

The things on the mountain, even if it is a worm, it is a worm.

These bugs are those created by Ning Tao using his flesh and blood as the main material. When betting with Ashibo, he didn't know what kind of life form he was going to create. According to his desires, he definitely wanted to create a tall and mighty new human, or a winged dragon, but he couldn't. So, when making the creation, he decided to start with the simplest bug.

Didn't the various life forms on Earth originally evolve from single-celled organisms? From nothing, it took billions of years, and then evolved into an ecosystem composed of various life forms. How could he transcend billions of years at once and find out the intelligent life form with soul?

With his current supernatural powers, it is no problem to pinch individuals out of various materials, but he can never find his soul. Therefore, after much deliberation, he still decided to create some bugs and try from the lowest life form. He needs to accumulate experience and perfect his seal of creation.

The French seal he took into the puddle just now is the seal of creation, which is based on the seal of creation, and is created by adding things he obtained from the super-shen space. It looks very complicated, but it is not perfect.

A Shibo stretched her hand into the small puddle, she caught a small golden bug, and the little bug squirmed in her hand. She said excitedly, "It's alive!"

Ning Tao said: "Of course they are alive. I won. From now on you are my daughter-in-law."

When A Shibo pressed with her finger, the worm died and the blood was golden.

"What did you do to kill it? It's so cruel." Ning Tao was distressed, after all, it was a bug he created. For the first time as the Creator, these bugs were his children in his subconscious.

Ashibo said, "Did you create these bugs with your meat?"

Ning Tao nodded.

Ashibo said, "You use your meat to turn into bugs, and that doesn't mean you win."

Ning Tao said, "A bug is also a life. Are you trying to cheat?"

"I ... you don't count anyway," Ashibo said.

Ning Tao: "..."

Bet with a woman, in all likelihood, it will become such a result.

Ashibo added: "I thought the life you were going to create was a person, or a very ferocious beast, but you created a worm with your flesh and blood, and that certainly doesn't count you winning."

This is obviously a constant increase in weight on the balance.

Ning Tao said: "I watched a movie called Prometheus. He broke down his body on a planet, and the water flowed to all parts of that planet. Everything. Although I create bugs, they slowly evolve into the people and beasts you say. "

"You won't count anyway," Ashibo said.

Ning Tao was a little depressed: "Then you cut a piece of meat from you, you try to turn them into bugs."

"I ..." Ah Shitbo froze for a while, and Ning Tao's creation of the worm seemed simple, but she asked her to do it, but she knew it and couldn't do it at all. If she cuts a piece of meat from her and puts it in a puddle, the meat will eventually become rotten meat, and it is best to break down, become food for insects, and become fertilizer for water plants, instead of insects.

Ning Tao sighed: "Since you play tricks, then I play tricks too. If you don't marry me, I won't feed you below or cook hot pot for you."

"You--" Ashibo reacted as if she had been stepped on. She stared at Ning Tao, and her eyes seemed to want to pounce on Ning Tao.

Ning Tao reached out and grabbed Ashibo's hand, and said softly, "Marry me and be the hostess of the Eastern Kingdom of God."

Since hitting Shenshan, this is the first time he has actively pursued a woman and started to propose.

One of the reasons is that he sneezed and snotted in the natal flower of his family. He has always been a responsible man, so he has to take responsibility.

The second reason is that Ashibo's encounter with him can be largely understood as an arrangement of the heavens and is a destined thing. Her super-god space can become a real creator. In her super-god space, he has a strong intuition that he can find a way to solve the crisis of the Three Realms from her.

Isn't the opposite of death and destruction to life and creation?

The goddess of wisdom, Shemia, is destroying the immortal realm. Certainly the immortal realm will be destroyed, and the three realms will completely collapse. He has the mark of creation and the power of creation, but he is not strong enough, and now he can only create a few bugs. He cannot stop the goddess of wisdom, Hemiah, from destroying the fairyland.

In public and private, he wants to turn her super-god space into his exclusive super-god space.

A Shibo's face blushed, and her gripped hand also twitched slightly, but she couldn't pull it out of Ning Tao's hand, and her voice was small: "It's not impossible to marry you unless You become a flower vine, because ... we flower vine girls will not marry outsiders. "

Ning Tao froze slightly: "Then you still bet on me, and you said you would marry me if you lose?"

Ashibo said, "That's because you can't win at all."

Ning Tao: "..."

Ashibo said, "But you sneezed in my natal flower again, I ... I don't know what to do. If you can become a flower vine, I will marry you."

Ning Tao said, "I will become a flower vine and you will marry me, will you?"

A Shibo nodded her head, and then added a sentence: "It's a real flower vine, not a phantom, you heard it wrong, and flickered at me again."

Ning Tao smiled indifferently, got up and took two steps back, a movement of divine thought, a golden light shot out of his body.

A Shibo stared straight.

Jin Guang dispersed, a flower vine appeared in the wetland, dozens of hundreds of vines, each vine was full of white flowers, and buds to be placed. A gust of wind blew, the flowers and vines shook, and the fragrance of flowers drifted around.

"You ..." Ashibo was stunned and couldn't believe her eyes.

Ning Tao's voice came out of the flower vine: "Take a touch and see if I am a real flower vine man."

A Shibo just came back to her, she walked to the flower vine, reached for a flower vine, and then touched the flower on the flower vine.

That flower vine is the real flower vine, and that flower is also the real flower.

Ning Tao said, "Do you believe that I am a real flower vine?"

"I believe ... But ... how did you do that?" A Shibo looked confused and surprised.

Ning Tao smiled: "I told you, I am the creator, I can create everything, and of course I can become a flower and vine."

This is also the magical power of his seal of creation. Seeing that answer, and the mystery of the universe, whatever he touches, he can analyze and he can change. Qi Tian Da Sheng Sun Wukong only changed seven hundred forty-two, but now he is ever-changing. Whatever he wants to change can become anything.

In fact, he is not only able to become a man of flowers and vines, he can now also become a real celestial being, an iron man, and so on.

This is what he has gained this time into Super God Space.

As he said, he is the Creator. He is the one who can create all things. He can create all things. Can he not change everything?

Not to mention, let's take the small bug in the small puddle in front of you. After billions of years of purification, who can guarantee that they will not purify the life form in various ways?

A Shibo put down the flower and vine in his hand, hesitated, and said it: "I still don't believe that you are the most deceiving person."

"So how do you believe it?"

Ashibo said, "You show your destiny."

Ning Tao said: "I don't have a natal flower, only a natal fruit."

"It depends, too." A Shibo's face flushed slightly.

The two flower vines moved, the white leaves moved away, the white flowers moved away, and finally two white fruits appeared in a hidden corner, one left and one right on a thick flower vine.

A Shibo glanced, her face turned redder, and she hurriedly turned her head: "Close it up, it's ugly."

A flower vine stretched out suddenly, wrapped around A Shibo's waist, and dragged her into the flower vine.

Ashibo suddenly became tense and shouted, "What are you doing?"

Ning Tao's voice came from the flower vine: "You want me to create life, and I create life. Although it is a worm, but that is also life. If you want me to become a flower vine man, I will become a real flower vine man I have fulfilled your conditions, I don't care, you must marry me. "

Ashibo struggled twice, didn't move, and then said, "Will you give me the following and cook the hot pot?"

Ning Tao's voice: "You marry me. I cook hot pot for you every day."

Ashibo hesitated a moment, and said dumbly, "So, that ... I'll marry you, but I will use our flower vine wedding ceremony."

"What's the wedding ceremony of Huatou people like?" Ning Tao asked.

A Shibo said: "Hundreds of vines are intertwined, flowers are intertwined, and they share the same root, which symbolizes the harmony of the world."

Ning Tao said, "What do you say ~ ~ I will do it."

A piece of white light shot out from Ashibo's body, and then a flower plant was added in the same wetland, and the flower vines were entwined, entangled with the flower vines of Ning Tao, and the flowers on the flower plants were one-on-one .

This is the entanglement of hundreds of flowers, knots of flowers.

In the soil, the roots of the two are also entangled. Is this the same root and the same life?

Just when Ning Tao guessed this way, the destiny flower that made him lingering and reappearing appeared again and went straight to his destiny.

He suddenly understood that the roots in the soil were entangled, that was just the same root, not the same life. The destiny flower and the destiny fruit are together, that is the same destiny!

The minghua and minguo fruit are docked together.


Super God!

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