Open a Clinic to Cultivate Myself

Chapter 1414: Traffic accident on the ancient Silk Road

It is quiet in Dongtian, located in Heijiao Tribe. In the evening of Hua Kingdom, there is still a ray of sunlight in Dongtian in the afternoon. The light is not bad.

In front of several grass cottages, one person and one dog were training, to be precise, people were guiding and dogs were practicing.

This person is Chen Pingdao, and this dog is Xiaotian.

"Well, let's get here today," Chen Pingdao said. "I'm a bit hungry. It's time to make lunch."

Xiaotian Dog said: "Master, I killed a wild boar yesterday. Can I eat meat? I want to eat barbecue."

Chen Pingdao frowned suddenly: "I know that eating meat, we who are cultivating people are best not to be ridiculous, not only kill, but also eat meat, do you want to become a dog fairy?"

Howling dog muttered, "I'm a dog. Do I eat grass if I don't eat meat?"

Chen Pingdao scolded, "Dare to talk back?"

Xiaotian dog did not dare to talk back, his ears suddenly moved, and then he tilted his head and looked in the direction of the entrance. A golden auspicious cloud suddenly entered its sight, and it was suddenly stunned and said, "Master, what cloud is that?"

Chen Pingdao also moved his eyes and saw the cloud, and he was stunned: "That, that ... that's God Cloud!"

After all, he was a cultivator who had lived for more than 2,000 years. He was far more knowledgeable than the half-naked dog, who saw the golden **** cloud, and immediately thought of it as the **** cloud.

The **** cloud flew slowly, the clouds were large, the surroundings were surging, and no **** was standing on the ship.

Chen Pingdao knelt down and shouted, "Practitioner Chen Pingdao met the great god, dare to ask who is it?"

No one on the cloud responded.

Suddenly Chen Pingdao remembered something, patted his palm on the dog's head, and kneeled down while pressing it, then urged: "Hurry up and meet the great god!"

Xiaotian dog also shouted: "Disciples Xiaotian dog meet the great god!"

His nose moved, it seemed to smell a familiar scent, but he was not sure, the dog's face was confused.

The golden **** cloud landed, and Chen Pingdao and Xiaotian Dog finally saw the **** standing there. It was an old fairy with silver beard, thin face and narrow eyes, a azure robe, and a gourd on his waist, and the word "dan" was engraved on the gourd.

"Ah!" Chen Pingdao exclaimed, scratching her head on the ground, and said, "It turned out that Taishang Laojun drove to the cold house, and his disciple Chen Pingdao really cultivated for a few years before he achieved his blessing today!"

Xiaotian Dog also learns to look like Chen Pingdao and scratches his head, but Yu Guang in the corner of his eyes is looking at Taishang Laojun who is standing by the cloud. It smells a little familiar, but I dare not say. In case it is not the person it imagines, it is offensive to the gods.

The old fairy on Shenyun coughed and said, "Chen Pingdao, I know that I have cultivated for more than 2,000 years, but I have n’t become a fairy for more than 2,000 years. What kind of immortal is I? Seeing walking the dog all day, making tea, lying in a rocking chair and taking a nap, so lazy but stealing time for more than 2,000 years, is it a sin? "

Chen Pingdao immediately became tense: "Disciple ..."

The old fairy on Shenyun said: "Now, say that you are a dog, and even say three times to eliminate sin, say it."

Chen Pingdao breathed a long sigh of relief and said, "I am a dog, I am a dog, and I am a dog."

"Stop sin," said the old fairy on Shenyun.

Chen Pingdao raised his head and looked at the old **** on the cloud, and moved with tears: "Thank you too much

Get lost and help the disciples clear their sins. The disciples are not talented, and they dare to ask Tai Shang Laojun to accept his disciples as disciples. The disciples are willing to guard the Danfang for Tai Shang Laojun and be a guard dog. "

Suddenly, the golden light flashed, the old fairy on Shenyun disappeared, and then another person appeared. The person was very young and in modern clothes. The key was that his face was still familiar.

Chen Pingdao saw the face that suddenly appeared, a chin **** fell to the ground, and a word came out of his mouth: "My sun ... is a kid!"

"Master!" Xiaotian Dog saw Ning Tao's face, cheered, kicked with four feet, and shot at Ning Tao on Shenyun.

It just smelled Ning Tao's smell, but he couldn't confirm it. Now that he saw Ning Tao's face, there was no doubt.

Ning Tao hugged the dog, and said with a smile, "Oh, this dog is so heavy."

Xiaotian dog's tongue greeted Ning Tao's face constantly.

For it, the closest person in the world is actually Chen Pingdao or Ning Tao. Without Ning Tao, it would have been killed by the dog team. Where would it be today?

Chen Pingdao stood up from the ground, staring angrily: "Ning Tao! The boy is too much, he lied to me by impersonating a fairy, and he also coaxed me into saying that I was a dog, why so bad!"

Ning Tao received Shenyun, and hugged Tiantian Dog before Chen Pingdao. He said lightly, "I was originally a god. Why should I fake it? Look, I will be what I am now."

He put down the Xiaotian dog, and a flash of golden light, he really became Chen Pingdao.

Chen Pingdao was stunned again, and his chin that had fallen to the ground before had not been picked up.

"I'll be a goddess again," Ning Tao said.

With a flash of golden light, he became like the goddess of wisdom, Shemia, revealing clothes and sexy. He reached out to pull Chen Pingdao's hand, and Chen Pingdao hurriedly yielded: "Don't say no, the boy's 2,000-year-old boy's body must not be harmed."

Ning Tao: "..."

He originally wanted to tease Chen Pingdao, but unexpectedly the goods thought he wanted to take his boy. A 2,000-year-old ass, who wants a boy body! No one wants it!

Ning Tao changed back: "Now believe that I am God?"

Chen Pingdao said: "It's just an obstacle, at most it's a fairy. How could it be a god?"

Ning Tao smiled: "I haven't seen it yet. I'll show you something."

He probed his hand, and there was a golden seal in the palm of his hand, which was the seal of the wind. With a wave of his hand, the seal of the wind fell on the ground, shining brightly. Suddenly, the wind and clouds rushed through the cave, and the trees were blown off. Several cottages on Chen Pingdao were also lifted.

Chen Pingdao shouted and shouted, "Stop it, stop it. Can I still believe it? This is going to tear down my house!"

The wind disappeared.

Home is gone.

Chen Pingdao looked at the hut that was blown up and down, old tears.

Ning Tao's slap shot another French seal, and the French seal also fell to the ground, and the ground shook, the sand was turned into stone, and the stone wall was built, and a majestic stone house was built in an instant.

Chen Pingdao smiled again: "I see. I think I don't live well with Xiaotian Dog, so I demolished the hut and built this stone house for us, right?"

Ning Tao waved his hand gently, and the stone house was flat. The ground was bare and no stone brick was left.

"..." Chen Pingdao's smile suddenly froze on his face.

Ning Tao smiled

Said: "This guy is too lazy to live in peace and enjoyment. I'm here to send Hei Tianyu a great fortune. I built a new world on Mars, and there is a palace residence, aura, and Hei Tian. Dogs go to Mars and keep the door for me. "

If he doesn't lift Chen Pingdao's comfort zone, he definitely doesn't want to go to Mars, so he has just got one out. Of course, making fun of Chen Pingdao is also one of his goals. Whoever made the goods so miserable.

Chen Pingdao came back to God: "What are you doing to open up a new world on Mars?"

Ning Tao said, "This earth is a cage in the world. You will only know the outside when you go out, and you will be satisfied after living for more than 2,000 years. Live another ten thousand years? "

"I ... I think about it." Chen Pingdao looked hesitant.

Ning Tao said to Xiaotian Dog, "Hide Tian Dog, come with me and go to Mars and keep the door for me."

Xiaotian Dog said without hesitation: "Good master, I will go to Mars."

Ning Tao smiled: "Let's go now, leave Master here to enjoy the blessing alone."

Chen Pingdao was anxious: "Destroy my Dongtian, I still want to get the good luck of the fart, and take away Xiaotian, and I will follow it. Isn't it to give me and Xiaotian a great fortune? . "

Ning Tao took a small porcelain bottle from the Japanese gourd and threw it to Chen Pingdao.

Chen Pingdao took the small porcelain bottle and opened it for a glance.

The small porcelain bottle contained two golden can-eating gods, full of gold, full of divinity.

"God ... for Zudan?" Chen Pingdao was surprised on the spot.

Ning Tao said: "I have time to make one, one whizzing dog, don't eat it all at once, it's too weak to bear, now put it away."

Chen Pingdao hurriedly put the stopper on the bottle. He didn't hesitate again this time. He stunned deeply at Ning Tao: "That ... thank you, this is indeed a great creation. If Xiaotian refined this god-level Xunzu Dan It is estimated that we can cultivate human form. "

"Wangwangwang!" Xiaotian dog was excited.

Ning Tao called out the golden **** cloud: "Let's go with me, I will take a look at the new world of Mars."

Chen Pingdao and Xiaotian dog followed the jump to Shenyun.

"Wait!" Chen Pingdao suddenly remembered something, "I still have some spirits blown away by the wind. I have to bring them and wait for me."

Ning Tao, however, held him back and said with a smile: "The **** spirits are not needed anymore ~ ​​ ~ I brought a lot of spirits from Shenshan and Xianjie, and I have a share with Xiaotian Dog. "

"Wangwangwang!" Xiaotian dog excitedly circled around Ning Tao.

Chen Pingdao sighed, and his face was full of shame: "At the time I handed over the clinic, I wanted to get away, but I didn't expect to create a god. It's really good to make people, good to make people."

It was also Ning Tao who owed him blame. Instead of revenge, Ning Tao gave him this great fortune, and in exchange for someone else, I am afraid that he would have been slashed with a knife.

Over Africa, a golden **** cloud flew to the east. When approaching the ancient Silk Road, a stealth bomber with a star flag suddenly appeared on the road, the golden **** cloud could not escape, and bumped into it.


There was a blaze of fire in the sky, and the debris raindrops generally fell.

Ning Tao looked guilty and said to herself: "I'm sorry, there is no red light or green light ..."

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