Open a Clinic to Cultivate Myself

Chapter 139: Blackfire Information

"I ..." Wang Yaoyang stopped talking, his eyes flickered.

Ning Tao said: "I don't want to say? It's okay, I know you're afraid that after telling me Nicholas Conti will kill you, I can understand your difficulties. Just like that, I'm a reasonable person, I won't force anyone Do what he doesn't want to do. "

After that, Ning Tao walked towards the monk.

Wang Yaoyang begged: "You, you don't force me, but you also have to treat me, I beg you to stop the bleeding, I'm really going to die ..."

Ning Tao said, "You have the right not to tell me, and I have the right not to treat you. This is a fair thing. What do you cry?"

The monk then said, "Yes, he asked us to kill you. Doctor, you don't need to worry about him, give us treatment first."

"Shut up!" Wang Yaoyang said angrily: "I didn't let you kill Dr. Ning, I just let you collect the dead body, it is your own opinion to kill Dr. Ning!"

Ning Tao calmly said: "You are noisy, I will treat you when you are no longer noisy."

The four closed their mouths afterwards. Ning Tao could wait, but none of them could wait. Qing Zhui poked so many blood holes on them, and some even cut their wrists. Their current situation is that they may die every second. Who dares to grind their lips?

The room was quiet all the time, and the **** smell permeated every inch of the air.

Qing Zhui took a deep breath, and his face was pleasant, "What a wonderful **** smell, I like this smell, and bleed more blood, don't stop."

This sentence heard the back of the four patients suffering from hair loss, and the three souls and seven souls were almost dispersed.

"I ... I said!" Wang Yaoyang couldn't stand the pressure of death anymore, he trembled and said, "Nicholas Conti is my boss, but I have only met him, he is one ... one ..." Before he finished speaking, his eyes began to turn white, his neck was stretched and his back was hit on the ground.

He bleeds too much blood, and it's all supported by a will to survive. At this time, he can't support it anymore.

Ning Tao followed by taking a pack of needles out of the small medicine box, holding the needle in his right hand, quickly piercing a few needles around Wang Yaoyang's wound, and the two wounds stopped bleeding in a blink of an eye. With the last acupuncture needle, Ning Tao injected a little special spirit into Wang Yaoyang's body.

This special kind of spiritual power entered Wang Yaoyang's body, but his ischemic body received spiritual energy, which can maintain his body's normal operation. Ning Tao's special spiritual power is not adrenaline, it is not a cardiac acupuncture needle, nor is it plasma, but it is more powerful than what these bodies must have.

"Well ..." Wang Yaoyang made a sound of inhalation in his throat and his eyes opened.

Ning Tao followed with the acupuncture to stop the monks, snakes and mice to stop bleeding, and also injected a little special spiritual power into their bodies. These three people are all very wicked, and death is inevitable, but even if they die, they must earn a medical consultation from them, otherwise they will be wasted.

This process was only two or three minutes. After hemostasis treatment was given to the other three medical patients, Ning Tao returned to Wang Yaoyang's side. "Then just now, what kind of person is he?"

Wang Yaoyang, who had just walked away at the gate of the ghost, hesitated about where he was, and then he just said, "Nicholas Conte is a very tall white man, very strong and stronger than many NBA stars. I probably only came here. At his waist, I was like a child in front of him. When he met, he told me to kneel on the ground and kiss his feet ... "

Ning Tao's heart moved. "What smell does his foot have?"

Wang Yaoyang froze for a moment, his eyes were weird.

Because of this hesitation, Qing Zhui slaps him on Wang Yaoyang's head, and draws his eyes to Venus.

"I said, I said ..." Wang Yaoyang was nervous and trembled. "He and his feet are very fragrant, like the smell of grass and lavender."

It's not the smell of monsters.

Ning Tao said, "Go on."

"It was that meeting. I told him about Lin Qinghua's ancestor search project. He was very interested and made me steal Lin Qinghua's research data and samples of ancestor search medicine. I agreed with a trace of mystery. What happened later. "

"What else did you do for him before the ancestral project? I don't believe it was the first cooperation between you." Ning Tao said.

Wang Yaoyang said, "Before that time, I collected some military intelligence for China and technical information of private technology companies. He is the owner of Heihuo, which is the largest military in the world. Service companies, do all kinds of business, arms, intelligence, mercenary services, as long as the money you give is spent, the black fire company's killer can also get rid of the people you want to get rid of. Black fire company's largest buyer It's the cia in the United States, and the Seventh Military Intelligence Agency in the United Kingdom. Some European countries also have unseen deals with Blackfire, but I don't know what the specific deals are. "

Ning Tao said: "So you are actually an employee of Blackfire, which is a spy."

Wang Yaoyang nodded somewhat guilty.

"That special forces team is from Blackfire? Don't say you don't know that they invaded the blueprint biotech company's botanical garden." Ning Tao stared at Wang Yaoyang.

Wang Yaoyang dare not conceal, "They are hired special forces of the Black Fire Company. They are a team called light cavalry. Most of them are elite special forces retired from the US SEALs. There are also people from other countries who are also elite. Special Forces. "

"Where is Blackfire's headquarters?" Ning Tao asked again.

Wang Yaoyang shook his head, "I don't know."

Qing Zhui's snake claw was placed on Wang Yaoyang's neck. As soon as she cut it gently, Wang Yaoyang's neck would be cut open.

Wang Yaoyang suddenly became tense, "I, I really don't know, I am just a small person, I only saw Nicholas Conti because of the ancestor search project, and I was blindfolded. I didn't know it was a Where."

"Takeda Takesuke, Takeda Takeo and Kro Arthur, what do you know about these three people?" Ning Tao asked.

Wang Yaoyang said, "I only know that Takeda Shinsuke is the president of Japan's Takeda Biopharmaceutical Company, Takeda Yufu is his son, and that Kro Arthur is a senior figure of the British shooter investment company. I don't know what the relationship is with Blackfire ... I'm just a little person. They let me do whatever I want. "

Ning Tao no longer asked, he got up and walked towards the monk.

"Dr. Ning, didn't you say that you would give me treatment?" Wang Yaoyang looked pitiful. He was worried that Ning Tao was deceiving him, but he did not dare to show it.

Ning Tao said, "What are you anxious for? I have stopped bleeding for you, and you can't die."

For a person who needs to atone for death, the sooner he goes to the Tianwai Clinic for treatment, it actually means that he will die faster, but this secret he will certainly not tell Wang Yaoyang.

Wang Yaoyang did not know how many people had been cheated in his life. Now that he has reached the end of his life, he has to be cheated and died in a scam. This is actually the cause and effect of retribution.

Ning Tao put the account book bamboo slip on the monk's head, and then looked at the monk silently. He was curious as to how many crimes the monk had committed as a village killer, how many sins he had, and what kind of atonement diagnosis the bamboo slips would give him.

The monk was very nervous, but he did not dare to look at Ning Tao's eyes, and he did not dare to ask, for fear of causing the woman behind Ning Tao, he dare not think about it.

A few seconds later Ning Tao picked up the bamboo slips of the ledger and opened them.

The ledger bamboo slip emerged from the diagnosis of the monk: Heping, born in April 17th of the year of Gengshen, the first conspiracy to kill money, counted six crimes of forty-two evil thoughts; three violent **** of three girls, counted 15 crimes of evil thoughts Three evils hold strong and bully weak ... A total of 103 evil thoughts and sins. Obedient parents get ten good thoughts, minus ten evil thoughts, and ninety-three evil thoughts. You can write a prescription for evil thoughts. Atonement for death.

Such a diagnosis surprised Ning Tao because the account book Zhujian had never seen filial piety parents offset negative sins. He couldn't help thinking. "It seems that Tiandao is a little tolerant of filial parents. This is Is teaching people to be filial to their parents? Filial parents can get ten good deeds. Does this mean that filial piety mothers have five good deeds and filial piety has five good deeds? "

He still knows too little about the rules of Tianwai Clinic and the standards of punishing evil and doing good.

Ning Tao then took the account book bamboo slip and came to the rat to diagnose him. The diagnosis of the rat was almost the same as that of the monk. He was also a few debts, but he was also a filial person. He had ten good points of merit. After subtracting ninety-two evil intentions.

The last flower snake was responsible for ninety evil thoughts. He obedient his mother and subtracted only five evil thoughts. His final diagnosis was the same as that of the rat and monk, and he atoned for death.

After the ledger bamboo slips have issued a diagnosis for the snake and mouse, Ning Tao's guess just now has been determined, that is, filial piety parents will have ten good points of merit ~ ~ If the crime committed is not heavy, That can be offset. But once the life debt is carried, it can still be atonement for death.

Killing lives is a code that has existed for thousands of years, and it is useless to honor your parents.

The four consultation patients had their own ultimate diagnosis, and Ning Tao did not delay. He bit his right index finger and drew a blood lock on the wall, then opened the convenient door to the Tianwai Clinic.

The dark caves appeared on the walls, and the four medical patients were shocked.

Ning Tao grabbed one of Wang Yaoyang's ankles and walked to the door of convenience. He said, "The three of you, who can walk, follow me, but can't follow and climb in."

Three village killers, you glance at me, I glance at you without moving.

Qing Zhui suddenly waved his claws, and a terrible sound was made in his mouth, "His--"

A few seconds later, the three village killers clambered and followed Ning Tao into the door of convenience.

Qing Zhui did not follow up because she also knew that she had work to do.

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