Open a Clinic to Cultivate Myself

Chapter 1424: Water Kingdom and Queen

() "He is really God!"

"A **** has come to our Mercury, and we are saved!"

"Hurry up, go and report to the King and High Priest!"

The Mercuries were so excited one by one that someone really dived straight into the water to report their king and high priest.

Ning Tao's head was at an altitude of more than 20,000 meters, and she could see more clearly when she saw the silver star. But at this glance, he realized that it was not a natural satellite, but a silver metal satellite. It is full of huge metal structures, suspected of being structures such as spacecraft docks and turrets.

Suddenly, hundreds of thousands of energy lights flickered on the silver star. In the next two seconds, hundreds of suspected laser beams flew down. One of them was particularly large, at least a hundred meters in diameter, and came straight to the head of Ning Tao's body.

Really bold!

Even God dares to fight!

With a big wave of Ning Tao's hand, a huge energy field of the Seal of Chaos immediately enveloped the **** body and a large group of Mercury below.

Hundreds of energy beams hit the shield of energy propped up by the Seal of Chaos, and there was a flood of energy light rain.

"The death of the Silver Star cannot threaten God!"

"We're fine!"

"Sending the Son of God is so powerful!"

"What is the child god? That is our patron saint!"

"Come here! Come and kill me!"

"You dare to attack our patron saint, the **** of sons, you are dead!"

On the sea, a large group of Mercury was excited. It seems that they have been bullied by the Silver Stars for a long time, and they have accumulated a lot of resentments in their hearts. Today, they sent Zishen to support them, and they just found a way to vent.

Now that you're going to install it, install an advanced one.

Ning Tao probed his hand, and the pan appeared in his hands. With a divine movement, the pan quickly became large and big, and in a blink of an eye it turned into a super large pan with a diameter of 5-6 kilometers.

With one pot in hand, Ning Tao violently extended the energy shield of the Chaodu pot out of the seal of chaos, reversed the handle, and pumped the bottom of the pot toward the thickest energy beam.


In a huge explosion, the 100-meter-thick energy beam was refracted back and flew over the silver star in an instant.

Ning Tao thought that this silver star would burn out a big hole, but the energy beam hit a transparent energy shield, and it burst a gorgeous rain of energy light in space.

The other party seemed to realize that a hard stubble had been encountered and all the energy beams had disappeared.

At this time Ning Tao wanted to catch up and fight, and that silver star was destroyed. He also had the urge to do so. After all, the silver star people attacked a **** indiscriminately, but he despised his power. Now he takes Seeing is important. However, he thought about giving up the idea.

It is true that he has the power to destroy Silver Star, but it is not right to attack Silver Star and kill the Silver Star indiscriminately. Moreover, he now knows what the silver stars and the mercury have, and who is right and who is wrong in this war. How can he start killing without investigation?

The invisible man no longer attacks, and Ning Tao also removes the energy shield of the Seal of Chaos, and then collects the **** body.

The leading Mercury came to Ning Tao again, and bowed deeply, respectfully and authentically said, "The great God of God, our patron saint, my name is Shui Yong, please follow me Take you to see our king. "

Ning Tao readily agreed: "Okay, take me to see."

The Mercury, who claims to be brave in the water, dived into the sea with a large group of Mercury.

Ning Tao also jumped into the seawater, and in front of him, the seawater conceded automatically. However, after a depth of one hundred meters, the seawater below was a large piece of hard ice, and those Mercury even got into the hard ice and continued to dive. It's no wonder that these Mercury are pure energy bodies, which are limited by sea water and ice.

Ning Tao patted a seal of water on the ice. The ice melted, and he went down again. After a depth of thousands of meters, the seawater below was no longer frozen, but he fell through the water and reached a depth of 10,000 meters before reaching the bottom.

Ten thousand meters below the sea, if the standard of the earth, this is already the standard deep sea. If Ke Ningtao used the god's body, this sea would be like a children's pool to him. The 10,000-meter deep seawater would submerge his knees at most.

At the bottom of the sea, Ning Tao was shocked by the sight in front of him.

Presenting to his eyes is a city built on the ocean floor, a majestic crystal-like palace, crystal-like city walls and residential buildings. When the light shines, the whole city shines, as beautiful as the environment.

If a door plaque was hung on the most majestic palace, and "Crystal Palace" was written on it, Ning Tao would have no doubt that the Dragon King would come out of it.

There are a large number of submarine turrets around the city and in the city. Those turrets that attacked Shenzhou and his energy sphere before are obviously launched by these turrets.

Ning Tao's mind was surprised: "It seems that Mercury's technology is not developed, how can there be energy cannonballs that can directly penetrate 10,000 meters of seawater?"

This is the curiosity. He walked to a turret on the side of the road and looked at it closely, and then he realized that it was not a turret, but a plant that grew toward a turret and used to emit energy. The shells are plant organs that resemble showerheads. It just looks like a shower head, there is no curtain in it, only the water energy that is constantly gathered.

I have seen Ashibo spray white pulp with flower buds, and then look at this kind of plant that can spray water energy shells. It is not so surprising and strange.

"The great God of Sending a Child, which is called the Sea Soul Flower, is our important defense against the Silver Star." Yong Shui introduced Ning Tao to the underwater plants that looked like a fort.

Ning Tao said, "They are called Haihunhua. Can I give me some seeds when I leave?"

"The great son of God, will you leave?" Yong Shui suddenly became nervous.

At this time Ning Tao also found out that Shui Yong had a real body, not just him, but the Mercury who followed him also had a real body. However, their real bodies are not flesh and blood, but water condensed.

"Can I touch you?" Ning Tao asked.

"This ... The great God of God, what are you doing?" Shuiyong looked more nervous.

Ning Tao didn't care whether he promised or not, when he acquiesced directly. He stretched out his hand, grabbed Yong's arm in the water, and the tentacles were cold. The muscles and skin made by the water had no temperature, but they were very elastic, giving him the feeling that there was not much difference from the real flesh except the cold .

Ning Tao's heart was excited.

Coming to the right place this time, these Mercury must have the energy of the water system, study them and their civilization, and he can perfect his seal of water.

His seal of water law comes from one of the nine dragons. Although it is also very powerful, it is not the most perfect and powerful. Then there is someone else's things that you use unchangingly, and that's after all others' things. If the seal of water can be made more perfect, perfect and powerful, his creator seal will also be improved accordingly!

"The great God of God, you ..." The water was brave enough to stop talking, and the expression on his face was strange. Being touched by a man like this, and facing so many people in front of him, he really couldn't accept it, but he didn't dare to be rude to Ning Tao, and he didn't dare to refuse Ning Tao.

Ning Tao then let go of the brave hand in the water and said with a smile: "I was just curious. When I was on the sea just now, it was all pure energy, but when you were in the water, you had a body again. What is this? What happened? "

"Outside the Mercury is inseparable from water. Without water, our bodies will not exist, and our souls can only exist for a short time." A voice came from the direction of the city gate, a woman's voice.

Ning Tao looked around, and saw a large group of Mercury floating around with a woman.

It is indeed floating over. They are driving like a fairy in the water, their movement is not restricted, and their posture is pretty.

The woman who spoke was wrapped in kelp-like leaves, with a golden crown on her head, and seemed to be the king of the kingdom of the water.

Shui Yong and his large group of hands knelt down and shouted, "Long live Queen Queen Yuli! Long live! Long live!"

Really the queen of this kingdom of water.

Unlike ordinary Mercury people, this Mercury woman called the Queen of Mermaids has a slightly blue skin, standing at two meters in height, and a long white bluish hair floating back in the water, exposing a swan neck . The beauty is not only the neck, but her body is also very proud. The waves, long legs, kelp fluttering, and the beauty is looming.

Beauty is beautiful, but the queen of a country wears a few kelp to meet God. How poor is this country?

Mercury continued to pour out of the city gates, and a splendid swarm.

Queen Yuli came to Ning Tao and bowed slightly: "I am the last Queen of the Aquaman kingdom, Yuli, where does the **** come from and what are we doing here?"

He didn't kneel, and the words were not too humble.

Ning Tao also understands that after all, people are kings. In front of so many Mercury people, they have to carry the queen's shelf to some extent ~ ~ and he doesn't care about this, he said: "I am the God of Destiny and the Son I came down from the mountain, first went to the Milky Way, and then came here. I saw that this planet has intelligent life, so I came down to see that I have no malicious intentions. If you are righteous, I can help you. "

Queen Yuli looked at Ning Tao and did not speak. She seemed to be observing Ning Tao, trying to distinguish the true and false of Ning Tao's words.

Yong Shuiyong said: "Queen Qilu, just now the great God of God revealed his body, straight into the sky, tens of thousands of meters high, and slaps back the dead light of Silver Star. It has also become honest before God. As we have seen with our own eyes, it is easy for the great God of the Son to destroy the Silver Star. "

Queen Yuli's look suddenly changed, her knees softened, and she bowed down: "Yu Li meets the great god."

Ning Tao hurriedly stepped forward to support Queen Yuli: "You're welcome, I want to go and see in your city, can you?"

"Of course, I can show the way to the gods personally." Yuli said.

Ning Tao readily agreed: "Then there will be labor."

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